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Do you hallucinate on ecstasy?

Do you hallucinate on Ecstasy?

  • Yes

    Votes: 248 54.9%
  • No

    Votes: 112 24.8%
  • Maybe?

    Votes: 92 20.4%

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Last April me and a couple of buddies went up to a cottage and had a good time with some mdma.
We all ended up taking probably close to 300mg and our tolerances were VERY low.
We initially just parachuted and two time after that, railed sometime throughout the night.
There was a fire going and when we were inside of his cottage we would look out and kept seeing someone infront of the fire BUT NOONE WAS THERE. Also (it was night time) we would look at the lake and see dead zombies or ghosts walking towards us.
Also my friends all just looked soooo trippy. One of my friend looked like a little kid, the other had a green face and one of my friends kept calling me SHAWN.. which isnt my name. He said i transformed into a guy who would look like a shawn

I hear when taking mdma a portion of it gets broken down into MDA... so that could of been a reason this was occuring.

Oh ya we were also hitting mad bongs with some medicinal weed so that could have been another factor contributing

Or we just straight up took MDA thinking it was MDMA.
I've only hallucinated on smacks once and it was the most recent time I did it. Which was Saturday. I was sneaking back in my house and thought I saw a fucking ZOMBIE. There was no one there in reality, but I thought it was gunna eat me. So I freaked out for an hour in one spot. -.-' Silly me.
Saturday was different from any other roll that I've had though because I took five pills and before that day I had never even taken two at a time... I'm 100lbs. so I'm very thankful that four out of those five were bunk. I can't wait to actually do a few mollies though.

By the wayy; ecstasy is an amphetamine AND a hallucinogen. That's why it's amazing. :]
MDA is like low-dose LSD for me. Everything develops a life of its own

One time i was watching a sort of moving image on my flat-screen - trees' leaves rustling in the wind w/an ever-changing backdrop of colors. Then it began to fade after a while, and i realized the tv was off. I'd done quite a bit of MDA that day
I took 2 MDMA capsules at around 9PM, went clubbing, and was travelling home on the subway / bus at around 2AM, after taking a third hit to keep myself awake. On the way home, as I was walking to the escalators to go down into the subway, I kept thinking the bottom floor was getting further and further away from me. Everything was extremely vivid, and colors were extremely vibrant, sometimes jumping out of itself almost. As I got off the subway and got on the bus, I sat in the front, where I could see out of the front windshield, and I swear to god I saw what looked like a red truck floating in midair in front of the bus. It was pretty freaky, but also very very awesome.

The trippiest part came after I got off the bus, and was walking home. The streets were very dark, and I was seeing things jumping around in front of me in the dark.
Yeah, I get the glasses thing all the time, also tribal tattoos.

Once I was staring at a friend when his head split into thousands of dots like a swarm of flies and flew into the ceiling.

Most vivid one I can remember... was a good amount of years ago when pills did what they said on the tin. Was sat at the beach, everybody had nodded off to sleep. I started watching this HUGE cruise liner just floating along. Could hear the foghorns and engines running perfectly. I stared mesmerised at it for a good half an hour, wondering why it wasn't going very quick.

Suddenly I thought, "hang on, that water is only 2 inches deep. How the hell is it floating?" Then it just vanished in a split second and the noise stopped.

Strange at the time, yet also quite amusing.
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alot of CEVs(mostly blurs of color), distortion of details(peoples faces blur), alot of tracers that look like something else for a moment, and one comedowns i've zoned so hard that everything i started at zoomed in.

mostly only happens on higher doses or when i take it multiple times within a small time frame. i feel like alot of it might be caused by eye wiggles, but im sure its not the only cause. and beans def produce more hallucinations than molly.
judging by what people are saying, I mean the variable with all the pills and all the people, which is almost infinite, I'd say it all matters on the individual... Certain things do certain things to different people ergo no one human is the same! Stay Safe!

i have had a few hallucinations whilst on x but nothing like lsd, more visual perception distortions and seeing alot of things that arent there. One time i was at a club and i asked a mate to go get me a glass of water, he went off and came back, i went to grab the glass of water out of his hand and he asked me "what are you doing?" there was no glass in his hand !! :|
ha me to use to see shadows alot when walking home miles on my own use to talk to them but then they would dissapear really scared me at first then it was just like the norm lol
Hell yes.....darkened or blacklight rooms. Lots of good weed at tail end of roll. Faces morth or age drastically, black rings around eyes,..etc.
Also, closed eye mad visuals. Strange, vivid cartoon like images/sequences.
I've only ever really hallucinated when I took some peach maseratis (great roll btw easily one of my top 10) I remember I had like 2 then afterwords I was walking, and I looked to my left, and I swore I saw a man in a full white camouflage suit with an m16 in hand. Then I did a double take and realized it was a tree. My buddies that I rolled with that night said they saw shit too. Have you guys ever heard voices like on a comedown? I remember when i took some purple pokeball dragonflies(I took 5 >.>) I would be hearing voices the whole time in the back of the car. Then I would turn to my buddies and be like what? They would just start laughing and say that I was trippin they didn't say anything. I think it's pretty funny though.
before comingup: oh cools lasers music is pretty good

peak: OMFG WTF I CAn touch the lazzzors omg the ground in vibrTing wtfff
Brilliant CEV's at low doses when I smoke a fair amount of cannabis during my roll, say a gram ? Once I munched roughly 1/3 of a gram of MD, it was my first time bombing any substance and it fucking ruined me :) ! Eyes in the brickwork, my bathroom floor and just about every other surface with a shadow which I looked upon would almost breathe. Geometric patterns starting from the grills of the speakers and flowing onto the wall. Brilliant experience, shame it rummed me and I spent most of the night either sat on the toilet or in bed, but I expect this is due to contaminence, it was only roughly a year ago. Peace.
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