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Boyfriend used to smoke a lot of weed and he's tried a lot of drugs, it worries me?

Do you use any drugs? If so why not use together?

IF YOU SAID YES TOO MY FIRST QUESTION ABOVE IGNORE THE BOTTOM TEXT. And tell me why you two just cant kick it and get high together & Bang like two rabbits?

Okay I'm trying hard not to judge you, but I feel like you two are incompatible. You don't trust him with his buddy's and he doesn't tell you when he's getting high. Then why are you with him? He wont change anytime soon for you, if anything your probably annoying him. I say ditch him and find a guy better suited for you.
It seems like the main issue is that he's spending all his time with his friends at the cost of quality time with you, not that he's in too deep into drugs. Why not try to include yourself hanging out will the whole gang mutually to help knit things together (hmmm...perhaps this might be naive of me)?

Would you be just as unhappy if he was spending all this time, for example, playing video games, rather than using drugs? I feel like some of your worry over the drugs comes simply because they're not something you're very familiar with. I can imagine why you'd be really concerned over the effects when most of the readily available information about drugs demonises them and hypes up their danger. In a way, it's a big unknown for you - how he reacts to them, what his behaviour is like on them, whether it's risky, and so on - and it's so easy to fill in the blanks with worrying and fear. I also think him having this whole world which you're not privy to could lead to feelings of insecurity. I think it can be hard when you feel left out, and that his friends get to share a part of him that you don't. I do think a lot of this could be dealt with by you becoming more informed about drugs, and familiar with the reality of them - so that they lose that mytique. Though, this may depend on him being willing to share some of those experiences with you.

It's hard to know whether your boyfriend really is prioritising time with his friends/drug use over you, or whether he's trying to keep the peace. Given that you are happy with him otherwise, I think it's worth trying to show him you're interested in learning more about drugs and his use of them. I think that even though you say you're not stopping him from doing them, you're not morally against them and so forth, he's easily picking up that you don't really approve either, and rather than face this, he's choosing to not tell you. Perhaps, though, if you do some research of your own accord, keep an open mind and let him know that you're learning more about it because it's something that's a part of his life, he might become more willing to open up about this. I think approaching it from a position of learning more about it (rather than finding out information to justify why he should or shouldn't do anything), can only be beneficial for you. I probably wouldn't ask to come along to one of his sessions until you're both a bit more comfortable with this issue, otherwise I can see a negative dynamic occuring during it. Then again, he may just not want to spend as much time with you as you do with him, but I think it's worth trying out some other approaches before coming to that conclusion.
Should he text you everytime he does anything? Text you "hey, I'm going to the store right now" or "hey, I'm grabbing a bit to eat now"???
It seems like he's told you things now, he just doesn't tell you right away.... why does he have to tell you the instant he does anything, or beforehand? Sometimes things are spontaneous.

Does she have negative opinions about him going to the store/eating? No, she has opinions/concerns about him smoking marijuana with his friends... ARIJUANA.
If you are in a relationship and you want it to succeed, communication is a must. The OP has obviously been biting her tongue (1.5 years?!??!) so I think he should be held accountable for that. Everyone has different beliefs and values, must that we be one track minded? or still appreciate the peoples freedom to think..?
It's possible that he excludes you from his drug-taking activities due to the fact that you seem to have a somewhat negative attitude towards drug use. Which is both valid, and somewhat close-minded. You say that you do not enjoy pot, have you tried anything else? I'm just asking for clarity.

Casual drug can actually enhance the life of the person taking them. Some of the most amazing experiences of my life occurred whilst I was munted on some substance or another. Most of the drugs weren't problematic, and the experiences both enlightening and valuable.

Instead of trying to have him check in with you and see if it's okay with YOU whether he takes drugs or not, why don't you mention, in casual passing, that you'd like to see what it's all about? You don't have to do drugs, with or without him, but new experiences can indeed help one to expand and grow as a person.

Just my two pence worth.
Everyone who's said it's more about feeling 'left out' than about the drugs themselves is absolutely spot on. My boyfriend and I are in a pretty serious relationship and I would just appreciate not feeling so detached from the massive chunk of his life that is being with his friends. When I'm not with him I feel like I'm single; I can't even ring him for a chat if I'm upset or whatever cause I always know he'll be really stoned and with his friends.
And no, I haven't tried any other drugs. I was interested in MDMA and ket just after I met him but he said he wouldn't really want me taking any harder drugs until I was almost 18. Now the appeal has kinda worn off.
his unavailability is what the problem is.


the drugs are a surface problem. the fact he gives you very little of his time is the issue. i understand. its probably kinda lonely and annoying
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Drug use is a choice. Being with you is also one. But if you keep trying to put a leash on him he might run. Perhaps have an open mind.
Drug use is a choice. Being with you is also one. But if you keep trying to put a leash on him he might run. Perhaps have an open mind.

Seems like she is pretty open minded, it doesn't sound like the drugs are the main issue. I agree with the previous poster who stated the issue is his availability.

OP, It seems like openness/honesty is another issue, if he can’t be open and honest with you then that’s a problem. I think you need to sit down with him and have a serious discussion about what’s upsetting you and why it’s upsetting you. I can understand why disappearing and being deceitful about what he’s doing upsets you, that’s simply not part of a healthy relationship. Communication is the foundation of a healthy relationship and if you aren’t openly communicating then you may as well break up now as your relationship is doomed.
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I can understand why disappearing and being deceitful about what he’s doing upsets you, that’s simply not part of a healthy relationship. Communication is the foundation of a healthy relationship and if you aren’t openly communicating then you may as well break up now as your relationship is doomed.

word! communication and spending time together and enjoying each others company is what a relationship is. sex is just sex
My ex often chose his friends over me. Three years after that and I realized that I needed someone who cared about me, especially after three years, I felt like I should be somewhat of a priority. I mean of course you can't be #1 all the time but you should be sometimes if you are in a serious relationship.
I also have to put my two cents in. I was in the same situation as your boyfriend. If my friends said they had weed, mdma, ketamine, etc. I would honestly rather hang with them then my girlfriend. My girlfriend has tried weed like you, but she's never tried mdma or other drugs. So her view on drugs is different then mine. If my girlfriend said I want you to tell me when you do drugs I would be angry.

If you want to try MDMA (which I highly suggest) go ahead and tell him. If he knows your down to try MDMA I don't think he will say no to you hanging with him and his buddies and do some mdma.
First of all, some of the responses were downright rude and coming from BLers who should know better :X

Pretty_Diamonds, it's not so much of a big deal nowadays. I encourage him having an active social life, and if that means he has to get stoned now and again, I don't mind. I'm quite an ambitious person, I work at weekends whilst studying A Levels during the week. I want my boyfriend to be ambitious too. He's intelligent and a great person and he deserves more than working in a shitty dead-end job smoking weed and playing computer games afterwards. I don't want him to quit entirely, he's free to enjoy a bit of pot. I just want him to realise his life could be so much better than it is. He's 20 and I'm 17.

This seems to be the crux of the issue. What you've described is a clear case of a person abusing drugs as a means to try and enjoy a life they don't really feel a purpose in. Unfortunately, everyone has to find their own purpose in life and it's not something you can just talk someone into. For some people it takes years to find their passions and develop ambition, and for others it never happens. Some of the most trustworthy, loyal and most honest people I've known spent their whole lives chasing pleasure without really wanting more out of life. The people who stood by them were the worse for it. Personally, I think you are going to have to make your choice between loving someone who may never get over partying and breaking up with him so you can continue to pursue a life you're working hard towards. What's for certain is that one side will eventually have to compromise. That boils this issue down to one question: do you love this guy enough to potentially give up on the life you want to live?
What's for certain is that one side will eventually have to compromise. That boils this issue down to one question: do you love this guy enough to potentially give up on the life you want to live?

Both sides really need to compromise a bit. I foresee a lot of resentment in the future if one person is forced to full compromise because the other didn't want to at all.
Where to start...

Hey, I know a lot of you are probably just gonna judge me and label me as a 'controlling' girlfriend but I'm really not.

Yes you are.

He appreciates it when I stand up for myself and tell him when I think he's being a loser.

No he doesn't. That's not encouragement or support, that's abuse.

Everyone who's said it's more about feeling 'left out' than about the drugs themselves is absolutely spot on. My boyfriend and I are in a pretty serious relationship and I would just appreciate not feeling so detached from the massive chunk of his life that is being with his friends. When I'm not with him I feel like I'm single; I can't even ring him for a chat if I'm upset or whatever cause I always know he'll be really stoned and with his friends.
If inviting you has negative consequences, such as being called a loser or have you hawkishly monitoring him all night to 'help him' not drink too much; obviously your going to be left out.

He's 20, people that age are rebellious and if you set yourself up as an authority figure he is going to ignore you and shut you out.

I completely agree with your negative attitude toward stoners, in my experience they are make awful spouses. Lazy, moody, constantly stoned. Even if this attitude is justifiable, it doesn't mean that the approach you have taken is appropriate or likely to result in a good outcome for you.

If you truly want a highly motivated go getter who never or seldom uses drugs & spends minimal time with friends.... why not go out with one of the nerdy guys you go to school with in your A levels class?
If you truly want a highly motivated go getter who never or seldom uses drugs & spends minimal time with friends.... why not go out with one of the nerdy guys you go to school with in your A levels class?

Lol, I love this. But it is true. There are TONS of people out there who don't use drugs. And the smart kids in your class is a pretty good place to start looking for that!

trying to change a person is harder (impossible) than simply looking for the person who fits all your needs. life is about compromise but if he doesn't give you what you need then maybe you need to look for someone who can...

life is too short to be with someone that isn't meeting your needs
Take all you money and run away to mexico, we all know how stoners psychopathic and sadistic dont we? No but sriously you knew he was getting high when you started dating him the fuck are you complaning about? I dont know one everyday weed smoker who never tried something '' harder''. I hate people who think you must lose all your bad habits for them. If my girl is going to start complaning because i like drinking vodka aat 7 am, or because i smoke a pack a day, or because i like mixing benzos with alcohol and get fucked up she is going to be out the door as soon as those words come out.

You either accept someone as they are or you jsut dont. Stop trying to be a fucking control freak for fucks sake