Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v.2

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I just told Rosi that as she only got a few shots of Invega she should make a full recovery and tried to assure her that her dopamine neurons are not destroyed. I told her that in my opinion based on how short she got it for and as she got no other additional psychiatric drugs she will make a full recovery and feel exactly as she did before the injections but I said that it could take a year or at most two years to get to there..
I honestly don't know if it's right what I told her but I think its better than saying there may be some permanent damage. Which in my opinion is unlikely based off the few shots she got. What do you all think?

If anyone wants to say something longer to Rosi I am more than happy to translate.
My gf is actually a married woman, to someone else..we want each other... But now she says shes gotta feel better before making the move..(she suffers of anorexia) everytime I see her leaving I feel really bad she says we both have to feel better first thing first before anything this another waiting game? I don't really know if she really wants me or not theres 7 years of difference im younger and right now I don't even feel that attractive and self confident but I feel really out of shape and misareble because of abilify..
That's unfortunate @screwinvega. I know the effects of all the self confidence in ur body going away the man boobs and the extra weight make me feel really insecure when girls tell me they like my body it's weird man. I would always suggest don't put all ur eggs in one basket go out there and meet some more people while you're at it with this one. You never know what what can happen
My last injection was in may it's been nearly 3 months. Now I'm on holidays and I'm gaming on a daily basis thats all I will do to keep myself distracted until the end of august when I start working again.. if only meeting new people was that easier after all these years of medications and also after the psychotic break I had last year I really feel out of place in this society.

Takes alot if guts to move on and start making some steps to a new direction after these kind of experiences we are going through... I'm still working on it
What games do you play ?

For those of you who can play games.

I remember a time when I too was unable to video game. It was horrible.
Thankfully that time has passed. I play League of Legends now. What do you play ?
Have you finished College yet Invegauser ?

Im interested in people's occupations, just incase I need to occupy a territory, see which one of you would be useful... ?
Thanks for all the support you guys are awesome this thread is very helpful for alot of people and it wouldn't be the same without you
Lol, thanks man thats really helpful.

Interesting stuff. Never heard of vocational school before. Sounds really fun. Must google.

See you soon ?
After a quick google search, what kind of trade did you learn in this vocational school.

Sounds interesting.

I'm currently pursuing a degree in English Literature. 2nd year.
P.s I am watching The Tribe on youtube, and am in fully millitary mode, hence the occupying ?

Should watch ?
I had a really good day Saturday. I enjoyed everything I did and it was almost normal. I was hoping that was the start of my final healing but it was just a nice window. I need exactly 3 weeks to pass the 7th half life. I am surprised I don't feel better and this seems to be taking frustratingly long. Time does fly though. If I have several more weeks of this than so be it. At least I am having moments and sometimes entire days of feeling like my old self. I know this will pass for us and we should look forward to the future.
@copperdome: that is really great news, you've put in a lot of effort of late and things seem to be going smoother for you. windows will start to fade soon back into every day life again as they are not needed anymore, waves wont be needed either thankfully. no drinking while driving boss, gotta keep the job. btw is that crude oil your hauling or byproduct of pumping? those few weeks being easier to look forward to and time flying is a good sign your zombie days are far behind you and your experiencing real time again. keep up the good work. you and a couple others might be the first success of this new batch.
Thank you! I am feeling much better overall now that I thnk about it. I don't do water transfer, I just stay on the site. I just keep all the frac water off the ground and stuff. It is a really easy gig I just sit here most of the time. I will keep you guys updated and thanx for the response!
I'm experiencing a wave that maybe I've been delaying for awhile now ... How can I describe it..sadness loneliness emptyness no motivation emotional pain anxiety... Nothing new to you guys.. I'm a mess right now and my house too that's why she left me.. I don't have motivation to do basic stuff and by gaming I've been delaying a wave that feel much worse now.

I would like to find more stories about abilify maintena withdrawal but there's not seem to be much around
Hey screwinvega im one of the ones withdrawing from 400mg abilify maintenna. Going on 6.5 months now and every day sucks. Getting alittle better but still have persistent mouth dyskenisia and akathisia that is pretty harsh.
Had a window last week i guess but I already forgot what it was like. Just feel like a pathetic waist of life with no energy.
i'm experimenting with something that binds to Mu opiod receptor, for a few days only i don't want dependency or withdrawal sh*t.

i will be observing its effects on the risperdal/invega induced anhedonia condition.
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