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RCs Clonazolam (Clonitrazolam)

Okay, I've seen enough posts of people suffering benzo withdrawal and even protracted bz withdrawal from this.

Yes, going to a psychiatrist, and asking for antidepressants and anxiolytics (better use this word than benzos, and you don't have to take the antidepressant) is the answer, I'm lucky as hell to have a Valium, Bromazepam and Restoril script, all legally. Because not clonazolam, this one I took responsibly (no more than 2mg a day, spread over the day, 0.5 at a time), but flubromazolam has given me some problems, where when I got my 60 10mg valiums, I went through them in 6 days because of the tolerance I got from them.

Also a trick, it might not work for everybody, but the answer might just be at the supermarket or corner store 7/11 whatever, When I tapered 4mg clonazepam daily (which if I didn't have in 36 hours I would develop spasms all over my body, even oesophageal spasms, those were the scariest, way back in 2010, I tapered with valium, but since it was going too fast, we followed Ashton, but only partially, when I got to 20mg he wouldn't go 1mg less every week or whatever the protocol is, he wants to now, when I'm ready to get off the Valium (no idea when). But alcohol in moderate doses, like a couple 371ml cans of Carlsberg helped me a lot to stabilize at 20mg valium, I bought a 12 pack of Carlsberg every couple days, at a point, but then reduced quickly, because....I can't understand alcoholics, I have drank a lot for a few days before, but I can't understand how someone would want something that makes you sick really badly..my body can't handle it at all. Just the recommended doses of alcohol per day...and you will have a chance of taking less benzos, it worked for me, and other people I know, who went from 4x12mg xanax 4 times a day (his doctors script!, when in prison for 5 months,he would buy 5mg valiums hidden in a rolling paper, there would be 10 of them, he'd put them in his coffee and well, took the prison time as a rather comfortable vacation, problem is he had a crazy tolerance when he got out, he didnt even know what benzos were when he got in). Now he's taking 12mg bromazepam a day with a 40 of beer and is the legal guardian of his daughter and doing a great job at it. This guy was hospitalized from convulsions due to benzo withdrawal (doctors suddenly cutting his scripts to xanax too fast).

There's hope guys. The only case I think there isn't is those who for some reason take astronomical doses of these, and instead of doing like what I would do : fall asleep for a long ass time, and have a paradoxical reaction and do a lot of stupid shit, getting them prison or worse. These people kind of deserve it, when I read "I took 25mg clonazolam have no tolerance lol, whats gonna happen?" and these type of posts, is why the governments even became aware that there might be some problem, and everyone else pays because of these...people.
There's hope guys. The only case I think there isn't is those who for some reason take astronomical doses of these, and instead of doing like what I would do : fall asleep for a long ass time, and have a paradoxical reaction and do a lot of stupid shit, getting them prison or worse. These people kind of deserve it, when I read "I took 25mg clonazolam have no tolerance lol, whats gonna happen?" and these type of posts, is why the governments even became aware that there might be some problem, and everyone else pays because of these...people.

Astronomical doses isn't the only problem. If I take high doses and don't feel anything, that's that. If anything, it's just a waste of pills. I'm not out getting in trouble with the law or bringing attention to myself. There are people who get fucked up and do crazy shit and blackout on only 2 of these If you don't have tolerance at all. So I don't think it's only people who take astronomical doses who are going to make everyone else pay. It's gonna be the ones who end up in the hospital or jail or something else insane that draws too much attention to this drug.
I'm officially in rehab today thanks to my irresponsible use of Clonitrazolam. I'm glad, I've been abusing alcohohol. Coke, other things for years. Its not these pills fault I'm there. Its that I can't stop doing any addictive drug if I have a supply. This stuff would be an ideal Benzo for a responsible user, but its so strong that someone like me it's a train wreck. Strangely, I could always handle klonopin. Like function, go work, and nobody noticed I was on it. Xanax too to an extent. On Clonazolam I literally fucked up everything I touched for the whole time I used it. It still has me thinking about it though , at the sweet spot of about 8mg I have never felt better from any drug. I used about 45 mg the 1st time responsibly, but when it ran out I had some pretty hefty withdrawals coming on. I just acted sick, kept going to work and promised myself I would flush the next 90 tabs that were in the mail. Soon as they showed up I dumped them out. I was like, if I eat .35 this anxiety will go away . I had work in three hours. I musta had 5 more at least . At that job I was standing there eating raw pizza dough in the middle of the busy rush. This was job 2 gone, I had lost job 1 munching Etizolam at work previously. Job 3 was a dishwasher only gig, this time I had eaten 50mg Etizolam powder , and two 8mg Flubromazepam caps before my shift. I got bored about 4 hours in and just went home. Job 4 I had moved to my new town with my girl, everything going great I decided to order 150mg Clonazolam pg solution to celebrate. I went to work, slurring, couldn't remember my bosses name. Broke all kinds of furniture falling over it, don't remember, and yes tried to sharpen a set of crazy sharp professional chef knives after about 75mg of Clonazolam. My girl found me, I was in our original apt. we were moving out of. There were piles of broken furniture, blood, and wires I had somehow ripped out all over the place. I can't justify or sustain this behavior . I tell you guys this story because it's nuts for one, but two, if you have any kind of addictive personality leave this shit waaay alone. I am lucky I'm not in jail, or seriously hurt..All I know is that I would compulsively redose and completely black out. Be careful folks, I'm glad my Benzo ride is over. Ive had other addictions, but none that just powerslammed me into stopping.like this shit. Yes I've done crack, and heroin too. These pills though, are what sent me to rehab and good enough time too I'm a monster with the substances.

wait u took 8 mgs of clonozolam?or something else?

please fill me in on what you like about high dose benzos?for me, i just black out and fall asleep..is it just about complete escape from reality or what?i mean, i have anxiety pretty bad at times and like small doses of benzos but even they tend to make e tired and slow..definitely not a happy buzz for me..maybe my brain chemistry is different, i dunno..
It was only those Belfort. Those Clonazolam are euphoric as fuck, its not like any other Benzo feeling. A high dose of any other Benzo basically just sucks. but c-lam is very recreational, it had an intense euphoria , a nearly psychedelic feel at those high doses . You just felt fucking good, its not like Xanax or klonopin somehow this Clonazolam is euphoric as fuck, and it's not that hypnotic you won't pass out so easily.
Oh, but I tried the other benzos too in these doses which were not even fun, just blacked the hell out. Powdered Etizolam blacked me out, and so did Flubromazepam I had gotten all the way from England sent over. Those benzos were not fun. Clonazolam, yeah it was fun
It wouldn't matter if it were nutmeg or pcp or paint thinner , if we were getting high.on it I'm doing ten times what is needed. I'm just a fucked up addict like that . its not safe for me to do any drugs
It was only those Belfort. Those Clonazolam are euphoric as fuck, its not like any other Benzo feeling. A high dose of any other Benzo basically just sucks. but c-lam is very recreational, it had an intense euphoria , a nearly psychedelic feel at those high doses . You just felt fucking good, its not like Xanax or klonopin somehow this Clonazolam is euphoric as fuck, and it's not that hypnotic you won't pass out so easily.

jesus christ u must have blacked out hard on that dosage right?experienced benzo users have told me they black out after taking just 1 mg of clonozolam..
No, I could stay up on like 8 mg, it was the most fantastic drug feeling I ever had. I dunno why c-lam didn't black me out. I heard someone say they are as close to a feeling as old school quaaludes they could get and I believe it. I would stay up all night, like I said no booze was even needed or cigarettes and I smoke. It was sadly, good fucking shit. I never got this feeling from other benzos, just blacked out. I had unbelievable withdrawals after a few months of this, I had to go to the e.r. they gave me klonopin to taper they had no idea what c-lam was. The last time I had it though, I ingested 75mg I think I spilled the rest it was a total of 150 PG solution. I literally broke furniture and almost cut my finger off, I don't remember any of this. I have not had those good times ever again with this shit, just compulsive redose and blackout city. Fuck clonazolam
No, I could stay up on like 8 mg, it was the most fantastic drug feeling I ever had. I dunno why c-lam didn't black me out. I heard someone say they are as close to a feeling as old school quaaludes they could get and I believe it. I would stay up all night, like I said no booze was even needed or cigarettes and I smoke. It was sadly, good fucking shit. I never got this feeling from other benzos, just blacked out. I had unbelievable withdrawals after a few months of this, I had to go to the e.r. they gave me klonopin to taper they had no idea what c-lam was. The last time I had it though, I ingested 75mg I think I spilled the rest it was a total of 150 PG solution. I literally broke furniture and almost cut my finger off, I don't remember any of this. I have not had those good times ever again with this shit, just compulsive redose and blackout city. Fuck clonazolam

Im using this benzo for chilling JUST the sundays since 3 weeks from now but reading this makes me think i didn ´t get true clonazolam lol

And makes me wonder if a should stop now if its that dangerous and easy to develop an addiction? (even taking it only once a week)

Sorry for my noobness haha
Im using this benzo for chilling JUST the sundays since 3 weeks from now but reading this makes me think i didn ´t get true clonazolam lol

And makes me wonder if a should stop now if its that dangerous and easy to develop an addiction? (even taking it only once a week)

Sorry for my noobness haha

haha yeah something isnt right here..75 mgs this guy dosed, i dunno..maybe he had high natural tolerance lol..but yeah i can imagine his withdrawals were horrible if he was dosing 8 mgs clonozolam daily or close to that..most people consider 0.5 mgs of clonozolam equivalent to 2 mgs of klonopin so..heavy duty shit..
No I didn't have a high tolerance to 75 mg, I blacked out and compulsively redosed that much. This was only one use and the last time. I'm not here to brag, drugs have destroyed my life.. Yes the withdrawals from 8mg a day would probably have been fatal, the e.r. doc immediately gave me lorazepam 2 mg as soon as they read my vitals. Then they gave me 6mg a day of klonopin to taper off. I did. I tried cold turkey , by day 2 I was pouring sweat and felt like I was in the electric chair. I had insane vivid half asleep dreams, and I had a seizure. Even on 8 mg, I was in the house alone. I couldn't type or barely walk, but I remember those nights. I was fucked up severely, but I would sleep it off and for awhile go work in the mornings , take a few mg to stop the withdrawals . I'm an addict, I use like an addict . I was originally taking Etizolam that I ended up getting fired for being wasted at work, then I started the Clonazolam at my next job which lasted about a month. Its a haze last winter, just binging on RC benzos and losing alot of jobs and friends. Still, I remember how excited I was when those boxes would be in the mail. I discussed this with my treatment counsellor, I said well anybody would dose up like this given access right?? No he said, only an addict uses like that. Its true. No amount of anything I take is enough, glad I'm not dead. That being said , to the responsible users, yeah 1mg of this shit is alot and be careful, don't do it consecutive days and if your a known addict dont touch it, this one will burn you down hard and fast.
The equal of 32 mg a day of klonopin I was taking.. Holy cow I'm on nothing anymore , this is fantastic...
Is the rebound anxiety really that bad with this one? CDo you think it can it fuck up your sleep if only taken once a week at low doses like .25mg? Thanks.
Wow I posted way too much to this thread , this drug really affected my life. No, .25mg of this to sleep every now and again is fine that is nothing.
Is the rebound anxiety really that bad with this one? CDo you think it can it fuck up your sleep if only taken once a week at low doses like .25mg? Thanks.

You should be ok. I started noticing rebound effects after about two weeks of using it 2-3x a week (at dosages varying from .25 to .5mg) but I was using other benzos during that period too. As soon as I experienced rebound effects (which were moderate, but luckily only lasted a day or two), I quit the benzos and experienced no wd. I do have a noticeable tolerance to benzos now though and it was never that bad before clonazolam.
damn guys im taking Clonozolam blotters 0.5 mgs per and i honestly dont feel any relaxation or anti anxiety relief from them..whats weird though is half the time it will knock me out into a blackout if im already laying down..its very odd benzo, ive always gotten some form of relaxation from all benzos except this one..maybe the pellets are much better?
Clonazolam is clonazolam, regardless of blotter/pellet/powder. However, it sounds like you're taking too much. Try 0.25mg.
damn guys im taking Clonozolam blotters 0.5 mgs per and i honestly dont feel any relaxation or anti anxiety relief from them..whats weird though is half the time it will knock me out into a blackout if im already laying down..its very odd benzo, ive always gotten some form of relaxation from all benzos except this one..maybe the pellets are much better?
Blotters are quite dangerous as they can be unevenly dosed leaving some blotters with half a dose while others have two and with clonazolam that's a disaster waiting to happen. With liquid solutions as long as you shake them before measuring a dose you should be OK, but shelf life isn't guaranteed. Be very careful who you buy from and make sure they are reputable
Clonazolam is clonazolam, regardless of blotter/pellet/powder. However, it sounds like you're taking too much. Try 0.25mg.

That's the problem though, I don't feel anything after I take clonazolam..zero anxiety relief or relaxation but if I lay down I might black out..today literally nothing happened, not even sleep..I have to believe these blotters are very under dosed..
If "0.5mg" knocks you out, it's certainly not underdosed (as actual 0.5mg knocks me out as well).