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CD Social v. Stoned apes in orbit

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That could not be farther from the truth. CBD is also medicinal, but THC has far more utility. CBD has particular utility (seizures mostly, but also autism and cancer metastasis), but THC is what most people will end up with, CBD is just an easy starting point. And no, it is not "other cannabinoids" that produce the desired effect, they simply increase the overall benefit through synergy ("the entourage effect").

Studies have also confirmed that it is THC which causes apoptosis in cancer cells, among other things.


All the anti THC propaganda is just a tactic made by the big pharma, the whole plant has a lot of benefices not only the CBD, even CBD needs some THC to have noticeable effects .

They want people to thing about cannabis as a recreational drug with only CBD being beneficial so they can justify making a pill with only what they consider being medicinal and none of the recreational effects (which are also beneficial). Of course they can't patent a plant but they can patent a pharma made product.
You have to be very critic while reading cannabis related studies.
I mean I just thought it was common knowledge lol. Like when I smoke I feel very buzzed for 45mins tops and then I feel calm and relaxed and "stoned" for the duration. The stone period is when I usually feel sleepy, hungry, no anxiety whilst during the buzz I'm euphoric and complacent. But this is just me I guess.

I found this here - http://http://learnaboutmarijuanawa.org/factsheets/cannabinoids.htm
What is the difference between cannabinoids?

The major differences between the cannabinoids are determined by the extent to which they are psychologically active. Three classes of cannabinoids, the CBG, CBC and CBD are not known to have such an effect. THC, CBN, CBDL and some other cannabinoids on the other hand are known to be psychologically active to varying degrees.

CBD is probably the most abundant cannabinoid, contributing up to 40% of cannabis resin. Interestingly, CBD may actually have anti-anxiety effects and lessen the psychoactive effects of THC. This means that a plant with a greater percentage of CBD may reduce the intensity of the effects of the THC, which in effect lowers the potency of the plant. Use of a cannabis plant with less CBD has been shown to have an increased psychological impact and result in unwanted effects such as anxiety.

When THC is exposed to air it oxidizes and forms CBN. CBN is only very weakly psychoactive and not unlike CBD interacts with THC to reduce its effects. This is why cannabis that has been left out unused will have increasing amounts of CBN and decreasing amounts of THC and thus lose potency.
CBD is not psychoactive, it antagonizes THC so it makes the high less potent. THC is also metabolized, so that plus the synergy between other cannabinoids changes the nature of the high, like making it more stone and sleepy.

The cannabinoid system is pretty big and is in charge of all kind of things in our bodies, kind of complex.

The cannabis high is mostly the THC(both with high or low CBD weed) but it also has all kind of benefits being a partial agonist of the cannabinoid receptors.

That's part of why THC,as well as other cannabinoids, are important in order to have all the benefits of the plant IMO
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If we're doing a desert island drugs thing - weed doesn't count because I could just plant some.
If you can't grow it from the ground, it's not in my top 10 drugs OF ALL TIME.

Hell if I could have an island to grow anything I wanted, why would you want ANYTHING else?

Just to name a few plants I'd grow off the top of my head:

Banisteriopsis caapi
Mimosa tenuiflora
Papaver somniferum
Erythroxylum coca
Mitragyna Speciosa
Cannabis Sativa
Cannabis Indica
Echinopsis peruviana

Seriously, why would you want anything else?
If you can't grow it from the ground, it's not in my top 10 drugs OF ALL TIME.

Hell if I could have an island to grow anything I wanted, why would you want ANYTHING else?

Just to name a few plants I'd grow off the top of my head:

Banisteriopsis caapi
Mimosa tenuiflora
Papaver somniferum
Erythroxylum coca
Mitragyna Speciosa
Cannabis Sativa
Cannabis Indica
Echinopsis peruviana

Seriously, why would you want anything else?

technically cocaine and heroin are grown from the ground as well... just further extracted :p

But what the heck are all those other drugs? I know the weed and kratom but what are the other ones/effects?
technically cocaine and heroin are grown from the ground as well... just further extracted :p

But what the heck are all those other drugs? I know the weed and kratom but what are the other ones/effects?


Just to name a few plants I'd grow off the top of my head:

Banisteriopsis caapi - Ayahuasca - trip your balls off
Mimosa tenuiflora - Produces small amounts of DMT
Papaver somniferum - Opium poppy!
Erythroxylum coca - Cocainnnnnneeeeeeee
Mitragyna Speciosa - Kratom - slight narcotic
Cannabis Sativa - you should know
Cannabis Indica - you should know
Echinopsis peruviana - Mescaline!

Seriously, why would you want anything else?
technically cocaine and heroin are grown from the ground as well... just further extracted :p

But what the heck are all those other drugs? I know the weed and kratom but what are the other ones/effects?
Jib got it right, check above.

Also, you are right that cocaine is grown directly from the ground (as mentioned by Jib already), however heroin is not simply an extraction of morphine from the poppy plant. It contains a very complex synthesis after the extraction has taken place. And that's all I'll say on that because synth discussion is probably prohibited here.
If you can't grow it from the ground, it's not in my top 10 drugs OF ALL TIME.

Hell if I could have an island to grow anything I wanted, why would you want ANYTHING else?

Just to name a few plants I'd grow off the top of my head:

Banisteriopsis caapi
Mimosa tenuiflora
Papaver somniferum
Erythroxylum coca
Mitragyna Speciosa
Cannabis Sativa
Cannabis Indica
Echinopsis peruviana

Seriously, why would you want anything else?

Maybe some psychotria viridis to go with your b. caapi?

And some piper mythisticum if you were in the tropics.

Catha edulis would also be on my list. And maybe some Panaeolus cyanescens.

If it were my island it would be wall to wall poppies! I need to buy Tasmania
I would also say acacia accuminata might be better suited to your more desert like islands
Y'all fools forgetting the most important one, man, solanum tuberosum.

A man's gotta eat.

My dream desert island wouldn't be a desert island, it would just be a regular place with a literal black market with stalls and vendors and stuff I could go to and get anything I wanted by trading like fish or something, idk. Coconuts.

Really, though, I just want black markets to be actual marketplaces. I don't need a whole island. If I did have one, though? I'd probably turn it into a poppy island.
True. You will be wanting fries with that! Cassava or sweet potato seem easier to grow though.

Yeah coconuts too
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If you can't grow it from the ground, it's not in my top 10 drugs OF ALL TIME.

Hell if I could have an island to grow anything I wanted, why would you want ANYTHING else?

Just to name a few plants I'd grow off the top of my head:

Banisteriopsis caapi
Mimosa tenuiflora
Papaver somniferum
Erythroxylum coca
Mitragyna Speciosa
Cannabis Sativa
Cannabis Indica
Echinopsis peruviana

Seriously, why would you want anything else?

MDMA & LSD don't grow on trees, then there are 2Cs, synthetic tryptamines, speed...

I might need to take a few mushroom spores with me too.
Boys, it looks like we can build our own paradise island.

Dibs on the beach house.

^^So much garden space.

So I just picked up a sharpstone pollen press and a decent scale. The press is small, 3/4"... after weighing out a pile it seemed like only half a gram would fit. idk if that was the right move or not but I'll find out tomorrow morning, I guess...

Anyone have experience with these things?

True. You will be wanting fries with that! Cassava or sweet potato seem easier to grow though.

Yeah coconuts too

You can do so much with regular old potatoes, though.
^^So much garden space.

So I just picked up a sharpstone pollen press and a decent scale. The press is small, 3/4"... after weighing out a pile it seemed like only half a gram would fit. idk if that was the right move or not but I'll find out tomorrow morning, I guess...

Anyone have experience with these things?

Yes, they're shit, total waste of money, will be lucky if you can get your 0.5g of hash out in one piece. I'm sure I mentioned this on your thread. Get some cellophane bags, it takes under 30 seconds & a fraction of a penny for the equipment needed to press a small amount of hash.

I'd rather use a potato to press my hash than one of those things.

Just wrap your hash up in a few layers of cellophane, open your door, put the hash in the crack of the door & close it, open the door, pick your hash up & unwrap it.
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Guest house


Cause I'll be damned if ya'll dirty ma fuckers sleeping in my house.
I'd rather use a potato to press my hash than one of those things.

Like I said, they're so useful.

I tried a cellophane + paper towel dipped in boiling water and compressed repeatedly (I used a garlic press with cardboard jammed in it.) I think I overdid it because the kief ended up oozing out of a corner of the cellophane like toothpaste. It was really cool, tbh, but not exactly what I wanted the end-product to look like. I figured I could throw $30 at a press and see what happens, ya know?
They stick together & you realise you wasted $30 is what happens. If you use enough cellophane then it wont split under the pressure, you need to use a few layers.
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