Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v.2

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Not sure if I'm allowed to recommend this, but 'sungazing' people. There's about an hour window in the early morning and late evening to catch 'safe' sun. It'll keep you charged for quite a while. Research sungazing before giving it a shot because there are certain rules of thumb. A good sungazing session will keep you charged for a while so you won't need food to give you energy.
Only on my 3rd month and I already wanna give up this is such torture still not sleeping and still not able to cry or even feel upset or sad about all of this...Was reading that emotions do come back but they won't be as strong what does that mean?
That you may be semi- anhedonic permanenlty and may no longer be able to experience deep emotions like love. You will almost certainly be ablee to enjoy music, movies and maybe also nature again but the deep things in life like falling in love, being creative, spiritual and having a vivid imagination may not be possible. I hope this is not the case but it is possible. Many people are permanently impotent and anhedonic because of these legal lobotomies. Myself included
Also like Rosi sais hvi g a completely empty head and feeling like an empty shell is the number one hallmark symptom of the permanent chemical lobotomy and in my experience I don't think the vivid inagination, creativity and complex abstract thinking ever returns
I got psychiatric drugs (SSRI´s, stimulants) for eleven years through my entire brain development for ADHD and recently due to psychosis from long term use of stimulants I received RIsperdal Consta injections which completely ruined my life and my brain and gave me severe anhedonia. Stimulants also cause permaennt anhedonia but usually not as severly as Risperdal conta unless they are taken daily over a prolonged period. The combination of SSRIs, Risperdal and Amphetamines over many years has utterly fried my brain, stolen my once vivid imagiantion and highly lively personality. I was so full of energy and always running around as a kid and thats the reason I was placed on these poisons for many years in the first place. Now I am a disabled brain fried asexual zombie and will probably kill myself soon.What about you Londonscouser how did you develop anhedonia? In my experience organic self grown cannabis was for me the best way to safely alleviate anhedonia caused by the brain damage. Its not a cure and Im still merely a shell of who I once was but it is better when I´m high than when I#m sober so I stay high most of the day.
Cerebrolysin von Ever Pharma kann helfen neurogenese zu fordern und die weitere schaden zu verhindern. Es ist keine lösunng alles zu reparieren aber Cerebrolysin ist das strakste neuroregeneratives mittel das es gibt und kann dopamin neuronen auch regenerieren.
I got psychiatric drugs (SSRI´s, stimulants) for eleven years through my entire brain development for ADHD and recently due to psychosis from long term use of stimulants I received RIsperdal Consta injections which completely ruined my life and my brain and gave me severe anhedonia. Stimulants also cause permaennt anhedonia but usually not as severly as Risperdal conta unless they are taken daily over a prolonged period. The combination of SSRIs, Risperdal and Amphetamines over many years has utterly fried my brain, stolen my once vivid imagiantion and highly lively personality. I was so full of energy and always running around as a kid and thats the reason I was placed on these poisons for many years in the first place. Now I am a disabled brain fried asexual zombie and will probably kill myself soon.What about you Londonscouser how did you develop anhedonia? In my experience organic self grown cannabis was for me the best way to safely alleviate anhedonia caused by the brain damage. Its not a cure and Im still merely a shell of who I once was but it is better when I´m high than when I#m sober so I stay high most of the day.

Sorry to hear about the negative effects you suffered from the medications.

I was also a happy, lucky, creative person until im about 18/19. I'm not even sure how it has developed, but I'm pretty confident that it is a result of exposing my young brain to crazy amount of high potent cannabis.

I've been smoking since 15, and I honestly believe my brain is structurally and functionally different from how it should be.

I would have killed myself, but to be honest, my childhood/teenage years were very good, so i'm still grateful for my life
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