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⭐️ Social ⭐️ Detroit Megathread

Yeah, the gang squad and the dpd 9 times out of 10 wont throw you in jail, they usually just write a ticket. BUT that comes at a cost, they will belittle you any way they can, write you a ticket, and sometimes beat your ass. Beats the hell out of jail tho. I've had a few run ins with them and the narcos and they are not nice by any means. Anyways just got home got some of the white powder and this shit is just phenomenal, I swear it gets better each time. I've been using daily for a couple months now and I kid you not just 1 pack of this will fuck me up off my ass.
Another possibility, my guy told me that the jump out crew of the gang squad used to drive only dark blue vans, but this year they started using a burgandy vans too, either tinted out or panel vans with no windows. Could have been a customer that was pulling away from a spot as it was gettin ready to be raided. I had a run in with the detroit gang squad once, and they are hardcore pricks. Had to grab the wall while I got my ass beat with a 2x6, once for each time I lied to them. Atleast they let me go, no jail just a blistered ass! Be safe.

Interesting...wonder if the JOB use vans in Chicago? Had to wait in a city park close to the open-air market for about 45 minutes, and a suspicious van with tinted windows drove past me a few times, and eventually parked about 30 yards from my car...probably just being paranoid, but it wouldn't surprise me if they were thinking my dealer was going to meet me in the park. From what I've seen, however, I think Chicago's Narcs use SUV's/Sedans...but then again, none of us know everything...take it easy BL'ers...

Thanks for the head's up too, as I'll be spending a week-end in Detroit for the upcoming WhiteSox/Tigres series, and I'm sure I'll venture to some areas of disrepute. ;) Always good to know what to look for...being aware of one's surroundings/suspicious vehicles/etc can save your ass every now and then.
Nodfest 2010

I sent my buddy down today while I was at work to score for us. Usually get light to medium brown chunks that are way above average quality. But he came back with the much lighter whitish brown shit you guys are speaking of. Chased a pack on some foil and snorted another and I am RIPPED. 8o... Gotta <3 the D:)
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No, the burgundy van was DEFINITELY not gang squad. These guys were gangster, and the van was a POS.
Yeah, the gang squad and the dpd 9 times out of 10 wont throw you in jail, they usually just write a ticket. BUT that comes at a cost, they will belittle you any way they can, write you a ticket, and sometimes beat your ass. Beats the hell out of jail tho. I've had a few run ins with them and the narcos and they are not nice by any means. Anyways just got home got some of the white powder and this shit is just phenomenal, I swear it gets better each time. I've been using daily for a couple months now and I kid you not just 1 pack of this will fuck me up off my ass.

I hear that they take yer dope and yer money, if you have any left, put you in the car, drive you somewhere far off and leave you there.
Pavel- Do you bang or snort? The light brown stuff I've been getting from the eastside has been decent- if I toot it, I can get a decent nod going on a pack and a half. If I bang it, it only takes me 1/2 pack of the light brown shit. My tolerance is fairly low... I'm on the 3 days on 4 days off routine right now. Lol. ont know how Ive been able to keep it that way, but been goin strong for about a month. Anyways, how does the white stuff compare? I hope to get my hands on some of it this week... I'll report back.

PS- how's the heat been lately (eastside)? Anyone notice a white (older style) minivan cruising around the eastside?
suburban girl- I bang it. And since I've only been using for the past couple of months, prior to that its been about 7 months all I've been getting is the white powder stuff so I really can't compare to anything else, I've only had this hook up so far. I plan on quitting here I'm getting more caught up then I want to be and nothing good usually comes out of it, I dont want to spend my whole summer in jail again. The heat hasn't seemed to bad seen a raid van here and tehre and a few locals but that's about it.
My guy had new stuff today, not the off white stuff more of a tan color. It had no smell but a really strong taste and was very strong. The gram was one piece but not super hard. Haven't seen dope like this in a while. Seems like the good dope always gets really good in the summertime around detroit. Thank god for summer! Be safe.
Pavel- Do you bang or snort? The light brown stuff I've been getting from the eastside has been decent- if I toot it, I can get a decent nod going on a pack and a half. If I bang it, it only takes me 1/2 pack of the light brown shit. My tolerance is fairly low... I'm on the 3 days on 4 days off routine right now. Lol. ont know how Ive been able to keep it that way, but been goin strong for about a month. Anyways, how does the white stuff compare? I hope to get my hands on some of it this week... I'll report back.

PS- how's the heat been lately (eastside)? Anyone notice a white (older style) minivan cruising around the eastside?

who is driving this mini-van? White or black guys?
couldnt tell... I got out of there pretty quick, just noticed it circling the block and the locals didn't know who it was either
I haven't recently. mostly light-tan to white powder. it's always bomb as hell though. I usually cop on the eastside. you?
it all depends whats good lately i go all over east side west and southwest . i got more connects on the west side since i stay out in the western burbs. that dark brown that gave me a good rush and nothin else was from like the h.p. area
Another possibility, my guy told me that the jump out crew of the gang squad used to drive only dark blue vans, but this year they started using a burgandy vans too, either tinted out or panel vans with no windows. Could have been a customer that was pulling away from a spot as it was gettin ready to be raided. I had a run in with the detroit gang squad once, and they are hardcore pricks. Had to grab the wall while I got my ass beat with a 2x6, once for each time I lied to them. Atleast they let me go, no jail just a blistered ass! Be safe.
. shit man you think there bad watch out for the tiger unit there the fugitive apprehension team they knocked two teeth out of my mouth
So glad I've never been busted. (knock on wood!!) Just copped 3 on the eastside. boooooomb. i snort and usually peak after 15 minutes. it's been about half an hour and the high just keeps getting better. I don't get it but I don't care. I love it!!!! vanilla colored powder, closer to white. twas the shit!
just went back down for another one. my buddy came with. it was better than the first stuff.... go figure! still off white vanilla colored stuff. Im thinking it was cut with methadone like the last three cuz the high keeps extending.
I doubt it was cut with methadone because for one methadone burns like crazy, and methadone works against dope. It binds to your opiate receptors and would keep you from getting as high. There is just good dope goin around right now.
I doubt it was cut with methadone because for one methadone burns like crazy, and methadone works against dope. It binds to your opiate receptors and would keep you from getting as high. There is just good dope goin around right now.

Trust me. it burned like hell. I know what 'done feels like up the nose. It only works against dope in doses of 80 MG or higher. Also my buddy who had some of the same batch earlier this week dropped dirty for methadone and oxycodone for a drug test earlier this week and he's only done dope and suboxone. I've done plenty of research so I know what's up.
Got some of the creamy white stuff yesterday... it was a fat chunk though, not powder. Came in a lotto pack. Dissolved perfectly and drew up with a hint of brown to it. Does this sound like the same stuff y'all are running into? Good stuff... nice rush. I'm happy =D
Got some of the creamy white stuff yesterday... it was a fat chunk though, not powder. Came in a lotto pack. Dissolved perfectly and drew up with a hint of brown to it. Does this sound like the same stuff y'all are running into? Good stuff... nice rush. I'm happy =D

Yeah, sounds like it, it always mixes up like instantly.