Mental Health Bluelight self harm support thread

I stopped cutting when I was 14, been feeling the urge a few times recently though.

Luckily my brain seems to have realised that the release it offers me isn't worth the consequences, if only it would do the same with drugs.

Mind you, the manner in which I have been using drugs probably equates to self harm. Reusing needles 20 times and silly shit like that.
You have avoided cutting for so long, please don't start again. If you ever feel the need to sh, gimme a message and I will get you through, anytime night or day <3
Will do.

I hope you are looking after your wounds darling, be careful because they sounded bad.

Also....don't pick the scabs! If I hadn't done that I would probably be able to pass for a 'normal' human these days.
Despite my supposed childhood genius, I'm an idiot who runs into walls head first

When out of benzos, which will never happen again, but does eat through my wallet, since I buy etizolam powder now for the 5-6 days I always end up having no benzos. Thing is I'm underdosed, I've tapered in the past to the dose i am now, 20mg diazepam a day, .5mg xanax once a day...but this is just keeping me from full blown withdrawal.

Anyways, main point, normally I always pick up my valium a day in advance, it's alright, provincial (canada) health insurance pays for it and they have a window of 2 days before the refill day where it's pretty much ok with all pharmacists and technicians to renew. Except since I was on methadone/suboxone, I was forced to change pharmacies to one of the only ones that dispense methadone, all other pharmacies can also have suboxone, but usually they have to order it for you, so before I can change, I'll tell why I want to change pharmacies soon, it means i'll have to transfer all my other meds to that other pharmacy and make them order suboxone for me so it fits with my next renewal (every week, if you get your sub from a methadone clinic, you get the 1 week max privilege bullshit).

Anyway, on the 23rd, my dad wanted to pick me up and bring me to his house very far away up north in the middle of nowhere. You cannot transfer a benzo script more than once here anyway, so if I was to get a refill, it would transfer the script to that place only unless a doctor intervenes. So I call 'em, the technician is arguing with me that I can only pick them up the next day on the 24th, no matter how I would tell them that I wouldn't be in town and couldn't get my medication then, she asked the pharmacist, who of course happened to be working that day ? Of course the dead-eyed pale as a ghost redhead who loves to act like a bitch and is clearly in it for the money, no morals. (She would let me buy more aspirin with codeine than law allowed for before she got to be one of my methadone dispensers...). I was already in a 6 day withdrawal of valium and I just got so mad I hung up on them and had so much rage RAGE but I can't break anything or hurt anyone, i'm not like that, so I bend down and start running like a handegg player head first in the area between two doors, you know those things are rock hard. Then it hurt so bad I felt like I was dying and I was crying/yelling on my bed where i managed to walk and crash on after impact. But once the pain stopped, I felt better, the day was easier to endure with all the rage out of me.

Uh-oh, since then I wake up with annoying headaches that sometimes last all day, which go away with time, but if I go nap during the afternoon, the headache comes back full force stronger than in the morning.I get weird symptoms that feel like high blood pressure and some slight nausea.

Does this sound like a concussion ? Should I tell this to my psychiatrist so my daily dose gets upped even though he would prefer me off them but is logical enough to keep me on an amount to prevent me from losing my shit permanently ? I mean we hear of hockey players who get much crazier head contacts who get concussions symptoms for maybe 2 weeks then come back to play. But these people are followed by A+ doctors 24/7.

Please discuss... I have no idea how to end my post :p
Jesus, possibly. You may have bruised your brain.
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Have you gotten checked out by a doctor since the head trauma? If not, I highly suggest that you do so that way the doctors can rule out any (hopefully not!) intracranial bleeding or other trauma.

I have had a concussion before-- the day it happened I had (obviously lol) a sever headache, but I also had confusion, light sensitivity and was also very, VERY irritable. Like I wanted to punch everyone in the face type of irritable.

Always try to be as honest as possible with your healthcare providers. However, just keep in mind that if you tell your doctor that you injured yourself, especially due to medication, they may be required to have you placed under psychiatric hold. In the US if a doctor believes you're a risk to yourself or others, it's an automatic 72 hr holding period (or 48?) in a state psych ward. I'm not sure if the same rules apply in Canada, but just be open to the idea that may happen.

I would suggest just being honest about how you feel with your doctor when it comes to your meds- your feelings of anger, rage, etc. due to the change in dose so they can treat you properly.
The pain has gone away since 3 days now, knock on wood. And I indeed learned my lesson, I stopped smoking cigarettes and just procured a lot of etizolam. A much wiser use of my capital that's for sure. And it's wonderful to feel normal again. I really hate having to take benzos not for my mind mostly but for the physical symptoms that drive me crazy to be kept at bay. When I get off suboxone I'll get to getting off the valium 20mg a day, 1mg at a time.

The first 3-4 days after this stupid acting by me waking up was horrible. I got some extra strength aspirins and some mersyndol (otc migraine med that has doxylamine, tylenol and codeine) and yesterday and today I didn't need to take any. Which is wonderful....scared straight that's for sure. Now the challenge will be not to overuse the etizolam on top of what I am already scripted.
The pain has gone away since 3 days now, knock on wood. And I indeed learned my lesson, I stopped smoking cigarettes and just procured a lot of etizolam. A much wiser use of my capital that's for sure. And it's wonderful to feel normal again. I really hate having to take benzos not for my mind mostly but for the physical symptoms that drive me crazy to be kept at bay. When I get off suboxone I'll get to getting off the valium 20mg a day, 1mg at a time.

The first 3-4 days after this stupid acting by me waking up was horrible. I got some extra strength aspirins and some mersyndol (otc migraine med that has doxylamine, tylenol and codeine) and yesterday and today I didn't need to take any. Which is wonderful....scared straight that's for sure. Now the challenge will be not to overuse the etizolam on top of what I am already scripted.

I'm glad to hear your feeling okay now <3 I was worried.

On a related note, What do you guys say if asked about self injury scars? I Have a fear the new guy I'm seeing may ask and I won't know how to reply...
My scalpel blade is coming out again, the need is too much for me I can't cope anymore, I got down to the muscle last time so that makes me think if I wanted to check out (which I pretty much want to 24/7) I will be able to sever my brachial or femoral artery, which is comforting for me. I know I know I shouldn't think that way but I can't control the feelings and urges any more than you can stop a rabid pitbull from attacking. I'm such a fuck up
I'm glad to hear your feeling okay now <3 I was worried.

On a related note, What do you guys say if asked about self injury scars? I Have a fear the new guy I'm seeing may ask and I won't know how to reply...

Tell him that you have been through rough times and you're a lot happier and healthier now. :) <3

My scalpel blade is coming out again, the need is too much for me I can't cope anymore, I got down to the muscle last time so that makes me think if I wanted to check out (which I pretty much want to 24/7) I will be able to sever my brachial or femoral artery, which is comforting for me. I know I know I shouldn't think that way but I can't control the feelings and urges any more than you can stop a rabid pitbull from attacking. I'm such a fuck up

I know it feels that way... but trust me, you're not a fuck up. <3

PM me if you'd like D2P

I don't know how I've managed to survive this past month; but I have. If I can do it, I have a LOT of faith in everybody here <3<3<3
After 6 months free of self-harm, I relapsed yesterday as a result if a shitty break-up. I feel absolutely worthless right now. I keep waiting for things to get better, but they just keep getting worse.
Breakups have a way of throwing you to the ground. What kind of support do you have around you? Family or friends? If not, I would say, seek out some counseling--even if it is only at a crisis center and short term. Just something to help you get through the first few weeks after a break-up. Don't feel bad for relapsing. I'm around tonight for a couple of hours if you need to talk. ((<3))
I don't see what the huge deal is. Yes, I know that it's a psychiatric issue. Besides that though, it doesn't seem all that dangerous compared to using drugs or being psychotic. Only reason I don't cut all the time though is healing of cuts would interfere with bodybuilding.
While self-harm may not have as evident consequences on one's health, there definitely are some. There's a possibility of hitting something important (resulting in loss of function), infections, and blood loss. Some people can end up in life threatening situations.

Also, if you're like me, cutting is an unhealthy method of coping with stress and frustration, but it really doesn't make anything better. And worse, it can become a habit (so even if I'm not stressed I feel an urge). After over a year completely fine, midterms brought my urge back and I made an impulsive decision on a really dumbass spot and started getting urges almost every day for a couple of weeks until here we are today. This might have alleviated my stress temporarily, but now I'm stressed even more about people finding out and it wreaked havoc on my self worth, with additional feelings of guilt. Effects may vary, but that's my story.

So.... Reasons why I think cutting is a serious problem mixed in with a personal rant. Wow, that was long.
Hi everyone,

I have been forwarded to this thread by a friend. I have an addiction, 11yr long, to self harm. I had to get stitches last week (that's only happened once before, though I have had several wounds that should have been stitched but weren't) and it really signals to me that I am not coping and need help. I was in a psych hospital for two and a half months over Christmas, I have a shrink, a GP, an outreach nurse, a psychologist and still I don't seem to be able to kick this habit. I don't know what else I am supposed to do.

Venting that out has helped a little.
I also self-harm when alone. please talk to someone. even if its just people like me on this forum. I need this place too. I understand.
^ how big is it? you could always try those big wrap bandages that they sell to cover it and then just tell people you had an accident if people ask what happened. make sure you use some cream to avoid scarring.
^I'm sorry to hear about that. I've had several similar issues in the past and have used henna (easily purchased in a cone) to draw patterns over scars that won't fade. If you go over the pattern a couple of times it gets dark enough to hide them fairly well for a week or so. Not sure how helpful that is, and granted it can be pretty time consuming, but it's potentially easier than making permanent excuses for a bandage?
I cut the word die into my forearm while fucked up on xanax, valium, and booze 2-3 weeks ago now I didn't think it was deep but the scar is lasting so long! how can I make this disappear faster?!?!, people are gonna think ima dope fiend and if they see it I'm definitely never gonna hear the end of it and get forced into so sort of mental health bullshit. I feel much better now, and regret it (although the largest regret is postion and obviousness of pattern, DIE)

If you cut two to three weeks ago and the scar is fading already it will be gone soon. I still bear the scars of self harm from over a decade ago and they will never leave me. The thought of the stigma fucks me up sometimes but I've come to realise that if someone is going to stigmatise me for them they're not someone I want in my life anyway.

Rub vitamin e cream on to the scars and they will fade quicker.