Cops Like Me Say Legalize All Drugs. Here’s Why.

^ feeling unloved?
Trolling gettin' you down?
I recommend a couple hundred mikes of harmless lysergic acid diethylamide to really blow out the cobwebs. Your liver will thank you, especially if you've been poisoning it with demon liquor, risking damage to several vital organs, as well as increasing your risk of cancer. This is a harm reduction forum, after all. We all look out for each other.
Turn that frown upside-down, pmoseman.
pmoseman;12372898 said:
What penalty wrecked your friend's life?

pmoseman;12375896 said:
Why is alcohol not safe?

I've no interest in answering your 1st q, because of the q you asked(someone else) immediately thereafter; you're clearly(duh) a troll, and it fucking blows my mind ppl say anything rational to you anymore besides 'fuck off'.
['why is alcohol not safe?' GTFO. We're not in the lounge, so i'll just leave it @ GTFO and won't be harsher, though harshXinfinity is what you really deserve]
[[no, banishment is what you truly deserve, but the web isn't setup to stop you from just setting up new acct's so it's really useless to banish ppl like you, who clearly want nothing more than to fuck-up other-wise useful discussions. DIAF, buddy.]]

spacejunk;12375939 said:
^ feeling unloved?
Trolling gettin' you down?
I recommend a couple hundred mikes of harmless lysergic acid diethylamide to really blow out the cobwebs. Your liver will thank you, especially if you've been poisoning it with demon liquor, risking damage to several vital organs, as well as increasing your risk of cancer. This is a harm reduction forum, after all. We all look out for each other.
Turn that frown upside-down, pmoseman.
lol, could you imagine the (permanent)meltdown that would occur if someone w/ a mindset like pmoseman actually took a proper or, god forbid, 'fun', dose of lsd? I almost wish there were a way to work this into a harm-reduction write-up, like, "if your mindset is fragile, or similar to that of pmoseman, lsd probably won't help you or be enjoyable; in fact, it's likely that not only will you have a bad, bad trip, but that you'll probably be irrevocably scarred")
[note: I'm EXTREMELY against the idea of drugging anybody against their will- when i hear of ppl lacing stuff, it makes me wanna kill. But, if i knew a person that were similar to pmoseman irl, i would do any/everything in my power to convince them to willingly try psychedelics, cuz it'd either
a ) get them to realize wtf they are, and change and be a better person, or
b ) cause irreperable psychological harm, when their psych-walls were broken and they were faced, w/o help, w/ the cognitive dissonance that'd surely result from someone who (presumably) considered themselves a 'decent human being' that was confronted w/ the reality of what they truly were.
//my guess, albeit an extremely weak one, as I barely know the kid, is that it'd be 'b', but who knows, perhaps p-man isn't too-far gone.. my guess is lsd would change him, for the worse and forever, so, yeah, spacejunk your post is opposite of harm-reduction: pmoseman taking lsd would be a (psychological)death-sentence.
//////pmoseman, c'mon and (lie, but still)tell us that you've taken lsd and you're totally cool w/ yourself while tripping 8)
pmoseman;12375896 said:
Why is alcohol not safe?

Because of the damage it causes to the liver and brain over time. It's cumulative. Ethanol metabolises into acetaldehyde, a toxin, which does damage. It then metabolises into acetic acid which is safe. If you want more relaxation, mood elevation, and social acuity, try 2-methyl-2-butanol. It has a wider therapeutic range in equipotent doses and it's metabolites are non toxic. 2-methyl-2-butanol doesn't metabolise into toxic aldehydes and instead metabolises via gluconoridation and p450 oxidation into 2,3-dihydro-2-methylbutane and 2-methyl-2-butyl-gluconoride respectively. The metabolites of 2-methyl-2-butanol are non-toxic. The body is able to handle small amounts of ethanol though. If you want to drink though, go ahead. Just be responsible!
In a logical future, a 50/50 v/v mixture of 2-methyl-2-butanol and ethanol could be used as a substitute for ethyl alcohol. Like the alcohol of the future. The solution could be mixed in drinks and stuff.
Stay cool! %)
Thank you for this post. It is truly eye opening and inspiring. I hope one day more people see things as you do and are able to be spared the hardships you have endured.
People drink too much alcohol. The difference in safety ratio is insignificant, it is still toxic, and it is much easier to overdose on; so, why would methyl-2-butanol be any safer?
If you really think about it, the legalization of drugs could help in many ways. It would hurt large scale gangs. It would most likely even reduce the apeal of drugs to young peoe who are trying to look "cool", which would drastically cut back on drug use. If your out looking for a thrill it males sense you would do something illegal to seem cool. If its legal you'd find something else to do. I'm not saying that drugs like meth should be completely legal and have no restrictions. They should have restrictions just like alcohol does, but there should be a limit as to how much you can take, ya know? And if its no longer a crime to do drugs, it could potentially lower the crime rate. I
dopyop;12391789 said:
Is anyway to get a "leap" forum in Milano Italy?

LEAP has active and retired members of law enforcement from all over the world, possibly including parts of Italy. I'm not sure about Milano (Milan?) though.

To answer your question, I don't believe they would open up a forum section solely for one regional area in Italy.
does leap have forums anywhere, let alone region-specifics? my google-fu sucks atm.
[google-results implied they had t'shirts @2.50... i rushed to go buy one... anyways on the site, it's just 2.50 for shipping, but the shirt* is "suggested donation: $10".... so 12.50 ain't bad, but i'm not rushing to get that.. odd to say 'suggested donation' as synonymous w/ 'price'...
* it IS that boss-ass shirt that was on bl's homepage last week (maybe still) that says, on back, "cops say legalize all drugs ask me why")
really, really wanna hop in on this shit lol!
I strongly agree Think of all the money tax payers will save But I think there should be strict rules very struck Drugs are legal in some country's?
Hello all.

I agree, drugs should be made legal. The government would benefit financially as they would be in high demand, like cigs and alcohol in the uk. Drugs could be made by big companies, make a ton of money, they would be tested and therefore safe, come with instructions/safety info in the box like all medications are. Regulated so that your given only a certain amount and come back for more, like a medication prescription.

I think they should introduce something where if u want to take these drugs u have to have regular health check ups which u pay yourself, again creating income for the nhs/government. This would reduce health risks, the drugs would be safer and government would het shit loads of money.
It would stop most illegal dealers, gangs, gang murders and all that sheite, it could mean more police on the street and available to police REAL crimes!
Plus, drugs are good!! The experience and insight u feel the stuff you see, could make communities a better place to live in.

Oh i also looked at the stats for deaths in the UK. in 2012 drug (incl legal) related deaths came to 2597, 8367 alcohol related deaths and generally about 100,000 smoking related deaths per year. So which is more harmful? The legal sheite we can buy from everywhere!!
I just got back from a conference (Women's Visionary Congress) where a member of LEAP spoke. She had been an undercover narcotics agent for the NYPD. She had a long career as an officer, then a detective and then changed careers to be a public defender. It was her work as a public defender that caused her to see the War on Drugs as a "terrible, terrible mistake." I thought it incredibly courageous of her to sit in front of a room full of schedule one drug users and tell her story. Later I sat with her at dinner and we talked more. I told her about the despair my son suffered when he "became a felon", how he internalized not only the shame of that label but was so discouraged at the impact he saw it having on his future that he felt defeated at the age of 18. She said, "I don't know the exact number but I imagine that the work I did impacted hundreds of young people's lives in the same way. I cannot go back. I cannot un-do the past but I can change the present."

Our strength in the battle against the War on Drugs will come from education and exposure. It's easy to preach to a choir but it is the alliances made with people from within the belly of the beast that encourage me most. I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to meet this woman and talk to her. Anyone can join LEAP--you do not have to be in law enforcement or in any way connected with the criminal (in)justice system to join. I urge everyone that can to join as this will help LEAP send more and more speakers out into the world. LEAP can change status-quo minds that you and I could never impact because we would automatically be categorized as "other". These are the very minds we need to change.
herbavore;12398730 said:
It's easy to preach to a choir but it is the alliances made with people from within the belly of the beast that encourage me most.

Salutations NeverSickAnyMore,

neversickanymore;12311929 said:
...expectations of society... ...morally flawed.

Although overdose deaths and anti-cannabic prohibition have little in common i was curious to read more in details about the particular aspect which my selective quote focusses on, including all sorts of perspectives starting with your own vibrant testimony.

Hey Egzoset. I'm will be happy to give you my perspective. Can you please clarify what subject you're interested in here as I am unclear what you are looking for.
Hi again NeverSickAnyMore,

Egzoset;12455857 said:
neversickanymore;12311929 said:
...expectations of society... ...morally flawed.

...i was curious to read more in details about the particular aspect...

neversickanymore;12455987 said:
Hey Egzoset. I will be happy to give you my perspective. Can you please clarify what subject you're interested in here as I am unclear what you are looking for.

Oh well, simply put i consider our respective elites used "morally flawed" justifications which i believe must have culminated around 1937 ~ 1939, serving less noble objectives than what could have ever been tagged as "expectations of society" back then, between 2 wars! In times of crisis... {OKay, lets cut at crisis!} ...i only meant some historical background expressed briefly would add more scope to a appreciable contribution {some more cut there}...


I propose having an interlude instead!!

Words, poetry and music leave plenty of space to imagination so we can share different kinds of perspectives, for example:



YouTube: Imposter, by Iris (Wrath album)

« Like weeds among the wheat: One's made to burn, one lives to feed. »

IMO perhaps wearing a gun doesn't exclude the possibility of having an equal sense of beauty and/or dismay; it would be hurting your own humanity and mine if i didn't attempt to correct this error.

So, please excuse my intense display.

Good day, have fun! =D
It's nice to see that some Law Enforcement Personnel are getting on board with Harm Reduction and treatment instead of prosecution.
Drugs such as ecstasy would be much safer if they were legalized and regulated to the point where users can know what they are taking. As of now, the only way typical users know what they are getting (let's face it, most people aren't going to by a test to check their E with) is by depending on the words of their dealer. And what do dealers do...? They make money and want as much profit as possible.
Also, marijuana needs to be legalized. No one should be going to prison for pot. SWIM realized that weed isn't a drug when she developed a REAL drug addiction. She dropped weed one day and never had any cravings or withdrawals. now she's been battling with pain pills for 3 years. Calling marijuana a drug is like calling a steak a vegetable. They simply aren't in the same category. The way pain pill make a person feel without the damn things, now THAT'S a drug. And its also a drug that is sold and marketed in part by the biggest dealer of them all... The U.S. Government.
Egzoset;12455857 said:
Salutations NeverSickAnyMore,

Although overdose deaths and anti-cannabic prohibition have little in common i was curious to read more in details about the particular aspect which my selective quote focusses on, including all sorts of perspectives starting with your own vibrant testimony.


Egzoset;12456143 said:
Hi again NeverSickAnyMore,

Oh well, simply put i consider our respective elites used "morally flawed" justifications which i believe must have culminated around 1937 ~ 1939, serving less noble objectives than what could have ever been tagged as "expectations of society" back then, between 2 wars! In times of crisis... {OKay, lets cut at crisis!} ...i only meant some historical background expressed briefly would add more scope to a appreciable contribution {some more cut there}...


I propose having an interlude instead!!

Words, poetry and music leave plenty of space to imagination so we can share different kinds of perspectives, for example:



YouTube: Imposter, by Iris (Wrath album)

« Like weeds among the wheat: One's made to burn, one lives to feed. »

IMO perhaps wearing a gun doesn't exclude the possibility of having an equal sense of beauty and/or dismay; it would be hurting your own humanity and mine if i didn't attempt to correct this error.

So, please excuse my intense display.

Good day, have fun! =D

that's some r/iamverysmart material, lol.
HalleyHeroine;12470045 said:
It's nice to see that some Law Enforcement Personnel are getting on board with Harm Reduction and treatment instead of prosecution.
Drugs such as ecstasy would be much safer if they were legalized and regulated to the point where users can know what they are taking. As of now, the only way typical users know what they are getting (let's face it, most people aren't going to by a test to check their E with) is by depending on the words of their dealer. And what do dealers do...? They make money and want as much profit as possible.
Also, marijuana needs to be legalized. No one should be going to prison for pot. SWIM realized that weed isn't a drug when she developed a REAL drug addiction. She dropped weed one day and never had any cravings or withdrawals. now she's been battling with pain pills for 3 years. Calling marijuana a drug is like calling a steak a vegetable. They simply aren't in the same category. The way pain pill make a person feel without the damn things, now THAT'S a drug. And its also a drug that is sold and marketed in part by the biggest dealer of them all... The U.S. Government.

Granted, Cannabis Sativa (marijuana) is technically a plant, however, one of its naturally occurring constituents - ∆9-THC - is a mind-altering substance (or psychoactive drug).

In the same way, Papaver Somniferum (the opium poppy) also isn't a drug, but rather, a plant as well. It does however contain varying amounts of codeine and morphine (among other alkaloids) in its opium. This is the same morphine that is present in narcotic analgesics (Rx painkillers), and the same morphine that has been consumed by our ancestors for thousands of years. Either source of morphine (from a pain pill, or from the opium latex) when consumed carries the same risks in terms of tolerance, physical dependency, and possibly habitual use (addiction). I should however point out that the other active constituents in the opium may affect the so-called "high" when compared with the consumption of pure, unadulterated morphine, by itself.

I should also mention that, although I wrote it's the same morphine (as in, the same molecular structure for both sources), usually, the vast majority of pharmaceutical morphine in western nations (including the US) is synthesized (obtained from) from (chemically altered) codeine, if I recall correctly. Edit - I messed up, sorry.

Either way, my stance is pretty clear with respect to this disgraceful war on a collective minority group of human beings which prefer to use controlled substances to "take the edge off" instead of the usual, "morally acceptable" drugs: alcohol and tobacco (nicotine).

P.S. - There is always a possibility that I am mistaken in my understanding of either plant. Please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.