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Tryptamines [DMT Subthread] Injecting (crystal clear) Extracts

As far as tolerance goes I have not found that to be the case with DMT, 5-MeO-DMT, or DPT when smoking it. Well to a certain extent I guess.

Here's how it goes for me using smoking to work myself up into an ayahuasca type state (ie a steady plateau almost) with whatever tryptamine:

First big hit = trip REAL hard for a few minutes

second hit = return back into the trip

third hit = integration

fourth hit = usually laughing hysterically by this point or crying, both are wonderful

I think you're right about the opiate thing. I have mixed opiates on mushrooms and found it to be really pointless.

I want REAL euphoria that tryptamines can give, not false euphoria like opiates have.
samadhi_smiles said:
what dosage level did he shoot at?

I'm thinking of shooting 1mg at a time. Maybe 5 or 6 needles lined up on my desk, one every half hour. I think mixing an opiate into that would be amazing but I'm concerned that 5-MeO-DMT may have slight MAOI properties (and nobody has yet to give me a solid answer whether MAOIs (which I always ask, A or B?) inhibit opiates). I want to acheive a state of euphoria that I plan will rival MDMA's euphoria.
14or so mg I thi9nk
~8mg dpt IVed gave me euphoria for like 35mins constant smile on my face!
I've smoked and inhaled (and plugged) plenty of DMT before (never IMed it though, which I think is probably more dangerous with extract DMT than IVing).

If there are any protein-like impurities present, then IV is much more dangerous than IM as the anaphylaxis will kick in much faster and be more severe. In fact fizzacyst's idea of a tiny amount SC seems like a bloody good idea to me before going with a 'proper' dose.

Oh one other thing, when people are talking about vinegar, they mean the clear distilled stuff, not the brown malt vinegar - that's only good for fish'n'chips. Also don't even consider using lemon juice etc as it also has plant material present that can set off an anaphylactic reaction (dying or even not dying from anaphylaxis while a decent dose of DMT is kicking in is right up there in the 'worst things to ever experience' stakes IMO).

PS Before you even get around to thinking about this, get a micron filter - that's what the clever people do...
IM'ing DMT lasts longer... and has a MUCH shorter and smoother come on. This is a really good thing.

I was at first concerned that the rapid onset of IV DMT would mean I would be just finished plunging when the DMT would come on... it is not that quick, but it is very fast, faster than smoking it.

The experience always seems smoother with IM than IV, part of that means, that over the 5 or so minutes... you get this slow, smooth, gentle come on...

Me and some friends of mine have had great success with IM'ing DMT... sure, you need more DMT, but it is worth it.

You just have to ensure you have an absolute neutral solution... otherwise your muscles will hurt for some days.

All in all, I generally don't at all believe in the promotion of DMT via needles... yes, it is harsh smoke, but that is the bridge you need to cross to get to that state, for the most part.

When I first got into DMT, I could smoke enormous amounts of it and I only felt it was doing GOOD to my lungs. Then after some time, it would actually bring me to cough and bring up mucuos (from smoking cigarette) and I've met other people who have had the same experiences, and also that the good it does, and magical nature of it, far outweighs the negative aspects of smoking it. (at least in the short term)

And again, I don't believe that smoking DMT continually in one's life is very healthy (on the physical as well as other levels)... most people I know have explored it to a certain point and then stopped... mostly because, there is no more "information" and "content" to be gained in that state.

Taking DMT orally with an MAOI will give anyone much more time in the state and is much better for you... it slows it all down and you get much more bang for your buck... everything.

Also, although I believe the risk that some have communicated here of IV'ing ad IM'ing DMT are very much overstated, obviously, it pays to be very careful when it comes to this kind of thing... but then, on the other hand, too much cautiousness may mean you never climb up the rock.

Try 1-2mg of 5meo IV...no more than that.

I want to acheive a state of euphoria that I plan will rival MDMA's euphoria.

If smoking 5meo doesn't do that for you, I can't see why IV'ing will.... my experience with IV'ing 5meo is that it is an inferior experience to smoking it.

fizzacyst said:
I was told on here to use lemon juice or white vinigar. I ahd a bottle of lemon juice and the met turned out to be a freebase so I jsut added a few squirts and shot the lemon juice.

it not realy my thing anyways though. those simple dialkyl tryptamines can be to much to fast alot of the time for me anyways these days. low doses though IV/IM can be realy euphoric but can become dysphoric when done in alrge fully submersive psychedelic levels.
Youkai said:
it not realy my thing anyways though. those simple dialkyl tryptamines can be to much to fast alot of the time for me anyways these days. low doses though IV/IM can be realy euphoric but can become dysphoric when done in alrge fully submersive psychedelic levels.

no joke there. I get nervous thinking about most of them, TBH. IV would not be pleasant to me at all, I'm sure. Even insufflating DPT can be too much too fast for me most of the time.

I'm to the point of probably not being able to smoke the needed doses of DMT anymore due to extreme discomfort from the vapor. That REALLY starts things off on a bad note. IM is ok, but I've never gone too far with it. I don't think I'd want to shoot DMT.
^the vapor tasting nasty is kind of getting to me too.

Im considering infusing a breakthrough dose it into a small amount of herb (ganja, mint, whatever).
I think this may make breaking through with just 1 hit alot easier.
Loco, yage is for dogs. Come on, via IV, should be instantaneous. It should hit you pretty much while you are still pushing it in. Probably should be cautious about sterile technique, though. DMT is the fastest thing you'll ever experience. Guranteed. DMT and THC are best not mixed. Real DMT heads don't smoke it with ganga, and never let the flame touch the DMT directly.
Delsyd said:
How does one become a "real" DMT head?

Well my take on it is like this - USB -connected to the universe & <3
samadhi_smiles said:
I want REAL euphoria that tryptamines can give, not false euphoria like opiates have.


yeah, shooting dilaudid is so much less euphoric then shitting brix from some kind of hardcore tryptamine trip.

thats why, ya know, OC and heroin are such huge addiction problems, and most people go "lolwut DMT?"

well, as long as your haivng fun....just shoot safely, and be careful with your reactions of base into salts.
Well, many people consider opiates to provide a fake sort of euphoria... all they do is make you forget everything and feel comfortable. Whereas, if you've dealt with all of your demons and are comfortable with psychedelics, a transcendent psychedelic state can provide a taste of true euphoria that no opiate could ever touch, by putting you in touch with your higher self.

You may or may not believe it... judging from your language (shitting bricks from some kind of tryptamine trip) I take it you've never been able to break free of yourself while on psychedelics. But I assure you it's possible, and once you're free of your ego there is a sense of freedom and power that no opiate could even begin to approximate.

Of course opiates are the drugs with huge addiction problems... they're the easy way to reach some sort of euphoria, and also to mask away the pain of life. They take no work... anyone can use them and get the same results. Psychedelics aren't for masking away the pain of life, they're for opening up your horizons and experiencing something new. And that can be a whole lot of fun. :)
^ I could not have said it better myself. Damn, Xorkoth, your posts are so consistently right on it amazes me sometimes =D

rangerz, read the above!! digest!!

peace bro,
Haha a more intense way of experiencing DMT? Uhhh....no thanks. :)

edit--i apologize for not contributing more productively to this thread. It just made me chuckle.
Is IVing really that much more intense than smoking? I would imagine the pharmacodynamics to be quite similar for both routes. If anything, I would expect the drug to hit you even faster when smoked, because that way it's straight from the lungs to the heart to the systemic circulation, while when injected, it goes to the heart, then to the pulmonary circulation through the lungs back to the heart, and then to the systemic circulation. If that's faulty reasoning, someone please explain to me why that is. :)
Smoking takes time, and kind of hurts. While you are struggling to hold down those mothball fumes acute tolerance is developing. You can't really mess up and cough it out or not hold it long enough to be absorbed if you really want to go to the other side.

With an injection, wham, full dose into the body, right then and there. No real process aside from the few seconds it takes to inject, and you don't feel like you just inhaled fire.

I don't think I'd like it IV (though I won't rule it out). IM DMT is very pleasant, though. Its smoother, taking a little longer to "happen", but you can go just as deep and you don't start out on an insanely intense trip in pain.

A loaded syringe dumped right into the bloodstream kind of bypasses the whole puff, hold, puff, hold, puff, WTF MY LIGHTER HAS TURNED INTO AN ORB! thing. You ought to be able to get much, much larger amount to the head faster that way.
I realize smoking is more uncomfortable and more of a hassle than injecting. I was simply wondering about the aspect of pharmacodynamics, in response to R&M's comment about taking DMT IV making it more intense as opposed to smoking.