Seriously life on earth = hell. I can't believe how fucked i am and the doctor treating me is just treating me like a second class citizen. There is almost no hope left for me. I might never be able to work again this akathisia is a nightmare
We live in our mind not on earth. That's why some people are happy and some people feel like hell.
Our mind is altered that our soil of mind became literal hell.
This is a quite lessen. If we can change our mind we can be happy whether rich or not.
I just know so well how you feel right now.
The shell of my former self.
I am recovering though.
just hang in there, you will recover with time
No positive emotion can enter your mind now because it is blocked by artificial poison.
We have experienced what hell is like for real.
It is like jesus coming to life again.
We were crucified and resurrect so we become a better human being after all.
To tell people hell and heaven is on the mind.
Or to yourself, to save yourself.
Life is yin and yang.
when the bad is extreme, good arise and when peace is at the peak bad arise too.
We need to find the middle ground where there is no hell or heaven at all.
Eternal bliss which is void.
Life which there is no living or dying.
Without our mind, world doesn't exist.
We need to silence out mind and enter the void.
That's the life we need to seek when our "physical realm" is doomed.
Our "reality" is so damn bad.
We will be infinitely poor among few rich people, trying to find invisible hope.
Hope is the only thing you can get in this physical world.
True gain, money, power, self is to be found within or even deeper than that.
Invega is to destoy that hope that was blinding our mind and wake up to reality of voidness.
In which there is nothing other than our mind that make us happy or miserable.
Life as flesh is such a miserable life.
We need to seek deeper when we have experienced this limit of phsical being.
I perceive this as an opportunity as crisis is always an opportunity in other side.
I am not talking about some religioius bullshits.
Our energy is blocked by this poison and by unblocking it we become healthier and clearer that our body and mind gives us meaning and happiness.
Semen retention is a one step but we need to go so much further than that.
To transform semen into a "virtual" life form and born as true self.
I know how to do it.
It is easy if you know how.
Looking into deeper inner self.
There are other realms and beings in many dimensions that look what we are doing, and there are guides that lead us to certain point or plan.
I came back to where I was after invega.
I came to my own country where I was seeking my true self where I belong.
Being rich is not a decent goal to persue as we get old and die, there is no meaning and is a waste of time.
We need to pursue happiness beyond desires towards outwardly world, as it keep distracting us from finding inner self.
First in and out.
When we find true self first we can come to this world again to perfect the world.
Invega is crisis but an real opportunity to seek within and never waste time on the physical world.
I know this sounds only vague for invega patients who became so negative about life in general.
I hope there is someone who can truely understand what I am saying and get some hope.
Not only from recovery from invega but from life itself.
I have been into all kinds of shit beyond people's beliefs. But I can recall all my experiences of who I met, what I did.
This world and our consciousness is deeper than you think.
It is way deeper and there is religions for good reason.
So called "Science" is just another man made pseudo religion that people started to believe.
There is no spirituality or root in it that it is killing us.
Science is the shell of the world. Nothing more than numbers without meaning. Like world on invega.
Body is just cloth that you wear in this life, we need to feed our soul.
It is just the shell like you described.
We have numbed our soul because of invega, and now you see the importance of it because of its vacancy.
When our glass becomes a little clearer, we need to deliberately realize the importance of it.
Water and H2O is two different thing.
Yourself and Body is two different thing.
Without knowing this, we just live without "soul" without essence, meaning.
There are so many religious practices for a reason, because people have experienced more than this physical world.
it is not just imagination or hallucination as "Science" describe.
There is this world beyond this physical realm.
I know this even with invega effects still there because this is something that I witnessed and experienced with my mind.
But it is so delicate how heaven keeps me from telling people the truth of what I saw.
People developed sophisticated system that blinds them.
Anyway, living with that dopamine towards outside world is just fire in the match and looking into the inner world is the sun in the sky.
Try hard to find the meaning why we are experiencing this.
Don't make up stories with 'GODS"
but ask yourself what is truely meaningful to your soul.
What is after death.
What is after death?
Just void.