• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Fashion Designers, Seasons, Trends, Models, & YOU.

glad you've made it back to the outside world. i knew something big must have been up when so much activity was happening in here and your voice was absent. sorry it was something so unfortunate. you've got my best wishes in dealing with the charges. do we get to see your crime chic mugshot?

bringing a picture with us for the page roll...

yes i am interested in how ken would take a mugshot pic ;P
/always keep in my head that if i had to take one, i'd make damn sure it was good, and not the crazy/shocked/trashed look 99% seem to be LOL.
what a great fake.


re-reading this thread -- what the fuck, Max? you're not helping. kick the trolls out, stop troll in, b. this is one of the best threads on bluelight. stop fucking it up. I DIDN'T GO TO JAIL FOR THIS TO HAPPEN.

more givenchy.


also i bought a blue velvet dress because it was the holiday season and this is the only time to wear velvet. this is what i've been told my whole life. i'm not kidding. one of my first christmas' i have a great velvet turtle neck on. i'm like 5, and wearing a silk scarf as a skirt because i spilled egg nog on my real skirt. i was a diva form the get go. BUT here i am, told this, and then here is christopher kane p/f 2013




eta: i can't find my mugshot. but i'm still looking. i look so swag in it, it's criminal that i can't find it.
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any/every arrestee's mugshot is googleable withhin like 24hrs 'round these parts ..
you might not do it intentionally, but we usually; 9/10 times id gander, follow a theme of color preference, the same as with music and art. most of my clothes are an earthy/mineral tone in color, or gray and black. the decision is not always a cognitive one, it is just what i am drawn towards on the rack at the store.

sometimes ill get home and then ask myself why i bought another similar item.

So true about color preference. There is a particular shade of robin's egg blue that I'm always drawn to, even when I don't like the item of clothing. That's where the eye goes. And I have a great Prada dress, really gorgeous, different blue, fits me beautifully, that I never wear because for whatever reason I don't want to reach for that COLOR in the closet, even though it looks good on me.
any/every arrestee's mugshot is googleable withhin like 24hrs 'round these parts ..

well not here, or maybe what i did wasn't bad enough to warrant a picture. google my name and it's just the newspaper articles i've been in and a couple of blog posts my job has made about me.
teen vogue came with the best kind of best kind of best. i'm seriously, seriously thinking it's the best teen vogue i've ever gotten!!!11!1

so many things for all the fashion friends. the first thing that singled it out for me was opening it and it's the table of contents has DA GRIMEZ ON IT. no good scans yet or even shitty scans of the image i want because it does a cool twitter thing. cool enough that i want to talk about it anyway and more about my general feelings about twitter. extremely frustrating but know that i'm crazy about finding them for you all to be as happy as i am.



next --

nice editorial with some soap opera star dressed all mod in that louis vuttion! and marc jacobs. and it worked without being too painfully cute, and was worn really nicely.

nsfw for size - (it's really a wallpaper if you want it)




as if my .58cent an issue magazine couldn't give me more pleasure.

that one elfin girl from hydros post appears. all the fashion friends. it was all denim focused and some of it was very boring (as hydro said) but it made me smile anyway.



then - generic platitudes about natural hair, for the third time in three months. sadly no black as pitch girls doing editorials but appreciated gesture none the less.

and then more indepth platitudes about how it's cool to be hipster tumblr girl. not joking. lana and her pointy almond nails, shaved side of head like Rihanna (and Kenickie, in full disclosure) and tattoos on your hands and alice dellal and MIA and Tavi Gevinson's seafoam hair. in a collage.

i feel like i'm doing everything right. my life is reflected in a fashion magazine for teenage girls. too bad the mail didn't come before my meeting with the public defender.

christ, bring on the pussy.
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nastya's got the prettiest eyes. that pink eyeshadow looks so good in contrast with their green.

"I like exploring that [feminine] side of myself, especially musically." yeah she does! Grimes is girly. i love that about it. has a dark sweetness. no where near as twisted as she often describes it.

glad you love your new issue!
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Goldwell is awesome color for hair. I've been into different colors and these guys make an awesome product. They had this cool turquoise color with really short hair, but I did the short hair thing back in the 90s and don't want to do it again. I'm growing it long. I love the stuff you can do with hair colors.




more grimes fashion news because whatever.

hydrozuanacaine said:

can't figure out what magazine it's for and any better photos and her face is weird but it's her.





i am very interested in this dress ^. anyone know anything about it?


oh. it's for "next" magazine. whatever that is?

awesome that she is wearing the chanel outfit. hopefully larger, higher resolution copies show up. cara wears a version of that stella mccartney dress for Purple Fashion...


photo by mclellan
this happened yesterday at ermanno scervino fall 13/14...

she's such a fucking klutz. they aren't gonna let her be a model for much longer. good thing people already took a bunch of really nice photographs of her.


wearing issey miyake


wearing chloe

both by will davidson for Oyster magazine.
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adolescent sources on tumblr say gemma just signed with IMG australia. i worry that maybe she will not be as picturesque as before her hiatus, and that this comeback will flood the internet with low quality content in her name--even more so than her acting career. though maybe it is more because she wants to walk in the upcoming f/w season. and maybe she looks great. it's happening. i hear.

from her last gig before stepping down, Marie Claire Spain october '08...


dude it's bullshit i can't figure out who photographed that editorial. the internet is so full of noise. interpol needs to do something about reblogging.
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dude it's bullshit i can't figure out who photographed that editorial. the internet is so full of noise. interpol needs to do something about reblogging.

tumblr has some serious problems with that. i use tineye a lot and reverse google image search because tumblr is just damn impossible. worst comes to worse, i'll cruise the fashionscan livejournals, those girls are dedicated. or, of course, you guys.
God, trying to find source information on tumblr is a bitch. Google image search just has tons and tons of pages of people reblogging said image.

Givenchy from ELLE July 2012
"mustard" colored shoes or anything is not a color ive seen pulled of well often.
that particular magazine was the bomb
he's wearing diesel jeans & armani shirt. not pictured are christian louboutin shoes. photographer is terry richardson.
