Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v.2

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Our receptors are blocked, mainly 5ht2a. Others to which is why were all suffering. Life sucks right now :/
Hey everyone, I'm at 3-4 months since my last injection and still no improvement. Still feel very apathetic, no thoughts, can't absorb information or watch tv. Also no emotions or joy when listening to music. I'm NOT SLEEPING. I only dream at night then wakeup and I'm also not feeling sleepy at night. Most people say it makes them tired but my brain is really messed up cos I can't go into a deep sleep at all makes me really scared cos I think this might be permanent. I read somewhere that the brain never recovers after antipsychotics . Also I noticed that I don't get cramps anymore when my period comes I used to get severe cramps. Just shows how invega really messes up the body. Idk if I'll ever be the same again after this I don't understand why I haven't been able to sleep in months like how can a medicine cause that invega is such poison. I'll never take another antipsychotic.
Read a couple pages back zombiemode has taken clopixol which sounds pretty harsh. Doesnt sound like hes doing to well these days :/
I read, that clozepine can aktivate the irreversible blocked atagonist, knows anybody of you something about it?
I'm trying to get referred to a neurologist to see why I have not been able to sleep even tho I know it's the invega. I'm nervous because no doctors believe that invega can cause this since it's a "sedative". In the beginning it did make me really tired but by my third injection I stopped being able to feel tired at all very scary and the thing is I feel completely normal which is weird. It's like it's blocking me from feeling any side effects from not sleeping it obviously shuts down the entire brain.
I read, that clozepine can aktivate the irreversible blocked atagonist, knows anybody of you something about it?

i've read this study.
some say that the inactive 5ht7 receptor will be restored with new ones in few days after withdrawal, if some one confirms that the irreversible 5ht7 antagonist is permanent i don't mind to use clozepine for few days to knock out the irreversible 5ht7 antagonist.
who is knowledgeable on this matter?
Hey guys I have a question im really concerned about. During my time in the psyciatric unit before being injected with abilify I was given another injection a few days before that happened due to me actin out or argueing with another patient or whatever. I wasnt serious and I was in control but they didnt treat me as such. I remember being grabbed by someone and held down while someone else injected me with something around my hip area. I felt alittle calm afterwards but was freaking out the entire time.

Anyways im worried as shit that they could have given me a haldol injection and thats something that would kill me to know. All I know is a few days later I receieved the 400mg abilify injection.

Anyone have any take on what they could have given me? I tried calling them to find out they said I have to go in with id to sign a release but I have no way of getting there right now. Im not feeling to good and need to know what it was :/
But would it be worth using clozapine to unblock that if it does all this?

Clozapine is:

• agonist and / or partial agonist of D2 receptors, D3, δ-opioid, M1, M2, M3, M4, M5
• antagonist / inverse agonist of 5-HT2A receptors and 5-HT2C.
• partial agonist of 5-HT1A receptor
• strong antagonist in different subtypes of adrenergic, cholinergic and histaminergic (the latter two are mainly responsible for its side effects).

In summary, clozapine acts at several receptor:

• BLOCK D2 in the basal ganglia ONLY 40-60%
• BLOCK 5HT2 to 90%
• BLOCK D4 (with high affinity related to plasma concentration)
• BLOCK H1, alpha 1, M1
I started losing weights at month six and then I lost about 40 kgs 4/5 kgs each month but when I started the blood type diet thats where I've lost the most weight
I started by doing stepper but then yes I was spending all day out in the sun with my dog not really doing anything special but it was amazing too bad they took away my dog from me when I had psychosis and was hospitalised
I was misdiagnosed, had a baby which was drinking on my breast and I got the highest dose of xeplion. Who of you has been healthy and got so much of Invega? I think my receptors are irreversible destroid.
Who here has been working out. If so, has it helped you? I've been still feeling somewhat apathetic recently until I went to the gym today. It definitely helped a lot. I felt quite good like I had regained some energy and felt more interested in the world around me. I also started to engage more in conversations and laugh. Ususually I just roam the house like a zombie and don't care much about what's going on or what people are saying. Not sure if this helps anyone.
@perplexedman almost 5 months not much improvement, I can't wait patiently any longer.. there are people in the 6th 7th month saying no improvement, Why do we have to wait months and months

I thought this nightmare will be over by end of summer, it looks like we're going to be in same state during winter time

To be honest with you, when i quit weed, it took me 3-4 months to see any improvements. 5 months i did start smoking again, but at least i saw like 20% recovery.

When i say recovery, im talking like having more pleasure from activities such as video games, I also enjoyed socialising with friends a few times, laughed more, was less emotionally numb/blunted, had more energy

The amazing concept of neuroplasticity just takes a long time...
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