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CD Social V. I. Am. Not. Your. Foot.

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turns out I'm a lazy sack of shit no matter if I'm smoking or not.



my bro jib,

you da man homie.

i appreciate how you stick around these parts. you're a fantastic poster.

and yeah i try not to smoke during the week so i can just roast all weekend

but it's too tempting for me to have a smoke for after my 1am shifts.

i just need to seriously stick to not smoking from mon-thurs

the problem is i like to treat myself on wednesdays and my weekend begins at 4pm on thursday so i always end up chiefing on those days.

so i just end up not smoking mon and tuesday lol

but i will be trying to stick to the weekends once i pick up next weekend as i'm waiting to get paid

side note:

do any of you guys have a ps4 and play fortnite and/or COD WW2?

i'd love to play w one of you guys

Dude, I've been here so long this place feels like home. I literally get defensive about it. When I was a kid I was heavy into Kottonmouth Kings and they had an amazing fan-run forum, Koast2Koast.org, and I met a handful of lifelong friends from all around the country on there. Still in contact with (most of) them, still have couches to crash on from coast to coast (look at that pun, just LOOK AT IT.) When that website got shut down (sweet ass domain owners ran out of money after they got married, the bitches <3), I found BlueLight and just never left it. I think a part of me is still hoping for the same kind of community K2K had, but that might be wishin' on a star considering the differences between a drug-related forum and one centered around a music scene.

Also, I may buy COD WW2 just because of this thread. Are the microtransactions I've heard about gamebreaking or is it basically just the same old COD in a new skin?
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Yeah, a gram a day isn't bad, depending on the context. Is weed breaking your wallet or your motivation? I've found after being sober for a month that my motivation is exactly the same lol, turns out I'm a lazy sack of shit no matter if I'm smoking or not.

Had this conversation the other day with my mom.. "you need to stop smoking so you'll want to go out and do stuff!"

Like, no, I smoke because I don't want to go out and do anything. You got it backwards yo
I wish I had a PS4. I'm toooo broke.


I just wanna stay home and smoke tree and play games on Steam all day. :!

and sometimes, I do. Most days I'm working, though. :(

Had this conversation the other day with my mom.. "you need to stop smoking so you'll want to go out and do stuff!"

Like, no, I smoke because I don't want to go out and do anything. You got it backwards yo

I lol'd hard at that, man.

Also, for everyone's viewing enjoyment:

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I just wanna stay home and smoke tree and play games on Steam all day. :!

No, you don't wanna do this. I mean it sounds fun, but....I went on medical leave May/17 and switched to disability on Nov 24. All I do is smoke, play video games, sleep and watch CNN.

But Sir, I blame you - about a year and a half ago you mentioned Civ 6. Downloaded it and have been playing every day for a longggg time. It's evil because it's a very slow moving Civ and complete games take way too long.

Just found out about Fallout 4 New Vegas.

Ohhhhh my god, dude, I'm so sorry. I haven't even played Civ 6 yet, lol.

I'm still stuck in ~1300 hours of Rimworld. I'll probably make it to 2000 before it really gets stale, maybe 3000 if another update rolls around. I think the most played game behind Rimworld for me has about 200 hours on Steam. Like... this shit is an addiction. It has to be.
Nah, no group that I'm a part of. I'm on Steam but don't play many multiplayer games on my piece of shit mac mini. If you want, though, I'll PM you my steam id.

I tried RUST a while back and my FPS were so bad that I didn't even see the naked players that kidnapped me until I was already in their power. :(
I don't do much multiplayer either, but I do have some games I'd play with others. Mostly RTS games. I love the Company of Heroes franchise.
I'm not usually big on multiplayer either but some chill people could make all the difference. Got a few civ games so that could be one (extremely long) option!

CG, pretty sure I played the shit out of CoH 2 when I got my first gaming pc back in 08 and got the game free with my mobo. Great game for real.

So down. I will add anybody who PMs me their steam name when I get home. I've had my gaming pc mining, I'm sure it will appreciate the break! Been doing all my gaming on ps2 lately haha
I'm on Steam, but the last game I play was Civilization 4? 5? Also playing Fields of Glory (ancient tactical), The Operational Art of War (er, what it says) and some other wargames. Also picked up an Xbox One over the holidays. but it's still in the box.

Temperature is -25 and has been that way for weeks. Other than doctor's appointments, I haven't been outside since December 12th. I've resorted to ordering my groceries online because it's too damn cold to go shopping.

Are there any rpg's comparable to Fallout? Anyone play Skyrim?

I'm on Steam, but the last game I play was Civilization 4? 5? Also playing Fields of Glory (ancient tactical), The Operational Art of War (er, what it says) and some other wargames. Also picked up an Xbox One over the holidays. but it's still in the box.

Temperature is -25 and has been that way for weeks. Other than doctor's appointments, I haven't been outside since December 12th. I've resorted to ordering my groceries online because it's too damn cold to go shopping.

Are there any rpg's comparable to Fallout? Anyone play Skyrim?


Skyrim's awesome, but it's basically Fallout with magic and elves and shit. The hearthborn DLC'll let you build your own homestead(s) in certain spots on the map, so it was kind of a precursor to Fallout 4's base-building. Other than a few features like that in Skyrim that were more fully realized in Fallout 4, the two franchises are really similar-- they just take place in totally different settings.

You give the Witcher 3 a go yet? It's.... not like Fallout, really, but it's an amazing RPG in it's own right. I'm also hearing good things about Persona 5 but I'm still kind of wary and been waiting for it to go on sale on the Playstation Store.
I love Skyrim and the Fallout series. Bethesda has stolen literally thousands of hours of my life lol
I will add you as it seems I got no pms :p

FWIW I only ever got problems with Bethesda games crashing when they were modded to shit. Like Oblivion with 50+ mods kind of thing. Vanilla Oblivion,Skyrim,FO3,4,NV, never had any problems on my pc
Stability usually has less to do the game and more to do with the lack of uniformity on the PC platform. Consoles do not share this issue for the most part because of required certification processes, which wouldn't be possible to test across all PC types.

"Crash Simulator 20xx" made me chuckle because this is actually a feasible title that could hit the shelves on PC and would never make it to production on console.

That's not to say that quality can't be had on PC games, however it can work in reverse for that company if they do not uphold their original standards. i.e. Blizzard Entertainment.
I will add you as it seems I got no pms :p

FWIW I only ever got problems with Bethesda games crashing when they were modded to shit. Like Oblivion with 50+ mods kind of thing. Vanilla Oblivion,Skyrim,FO3,4,NV, never had any problems on my pc

I've had more problems with Bethesda games crashing completely vanilla than when I mod them carefully. It takes a while to work the crashes out any time I put a wave of new mods on, but once I do it's extremely stable. There's nowhere to go when the game is unmodded so if it's crashing you're screwed.
Bethesda games have given me no problem on consoles-- 360 and ps4. No mods and it's always fun.

On a side note, I just opened my browser to a google image search for elephants and I'm kind of curious what the fuck I was doing a few hours ago.
ew consoles

I think I'm going to let myself run dry, I have like a quarter ounce total, and it's a ton of different strains mostly a gram or less of each. I'll let the stash run out and then build up my selection again. Honestly, I'm feeling like in the end your mindset when you use weed, especially vaped I suppose, it's a very similar high strain to strain. I've had days where a sativa knocks me out and days where it makes me want to get up and go do tons of stuff just to keep busy, same with my indicas and hybrids. They all seem to vary and the high isn't super consistent. So I suppose I'll just go for saving money next round lol
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