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CD Social v. Stoned apes in orbit

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you need to use a few layers.

Son of a bitch.....

I put a piece of parchment paper on each side of the puck, though. I was hoping that might prevent problems with getting it out....

I'm wary of having paper-wrapped kief/hash (depending on how it turns out with the slight heat I'm using), though.
It might work twice, or maybe three times, but those presses get really sticky with the released oils & it gets harder to get your hash out each time, more of it sticks to the inside of the press each time. I had one that was space case branded, but looks exactly the same design, the inserts were hard black plastic in mine, but I don't think that makes much difference. Maybe you could clean it, but they're just not worth the hassle, there are better ways.

I'd use cellophane sandwich bags (the crinkly cellophane bags, not plastic or the hash will stick too much), put some hash in a corner of the bag, twist it tightly around the hash, then wrap it again & keep doing that 4 or 5 times so there are a few layers & it wont split under any pressure. Then apply some pressure, I found using a door was easiest, but you could be creative, if you have some hardback books you don't mind destroying then you can put it between those & stamp on it or something. If it needed some heat then I'd put the wrapped hash in a cup & pour boiling water on it, but good hash will press well without heat. You do need to wrap it securely with a good few layers. You need more layers if it's particularly thin cellophane.

I'd be wary of paper too, but cellophane doesn't stick to hash badly.
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You scared me with the stickiness so I pulled the plug on this mission early. Took it away from the heat source, popped it into a freezer for 15min and went to work.

The press opened easily enough, but the two metal rods/dowels were stuck in place like you had warned. It took a minute or two but I managed to push everything through with my thumbs. Then the two dowels were stuck together with my end-product between them. A thumbtack and a razorblade later and I've got a sweet little greenish-brown, Smartie-sized 0.48g hash puck. Pretty sweet deal, but in my efforts to unjam the dowels I cut the shit out of the palm of my left hand on the press' threads. Oh well.... ya live and ya learn, right?

I don't even want to smoke this sucker. I kind of want to preserve it, you know? Feels like an accomplishment, lol.

[EDIT: Working on puck #2 right meow.]
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Baked 108.5g into 2 cups of butter+oil. I ate some of it last night. I think it's too strong. I'm so hungover this morning
.....I feel like 108.5g might be a bit too much for 2 cups of butter, bud....
Well we got 2 cups back from it is what I mean. It was very hard to squeeze and shit. But there was a a bit more than that I believe. Idk...
Sigh I can't remember. I'm the director of the operation. My friend produces the yield. He just asks Siri for a yellow cake recipe and uses that. Something like 8 eggs, Vanilla essence, sugar, salt, baking powder, milk, butter, olive oil and flour.

We decarb'd and baked the weed in a pot with ~2 sticks of butter with added olive oil to submerge the entire ~QP. Boiled for 1.5hrs and baked for just over an hour. Made 24 cupcakes and 2 round cakes.
Well we got 2 cups back from it is what I mean. It was very hard to squeeze and shit. But there was a a bit more than that I believe. Idk...

I'm no edible expert, 50g per stick just sounds like a fuckin' lot, lol.
Lol^ man idk what you want me to say. My friend is the one who actually makes it. I just supply everything and tell him how to handle the weed. He uses his own recipe n shit and mixes it all himself. I'll post a pic of it later when I have my USB i guess?
Lol^ man idk what you want me to say. My friend is the one who actually makes it. I just supply everything and tell him how to handle the weed. He uses his own recipe n shit and mixes it all himself. I'll post a pic of it later when I have my USB i guess?
Well for one if your friend made everything you could stop making it sound like you did all the work when in fact you did absolutely no work at all.

Fixed those for you

MY FRIEND Baked 108.5g into 2 cups of butter+oil. I ate some of it last night. I think it's too strong. I'm so hungover this morning

Well MY FRIEND we got 2 cups back from it is what I mean. It was very hard to squeeze and shit. But there was a a bit more than that I believe. Idk...

Sigh MY FRIEND can't remember. I'm the director of the operation. My friend produces the yield. He just asks Siri for a yellow cake recipe and uses that. Something like 8 eggs, Vanilla essence, sugar, salt, baking powder, milk, butter, olive oil and flour.

MY FRIEND decarb'd and baked the weed in a pot with ~2 sticks of butter with added olive oil to submerge the entire ~QP. Boiled for 1.5hrs and baked for just over an hour. Made 24 cupcakes and 2 round cakes.
stfu, you weren't there. We share the work load. He makes the batter and dirties all my dishes.

I cook the weed and clean everything up. Idk wtf you trynna do/say
I don't understand why you're analyzing what I'm trynna say here in so much depth. It really doesn't fucking matter? Without each-other there's no way it can be done. We both practically do everything but usually it in the way that he makes the batter and I handle the weed or just tell him what to do. Depends on how I feel. I done here
Life is so much easier when I drop my ego and pick up honesty.

I'm honestly going to smoke some Bruce Banner weed today.
Jib got it right, check above.

Also, you are right that cocaine is grown directly from the ground (as mentioned by Jib already), however heroin is not simply an extraction of morphine from the poppy plant. It contains a very complex synthesis after the extraction has taken place. And that's all I'll say on that because synth discussion is probably prohibited here.

education is cool.... lol

I remember reading the synthesis process for heroin a while back, one of those days just stoned as fucked reading what the fuck ever.. but I guess I just assumed that it was a complex extraction process. So you're saying it chemically changes from plant form in order to become h?

And speaking of hash press... anyone ever smoke grinder hash? The resins and plant material that builds up in the top chamber of my sharpstone is some potent stuff. I'd say I have a pretty decent tolerance and a tiny amount got me stoned as fuck. Probably not more than the size of tip of a pencil lead when it breaks off... so potent..
It's funny you say that, after all this talk of grinders I broke mine out yesterday after not using it for almost a year and I noticed exactly that; the almost kief like hash in the upper chamber. It's caked. My sharpstone had a lot of trouble grinding it was so bad lol. I'm just going to scrap everything off eventually.

Anyway stfu about heroin synth discussion already.
i think it is a question about chemistry but whatever.

best way to get that stuff out of the grinder is to apply a gentle heat and then use something wood like a chopstick to get it out.
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