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⭐️ Social ⭐️ Detroit Megathread

My dealer gets the shit from Detroit and then sells it to us in the Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti area, and lately its been quality, though he is one of the best dealers that I have ever dealt with he gives good quantity and quality... and if we complain he takes it back and gets something better... so next time we buy quality
Usually the stuff is white or a little off white or sometimes it has a clay consistency and is white and brown (brown sticky with little white pieces in it), when you boil the water is yellow for the sticky stuff, other wise you get a clear water looking liquid with the white shit. Overall I would say that Detort DOES NOOOOTTT have bunk, my shit has been qualllity.
Probablly heading to the D to cop this weekend. That FIYAH still floating around!?
I know huh. Every time I come down it gets better and better. How good can it get!?!? lol

I would be interested to know the purity percentage of dope in these parts. Wishful thinking i know.
Not sure on the purity, but I can't complain about how good it has been. Got some earlier today that was really dark brown, and the chunks were kind of soft. Strong ass smell, had the consistansy of sand. Knock on wood, but haven't noticed any uc's lately, but have seen a whole lot of patrol cars. Be safe!
Hi everyone, glad to see the familiar faces on the thread, must mean that you've all been well. Had to take a break for a little bit for financial reasons. Fuck it sucks to quit when you really don't want to :(. On the bright side, tolerance is back down lol.

Went today and picked up the same light brown, easily powdered chunks that have been around mine and a couple others' spots by the sounds of things. Seemed to come right off the finger in one cylindrical lump lol, was exactly half a g short though when I finally got home to the scale. One of the few times I forget it arrgh but it'll be cool...ramble...

Can you guys BELIEVE all the shit that's been going on in the city over the past few weeks!?! This shit is even crazy for Detroit. It's soooo sad about that little girl and I hope the responsible pig fucking roasts. The media and police are trying to hang the blame on the alleged murderer they were raiding to catch, or the actual family themselves for not turning the suspect in. Like they aren't dealing with enough. Hopefully Fieger fucks the entire DPD with the judge's gavel...still ranting lol...

Be cool out there everyone, we all know there's not much like bad press to make the cops a bit overzealous. And I totally agree with the posters above - wouldn't it be awesome to actually know potency? Maybe someone can compare it's effects mg per mg with a pharm opioid, like 1-10x or whatnot, and we could do some rough math. Not too scientific or consistent lol, but just an idea I guess.

Stay up people, it's good to be back :):)!
:Re Fent or strong H

Been getting strong white, possibly slightly off-white powder for the past few days. I can feel a buzz, even if it is only a small one, for about 6-10 hours or so, although at the end it's just a pretty normal, non-sick feeling.

Anyway, here is the kick, and I've never, in my "dope" career"(LOL, I may start keeping stats on the dope and its effects on me broken into different categories, but I digress)...anyway...again...

I only have to snort a foil or two(not a lot of powder per foil, maybe think of the shape of a quarter with dope spread a top of the coin, so yeah, not much per foil(unless that is the norm in your area, or mine, hell, my dealer may have been giving me 90% dormin for a long, long time...)...but I digress again....anyway....lol....

OK, snort 2 of them(because that is how I roll, two at a team)...and I've been doing this for the past 48 hours, and each time(I snort two foils worth) I feel ok, slightly buzzed for 20 minutes, and then I just pass out/fall asleep. Not a nod, just full on sleep for about 90 minutes to 120...dreams and all. Wake and repeat. Is this odd? Because I'm used to the nod being half-asleep / half-awake, you know? A mix of both....so could this be SUPER strong ish, or something else all together that just knocks me the fuck out(my pupils do get tiny, so it's probably some form of an opiate)...so, fent? Thanks in advance, y'all are the reason I love coming here...enjoy your Saturday(after you answer my damn question first! lol).
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Got part of another new batch today. It looked really dark like it did yesterday but when I started crushing it, it looked like it was part purple. If anyone comes across this be careful. It is super strong. I have a monster tollerance, because I snort it and haven't really had a break in several years. Anyways, be safe with it because I did my normal amount about 3 hours ago and I'm still nodding, and it burned like hell. Gonna be a good weekend
Got part of another new batch today. It looked really dark like it did yesterday but when I started crushing it, it looked like it was part purple. If anyone comes across this be careful. It is super strong. I have a monster tollerance, because I snort it and haven't really had a break in several years. Anyways, be safe with it because I did my normal amount about 3 hours ago and I'm still nodding, and it burned like hell. Gonna be a good weekend

be careful my friend. that could have been laced with fent'. it may have been laced with 'done too, it keeps you craving longer so that's why that could be a possibility. im glad you can get a nod off that shit, it's probably the fent' doin that. how euphoric is it???

I copped yesterday and today. My dude threw in an extra pack cuz last night it felt like i was on codeine or weak morphine. so i got 5 packs today. shit is fire. creamy off-white stuff. it's amazing. gonna try shootin' and of course ill be careful. i know what could go wrong and the risks. I've read all of the info that someone gave me earlier in this thread but i still am worried about missing. i missed yesterday and put about half a unit into my arm, it's still sore today. *sigh* i shouldn't have rushed it though.

and here I am rambling again. must be the first pack i snorted haha. love y'all and be safe.
Its not a fent buzz. I get that perscribed. Its just really good dope, and the buzz lasts way to long to be from fent. Be safe
Its not a fent buzz. I get that perscribed. Its just really good dope, and the buzz lasts way to long to be from fent. Be safe

I wonder if you got methadone in your dope. it's possible since it did have such a good long lasting high.

I suck at shooting so far. Can anyone give me some links to good shooting techniques? Last night was a pain in the ass. I only ended up shooting one and a half packs and just said fuck it and snorted the rest. Thanks again.
i highly doubt its cut with methadone. one reason, methadone absolutely sucks when it comes to shooting it. and it makes no sense for a dude to cut his dope with methadone
Its not cut with methadone. Was on methadone for pain before, it was completely differant, even the burn was differant, nothing about it is like methadone. This stuff is fire though, a couple people I know normally shoot 4 or 5 are smashed doing 1.5 or 2. Seems like it always gets stronger in the summer time. Be safe
Its not cut with methadone. Was on methadone for pain before, it was completely differant, even the burn was differant, nothing about it is like methadone. This stuff is fire though, a couple people I know normally shoot 4 or 5 are smashed doing 1.5 or 2. Seems like it always gets stronger in the summer time. Be safe

That's definitely good to know. I recently just came across some real good shit that barely had any insoluble cut in it. I am still trying to figure out a good shooting technique but have yet to come across any good info. I've already tried a couple times but to no avail. I ended up with a sore arm for a couple of days. So I have just been snorting the dope instead. It sucks because i am literally wasting half of it by snorting as opposed to shooting. I want to be able to nod off of two packs and instead it takes 4-5 and I hate spending that much money. it's stupid for me to spend extra money to get high when i could just get 3 packs and be done for the night.

Anyone with good techniques on shooting please send me some info. I am sick of just shooting and missing.
That's definitely good to know. I recently just came across some real good shit that barely had any insoluble cut in it. I am still trying to figure out a good shooting technique but have yet to come across any good info. I've already tried a couple times but to no avail. I ended up with a sore arm for a couple of days. So I have just been snorting the dope instead. It sucks because i am literally wasting half of it by snorting as opposed to shooting. I want to be able to nod off of two packs and instead it takes 4-5 and I hate spending that much money. it's stupid for me to spend extra money to get high when i could just get 3 packs and be done for the night.

Anyone with good techniques on shooting please send me some info. I am sick of just shooting and missing.

Where have you been trying to shoot? A lot of people who don't really know how to shoot their shit start with trying on their lower arms and shit and that's not always the best place, those veins can roll easy, plus they bruise a shit load.

The best bet, which has ALWAYS worked me (I have awful tiny/shitty veins) is right in the inner crook of your arm/elbow. You won't see the veins usually but flex your arms a few times and feel around. Half the time, feeling out a vein is more effective than seeing one. When I would bang my shit at first and had a hard time hitting I would do like 10 pushups before hand and my veins would be poppin and much easier to hit haha. I wouldn't even ever have to tie off either. Actually I've never tied off really. Taking hot showers can help too. Also, you must angle the rig right when trying to hit. Going straight up at a 90 degree angle won't work usually. Try and go almost paralell to your arm or at like a 20-30 degree angle.

Your best bet actually, if possible, if always have some one who is experienced with it help you for your first few times. I know I was always nervous at first so my hands would be unsteady and shit. After a while that shit comes so second nature. I would hit within .1 seconds of the rig entering my arm a lot of times and I wouldn't even see any veins or feel around, just knew the spot exactly.

Good luck though, and I hope you know this is going to make things A LOT worse and more difficult. Like me, and a lot of people, after a while you'll be more addicted to the needle and the process of cooking it up and shit, then the feel of the dope itself. And the high that you like now from snorting it? Fuck that. The actual duration of the high will be forgotten cuz it starts to be completely about the rush from now on.

Btw, rotating injection sites makes it a lot easier. And just remember if you hit, the blood will just explode into the rig without even pulling back the plunger. And if you miss, you'll know cuz it stings like a bitch. If you push down and feel any bit of stinging, stop.

good luck dude.
I know this probablly isnt the right venue, but....

Any fellow detroiters going to DEMF next weekend!? I am coming a day early to cop some weight and get my nod on before partying all weekend. Super EXCITED
I'm going to DEMF for sure, got a hotel room for Saturday night as well, not sure where my friend reserved it. Just wondering have any of you ever shot up, drew back and the blood is really light colored. I have and everytime I do it's basically like missing but my hand will swell up and my arm will get a blotchy and itchy.
You probably punched through the vein. It got a little blood in it before it went all the way through so it is just like missing.
I'm going to DEMF for sure, got a hotel room for Saturday night as well, not sure where my friend reserved it. Just wondering have any of you ever shot up, drew back and the blood is really light colored. I have and everytime I do it's basically like missing but my hand will swell up and my arm will get a blotchy and itchy.

no dude pull out and try again, what you are doing is hitting an artery. pink frothy looking blood signals artery hitting allday long and you can easily loose an arm doing that. very dangerous please pull out and re-register anytime this happens.