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Having your bowels backed up for more than a week becomes more than just a "mental issue"...it starts to affect the way you feel physically. You're bloated constantly, thus feeling more lethargic. Not to mention it affects your appetite greatly...you get to a point where you know you're hungry but you're literally "so full of shit" that you just can't eat hardly anything at all.

If laxatives aren't working and it's been that long since you've gone, I'd consider seeing a doctor dude. 2 and a half weeks of no shitting isn't a good thing. Most I ever went was probably just over a week, and that was absolutely horrible. The toilet water looked like a rodent had bled to death in it, seriously.

Of all the *immediate* consequences of being an opiate addict, constipation is one of the worst. My asshole is very grateful for me having quit, I can tell you that much.
do not take otc laxatives they will make it worse. oxypowder is the absolut best and safest ime its readily available online.
I had to go to the ER once for the same problem, except I didn't know that was the problem. I thought my spleen or gallbladder was bursting cuz I was in such pain. They gave me this liquid called Magnesium Citrate and you chug the whole bottle and in a few hours, BAM !! The backed up pipes start draining. You can buy this stuff at any drug store/pharmacy and this is what I turn to when all the fiber and stuff fails.
OUCH, Terrible constipation from opiates

wow, I did 30 mgs of oxy on saturday night (I'm writing this the following wednesday) and have cleared myself 3 times since tho not completely. Today, after having a bowl of cereal, a hard boiled egg and some coffee, my stomach is KILLING me. I took an anti acid felt better for like 20 minutes but now the pains back.

My stomach has been feelin weird since Saturday--is this all due to the opiate use? I know 30 mgs aint much but it is the most I've ever done. I've also been eating at least two servings of fruit a day.
I merged most of the threads on opiate related constipation (and wow , there was a LOT of them...) ....Fire away!
metamucil and like supplements are your friend. You can only eat so many apples, grains, etc. I will have (this is kinda gross, eh sorry) semi-loose stool for days after ingesting opiates. I believe it screws with my GI tract for awhile.
I don't know if someone said this already but.... STOP DOING OPIATES! constipation will be the least of the worries when you start kicking and i don't have to explain that nightmare.
I've been on opiates for 4 days now for my neck, and I'm currently trolling bluelight while on the toilet for the past hour trying to drop a deuce. I've shat once since being on them (day 2) and felt like my asshole was giving birth, so I'm pretty terrified of this one. Wish me luck!
I've only had constipation really bad on a few occassions. I find that stimulant laxatives don't give the desired effect. When it feels like your trying to shit a grapefruit, you don't want to get your intestinal muscles contracting and tearing your ass! Cos that fucking hurts!!

Today, I tried 30mg of Milk Of Magnesia (I know a lot of people hate this stuff but I personally think it's well tasty!) and about 2 hours later I could feel some movements. I made myself an enema out of warm water (to soften), olive oil (to soften & lubricate) and a small squirt of washing up liquid (to act as an emulsifier so the oil and water mix). I sucked it up with a 5ml oral syringe and squirted it up there.

I tried to sit with it up there for 5-10 minutes but the urge to go got too powerful so I went and it came out so easily with no pain at all.

Make sure you give your oral syringe a good scrub and then sterilise it and put it away for future rectal use if you like (Or if you're a clean freak, chuck it out and buy a new one). Don't go sticking it back with the rest of your medicine spoons!! :D

Like a lot of people have said, if opiates are a regular occurrence with you, then it would be a good thing to increase your water intake and maybe take a stool softener daily to reduce any future blockage problems.
Don't go sticking it back with the rest of your medicine spoons!! :D


the consultants I worked with always recommended movicol and lactulose. You can also buy powder fibre which dissolves is most things and is tasteless which might be helpful.
This thread is pretty old, however I read it and shall add to it regardless. Constipation from opiates is horrendous.

I take "ColonCleanse" purchased at Whole Foods. It's made from all natural materials like marshmallow something or other and slippery elm. I don't know- I was hesitant but after using it for 2 months I assure you it works. Worked the first time I used it, actually. Take 2 pills at night time and you'll have a bowel movement in the morning. Yep ;)
when i was bodybuilding, i combated all the constipation from eating my fucking bodyweight in proteins with natures candy:


theyre cheap (especially farm fresh prunes, theyre so fucking cheap and so good for you its a steal), INSANELY good for you, and make you shit like a swiss train. i was buying big tubs of prunes to eat every week for like $2 at the farmers market, eating like 15-20 prunes every night right after dinner, and i could shit out half a cow the next morning.

im also quite familiar with opiates and their effects on muscles. potassium, magnesium, and manganese - of which prunes are LOADED - are excellent for that.

last resort: milk of magnesia (chalky shit u buy at a pharmacy). prepare to shit your brains out (you will experience dehydration and loss of nutrients from this).
why make it so complicated? Any fiber containing fruit or veggie that agrees with you would work....just eat enough!!
All of the colon cleaning are just basically psyllium husk powder with many fairly useless other herbs and other garbage to increase the perceived value and cost, sometimes to a stupidly high price. Buy the cheapest generic psyllium husk powder you can find, mix with lots of water and follow with another glass of water. It wont work if you dont increase ur water intake. It does cause some people gas, but that usually resolves with time. You can take this on a regular basis
back to the surface

i thought it was bad not shitting for a few days. nothing seemed to work. tried laxatives, herbal and otc ones, epsom salt, 5 gallons of water. so i decided this shit needs to come out already. got a hair dye bottle and filled it with warm water. layed on my side and "squirted" it in my ass. put about 6 ounces inside of me then stayed laying for a while. held it in as long as i could. seemed to work. im sure i still have more shit inside of me though. the smell was quite horrible:p
Guys, I was ready to go to the ER this morning. Horrible. Luckily I managed to get the stuff out, complete with blood. Damn. Have a nice day =D

edit: sorry, possibly wrong thread. Let's say that I had to use my old pal right hand, precisely my fingers, to get it out. So it can be useful (I took some stool softener too beforehand, double dose).
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just pushed out a brick, wasnt pleasent, but theres still more, had 3 satchets of movicol in about 2-3 hours lol, tramadol and bupe are the main cause of this lol.