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Codeine & CWE (aka cdub) Megathread: third time's the charm

^ this, they're both respiratory depressants, and taking more than one at once increases your risk of overdose and death, as your body's regulation of breathing can shut down.
^ I would not advise this combination.
Harm minimisation forum and all...
so 770mg codeine and 4mg of Clonazepam isnt a good idea?......damn it! i gives such nice numbness
Chookmaster7 said:
Ill be extracting probably from the panadeine (contradicting myself I know, but I want more codeine and you get 10 extra tablets with panadeine)

The total codeine content isn't much different though, ibu tabs usually contain 12.8mg a pill, for a total of 384mg from 30 tabs, compared with the 10mg paracetamol tabs which contain a total of 400mg from 40 tabs.

Chookmaster7 said:
I'm thinking of rectal admin about a quarter of the solution and swallow the rest. Is this a bad idea? I have a pretty decent grasp on my tolerances I've just never used my rectum for taking drugs. No APAP/ibu issues if a significant amount should go up the rectum?

I've never tried it myself, but other Bluelighters have reported good effects. Although rectal administration helps drugs reach the bloodstream very quickly, with codeine this isn't of much benefit, as codeine is a pro drug which still needs to be converted by the liver before it becomes active. So in that sense, there shouldn't be any benefit from rectal administration compared to oral. However, some Bluelighters have reported that they do seem to get better effects from this method.

Chookmaster7 said:
tolerance is the determining factor in whether it's a bad idea or not. Your own personal experience and how they make you feel is probably a better idea than someone saying "dont mix 10 mg valium and a beer and a codeine or youll die".

Of course tolly does make a difference, but I think *anyone* can get caught out. That's what's so scary about it - even someone who is extremely educated, has been a long term user and is very familiar to how they react to different drugs can get caught out. The effects of a combo can also vary from time to time - what hardly affects you one time could be dangerous in another situation due to a whole range of variables. For me it's just not worth the risk - I was caught out myself and I never expected that to happen - I thought I was so aware of all the risks and what it would feel like. It really put me in my place - just how easy it is to OD and slip away. I assumed people who died this way knew they were pushing the boundaries and accepted the risk, and would know they were taking too much - but many of the people who have died from this convo are smart people - they're people who have done the same combo before and been fine, and thought they were in no danger. People will use their own discretion, and there's safer and more risky ways to use benzos and opioids. I just think as a whole it's not worth the risk- I would just hate to see anyone else caught out from this combo as it really can be so dangerous.
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That's what's so scary about it - even someone who is extremely educated, has been a long term user and is very familiar to how they react to different drugs can get caught out. The effects of a combo can also vary from time to time - what hardly affects you one time could be dangerous in another situation due to a whole range of variables. For me it's just not worth the risk - I was caught out myself and I never expected that to happen

Quoting this because it's worth repeating.

Same thing happened to me. I used to use a combo of three things (which I won't mention other than to say they were all powerful downers) on a daily basis. I did that combo for months, sometimes I dosed a little more, sometimes a little less, but I always prepped a dose which I felt I could handle.

One evening I did an average dose of the three after getting home from work (dose was actually smaller than many other doses I'd done dozens of times before). Started feeling that familiar pleasantness, sat down to have dinner and watch TV with my girlfriend and.... next thing I know there are a bunch of people standing over me, calling my name and shining lights in my eyes - calling me back from death.

Why did that happen after dozens, or even hundreds of times with that same combo? No idea. Will never know.

I will say, though, that I felt like an absolute idiot for scaring the shit out of my partner and family - and also a raging hypocrite for being someone who is well-educated and experienced in habitual poly substance use and who has tried to provide this forum with useful safety advice. I would always advise people on here against mixing CNS depressants, yet thought I'd be fine because I had a tolerance and knew what I could handle.

Bottom line: there's simply no fail safe formula for mixing substances - even if you've done it a zillion times before without incident. I wouldn't bother telling people what to do or not do anymore, I'd just remind people that dire consequences can strike at any time with combos like benzos and opiates and that there is no such thing as a 100% safe method of mixing them. No need for fear mongering, but no need to pretend there's a guarantee of safety either. It's a risk each and every time.
I am lucky that Codeine never gave me the feelings that it does to all you lot (think im one of those rare bunch that cant something to do with liver?) but with such easy access these days and boredom/curiosity please as halif says don't try and be a hero/guinea pig and think ill be right.
I hope im not recycling a question in this thread, but has anyone been underwhelmed by the effectiveness of a CWE on pharmacies own codeine and paracetamol combo? had considerably less 'bite' when skulled compared to panadeine extra.. So pissed off cause i wasted my last dollars on this and opted for generic cause i hadnt seen discussion of this in the mega thread.
No, all products should yield same results regardless of brand.
I've never noticed a difference between brands either, though I have sometimes felt there is a difference between ibu preparations and paracetamol preparations, but it could just as likely be other factors affecting the high.

Also, although we don't always police it too heavily, we have previously decided it's best not to mention specific brand names of codeine preparations, so please do lets avoid discussing the merits or problems of specific brands.
1 gram plus giz me nussing

Hehhe....sorry, I just thought the spelling was funny. I feel your pain somewhat, though.

But, shout at to Pinkanga, wherever he may be, because his suggestion of mixing up the tablets and then letting them sit for a good few hours really does make a difference.

I know that this requires pre-planning and whatnot, but I consider myself lucky that I can still get something from 800mg codeine as long as I leave it to sit (and give it a few stirs) before cooling and paper filtering. It really increases the effect. I suppose it should be obvious: in leaving the tablets to dissolve over an extended time, they're more likely to fully break down. So simple, but so effective. Only problem is the patience required.

<Disclaimer: 800mg codeine is a lot. I've been using various opiates for around eight years now, including hard and harder (ie.fentanyl). Don't go this high if you're not very familiar with the effects. >
^ wouldn't know, but I think they have the right to refuse sale.

Heh, I remember spilling a huge batch once. I'm a good distance from any pharmacy, so I had to go without.

Horrible day.
Pharmacies aren't obliged to sell you anything. Like Captain said, they have the right the refuse a sale for whatever reason, and it's not an uncommon for them to do so. They can decide they don't like the look of you and not sell it for that reason. Often they have 'rules', such as not selling you the product more than once a week, but go in on the regular every week and they'll often start refusing you outright. If they've recorded your details and you think they have an eye on you I don't think you'll get sold it again and even if they do, you may be making yourself memorable to them, in a bad way, and reducing your chances of getting codeine in the future.
I have never heard of details being recorded upon purchase which is why ive labelled brands in the thread.. Surprised that its so easy to buy considering my liking towards this narcotic. Maybe there is an upside being part of the stim generation, because opiates are truly underrated and demonised among my demographic. But its ok to charge amps till the cows come home. Fuckin pathetic.
I've had my details recorded only twice over years of chemist visits. I'm normally in and out in two minutes. Maybe it's just where I live but it appears the pharmacists couldn't care less even if they thought misuse was occurring - its the basic have you used it before / no more than 8 a day / pay at the counter 1 2 3 and I'm out.

I don't know the statistics but I'd guess a minute percentage of people who purchase OTC codeine combos abuse it in the way we do; beside the odd media scare about someone destroying they're insides without knowledge of cwe, as a public health issue, is a minor dot on the radar. I'd honestly feel bad for the majority of legitimate users if it were more tightly regulated.

On a different note, I'm curious as to how many of you fine folk use dxm as a potentiatior or what I'm really interested in tolerance blocker? I used it for about a month and can't remember if it kept my tolerance at bay or potentiated at all. The science suggests it certainly prevents tolerance, so I'm definitely considering giving it a more concerted effort and noting my experience (and sharing it obviously.) anyone here use it ?

Also, it says here http://www.rxlist.com/codeine-sulfate-drug/clinical-pharmacology.htm if you scroll down to food effect that consuming a high fat calorie meal before ingestion has no impact on rate of absorption. Thoughts? I was always under the impression an empty stomach was better. Certainly feels that way
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I use DXM as a potentiator. But not all the time.

Its something you don't want to use everyday, the added ingredients can cause problems in the long run, well DXM would cause a problem too if used daily for too long.

If your using opiates infrequently, then by all means use it everytime. But if you find yourself dosing regulary (opi's that is) then taking DXM everday on top will begin to become a big problem, your going into daily poly drug use now, and needing two things instead of one is like having two huge monkeys on your back, and those two monkeys are beating each other, as well as you.

DXM is a dissociative, another addictive substance. Great fun, but definitely worth respecting. I have read that tolerance to these is a lot harder to bring back to normal, so while you may think your keeping your opiate tolerance down, you could be destroying your tolerance to dissociatives. Use K much?

Also, it says here http://www.rxlist.com/codeine-sulfate-drug/clinical-pharmacology.htm if you scroll down to food effect that consuming a high fat calorie meal before ingestion has no impact on rate of absorption. Thoughts? I was always under the impression an empty stomach was better. Certainly feels that way

Anytime I've used codeine and ate, I lost my high. I think this theory works better with other opiods, the food absorbs the drug, resulting in it taking longer to metabolise.
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I use dxm on and off - I'd use it all the time except I find the cost hard to justify sometimes. I think it's the best potentiator but I couldn't say whether it's prevented tolly increase. Not noticably, anyway. Nothing beats ultra low dose naltrexone for preventing tolerance increase in my eyes; I've experienced excellent results with that.

Captain Brewster said:
Its something you don't want to use everyday, the added ingredients can cause problems in the long run, well DXM would cause a problem too if used daily for too long.

I've seen this said now and again but I don't think I've ever seen any elaboration on which ingredients would cause damage and how. I'd be interested to know more :)

I think the tolerance issue you bring up regarding dxm is important and potentially a significant long term harmful effect of dxm use. Other claims for long term damage from regular use seem to be all over the place though and fairly inconclusive, and usually based on much higher, threshold doses rather than the relatively small amounts used in potentiation. That being said I wouldn't advocate daily use as it could well be harmful.