Mental Health Coming off Invega/Xeplion (paliperidone) injections v 8.0

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"Nina2021" has been having a really hard time. God, please bless her to fully recover. Heal her from all the pain she has been experiencing. Restore her life to goodness. Take away any anxiety and discomfort. Show her how beautiful life is again. Let her feel so amazed. Let her become a vessel for you in her recovery. Let her be beneficial to all people who are experiencing the side effects of Invega and other medication. Lord, I pray to you right now. Please hear my plea. Amen.
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To everyone, if people begin to turn on you during this experience, Invega, etc., don't turn on yourself. You are exempt in many things. You are going through a really tough time. Live as peacefully as you can. I've read much of the threads and there is not one person that I'm upset with. Everybody did good contributing to the experience. All of you have been helpful in some way. Appreciate what you have done. It's truly a blessing. I'm so thankful for everyone. Peace and love to you all. :) ❤️
Another amazing recovery story below. This time from a bluelighter named Micah:

Micah444: "Just an update on my progress parkinsonism mostly gone, I’m able to go hard on the rowing machine…cognitive abilities are much improved and I just hit the 14th month without injections. Recovery is definitely possible and I strongly recommend the gym or whatever type of exercise you can handle to help the brain with neurogenesis. My motivation has come back too with me rowing 7 days a week with the goal of losing 8 lbs of fat in 2 months and nothing will stop me. I’m currently prescribed dexedrine so that is helping a lot too. Hang in there guys the hopeless feelings are mostly gone now too. I know what its like in the thick of it fearing it will never end but it does and will. Sending you all positive healing vibes." Apr 1, 2022 (thread 5, page 56)
Another recovery story. This one is found in the 2nd thread.

Bad Robot: "10 months peeps and after that you get superpowers o7" Aug 4, 2022 (thread 5, page 154)

Bad Robot: "Almost forgot about you guys, sorry for no xmas update, had to stop following the thread, I'm recovered and doing well, got all my old interests back, what helped me most was giving alcohol up after getting through the hell of the first 8 months of hell, the alcohol slightly hindered my recovery, but weeds all gravy, I'll catch up at the end of the year and give you guys and gals a proper update

Keep on keeping on, you'll recover" Jul 18, 2018 (thread 2, page 231)

Bad Robot: "23 weeks off the poison
Had more blood tests, get the results back next week, this has been some sort of torture, but thankfully I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Another month and I'm hoping I'll be close to have recovered, my concentration seems to be returning and I am starting to make plans for the future and am getting some feelings of motivation back, still have to start doing things for myself, but I can sense the real me in there somewhere and am starting to feel at ease in my own company.
Just got to try and put this experience behind me and try not to be too bitter at the doctors who forced this poison on me, but its easier said than done.
These long acting depots really do want banning, the tablets are bad enough, but having one of these injections can be a death sentence for some people and can lead to a lifetime of misery for those that don't understand whats happening to them and the real reason they feel so ill. Just got to spread the word, but I think big pharma are just too powerful and corrupt." Feb 19, 2016 (thread 1, page 45)
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"The ideal amount of sleep varies from person to person, but a small 2011 study found that sleeping only 5 hours per night was linked to a 10%–15% reduction in testosterone levels (39Trusted Source).

Interestingly, one study involving older men found that an increased sleep duration of up to 9.9 hours was associated with increased testosterone levels. Conversely, sleeping more than 9.9 hours was tied to lower testosterone levels (40Trusted Source)"


"If you’re experiencing low sex drive, diminishing energy and overall fatigue, you may feel like it’s just another part of getting older. But if you’re a man or a person assigned male at birth (AMAB) and you’re experiencing a host of physical symptoms, coupled with a consistent depressive mood, you could actually be dealing with hypogonadism (low testosterone) or undiagnosed depression." -

I have almost 100 percent of no interest in the discussion about drugs (substances), etc. But I'm glad when you all have some happiness or good experience. So sometimes I will give a "like" or "heart" to your posts (when you're discussing it). I'm glad in (for) free speech. And I'm glad you all can talk about your drug experiences, or as Manson would say, "mind-enhancing/expanding apparatuses." And one of the things this site is for is the topic of drug use. I think it's to help you all get off of it though. Feel free to ignore my posts. I'm just expressing my thoughts, whether or not it's uninteresting to others.
Shrooms are divine. You should go for it if you ever find yourself suffering
I feel what I'm about to say is important. Recovery could very well have much to do with semen volume. The reason I say that is because I never once masturbated in the behavioral center/hospital. I was there like 9 days. And I was injected while in there with Invega. And when I came out I still seemed to have energy and was still alive (vibrant). I think my sleep still was normal, too. And I think the next day after I returned to my apartment, I relieved myself (semen). And I had much semen come out. And after that, that's when the sexual dysfunction and everything was noticed. It could be that the medicine started kicking in. But something very strange about the semen. It may or may not play an important role in recovery. It could have something to do with emotions and motivation and pleasure all coming back fully. I think semen volume, arousal, and erection may all play a strong part in the recovery process.

Although I should note, after the second injection in the behavioral center, I did become sedated. So I still wasn't completely as I was before Invega, but the side effects happened whenever I returned to my apartment. After I relieved myself (semen). Possibly that day or the next day.
Shrooms are divine. You should go for it if you ever find yourself suffering
Thanks for the advice. The first roommate I had while in the behavioral center liked mushrooms. He said that the mushrooms that most people use now aren't the real thing. I think he smoked the mushrooms or something. I won't do mushrooms though. But your advice may be very helpful to someone who will.
Hi everyone. As a lot of you know I do a lot of research to find out new products to get us better. This looks very promising and extremely reasonably priced. Apparently it works on people with parkinsonian like symptoms and restoring damaged dopamine receptors..which is what a lot of us have. This man who owns the company is very sweet and brilliant. He is a scientist. I'm leaving this link in good confidence. Please do not bother him with nutty rhetoric. He doesn't want to hear about spaceships flying over your head, hunting down police officers or smoking drugs and becoming a gladiator...or whatever the frig you are thinking.I've already told him if he hears that bullshit,to not even bother. So if you want something to get yourself better, be normal and
get the product.
Sorry but i dont believe in shitty supplements to heal the damage 🤣 yall need to understand that our bodies are meant to heal the damage from anything we go through. That's how god created us. Body heals detoxes repairs on its own. All these supplements are just a cope
Sorry but i dont believe in shitty supplements to heal the damage 🤣 yall need to understand that our bodies are meant to heal the damage from anything we go through. That's how god created us. Body heals detoxes repairs on its own. All these supplements are just a cope
Then don't fucking buy it. Just trying to help you, you ungrateful prick. It's not a supplement dipshit. It's a Is scientifically engineered product. why don't you try saying "thank you" instead of being a douchebag
Then don't fucking buy it. Just trying to help you, you ungrateful prick. It's not a supplement dipshit. It's a Is scientifically engineered product. why don't you try saying "thank you" instead of being a douchebag
"Scientifically engineered product" 🤣 i donr want people waste money on things that will not help them that's all. 99% of recovery is body doing its own job
"Scientifically engineered product" 🤣 i donr want people waste money on things that will not help them that's all. 99% of recovery is body doing its own job
And this coming from a guy who says he's healing one week and next week he wants to off himself. Do you have anything to offer to help people there, Einstein? This is one of the reasons why I don't stay on these boards. I have to realize the nutt balls I'm dealing with. My friend had very valuable advice for me.Don't help anybody... because it's not appreciated.
It's incredible how life has lost its meaning, so many years trying to recover and living with this anhedonia that never goes away, I don't know if I can bear it anymore, I was with a girl I lost her precisely because I didn't show affection, what's the point of living without being able to be human?
Sorry but i dont believe in shitty supplements to heal the damage 🤣 yall need to understand that our bodies are meant to heal the damage from anything we go through. That's how god created us. Body heals detoxes repairs on its own. All these supplements are just a cope
And this coming from a guy who says he's healing one week and next week he wants to off himself. Do you have anything to offer to help people there, Einstein? This is one of the reasons why I don't stay on these boards. I have to realize the nutt balls I'm dealing with. My friend had very valuable advice for me.Don't help anybody... because it's not appreciated.

Have you ever used cmf?
And this coming from a guy who says he's healing one week and next week he wants to off himself. Do you have anything to offer to help people there, Einstein? This is one of the reasons why I don't stay on these boards. I have to realize the nutt balls I'm dealing with. My friend had very valuable advice for me.Don't help anybody... because it's not appreciated.
Yeah but i have mental trauma that's the reason. These supplements are unworthy still. You believe in them too much. Only body can heal itself nothing else
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