Mental Health Coming off Invega/Xeplion (paliperidone) injections v 8.0

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"Nina2021" has been having a really hard time. God, please bless her to fully recover. Heal her from all the pain she has been experiencing. Restore her life to goodness. Take away any anxiety and discomfort. Show her how beautiful life is again. Let her feel so amazed. Let her become a vessel for you in her recovery. Let her be beneficial to all people who are experiencing the side effects of Invega and other medication. Lord, I pray to you right now. Please hear my plea. Amen.
Thank you

Have anybody tried psilocibina ?

I think one of the things that's messed up this thread is the talk about drugs. Drugs are not doing really anything to alleviate you all's condition. Patience is the thing you all need. And getting off all psych meds is also another thing you need to do if you haven't done it. People are looking for true answers. And many of you all are giving them junk. Pretty much everyone on here who's talked about drugs has also talked about being depressed or suicidal. I never needed drugs and I never needed psych meds and I was an extremely happy person. Invega is what messed up things inside me. But Invega is only temporary.
Recovery stories are what helps. Drugs is one of the things that's messed up the world. When organizations like the Black Panther Party were doing things to change the condition of the world, the so-called hippies were wasting time, getting high off drugs, and being futile to the mission of world peace, because that's what things were leading to. We never would have even experienced Invega, or any other psych meds, if the drug world would have been eliminated or not as effective. They told y'all in school "DON'T DO DRUGS." Of all the propaganda that the institutions disseminate, that's one of the best things, and only things, that is good. Many of you on here seem like fake accounts, using pseudonyms to disseminate nonsense, to keep the stupid game going. Most of you all didn't create accounts with pseudonyms because you're smart, or because that's what everybody's doing, it's because you knew you would talk about junk that's worthless. People need people like me, who are going to gather essential things to motivate people towards recovery. And another thing, you all in a very subtle way are too obsessed with the government. I could tell when I started talking about gang-stalking--the lack of care. That's one thing I never really hear on this website is people talking negative against the government. And it's not just because the Invega has fried your brains, or taken away your motivation, or sedated you, it's because none of you really have stood for truth. Malcolm X talked against the government. Tupac Shakur talked against the government. Thomas Paine talked against the government. John Lennon talked against the government. There's not a good man on earth, who's truly dutiful, who hasn't talked against the government. Peace and love. :) ❤️ The government is full of so much wickedness and corruption.
Do any of you have tips for someone who’s been given the oral medication. I sent him the link. I read that it’s not as horrible as the injection.
Do any of you have tips for someone who’s been given the oral medication. I sent him the link. I read that it’s not as horrible as the injection.
the pills have a much shorter half life and you don't have to wait months for recovery. You do have to taper carefully unlike injections which naturally taper
I think one of the things that's messed up this thread is the talk about drugs. Drugs are not doing really anything to alleviate you all's condition. Patience is the thing you all need. And getting off all psych meds is also another thing you need to do if you haven't done it. People are looking for true answers. And many of you all are giving them junk. Pretty much everyone on here who's talked about drugs has also talked about being depressed or suicidal. I never needed drugs and I never needed psych meds and I was an extremely happy person. Invega is what messed up things inside me. But Invega is only temporary.
Shrooms are not drugs but medicine that can heal all the trauma the whole situation carries. Its not meth. Also they improve neurogenesis which is key to recovery
I had one of the best times of my life today. I went to my parent's house and seen my cousin Kristian. He was like an angel from heaven. He understood everything I was going through. He said the right words. He totally understands my views about life, about myself, about society. I'm full of energy and love. I'm so loved by people. I also seen my dad and mom and maw-maw there, too. And it was amazing with them as well. Everything was just perfect. Even the prayers we prayed together. I know I'm healed. I will come back months from now, or whenever, to update you all. I prayed for my maw-maw and she could feel the heat of God in my hand(s), the power, like the good ole times, when church and spirituality was real, and people were committed to holiness and God. God will reveal his glory through your situation. That's why you're going through what you're going through. God is doing it to give you a testimony and show how great and loving he is. You all will be healed. That's a certainty. I don't hold any grudges with you all. This site was a blessing in many ways. But it's time for me to leave. Somebody will appreciate what I have done. There's a purpose and reason for everything. All of you are rays of sunshine. Don't give up on yourself. To avoid me being disrespectful and hurtful to any of you, I'm not going to be on here anymore. A lot of things you all are doing are counterproductive to healing and happiness. But some of the things you all do on here are in fact good. My advice is, let drugs go. Give yourself a break from that. Get back connected to God. Start praising and worshiping and believing in him. The world is not over for you. You have a long life ahead of you. Gravitate towards the stories or testimonies of recovery that will help you. And think about others and not just yourselves. Start being more considerate and caring. There's people viewing this thread, and they need support and hope and loving answers to their situation. God will forever bless you. Trust in him always. And if I have done anything to offend or hurt any of you, I do sincerely apologize. Life will not stop getting good and better for me. It's wonderful. It's bright. It's amazing. It's right. Woo-hoo. Gu-gu, gi-gi, mah-mah. Weeeeeee!!! I'm feeling so much better today. I feel like my life will be so special and Invega will be something I'll never have to worry about again. Peace and love, everybody. May God continue to bless you all. I may edit this, for typos, if there are any. :) ❤️ Thanks very much for reading and being here throughout this experience with me. Take care. So long.
I had one of the best times of my life today. I went to my parent's house and seen my cousin Kristian. He was like an angel from heaven. He understood everything I was going through. He said the right words. He totally understands my views about life, about myself, about society. I'm full of energy and love. I'm so loved by people. I also seen my dad and mom and maw-maw there, too. And it was amazing with them as well. Everything was just perfect. Even the prayers we prayed together. I know I'm healed. I will come back months from now, or whenever, to update you all. I prayed for my maw-maw and she could feel the heat of God in my hand(s), the power, like the good ole times, when church and spirituality was real, and people were committed to holiness and God. God will reveal his glory through your situation. That's why you're going through what you're going through. God is doing it to give you a testimony and show how great and loving he is. You all will be healed. That's a certainty. I don't hold any grudges with you all. This site was a blessing in many ways. But it's time for me to leave. Somebody will appreciate what I have done. There's a purpose and reason for everything. All of you are rays of sunshine. Don't give up on yourself. To avoid me being disrespectful and hurtful to any of you, I'm not going to be on here anymore. A lot of things you all are doing are counterproductive to healing and happiness. But some of the things you all do on here are in fact good. My advice is, let drugs go. Give yourself a break from that. Get back connected to God. Start praising and worshiping and believing in him. The world is not over for you. You have a long life ahead of you. Gravitate towards the stories or testimonies of recovery that will help you. And think about others and not just yourselves. Start being more considerate and caring. There's people viewing this thread, and they need support and hope and loving answers to their situation. God will forever bless you. Trust in him always. And if I have done anything to offend or hurt any of you, I do sincerely apologize. Life will not stop getting good and better for me. It's wonderful. It's bright. It's amazing. It's right. Woo-hoo. Gu-gu, gi-gi, mah-mah. Weeeeeee!!! I'm feeling so much better today. I feel like my life will be so special and Invega will be something I'll never have to worry about again. Peace and love, everybody. May God continue to bless you all. I may edit this, for typos, if there are any. :) ❤️ Thanks very much for reading and being here throughout this experience with me. Take care. So long.
Before you go, could you please make a masterpost of the recovery stories you found so far? That would help so many people, especially if it's linked to the first page of the upcoming new thread.
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