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Do you regret taking drugs?

Some fucked up shrink (had a major in military, drove Porsche and said things like 'hey bro, you're a man, aren't you? Come on, kick yourself in tha ass') diagnosed me antisocial personality too. Without even speaking me just once, and after 9 days (I managed to run away after). I was 20 at this time and later another doc who had experience working in forensics, told me you need to be at least 25 for that diagnosis and to have repeatedly violated social norms or law in a relevant manner.
Welcome to the sociopath club man.
Meth, then alcohol, then opiates. Those are the 3 biggest addictions I've ever had, listest from greatest to least. Had bouts of coke/crack use here and there but don't really feel I've quite crossed that line into actual addiction to those drugs. Everything else I've done, never had a real addiction to any one in particular, but I will definitely throw it out there I've probably been addicted to getting fucked up in general. Guess I was pretty weed-heavy early-mid teens, but I don't care about that.

Meth is my life right now. It's fucked up. Nothing else can really be done until I get a few hits in each morning when I wake up. Best I did was 2 hours before hitting the pipe, once, in the last couple months. Been on a ridiulous run since January. This is the second time I've been severely addicted to meth and it's beat out every other addiction I've ever had by a mile. I was a hardcore, wastecase, sloppy alcoholic for years and this is way worse in terms of actual level of addiction.

Would I quit if I could just do that so easily, no torment? Instantly yes.

Main reoccurring drug would still be alcohol, but give me a few years if I'm still like this with the meth it'll win. It's very quick.
Is there any particular drug that you wish you never started?

If you could quit drugs all together with ease and no comedown and withdrawrel and be tt clean, would you?

Also..what is your main reoccurring drug?

Main reoccurring drug is opioids, heroin in particular. And maybe to a slightly lesser degree, nicotine.

I've already quit smoking fairly recently, so I guess time will tell if it sticks in the long run.

I also quit heroin a while back but I'm still on opioids in the form of methadone maintenance.

And no I don't intend to quit that in the foreseeable future. In many ways I have difficulty seeing myself ever truly quitting opioids entirely.

OK so now the million dollar question, do I wish I'd never started.

I don't really think of it like that. If I'm honest, I feel like events in my life outside my control lead me to my substance problems. And even if I hadn't started on one occasion, I inevitably would have on another.

In other words, I don't really feel like starting the drugs was entirely a free choice to start with, as a result I don't really regret it either.

I've felt enormous regret on many occasions for being unable to stop. And even more regret for things I've done to finance my heroin problem.

And I suppose I wish I never started in that I wish my life might have been different and so not lead me to the drugs.

But no I don't wish I never started them in the way I think you mean, cause I honestly don't feel there was ever a course of events I could have put myself on that wouldn't have wound up leading me to the drugs. If that makes any sense.

I don't want that to sound like dodging responsibility, it's entirely my responsibility all the things I did to get the drugs. I just don't accept the responsibility of having made an entirely free choice to start them.
Out of all the drugs I have taken I wish I never took heroin. I've quit years of meth use missed it craved it butit still does not fuck you over like brown. The detox aside which is brutal its the time it takes to feel normal again. Even after all that I know if I was around it I would slip up and start again.
i don't regret taking drugs cos i'd have done something else fucked up to cope with the pain otherwise. possibly kill myself.

for me its certainly not the case that i'd have been 'normal' if i just hadn't got hooked on drugs, they were just a symptom of my illness, not the illness itself.
i don't regret taking drugs cos i'd have done something else fucked up to cope with the pain otherwise. possibly kill myself.

for me its certainly not the case that i'd have been 'normal' if i just hadn't got hooked on drugs, they were just a symptom of my illness, not the illness itself.

Yep, this is much how I feel too. :)
Was going to kill myself at age 19 so i took LSD to get it off my bucket list showed me so many things but i got deeper into stimulant addiction so drugs were a factor in destorying the best years of my young adult hood but without them to block out the pain of childhood tramua i would be dead. So its as endless cycle of more drugs to keep me alive while also destorying chances of having a better life.

I regret abusing MDMA and speed / meth ritalin. I don't regret abusing psychedelics though even if it may of altered my mind alot not allowing me to experience normal time and space ever again it was worth it as the ultimate escape from this fucked up world.
I don’t regret taking the drugs I have in the grand scheme of things. They were all essential components in the creation of me over time and I quite like me. That said, I am currently regretting taking so many drugs at once today.
I regret nothing because I've had so many good times and met so many interesting people through drink and drugs. Until recently I had a sober period of 10 years, I got some good things done but I was always bored. I wish I could control my drinking, if I could change just one thing it would be that, and that's probably the thing that I hate about myself the most. The drugs I would miss like hell so actually no I think they'd still be part of my life, but that bottle man it's a fucking nightmare.
I've pretty much tried most well known stuff. Black tar, meth, oxy, coke, mdma, lsd, mushrooms, mescaline and probably a few I'm forgetting.

Weed and tobacco are the only drugs I consume regularly. Everything else is a once every few months(or just basically never). I drink alcohol very rarely but used to drink it regularly when in my teens/early 20s.

Tobacco to me is the worst drug. I don't know if I regret it as such but I personally wish it didn't exist and that I didn't start using it.
I've pretty much tried most well known stuff. Black tar, meth, oxy, coke, mdma, lsd, mushrooms, mescaline and probably a few I'm forgetting.

Weed and tobacco are the only drugs I consume regularly. Everything else is a once every few months(or just basically never). I drink alcohol very rarely but used to drink it regularly when in my teens/early 20s.

Tobacco to me is the worst drug. I don't know if I regret it as such but I personally wish it didn't exist and that I didn't start using it.
Try vapes they take a week or two to get used to but they are good. I know vape safety not certain but since vaping every time i do work on punch bag i cough less and am not out of breath at the same time as I used to and over 14 pounds for 20 Marlborough a lot lot cheaper
For the most part, I don't regret taking drugs.
My abuse of drugs screwed up my life in many ways, but on the whole I'd say drugs have benefitted me.
One exception: tobacco.
I've been addicted to various forms of nicotine for 50 years. I'll probably die from it.
I love it and I hate it.
Try vapes they take a week or two to get used to but they are good. I know vape safety not certain but since vaping every time i do work on punch bag i cough less and am not out of breath at the same time as I used to and over 14 pounds for 20 Marlborough a lot lot cheaper
I smoke ciggies and vape. Mostly vape these days but I like to smoke spliffs in terms of weed intake so yeah its hard. I go through phases but nicotine/tobacco is just such an easy drug to abuse.
I smoke ciggies and vape. Mostly vape these days but I like to smoke spliffs in terms of weed intake so yeah its hard. I go through phases but nicotine/tobacco is just such an easy drug to abuse.
I totally understand i stopped smoking in the states for 8 years before I moved to the UK and smoking pure weed or bongs turned to rolling spliffs and led to me smoking again .The morning fag is what I missed most now vape is good unless I do coke or crack and vape not enough don't miss clothes smelling never realize how much they smell until you stop.Atleast you are using vape which cutting down on you fag use i went to visit aunt who was dying of cancer and that ward was what turned me to vaping and after using heroin i went off weed otherwise i still be smoking because of using tobacco in spliffs
I love regional slang. I live in Tennessee and I can assure you that if I said the following at work:
"I'm taking a break. Gonna go suck on a fag."
...I would get a very interesting reaction.
I love regional slang. I live in Tennessee and I can assure you that if I said the following at work:
"I'm taking a break. Gonna go suck on a fag."
...I would get a very interesting reaction.
Imagine saying to someone can i bum a fag in Tennessee i remember telling my pal who picked me up when i went back to the states stop at the gas station needs some fags. Bum means can i get a cig of someone