Cops Like Me Say Legalize All Drugs. Here’s Why.

iamthesuck;12312188 said:
I wish we could have everyone get on board with this. It won't fix much in the grand scheme of how fucked up the US is, but it's a compassionate start.

It's a screwed up world that's every country included.
We all no that they don't want drugs to be legalized, each individual country makes so much money from the drug dealer's and people at street level, crimes needed to keep the police in work, the drug agencies involved helping to come off it, then you got the big drug cartels paying governments huge back handers to turn a bling eye, it's a huge merry go round, and legalizing it would only help the addict. It could become far more affordable to the addict so they wouldn't have to go committing crime or go without food in their bellies and cold in order to fund there habits, some hard core drug users live very hard life to live, putting drugs before anything. In a ideal world how it could be is that drugs could be as cheap as probably ten percent what the current price is now, but wooha you can see where this is going already, quite possibly that is, instead of addicts then having more money in there pockets to live a normal life as in food in there bellies, electric in there homes to keep clean and warm that's if they can keep a roof over their heads, what's more likely to happen is they get greedy on the drugs and get greedier and greedier, cause I was speaking from a ideal rational world, and the majority of drug addicts are far from rational and only have the thoughts of now cause drugs are cheaper I can buy more and more, not partaking in some sort of normal existence for theirselves. To me the way forward should be educating the addict, what ever he is addicted to that's not really important, I don't see why people shouldn't be able to take a drug, as a drink is accepted for recreational purposes, at the end of a hard day at the office or driving the lorry, it's just educating people to function find there path in life and live some sort of normal life whatever normal is,(a cycle on the washing machine) LOL.. the last thing that a addict needs is becoming a criminal cause your that immediately, by simply buying the drug, never mind all the other ways you can be a criminal after that. There's always gonna be pro's and con's of anyway this problem is tackled, drink and now drugs have become part of mans life, so let's adapt to the problem in hand and not let it spiral out of control anymore than it already has
THE BIGGEST FACT OF ALL THIS IS THE MONEY THAT IT GENERATES THE WORLD OVER. Im nearly 50 years old started taking dope in my younger years as a way of relaxing occasionally, then when I was 34 found heroin and started taking that because life had worn me down problems with the kids, family life, money worries etc etc, I became a full blown addict, have done whatever bar prostitution to get my drug everyday since, lost my homes been on the streets, and guess what I was what I thought was a normal person, not a criminal addict. The thing is drink and drugs in time alter the way you think that's the chief thing that happens to you, so you loose sight of reality with all the problems poured on top, de-criminalize drugs make it a legal business just like alcohol is.
I've noticed over the last 10 years especially with drink it's acceptable and people want to down a can of beer at the shop just getting the lottery ticket. Why, why do people now function this way in there minds.
There's a bigger picture out there and don't get me started on that cause that's a huge topic to cover, how corrupt this world is, everyone needs to stop being so ignorant and open their eyes wide up. This world is on a one way ticket to doom, it's full of negativity and greed and hate for one another, if only man could understand and love one another, it's quite simple but very effective. I PROBABLY SOUND LIKE IM DREAMING BUT WHY SHOULD IT BE THAT WAY.

I am so happy to see this post... Most cities, like where I live, make a lot of money from people who gets drug charges. The judge will make you pay fines that are to expensive plus jail time or probation and if you get probation, you have to pay a fee every month or a very, very expensive one time fee, that nnobody can afford to pay... In my opinion, if all drugs were legal then it could be taxed and every state would make a lot of money, just like with alcohol and tobacco... Innever understood why any drug is illegal... I mean it's my body and I should be able to do and take whatever I want, I'm only hurting myself (possibly) and not hurting anyone else. If drugs were legal it would be a lot cheaper for the addict or occasional user to score, whereas the street value is way expensive and results in some people to rob people or places in order to get money for their DOC. I want to clarify the "hurting myself or other's while taking drugs"...I know on a personal level, drug use does affect your loved ones in many different ways. We all know the different ways it can affect our families and loved ones so I won't get into all that... Thanks LEAP
I would love to see this happen. its been my idea for a long time that this would be very beneficial in so many ways.
I like the article, but I feel that the message is "drugs are bad, but we should approach this a different way than with prohibition and criminalization."
What about responsible recreational or entheogenic drug use? LEAP is certainly on a path that I welcome, but I wish that a message could be included that proclaims the ability of people to responsibly use drugs and be productive members of society. These people, myself included, are successful, do no harm to anyone, yet are considered law breakers and need to fear persecution from authorities and fellow citizens alike.
DavisK4high247;12319985 said:
True words, plus they get an oz of coke they usually steal a lot of it and replace it with cut, as long as it tests positive for coke, which it will whether 5% or 90% pure, and they then get high or sell it or both. Lotta cops get paid by being dealers and protecting the big wig lawyers and judges who are into making cash from drugs being illegal..without drugs being illegal their would be no need for even 10% of all lawyers, judges, cops and defintely no need for the damn crooked dea asses!
You both are right but you can't change the fact that people STILL think Christopher Columbus discovered AMERIKA8)
There is a reason why we have stupid ass big pharms, not to go down the list of VERY important people who want a poor class and rich class; with no middle class anymore. Why isn't minimum wage at $15.00; so people can't improve their lives....i'm getting off topic, davisk4high247 you have valid points if that 10% stands up:D, and a nice little morning discussion!
time2manup;12342868 said:
You both are right but you can't change the fact that people STILL think Christopher Columbus discovered AMERIKA8)

I wonder if they still refer to as "the new world" when teaching young students.. I remeber the images that used to put in my head.. a brand new undiscovered land.. in my childs mind the phrase "new world" never brought up images of a land that was already populated with many different nations of natives.. well history is fiction written by the victors.. Its creepy how they brainwash the younger students so hard.. of course teaching blatant lies, that replace what god awful things happened .. wonderful tales of peaceful Native and Pilgrim feasts.. is done to protect the children and has nothing to do with rewriting history. They use pilgrim because children would't understand invader or illegal alien.

I read this amazing book in a uni history class.. It looked at many famous instances of US government and Native american "interactions" . For each event it presented three legitimate versions (legitimate as in these were actual accounts given by different sources, not that they were all accurate) . For the US government's versions it used the reports of events that were filed in the government reports from military and other agencies. For the natives reports they presented different legitimate historical accounts.. some of the more common were the court records from testimony by Natives americans who were being prosecuted for "crimes" associated with the events. They were recorded as part of the "trial." They then found legitimate third party accounts to determine which version was more accurate.

What the US government claimed and officially filed as an accurate account of these events was total fiction. The government's accounts of these awful events, were almost never backed up by the third party accounts. While the accounts of the Natives were often so similar to the third party accounts, in specific small details, that it was striking.

There were awful atrocities by the military regularly. easily as bad or worse as common treatment against the jewish people in WW2.. Stuff that makes you question the human race on a fundamental level. As I read through event after event from both sides and time after time the third party accounts backed up the Natives versions of inhumane, brutal, hellish, make you want to cry, this shit was so sick, accounts.. while the US gov versions read like historical propaganda fiction when compared to the other versions . I initially thought was done to provided some sort of cover for their disgusting brutal behavior.

When in reality, what they were already doing is rewriting history. History is always written by the victors. Then it is taught to the children as facts. God awful things happen all over the world, all the time and then a BS account is written and fed to the children as fact.. sometimes its really hard not to look at things we humans do all the time and not be utterly convinced we are broken. Since its claimed, that if we don't know our history then we are doomed to repeat it.. I wonder what would happen if we taught the children the truth all the time... maybe it wouldn't happen any more. or maybe the children would loose their naive blinding trust for the government. With the information age, I bet its getting really tough to get away with this so maybe we have some hope.
We were taught the settlers slaughtered the native American and took slaves from Africa and raped them.

Thanksgiving is basically a real story but it is all overshadowed by the legacy of segregation.

I was not big on history classes but we talked about native American heroes that fought against an invasion and the breaking of treaties by whites.

We even took a field trip to an authentic sweat lodge in middle school.
GumbyClaymation;12341859 said:
I like the article, but I feel that the message is "drugs are bad, but we should approach this a different way than with prohibition and criminalization."
What about responsible recreational or entheogenic drug use? LEAP is certainly on a path that I welcome, but I wish that a message could be included that proclaims the ability of people to responsibly use drugs and be productive members of society. These people, myself included, are successful, do no harm to anyone, yet are considered law breakers and need to fear persecution from authorities and fellow citizens alike.
the problem comes when ppl view 'drugs' as some monolithic entity, when there's such variety to drugs that they're anything but (for instance, most-anyone will cede that caffeine, which is quite clearly a drug in any sense you'd use the word, is a good thing for many/most ppl) Groups like LEAP tend to have a theme of 'drugs r bad, but prohibition isn't the answer', and I def get your frustration when you think 'but they're not all bad'; for a breath of fresh air, I cannot recommend MAPS too highly (check out Doblin's on youtube, i'll bet you'll love it based on your quoted^ post) Furthermore, there are ppl who can safely and functionally use drugs that are bad for most (opioids, stims etc) who are not a danger to anyone, including themselves.

pmoseman, i'm unsure what you mean re firefox's new extension, specifically how it'd 'help' someone in a situation of a website glitch or moderator edit (i presume you referred to the former because the latter wouldn't make sense, but your quote of my post and your response weren't clear to me, sorry if i'm oblivious)
bmxxx;12344523 said:
pmoseman, i'm unsure what you mean re firefox's new extension, specifically how it'd 'help' someone in a situation of a website glitch or moderator edit (i presume you referred to the former because the latter wouldn't make sense, but your quote of my post and your response weren't clear to me, sorry if i'm oblivious)

Firefox - at least from what I've noticed - was fairly recently updated with an extra - albeit, imperfect - feature.

Let's say you're replying to a post in a thread here on BL, and you've just finished spending about an hour typing up a well-researched, referenced, proofread reply... Well, wouldn't it suck if when you push the "Post Quickly Reply" button, you're greeted with a connection error - and your hard word is completely lost?

I'm sure it's happened to almost everyone here at some point.

Well, Firefox now has the ability to save what you typed. Therefore, if you do press the "Post Quick Reply" button and the aforementioned error occurs, you should be able to press the 'go back' button on your internet browser window and the text - which you may have spent a long time typing up - should still be there.

In contrast, as little as a couple of years ago, this feature wasn't around. And as a result, many forum users probably broke their keyboards after losing their comments.

Ergo, it may help temper someone's temper to try using the newest version of Mozilla Firefox in an effort to not waste anymore time than required on potentially lost vBulletin fodder. Or it may not, as there are other ways to accidentally(?) lose all that text. For shizzle yo.
omfuckinggod it's true.. that's awesome. Yes it really makes you wanna destroy your machine when you type out something that took effort, only to have it tell you to fuck off :|
//pmoseman that's my bad on name mixup
Nothing will improve until you take money out of politics, so prevent politicians being corrupted by money. Case in point war is very profitable.
Hah! money IS politics and politics is money.
The two are so intertwined that it would be impossible to seperate them without re-building the whole political system from the foundations up.

Take the US system for example, candidates have to campaign, which takes alot of money.
To get this money they receive 'donations', that are in reality a monetary IOU for when the candidate gets into power.
The brit system is no different really, just less obvious.
They are still all a bunch of power hungry, money-grubbing, untrustworthy tossers.

Its a nice idea to imagine politics (or a world) without money but ultimately naive.
Money equals power and influence, this equals security and success.
Intelligence isnt the only reason we are the top species on this planet. The main reason is because we are ruthless bastards.
If you strip away all the layers of civilisation, at our base we are violent opportunists willing to destory anything that gets in our way.

A world without money might not be as nice as you'd think.
I completely agree with LEAP! It would be really great to see the Police doing the jobs they should be doing i.e "Protecting and Serving". Instead of going after the "little guy" whose just trying to feel and be "Normal". Nobody starts out with the intention of "I think I'm gonna be a drug addict when I grow up". It's these people who can not follow the "Golden Rule(Do unto others as you would have them do unto you) that drive the Golden Rule people into feeling the need to drink alcohol, or get "High" on something just to be able to cope with having to be around all the non-Golden Rule people. I truly believe "Live and let Live" and mind your own affairs. No one knows how or what the other person is feeling or doing until they have "Walked a Mile in they're Shoes". I sure hope people start seeing what's what. What's really important in this world and what isn't.
^that's the "drugs are a monolithic entity" mindset I was referring to. Alcohol/pot at a party can absolutely make things better for all in attendance, w/o making a thing worse for anyone else; psychedelic insights can make ppl go forth better socially from the time of a trip; MDMA can help couples and make stronger relationships.
Your statement belies a either a misunderstanding of what 'drugs' are because you're not familiar enough, or maybe just that drugs aren't good for you; they aren't good for all people. That's not a dig at you or anything if that is the case w/ you&drugs*, it's not someone's fault and not a problem if they cannot use drugs properly, but your statement's a silly over-generalization of 'drugs'.
(*there's many different reasons some ppl cannot get along w/ drugs at all, I know a ton of such ppl but also know many who find nothing but benefit from drugs. It's not 'weakness' or any bs like that, or at least not always, some ppl can be great, strong ppl and still just not have the mindset that agrees w/ drugs. Most ppl who cannot use drugs properly have underlying impulse control issues coupled w/ bad life situations, and their usage becomes a negative quickly and drugs have a way of really reinforcing bad traits as strongly as they can reinforce good ones)
It does not matter what drug that person was referring to. Finding some way to ignore your reality is not helpful to others in the same social struggle.
pmoseman;12348659 said:
It does not matter what drug that person was referring to. Finding some way to ignore your reality is not helpful to others in the same social struggle.

wtf person are you talking about? If you expect ppl to know who that was in reference to, use the fucking quote tags. Otherwise ppl take it as it appears: a general statement. Even if this is your 1st vbulletin board you've been here long enough to know how to convey your message properly, plz do so as to not waste others' time trying to figure out just what you meant.
[edited to add: and, even still, your 2nd sentence is still universally incorrect. Using drugs can make it all but impossible to ignore reality and only perceive as a drug wants, and this is not, in and of itself, inherently good/bad, or helpful/unhelpful to 'others in the same "social struggle"', whatever the fuck you're even getting at w/ that(plz don't elaborate as I/nobody gives a fuck]