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I would make sure not to wait it out. Try a mixture of Ex-lax and a stool softener. It worked for me but I was on OC's not methadone. Also, drink shakes and easy to digest foods until your problem subsides.
Try eating cereals with fiber in them.. that's what i do. I also found suppository laxatives work the best. Whenever I've been constipated more than 5 days I'll pop a suppository in and within and hour everything comes out. But normally, i just let nature take it's course.. but once in a while it becomes way to much.

Wait till you have to shit a brick.. it's VERY PAINFUL and usually you bleed.

I don't know how many times I've had to huh.... go on a dig. No, I'm not embarrassed, most opiate users have had to go on a treasure hunt at least one time in their lives LOL.

In all the opiates I've used Tramadol has been the worst with constipation, Oxy is a close second. But, i hear from friends that Methadone is by far the worst.

Good luck!

The best natural way and healthy way to get yourself regular and health again is to juice. If you are not familiar with this, all you need is a juicer it costs about $35.00 to $65.00 you put fruits and vegetables in and the centrifuge inside separates the solids from the liquid. I juice every day and it is a great way to get all the vitamins and nurturance you need in a day. I am on pain killers and used to not poop for a week at a time and have horrible craps. Since I have been juicing I poop 2 times a day and feel great and full of energy. I usually juice 4 apples, 1 cup of white grape, 2 cups of fresh spinach, 1 beet, and 7 carrots. This makes just over 2 cups of juice. And since you are coming off of heroin this will help detoxify your liver and kidneys.
magnesium supplements are really good.

don't take any stimulant laxatives. they are habit forming.

the 'jelly beans' should start working soon tho. when i was sent home from the hospital i hadn't gone in like a week so they gave me those (colace) and it took a few days for them to work. yay.

I am not kidding you, buy a pumpkin pie (eat as much as you can).
GOOD magnesium supplement,
drink PLENTY of water

I've found too much Grape actually makes constipation worse, but if you combine it with various other fruits and veggies you'd be fine.

At my company I can special order some nutritious and GOOD vitamines/herbs for you, just PM me if you would like some help. This is of course if you do not have the time to be Juicin' your fruits. :)
Fresh juice works great. So does a serving of high-fiber cereal every day. My favorite cure to the chronic constipation problem is flax seeds ground fresh every day and added to the cereal. They don't taste that bad, you don't need to eat a whole lot of them (they must be ground to be effective), and they're a guaranteed cure.

In fact, it's kind of miraculous how well they work. Clockwork.

If you're facing a digging expedition in the next few days, you can avoid it by drinking shitloads of water, taking stool softeners and using an enema. Yeah enemas suck, but in my opinion, they don't suck as bad as having one's asshole ripped apart by a block of granite. But that's just me.
Flax is great, the only problem is over time it can cause Omega's 6 and 9 deficiencies.

Which then will back you up.

But Omega's (All of them 3,6 and 9) are SUPER GI cleaners.
Im on day 9 or 10 right now and im dying!! i just took 2 stool softners and i took 2 yesterday but im afraid to take to much and my doc told me laxatives are not good so i dont know what else to do. I drink plenty of water but recently i have been eating alot of fast food which i think is the prob cause i have never took so long to shit and its going to be a long painful one i can tell cus my stomach is full and i dont want to even eat anymore until i shit a few "babies" out. Any suggestions on not doing anything extreme but something that will work fairly soon?
blasting caps, insert deep into ass, light fuse, run far, far away!!!
oh, wait, u cant run away from ur own ass!!
though there are several times i wish i could!!!

seriously, though
ducolax suppositories, taken only if u r within 15 feet of a clean toilet at all times!!
it wont be a clean toilet for long!!
and dont insert suppository, then take sleeping pill, unless u want to wake up n deep shit!!

if one dont work after 2 hour insert another.
i'm sure there is room for it at the inn!!

have fun, good luck, and above all, i hope i aint downwind of you when it blows!!
chuckster11 said:
Im on day 9 or 10 right now and im dying!! i just took 2 stool softners and i took 2 yesterday but im afraid to take to much and my doc told me laxatives are not good so i dont know what else to do. I drink plenty of water but recently i have been eating alot of fast food which i think is the prob cause i have never took so long to shit and its going to be a long painful one i can tell cus my stomach is full and i dont want to even eat anymore until i shit a few "babies" out. Any suggestions on not doing anything extreme but something that will work fairly soon?

I honestly don't know how you're not causing major intestinal damage by this. I really don't know how you're putting up with the pain man8)
Survival0200 said:
Would it be a bad idea to not eat anything while taking opiates, knowing that opiates will cause constipation? Talking about a few day binges here. I mean, no food = no shit, right? :p
impossible for me not to eat when on opiates man. everything tastes a lot better and i crave sweets. ive had my episodes where i dont shit for 3 days then all of a sudden it feels like im giving birth out my ass! fuck that shit. i dont miss that part of getting high....
to be honest it really didnt bother much until a few days ago and i never thought bout it and realized its been awile since i shit. I just want to go but dont have the urge at all. I know this might sound weird but i read online that sometimes people lubricate there anus and that helps pass it easier if anyone knows bout this please enlighten me because i will go get so KY and squeeze lol
chuckster11 said:
to be honest it really didnt bother much until a few days ago and i never thought bout it and realized its been awile since i shit. I just want to go but dont have the urge at all. I know this might sound weird but i read online that sometimes people lubricate there anus and that helps pass it easier if anyone knows bout this please enlighten me because i will go get so KY and squeeze lol

Haha Jesus!! Sorry, I've never heard of anything of the sort. Seems like you'd have to have a 'C-section' with that type of buildup..
constipation from opiods relief NEEDED

I recently wrote a post on here named "constipation from opiods"...
if you didn't read it... basically i was on heroin for about a year, and about 2 1/2 weeks ago i got on the methadone program here in my city. it works great, except i haven't been able to go poop SINCE i started taking my methodone....

I have tried eating the laxative pill basiacodyl usp 5mg. they didn't work.
i then waited a day, still didn't shit.
i just tried 2 hours ago to use the glycerin suppositories laxative. it's suposed to work in 15 minues - an hour. it's been 2 hours and nothing.

does anyone know if it's safe or not for me to try to use another suppository?

Should I try to take 2 of the bisacodyl usp 5 mg pills (on top of already using the suppository)? (on the box it recommends you take 2/3.. )

What should i do if none of this works?

Do you have anymore ideas of anything i can use/drank that WILL work?

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Not to be glib, but when you have a couple of days in a row that you can be non functional, quit taking the methadone... we both know you'll shit yourself quite well... You can have your next dose by the sink as a reward for your compliant bowels

If only they could figure out a way to have nonconstipatory opiates!!! arrrghgh
i can't just not take my methadone for a few days. i don't take my methadone home, i go in every morning to be medicated, except sundays. if i miss a few days, they'll withdrawl me from the program and if i do come back in, i am required to pay the $85 non refundable admission fee. i even get dicsiplined if i miss one day.
any other suggestions?
This very same thing happened to me when I started. It is more mentally disturbing than anything. Don't worry. It will happen when it happens.

...But a saline enema works great and works everytime.

(trust me on this)
I know you can drink epson salts mixed with water.
The directions are on the package. It works.
Start drinking Miralax every day. Start with 1/2 dose the first couple of days. It TAKES UP TO A WEEK OF DAILY USE TO WORK. I started a few months ago and it is like before I discovered opiates.

Also tell the clinic about the problem.

This is my 3rd try on the Miralax. The first 2 times I gave up after a few days.
Drink a glass of prune juice every morning with your breakfast. Prune juice is awesome for getting your bowels moving and it's a completely natural way, and works within a 2 hour period.

Beware though, if you have more than one glass it can lead to repeated bouts of diarrhea. I don't recommend anymore than 1.5 glasses if you are really constipated. And if you're going to have prune juice at night, no later that 6pm so it all flushes through you before bed time. Trust me, prune juice is the shit! (pun intended ;) )