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glad someone can take pleasure in it...

i don't even wanna eat anymore because of what i have to do to have a motherfucking bm!
And as for an impaction... yeah, I work at a nursing home and we get to "fix" the problem. We get over-medicated, under-watered residents all the time. And I go in with my boss, who slaps on the latex, KY, and "delivers the babies" LoL
lilmama0o0o said:
And as for an impaction... yeah, I work at a nursing home and we get to "fix" the problem. We get over-medicated, under-watered residents all the time. And I go in with my boss, who slaps on the latex, KY, and "delivers the babies" LoL

LMAO! Holy shit man, that's hilarious. How do you assist the doc with the birth of the mud babies?
I hand him his stuff, hold the unfortunate, and make sure that the poor old man doesn't hit or kick the nurse. I'm a nurse aid. Yeah, I never knew old folks could produce such volume!
deadly odors!!

ive delivered several charcoal brick babies, several brown golf balls, white golf balls....antacids gonna wrong!!
there r several combinations of medications, that if given together, just form these rock hard white golf balls!!

and sometimes just buckets of this dark brown dried out peanut butter cement that just defies explanation
and dont forget to stand back once u remove the cork from the butthole, cause u maybe in deep, rapidfire shit real quick!!
believe me, u cant make this shit up!!

oh, i know for a fact the the gastrointestinal doctors in one nyc hospital have a raincoat dedicated to the most messy cases, usually a cecal volvulus....a twisting of part of the large intestine...very serious!!!
they pass a colonoscope up from below...yes, via the ass...and untwist the colon.
when successful, all hell breaks loose, since the intestines above decompress very rapidly!!
if not successful, a trip to the operating room for surgery...

ah, yes, the pleasures of being in the health care field!!
Not a frequent H user by any stretch of the imagination, but I do love my opium.

Usually I find I'm ok if I chase just a few 'blips', but if I hit it all day, i'l probably not go for a day and a half-2 days. Coffee helps, brew it strong; real coffee!

I suppose a lot of it is down to just general shitty eating, if I ate correctly all of the time, I'd probably not have any probs!
so glad someone else in here knows that joy LoL I've wondered to myself why CNAs have yet to be featured on that "World's Dirtiest Jobs" show
I don't really mess with H... I'm pretty much a daily OC user. For the 1st year it was hell tryin to #2. I don't know if my body got used to it or what, but now I can go every day or 2, which is just fine by me. Seems like when I sleep and don't have any OC in my system for a whole 8 hrs that everything ~ahem~ comes out all right.
Taking a break of a couple days will fix that situation. If I've let myself go (or not go) for that long (4-5 days), I'll drink a ton of water, eat a lot of fiber-rich foods: fruit, flax/oat bead!!, and some SwissKriss, which is mostly senna.

Before I figured out how to avoid getting all shat up, I dealt with the "manual manipulation" (Oy.), laxative, water, enemas, pain drill. Now I just eat better, which is a great thing to do if you're strung out on the opes. One word: FLAX. Mix the crushed flax seeds in muesli or whatever, eat one or two small bowls a day and you're golden. Flax seeds are a miracle and they're cheap.
I'm sorry, but I'm crying because I"m laughing so hard over some of these posts. You guys describing the 'brown births' has got me in tears. Very articulate in your descriptions. Oh shit we're a bunch of sick mothers over here in healthy living.
god there was a post where this guy described sitting on the toilet and digging it out with a motherfuckin Bic pen. i read that one on a boring day at the office, it made my day.
ellua said:
god there was a post where this guy described sitting on the toilet and digging it out with a motherfuckin Bic pen. i read that one on a boring day at the office, it made my day.

Lol, I know we're supposed to share our experiences to help others, but shit!! a bic pen? I don't know if I'd tell people about that little ordeal.=D
I don't count days, I don't remember to count, and because the shit will come when it comes, if it will... the most usually it will come.

Of course, longer the shit stays in, the harder will be the work to shit it out! Some it feels like giving a birth to the rock or football

And if the intestine track would get stuck, no one could forget notifying of it, because the alarm happens to be a pain, the scarifying pain...

Drinking enough water helps a lot in speeding up the digestive system, and walking too makes great difference, but plain sitting is bad, thus avoid too long of sitting.

Some fruits are good too, especially plums and raising... And Fiber is good to a certain degree, it adds the total amount of matter
oxycontin and dilaudid bother me a whole lot less than heroin, morphine, and pod tea. I don't know the reason behind that but its true (for me at least). I shot everything (well not the pod tea :D).
went like 3 maybe 4 days. it was painful, there was blood when i wiped.
constipation from opiods

I was on heroin for over a year, and I just recently got into the methadone program here in my city. I had minor constipation when i was on heroin. (i thought it was major at the time, but now i realize it wasn't that bad) Ever since my boyfriend and I have been on methadone, we can't take shits.

I don't expierence discomfort all the time (i'll have extreme abnominal pain approx. every 2 days, but sometimes it's hard to distinguish between withdrawl and pain due to other causes), my boyfriend expierences alot more discomfort than i do. I just haven't shit for over a week. It's extremely annoying and painful.

I think i should take laxatives, because at the clinic they give us "jellybeans" which are 'stool softeners' but don't necassarily make you poop. They haven't worked for me yet.

Does anyone know what kind of laxitives i should take? and what are the health risks of trying to wait it out (the constipation), ?

Any help or expierences would be appreciated.

when a family member got back from the hospital, after being on a morphine drip for a week and a half he was given milk of magnesia to help him