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Boyfriend used to smoke a lot of weed and he's tried a lot of drugs, it worries me?

I've been in similar situations, and I guess since he's hidden drug use from you it doesn't really count, but i consider it a pretty raw deal, especially if he's cutting back use and just using stuff sporadically. Consider if he spent just as much time or more on fantasy football, would it still bother you? What percent is it him using drugs and what percent is it him taking attention away from you. (i'm biased as I've been dumped for similar issues before, and i've tended to be more attracted to the more straighter edger girls.. maybe a mistake).

Although, I did catch that "ur lucky to see him once a week" and that prrrretty pretty weak on his part... i must say..
Not all ''potheads'' fit the playing games and eating all day stereotype. I became more outgoing and social when i started smoking weed. Just as in some people it fucks up the motivation, in others it dont.

All drugs give people something they don't normally get or there wouldn't be addicts. The annoying part about potheads is their holier-than-thou attitude about their DOC. When you spend your days looking for a hookup, need to smoke every few hours and can't buy a week's supply cuz you'll do it all in a day, you're an addict. Doesn't matter that your DOC is something that won't kill you. You're still just as annoying as the heroin addict who needs his hookup each day. Plus, for some reason, potheads are the most annoying people to talk to because they think they come up with brilliant ideas and like to argue (they call it debating) over stupid shit. I'd rather hang out with the chill addict who just wants to chill instead of tell me that pot should be legal and argue about stupid government shit.
All drugs give people something they don't normally get or there wouldn't be addicts. The annoying part about potheads is their holier-than-thou attitude about their DOC. When you spend your days looking for a hookup, need to smoke every few hours and can't buy a week's supply cuz you'll do it all in a day, you're an addict. Doesn't matter that your DOC is something that won't kill you. You're still just as annoying as the heroin addict who needs his hookup each day. Plus, for some reason, potheads are the most annoying people to talk to because they think they come up with brilliant ideas and like to argue (they call it debating) over stupid shit. I'd rather hang out with the chill addict who just wants to chill instead of tell me that pot should be legal and argue about stupid government shit.

Dude what. the. fuck. You're describing a teenager in the honeymoon phase of potheadedness, not the average. There are plenty of young professionals with a passion for pot and some of us are pretty reasonably intelligent and can talk at length about a lot of shit that would surprise the hell out of you. Some of us might even be mellow enough to give judgmental people a chance even when the kneejerk reaction would be to blow them off.
All drugs give people something they don't normally get or there wouldn't be addicts. The annoying part about potheads is their holier-than-thou attitude about their DOC. When you spend your days looking for a hookup, need to smoke every few hours and can't buy a week's supply cuz you'll do it all in a day, you're an addict. Doesn't matter that your DOC is something that won't kill you. You're still just as annoying as the heroin addict who needs his hookup each day. Plus, for some reason, potheads are the most annoying people to talk to because they think they come up with brilliant ideas and like to argue (they call it debating) over stupid shit. I'd rather hang out with the chill addict who just wants to chill instead of tell me that pot should be legal and argue about stupid government shit.
Of course there are some people exactly like you describe but far from everybody. Most of my friends are exactly the opposite of what you describe. I for one used to smoke massive amounts of weed, yet i never had the ''holier than thou'' attitude, shit i did almost as much coke and speed as i smoked weed lol. But yeah i know and i kinda used to be a fiend for weed,but i if i saw there is no way to get some that day id just compensate with alcohol and wait till the next day.
Dude what. the. fuck. You're describing a teenager in the honeymoon phase of potheadedness, not the average. There are plenty of young professionals with a passion for pot and some of us are pretty reasonably intelligent and can talk at length about a lot of shit that would surprise the hell out of you. Some of us might even be mellow enough to give judgmental people a chance even when the kneejerk reaction would be to blow them off.
Very well said, not everybody who smokes weed is a self proclaimed philosoph who eats,games and smokes all day lol.
Why don't you chill with his buddies too. You don't need to get stoned. If your chill about it, not make a big deal, he'd probably appreciate it. Or if you do something like pick up some E and surprise him. It will give you a window into his 'drug world' that you're so worried about. Hey, you never know, you might have a great time.
All drugs give people something they don't normally get or there wouldn't be addicts. The annoying part about potheads is their holier-than-thou attitude about their DOC. When you spend your days looking for a hookup, need to smoke every few hours and can't buy a week's supply cuz you'll do it all in a day, you're an addict. Doesn't matter that your DOC is something that won't kill you. You're still just as annoying as the heroin addict who needs his hookup each day. Plus, for some reason, potheads are the most annoying people to talk to because they think they come up with brilliant ideas and like to argue (they call it debating) over stupid shit. I'd rather hang out with the chill addict who just wants to chill instead of tell me that pot should be legal and argue about stupid government shit.

A functional pothead buys by the zip, please... waiting for your high school/jobless dealer to pick up are the trappings of young/poor stoners only.
All drugs give people something they don't normally get or there wouldn't be addicts. The annoying part about potheads is their holier-than-thou attitude about their DOC. When you spend your days looking for a hookup, need to smoke every few hours and can't buy a week's supply cuz you'll do it all in a day, you're an addict. Doesn't matter that your DOC is something that won't kill you. You're still just as annoying as the heroin addict who needs his hookup each day. Plus, for some reason, potheads are the most annoying people to talk to because they think they come up with brilliant ideas and like to argue (they call it debating) over stupid shit. I'd rather hang out with the chill addict who just wants to chill instead of tell me that pot should be legal and argue about stupid government shit.

the person you are describing sounds absolutely pathetic, but i hope you don't apply this characterization to all regular marijuana users.
the person you are describing sounds absolutely pathetic, but i hope you don't apply this characterization to all regular marijuana users.

it's no more than like 25% and she knows it, and declines with age/use... 14-22 years old are fucking with the stoner reputation.

Plus most of the chill addicts she's talking about will smoke pot too, and it'll be the last drug they quit if they try to kick..
And you love him because? So far he sounds like a drunken lazy slob who doesn't have any ambition and prefers to spend more time with his mates than you. But he appreciates being called a loser. Am I missing something?

LOL oh man that was great...

To be honest, I'm not sure why he is with you (EmLee). It's great that you see something in him, some potential, that either he does not see in himself or that he hasn't the courage right now to tease out and fully realize; but, at the same time, it sounds like he might be content -- at least for the time being -- doing his thing, you know, just as he's doing it, drugs and all, and sometimes you've just got to let a man do his drunken, slob-filled thing for a while until he figures out something else and acts on it. I'm not sure he really needs you telling him what a loser he is when he's probably well aware of it already is sort of where I'm going with this...
ALSO he is not cheating on me. I trust him so much and I have never EVER thought even for a second that he might be cheating on me. I just dislike secretive behaviour between a long-term couple. Am I wrong for that?

no thats perfectly reasonable. and drug addiction is a huge issue in a relationship because it eats up so much time you could be out living a life and doing other things

you cannot change someone else. they can however change themselves if they want to
Dude what. the. fuck. You're describing a teenager in the honeymoon phase of potheadedness, not the average.

haha the dude I'm referencing was 35 and he had plenty of friends who were the same.
EmLee, What problems does his drug usage or what you feel his drug addiction have on your relationship?
sounds like you need a fucking man, and not some man that cant keep his lady happy punk ass fuck.

yo i work,got my own place.i smoke weed, i can handle my shit.sounds like ur w,e the fuck cant handle his shit. u don't need shit like that in your life. going to fuck you up later.

you want a man damnit, what the fuck is the shit coming to? chicks yo, dump dey ass, n find guys out there working.making a living, that can provide for YOU,shit as long as YOUR happy i could give 2shits about me.You'v been wearing my jacket all along. its yours girl.
see, dudes gotta step the fuck up. now u know what kind of guy i am, and i didn't have to hear about some guy/girl im to high to break up with.

refrain from using racist terminology

My boy D's talking that real shit. But to be honest that hurts me lol... because i am like OP's boyfriend , i don't have my shit down yet and it scares me.

OP it doesn't sound like you two are the best match, straight edge that doesn't do drugs and always worries. Vs a druggy who doesn't have his goals and ambitions down yet . Hmm

Just admit it, you probably think he is cute or the bad boy and you want the sex. I really don't know why else you would stay with a guy who would do nothing but take you down...
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All drugs give people something they don't normally get or there wouldn't be addicts. The annoying part about potheads is their holier-than-thou attitude about their DOC. When you spend your days looking for a hookup, need to smoke every few hours and can't buy a week's supply cuz you'll do it all in a day, you're an addict. Doesn't matter that your DOC is something that won't kill you. You're still just as annoying as the heroin addict who needs his hookup each day. Plus, for some reason, potheads are the most annoying people to talk to because they think they come up with brilliant ideas and like to argue (they call it debating) over stupid shit. I'd rather hang out with the chill addict who just wants to chill instead of tell me that pot should be legal and argue about stupid government shit.

I'm quite the opposite miss, and i am pretty laid back and content on weed. I actually admit weed has many problems and it is doing FUCK ALL to my life. I admit all these things, and i don't feel good with out weed so i am an addict ( i have cut down a lot these days ). I do not annoy anyone while high , rather try to remain on everyones chill side. Do not generalize :|
i had a gf like you when i was like 20 and it made me miserable, learned a lot from that relationship (don't go out with girls who judge you, argue like a motherfucker and tell them to fuck off and dump them if all else fails.) i put up with her bullshit way too long, like a year.

keep in mind she was a sweet girl, looked hella good, so i'm not saying you're a bitch or anything, this girl was far from it, but considering there's something about him you can't accept you shouldn't be together.
haha the dude I'm referencing was 35 and he had plenty of friends who were the same.

there are lots of people that indulge in a little weed/alcohol/anything and are not obsessed then there are people who go overboard and let it completely control them.

its the same with every drug.

weed does have some very good tumour shrinking properties though which for something that gets you high is kind of special. weed doesn't make you a loser but it does help losers to justify themselves and to ignore their empty existence
i had a gf like you when i was like 20 and it made me miserable, learned a lot from that relationship (don't go out with girls who judge you, argue like a motherfucker and tell them to fuck off and dump them if all else fails.) i put up with her bullshit way too long, like a year.

keep in mind she was a sweet girl, looked hella good, so i'm not saying you're a bitch or anything, this girl was far from it, but considering there's something about him you can't accept you shouldn't be together.
Id rather be single then to date a control freak crazed bitch. I hate that.