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Codeine & CWE (aka cdub) Megathread: third time's the charm

was making up a mix today and found one lone Nurofen Plus in my desk drawer. Added it for luck (i don't normally use N+) and one side of it (the N+ side) immediately expanded into yellow/brown oatmeal consistency blowing off a separate piece that was concave where it had been joined. 8o 8o Oh, the memories... That N+ must have been 8 - 10 years old.

In the end I didn't like the looks of my mix - pristine white with chunky yellow brown porridge pieces in it - so I tossed it and started over. I'm curious to know though if the codeine would have deteriorated or, with the fillers, broken down to anything toxic?
^ Good move turfing the lot.

It can be a hard thing to do when it's all you have. But you never know what you've created when you see 'chunky yellow brown porridge pieces'.
Trying to do a super-fast, somewhat painful taper. half dose the first day, 1/4 dose the next. Already feeling horrible and I just took the half dose a couple hours ago. Not gonna be fun! Have no money though... Always seems to be the motivating factor in me getting clean hahaha. Always forget to plan for late pay due to public holidays...

CrayZ, I've noticed the N+ seem to have some sort of coating on them, that comes off as a sort of 'skin' when they break down, that sometimes collects on the surface of the water. Perhaps this had oxidized a bit or something over time, or just reacted with something else in the mixture from the other brand. I imagine it was probably safe, but well done on resisting the urge to try... I'm not sure I could have!
Cartesia itd probably be the same just going CT by the sounds of it. That, or dose an hour before bed so you can catch some Z's. What kind of doses are you taking?

For some reason I avoid N+ or any ibu preparations. Just more comfortable with para brands I guess.
That, or dose an hour before bed so you can catch some Z's.

Cartesia, I've done quick tapers like that before, and as awful as it is, if you can put a day between that half dose, and another before the quarter dose, it actually helps you to kick start the withdrawals but have a dose which is enough to get you some sleep if taken in the evening.

It takes a while for the WDs to really get into gear (weird pun, unintentional). If you can go day one with nothing, on day two you'll realise the shit is really kicking in and by then even a half dose can be enough to provide some good relief. Ditto on day four, a quarter dose can help you sleep.

I just mention this because the real shit hits the fan when you stop completely. If you take a half dose on the first day it won't feel like anything much. That half dose 48 hours later will be a god-send.

Just an idea.
Nevermind Phibes... I don't deserve to be anywhere near that thread.

Not only am I way off the wagon in terms of codeine intake, I've recently had access to H and oxy as well... 8( not good.
Cartesia itd probably be the same just going CT by the sounds of it. That, or dose an hour before bed so you can catch some Z's. What kind of doses are you taking?

For some reason I avoid N+ or any ibu preparations. Just more comfortable with para brands I guess.

To each his own.. I've found the generic para+codeine tabs taste waaaaaaaay worse! Also in the beginning, I reasoned that if I were to fuck up an extraction, a high dose of ibuprofen would be less harmful than a high dose of paracetamol. It would of course depend on the individual - someone with a sensitive stomach or certain disorders could die from stomach bleeding. Me, I'm more worried of liver/kidney damage than a stomach irritation/even ulcer.

I don't want to suggest unsafe activity...
Let me put it this way...

I've abused ibuprofen+codeine in a completely unsafe manner, for a period of approximately a year, and i suffered no long term/permanent problems. If I'd been unsafely using paracetamol I think things would have been a different story. That said I *DID* suffer complications. Nothing permanent, but very much life threatening if I had continued that course of action.

Everyone do it the safe way, regardless of circumstance. Always. No matter what.

Even if you have no access to cold water/refridgeration, do a CWE with room temperature water anyway. I don't know the stats for paracetamol, but in 100ml of ~20 degree (C/celsius) water you'll only end up with about 200mg ibuprofen.
Does anyone have those rare days when your cwe just ends up totally sucking? When you do your normal extract tech but somehow this time you only seem to get an insignificant proportion of the liquid through the filter and it barely touches sides?

This happened to me today on a small-ish dose of 240mg, I'd be surprised if I ended up with half of that in the final product. I've waited about 6 hours now and am about to redose with a proper 360mg extraction - I have a quick metabolism so the original failed cwe is probably nearly all gone from my system.

Luckily botched cwe's only happen once in a blue moon but when they do damn it's irritating.
Infectedshroom: was the failed CWE made from orange-ish tablets? There's one type of generic brand tablet that i have (thankfully) very rarely come across which, when crushed, cooled, and put into a paper filter, simply creates a kind of seal which stops the liquid going through.

I know that with any CWE the chalky paracetamol builds up and the whole process slows down, but with this particular tablet type, only a little liquid gets through before this perfect seal is created and if left for a very long time, the liquid will actually end up sitting on the top of the hardened seal and the thing looks like a deliciously frustrating glazed dessert.

The pills that caused that frustration were, IME, always kind of orange in colour. They are basically show stoppers. All you can do with those is have four or five filters ready to catch the little bit of liquid that makes it through because it plugs itself up.
Exactly right mate, orange tablets, exactly how you described it as well.

I've gotten yellow ones before which never presented a problem so I assumed neither would the orange ones but - they did!

The lesson is...avoid orange tablets!
Strange that,,,, orange means "stop" when it comes to CWEs, apparently.

I don't know what kind of filler or binder they use in those, but if that were the standard for all tablets then CWEs would be virtually a write off. It's strange that I've only come across them four or five times out of... too many CWEs.
Does anyone know whether DHC is best absorbed in a single dose (like codeine?) I find the sorbitol more tolerable if I mix it with a soft drink and drink in slowly (over the space of an hour or so.) I'm guessing yes, but I'm wondering if anyone has actual knowledge.
^ I would say yes.

But if it works taking it over time, then I don't see a problem.

Maybe if you get to a point where your not satisfied with DHC, then start looking at trying to dose all at once, and preferably on an empty stomach, (heh, that's if your stomach can handle the sorbitol.
Sorbitol is a deal breaker for me. Get too much of it and.... well, it's catastrophic bathroom scenario.

(At least, you better hope you're near an actual toilet)

Shame that, because I'd like to try DHC. It's a bit more potent than codeine, right? It's a fully synthetic derivative of codeine?

Does anyone know if DHC is ever scripted as a tablet or solution without additives, or if it has any other uses in the medical world aside from cough formulations? I don't know that it'd do much for me, but I'm just interested in opiates/opioids in general - gotta catch 'em all!
It seems to work taking over time, a little better than codeine itself would.

It's supposedly 1 - 2 times more potent than codeine depending on individual metabolism, I'd put it somewhere in the middle. It's sometimes prescribed for pain, not here though, and I've never read/seen non-additive preps. The UK does it.

On an empty stomach the sorbitol is a nightmare. I don't get the runs, I get uncontrollable and very loud farting. Really, it's true. I'm just using the stuff to taper, I don't go above the recommended daily dose of sorbitol (which is about 60ml, or 120mg dhc.) With 0 tolerance, it can be a lot of fun - however the sorbi does such a good job at putting one off past the recommended daily dose it's of to CWE instead.
Ok guys, Can someone give me some pointers doing CWE using Ibuprofen + Codeine tablets.

I'm not sure if i just have some kind of massive tolerance or i'm just doing the CWE wrong.

At first i tried the extraction a few times about 6 months ago using Panadol + Codeine. Starting small with the dose and making my way up. I think i started at 200mg and went up by 50mg until i got to about 350mg. I wasn't feeling anything at all until i stuffed up the last one and Panadol must have got through, Leaving me with bad stomach pains.

That is when i stopped trying. Iv'e now tried it again using Ibuprofen + codeine this time as i feel a lot safer, as if i were to stuff it up i'm not going to be doing any major damage.

So last weekend i tried using 420mg of brand name Ibuprofen + Codeine. Tried mixing the crushed pills with 60ml of water but the solution just thickened up into paste. I had to add about 200ml of water just to get it back to liquid and after filtering it the solution was real cloudy. I decided to chuck it just to be safe.

Today i tried it with Generic Ibuprofen + codeine. 384mg went in and felt basically nothing again. Can someone please point out if im doing something wrong.

Grind up 30 tablets in coffee grinder into powder.

Add 60ml of warm but not hot water to powder. Stir until all dissolved (Solution was nothing like the brand name Ibuprofen which was like paste.)

Put straight into freezer for around 30 minutes, Was stirring it about every 5 minutes.

Solution was ice cold but not icing up yet.

Pulled out and poured into wet coffee filters (double filters). Let filter for close to an hour.

I was left with only about 20ml of water and the solution was pretty cloudy compared to how clear a Panadol extraction is.

Now i didn't squeeze the filters out, Should i be squeezing them out?

Anyway i drank that and it did basically nothing again? Where am i going wrong?
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Don't use N+ brand, they are bad for gunking up, I always had success with the generics but these days if I am going to CWE (rare if ever) I tend to go for pills formulated with paracetamol over ibuprofen.

You could use 2.5-3mL per tablet if 2mL is leaving you with a gunky solution that is hard to filter. If you are only using 30 tabs I would reccomend 3mL per tablet, or 90mL, rounding up to 100 probably wouldn't hurt any either. I find I need to use a higher amount of mL's per tablet if I do a smaller extraction, where extractions of larger amounts it is easier to get away with 2-2.5mLs.

There is no need for you to crush the tablets, if you put the tablets in a glass, pour the amount of lukewarm water you intend to dissolve them into over them, let them sit for 5 minutes and then give them a good stir they should dissolve pretty easily.

I always got the best results by using a cut out piece of t-shirt as a sort of preliminary filter before letting the solution drip through coffee filters, the reason for this is that you basically separate a large part of the solid matter from the solution before putting it into the fine coffee filters, dramatically reducing the likelihood of you clogging the filter up. I used to cut a square out of an old t-shirt, about the size of a handkerchief I guess, just like with coffee filters it pays to pre wet this so it doesn't absorb any of your codeine solution, make a pouch in the top of a glass with this and hold it on with an elastic band or something, pour the solution of water with the codeine containing pills into this pouch and let it sit for a few minutes, remove the elastic band and pick up the pouch, bringing the edges together at the top to close it up, squeeze this gently to get as much solution to pass through into the glass below without squeezing so hard to force the gunk through the material. This solution is not safe to drink, but it should now pass through your pre wetted doubled up coffee filters a lot easier than before, after which it is safe to drink and should have you buzzing nicely. :)
Thanks for the quick reply, I was worried using too much water was letting to much Ibuprofen or Panadol through, i'll give it a shot next time with more water and pre filtering it through a shirt to get more of the solids out.

So a slightly cloudy solution from Ibuprofen is to be expected?