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Do you hallucinate on ecstasy?

Do you hallucinate on Ecstasy?

  • Yes

    Votes: 248 54.9%
  • No

    Votes: 112 24.8%
  • Maybe?

    Votes: 92 20.4%

  • Total voters
Only mild hallucinations when my eyes are open... sensory enhancements, sparkles, spots of light, etc.
minor CEV's with high doses. open eye illusions/loss of sensory filtering. (starbursts, enhanced colors, trails of movement, dazzling by bright lights, not really IMO hallucinations...hell i can get more sensory increase and overstimulation by visual and auditory input from psyhcomotor stimulant binges, but neither are like proper psychedelia or dissociative imagry)
no. I saw those blurry lights in colour and streaming colour lights, starbursts, no purple elephants though.....would been cool to see bugs bunny *lol*

might be off topic and me being a newbie to the scene...... "purple haze" is that another form of E or what? and has anyone tried it?
i don't need high doses. i think this stuff is powerful or my tolerance somehow went way down (not very likely), cause i took abt 20~30mg mda a while ago (can't keep track of time haha) and now coming up i'm tripping already, everything has a life of its own, it's own energy and it comes off everything. kaleidscopic patterns persist above 50mg ive noted, much like moderate LSD doses (moderate to me anyway)

i get that flashing lights thing as well, esp in peripheral vision and coming down. i only get it on MDA tho. MDMA gives me kaleidoscopic visions and especially CEVs and both cause me to hear music as if it were coming from inside of me (hard to explain haha); i can't tell what direction sounds come from.. they come at all angles of the infinite vortex in the universe

ok i'm gonna stop and enjoy this a while. =D just thought i'd share my experience

peace <3
EVERYONE hallucinates on e. The people that say they dont..dont realize that trails and enhanced color saturation ARE hallucinations.

MDMA activates many 5-ht receptors, and the 5-ht2 subclass is what gives rise to most hallucinatory experiences.

Technically, a hallucination has to cause to the person experiencing it to believe that its fully real. this typically found in psychotic disorders, and substance induced generally by very strong, high dose psychedelics, dissociative agents, delirants, Kappa/Sigma agonists and extended sustained stimulant use. of which only one works on primarily 5-HT receptors...the one that's least likley to cause immersed and frank hallucinations at that.

Psychedelic visuals are radically different from that. You generally know they are not completely factual....esp with MDMA.

shall we call the nod from opiates a hallucination too?

and increased light sensitivety and slight plays of light from stimulants?

blurryness and impairment of 3d spatial cognition from GABAgenics?

excellent, now everything and all sensory effects is categorized as full blown hallucinatory experiences.
and I wonder what amount of open eye, light based effects are merely physical from mydrasis causing increased light sensitive and some loss of focus...as I notice that from atropine or synepherine eye drops
true hallucinations are only experienced after brain damage, in certain disorders like epilepsy and bipolar etc. Some dissociatives can cause it too afaik. I don't know if HPPD even has symptoms of true hallucinations..maybe if something else is present like schizophrenia

I've experienced true hallucinations..mainly in the form of voices and music and i couldn't tell if they were real or not. I was having a psychotic episode after heavy stim+alcohol use tho and have bipolar, bdpd and schizotypal pd

I think a lot of this is hard to determine as well because tripping itself causes people to go into manic or psychotic states quite often, in fact psychs mimic this state quite accurately imo (such as a mixed state e.g.)..

There is a really fine line here cause with most of the psychotic episodes i've had i've hallucinated but not in the truest sense as i could tell they were hallucinations rather than actual parts of the external landscape around me.. other times i've had to convince myself they weren't real by judgement (causing me a lot of stress etc), then other times i had no judgement and they became indistinguishable from other things (i know this only from watching video of myself later and from friends+family)

so i say hallucinating, as in getting visuals and other effects, with or without drugs is still hallucinating.. sometimes in the true sense and other times just in the trippy sense, unaccompanied by dissociation or doubt..

sometimes you do just enough LSD and you lose yourself into this other plane and leave your external reality behind. same with MDMA and MDA, ime. they are very psychedelic drugs, unlike meth or cocaine which mainly just cause pure psychosis after some time, which is unpleasant in most cases

oh yes, the psychotic state caused by stims and delirants is generally unpleasant and overall not something seeked, but both represent good examples of frank hallucinations. IIRC stimulant psychosis was the best model of schizophrenia, as both seemed to be primarily caused by excessive dopaminergic neural activity (hence neuroleptics with their strong DA antagonism being the general course of action for both disorders, and the classic batshit insanity of PCP and friends with mixed NMDA blockade and DA re-uptake inhibition or even the hallucination/psychosis associated with levodopa)

Certainly psychedelics can cause a loss touch with reality as well, but its not frequent and often of a very different nature. theres a difference between the immersion in a new world like DMT or dissassocatives like ketamine cause and the interaction of hallucinations with real world caused by schizophrenia or substances causing increased DA activity.

I would say that all the visual effects I've seen on MDMA where very distant from being confused with reality, and very different in nature from my flirts with stimulant psychosis that are plays on and interact with real world in a manner that seems much more genuine (and thus scary and threatening) then any empathogen or psychedelic I've tried.
I think the worst ive Hallucinated on E was when I had three pills: My buddies cat walked into the room and instead of fur it has brown and orange leaves on it. So I lied down on the bed and looked up at the ceiling, it was moving and I swear I saw some sort of incest looking thing flying around in the corner of my eyes, it was pretty cool!
Yea i dont hallucinate like really hard like an acid trip or anything but I do see fucking tracers like a bitch and they are colorful as fuck
On 1-2 White Rolexes I get occasional tracers.

The most significant visual though, is jittering vision.
My entire field of vision will just vibrate intensely for about a second and a half and then stop. Scares me. But not in a bad way. Ha!
600mg molly.
i saw people wearing glAsses
my friends looked like chartoon characters, but my bf looked normal
friends facce had piercings frist then a bunch of needles sticking out of it (hes in the military so piercings are a nono.)
i saw ducks flying in the sky towards me then they would all disappear, tought dust was bugs, saw pink men hangliding in the clouds. fun stuff. i miss it
I have a few times actually i think 3 of the 13 times i have rolled.

THe first time was the first time i did e, i was in a dark room and i thought there was a dog sticking out of te couch, that was on 1 white buddha

The second time was like 9th or 10th time i did it, it was a lot of auditory things like i could here a lady talking. this time also i was in a dim room, my boyfriend had glasses and his hair was blue for a min. This was on a white rolex and white mersadis

And the last time i rolled i again was in the dark and i turned around and saw the 4 people behind me frozen in what i would call monster poses, lol, and then i felt like i was outside for a moment when i was trying to fall asleep. This was on 2 1/2 white rolexs

For the most part i would say that in good light you wouldnt see anything as i have only seen things in the dark. and they normally dont last very long, especially if you realize its not really there
Technically, a hallucination has to cause to the person experiencing it to believe that its fully real. this typically found in psychotic disorders, and substance induced generally by very strong, high dose psychedelics, dissociative agents, delirants, Kappa/Sigma agonists and extended sustained stimulant use. of which only one works on primarily 5-HT receptors...the one that's least likley to cause immersed and frank hallucinations at that.

Psychedelic visuals are radically different from that. You generally know they are not completely factual....esp with MDMA.

shall we call the nod from opiates a hallucination too?

and increased light sensitivety and slight plays of light from stimulants?

blurryness and impairment of 3d spatial cognition from GABAgenics?

excellent, now everything and all sensory effects is categorized as full blown hallucinatory experiences.
and I wonder what amount of open eye, light based effects are merely physical from mydrasis causing increased light sensitive and some loss of focus...as I notice that from atropine or synepherine eye drops

Technically, yes you are right.

MDMA causes visual DISTURBANCES, and everyone gets them whether they realize them or not. The things you listed in your previous post (starbursts, trails, light sensitivty, etc.) are all symptoms of HPPD and all of which i get to experience everyday without taking a damn thing, even on benzo's. Not even powerful anti-epileptics that specifically TARGET membrane transport vesicles for neurotransmitters (like Keppra) are fully capable of stopping the increased excitatory currents in my visual cortex that fire off due to seeing normal visual stimuli.

I was merely using the term "hallucination" because thats what everyone that was responding to the thread was referring to it as.
i hallucinate some times, but it depends on what kind of ecstasy you are taking, i dont like to hallucinate so much, i more like to be hyper and fell that happy felling =) LOL
whenever i do a high dose 5+ average beans i tend to get some color distortion sometimes ive actually just seen things out of no where for example one time i was lying in bed after a roll and saw smoke coming off my bed another time i saw a tiny leprechaun run across my desk another one that actually occurs very often is ill be staring into a mirror and my image will turn into a multicolored statue along with color distortion so yes i have hallucinated on e alot of times but not at normal doses only high doses
i've only had mild hallucinations after taking two pills, spread a few hours apart. according the the guy i got them off of they were mostly mdma. but who knows right?

anyways. i took a bath and felt connected to everything in the bathroom, all the inanimate objects. i felt like the bath tub was smiling at me. and when i drained the tub i felt like the water was sad to be going down to drain.

i don't know how exactly this qualifies. but it was a different sort of trip for sure.
I took 3 yellow pumas friday night. Spread about an hour apart. At about seven in the morning, i started seeing funny things on the wall, and my cell phone screen started getting all pixelated. I started getting freaked out whenever my friends talked because it was so distinct and just weird. I curled up in a little ball and hugged my knees to my chest. I looked up and my friend Jon was talking to me, trying to calm me down. My ears were ringing like crazy, and my heart felt like it was going to explode.

Through the night, my friends gave me seratonin pushes, and I hadn't felt anything. I guess it all just hit me at once, the pills, the seratonin pushes, everything.

Jon started talking to me very slowly. Or what seemed like it was very slowly. He was trying to calm me down. He looked so real and I could see every detail in his face. It almost reminded me of an elf or something. He looked to real to be real. I felt like he was from another world and it was just crazy.

I also felt like the garage we were in was the only place in the universe. Like that room was the only thing that existed. I was terrified. I knew in the back of my mind that it was just from the drugs, and that Jon would talk me out of my trance in a couple minutes. But that was just a faint whisper coming from the very back of my head. I was trippin hard.

Time seemed like it dragged on for hours. It was only like 40 minutes, but it seemed like forever. Thank god my friend was there to help me out of that. I don't know what would have happened if he wasn't there

I honestly don't know what happened. I'm still trying to figure out everything. Nothing like that has ever happened to me, on any drug. I'm thinking I just took too many pills at once or something. I hadn't rolled since December, and it is now March. And I took three pills. I may have over-done it.

Oh my, I am quite the rambler, arent i??? o_O
I ALWAYS would have auditory hallucinations
Like someone was talking in my ear, id turn and no one saying anything
thats about it, not really any visual ones besides the colosseum's entire dance floor in LA, If i would watch it, it would start to flow like an ocean if that even counts as a hallucination