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Codeine & CWE (aka cdub) Megathread: third time's the charm

Just a reminder not to get specific about pharmacies which are good or which to avoid - saying you've had a good or bad experience or whatever is fine of course, but mentioning specific chains or areas is best to avoid :)
so, just to be absolutely clear, grapefruit juice 15 minutes before, and straight after is a definite help?
^ My understanding was the opposite, that grapefruit juice will actually inhibit the conversion of codeine to morphine, so will essentially ruin the high.
footscrazy "^ My understanding was the opposite, that grapefruit juice will actually inhibit the conversion of codeine to morphine, so will essentially ruin the high. "

first off.. i grew up not far from the sign, and love that i now see it daily on here. thank you. secondly.. my mistake, and I appreciate you taking the time to help me. I'm really new here, and still trying to find my feet. I don't know how long I'll be able to say that for, but it's definitely true for now. (tbh, I think I was relying on a search about cwe and the use of grapefruit juice, but although it was bluelight, it had been archived. i'm going back a while now.)
(tbh, I think I was relying on a search about cwe and the use of grapefruit juice, but although it was bluelight, it had been archived. i'm going back a while now.)

Is this what you were looking for?

Grapefruit Juice (GFJ)- I had toyed with the idea of using grapefruit juice for a long time but have read mixed reports. Recently I read that it doesn't inhibit CYP2D6 but rahter 3A4 which is responsible for conversion of codeine into norcodeine. In theory by inhibiting 3A4 you leave more codeine for 2D6 to turn into morphine. After reading this I decided to bite the bullet and give it a go. I had about 200ml of store bought grapefruit juice and about 100ml of squeezed juice around an hour before drinking my codeine. It definately seemed to increase the effects of both the codeine and the diazepam I took. I would say it potentiates diazepam/valium more than codeine but it does potentiate both. It is not a miracle potentiator and it definately does not potentiate codeine to a large extent, I found it to taste pretty gross personally and it isn't terribly cheap. Some people might not find it worth the mild potentiation it causes, if one is combining valium with their codeine I would say it is more worthwhile. I will be using it again, although the bitter taste is a bit of a deterrant for me, personally I would rather drink CWE! At this stage I have only used the red grapefruit juice and it seemed to work well enough, I have been advised that white grapefruit juice is better for potentiation purposes of both codeine and benzodiazepines.
Is this what you were looking for?

It was something similr to this Black Rabbit - thank you - although the one I am referring to has been archived and therefore looks more like this:


But thank you very much for your assistance. Personally, I have used a light yellow coloured grapefruit juice before and after the codeine since reading it, and tbh, can't notice any difference. if it made it worse, I would be the first to admit it. :)
You just have to click "View Full Version" at the top to turn it back normal.

I thought that one was archived... must have read it wrong.
There was a recent study into the old adage of not drinking on an empty stomach. They found that food not only slowed the absorption of alcohol, but in slowing it it gave the stomach acids time to destroy some of the alcohol so it never got into your system. The study went as far as finding that drinking the same amount of alcohol mixed with diet cola or full sugar resulted in less alcohol being absorbed with normal cola as the body had to digest a lot of calories in the sugar. The difference was between potentially losing your license or being under the limit.

That was alcohol but I don't think it is a stretch to extrapolate to codeine. It supports the idea of not only taking CWE on an empty stomach but not mixing it with something sweet to counter the bitterness. Grapefruit juice included.
^ I definitely think codeine works better on an empty stomach, I just wanted to add though, if using ibuprofen preparations, I precaution I always take is to eat a small bite of food before taking the codeine - to help protect against stomach ulcers. Eating food induces the stomach to produce gastric acids that help counteract the inhibitory effect of ibuprofen, so I don't consume a large amount - not enough that I think it would create a barrier to the absorption of codeine. I believe that codeine is destroyed more readily in an acidic environment so there may be some lessened effect due to that - but it's a precaution I always take, especially when using ibu preparations regularly.

hopefulyraymond said:
first off.. i grew up not far from the sign, and love that i now see it daily on here. thank you.

Haha, yeah I love it, it suits the place, maybe less so now than in the past... but Footscrazy/Footscary, both work ;)
I definitely find having an empty stomach works best however when I've dosed before breakfast (after not having eaten for approx 12 hours) it's not much better than dosing say, 4 hours after my last meal. Food itself is a mood lifter and I think most people are probably relatively grumpy before their first bite/coffee of the day.

Its not that great waking up to a cwe for brekkie IME
Its my brekkie everyday.. dont even think about food till im sorted.

Grapefruit juice i tried - alot!
i drank from 500ml to 2l, shortly before, well before, shortly after, longer after.
My experience was i got less high but stayed high longer. The report about valium+codeine probably needs to be taken with a grain of salt, as it would be difficult to distinguish which drug was being potentiated, and grapefruit juice is known to work for benzos.

I dont take anything to potentiate, havent found anything easily available. I do avoid caffeine for 12hrs before dosng, and sometimes drink a strong coffee at peak of high.. cant say it definitely has an effect after, but avoiding caffeine beforehand is important.

Back on the topic of pharmacy relations - for a while i had a bit of a hard time, back in the blurry days.. i see pictures of me then and i clearly had no awareness/gave no shits about appearance. There are one or two places i have to avoid.

Dress well, be confident. Most important thing in life really, wish someone told me sooner.
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I can't do cwe like I used to. Even through using proper coffee filters I always end up with a sore stomach hours after dosing. I just don't bother with it anymore.

Does anyone else get the same stomach pains?
To each their own. I just cant enjoy ANYTHINg without breakfast. Maybe I just haven't been dependant long enough
Can we infer from this that you didn't always do your cdub properly? Did you use Ibu or Para?
Yeah, for a while I could just use a shirt and never had problems with it. I've used both IBu and paracetamol with the coffee filters but they both do the same thing and I always end up with pains. My stomach is pretty weak, I tend to throw up quite easily from drugs in general. Even when I eat like half a tAb of LSD for example, I will always spew.

I haven't really gone over this thread much. Are we allowed to mention brand names?