• H&R Moderators: VerbalTruist | cdin | Lil'LinaptkSix

Recovery Another detox attempt.... U-47700 and Tianeptine.

Yes, I am currently attending an out patient treatment which is going to help me with medicine for depression and anxiety.
I will be sure to keep everyone up to date on my progress.
I'm hoping I do feel better tomorrow!
I hate waking up only sleeping an hour or two!
Ugh. I've been do detox twice and my parents think my life is a joke.. I attempted suicide of course NY heart stopped too early and I woke up in the ER #help
w0w0mg.. hang in there man..

I hate to give you some tough love but dude, this is like the 4th time you've been through this since 2016 even started...don't you think you're taking it a little too hard on your body..?
w0w0mg.. hang in there man..

I hate to give you some tough love but dude, this is like the 4th time you've been through this since 2016 even started...don't you think you're taking it a little too hard on your body..?

Many of us go through periods of bingeing/addiction, and periods of abstinence. I think the goal is to keep trying for abstinence, no matter what, despite how bad our relapses can be.

w0w is well aware of the destructive nature of his addiction and I applaud him for already being in out-patient. It's about progress, not perfection.
I agree man, 100%. I guess I just feel like perhaps some tough love should be added to the melting pot of remedies - i do apologize if I went about it the wrong way, I guess what I'm trying to say is its just time to throw in the towel lol we love you dude we really do but I hate to keep seeing you go through this..I'm sure you do as well. seeing you post about how bad you're feeling and knowing there's nothing I can do about it bothers me but on the contrary you've been posting about how you are feeling better, so just keep hanging in there man and know that we are all pulling for you.
Sometimes people respond well to a kick in the pants I guess. You're always welcome to offer constructive criticism. :)

It's amazing how we're all trying to help each other out though. It's all peace and love here. :)
Much love to all you guys.
I admire every single one of you and I'm thankful for every advice and tip that is given!
I'm feeling better now, I am using kratom which I think I may stay on for a little bit.
I have decided to proceed with going to out-patient groups, because I feel like it's the only way I will get a handle on things.

Trust me, I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired, it's just that whole addiction side of my brain is my entire brain 95% of the time.
When something is in front of me, I react on impulse and relapse. I am giving it 100% this time though, I have been doing a lot better than how I was before though,
I made a couple of slip ups, and like to rant and vent about it - You guys give me the courage to get back on the horse and not give up hope!
I have been going thru so many withdrawals because I will make these really short binges, instead of one really long one, I WANT to quit, I know I will too, It's just taking me some time.
I honestly think I will get thru this for sure this time.
Your dedication and persistence is a huge inspiration man. It reminds me of all the hard work it took me just to get here, and it's good to know I'm not alone in wanting to get/stay clean. <3
Hi, I just wanted to ad my experience on this drug. About a week and a half ago, I had to cold turkey after a 2 month binge. During this binge, I used a 30 ml nose spray and would take about 10 sniffs every hour or so. I did this for about 2 months until all my resources for it went dry for a week or so. It took me exactly 96 hours to complete the withdraw, and was 100% by day 5. I am very experienced in benzo and opiate withdraws, and I have had to withdraw from the RC benzos before and heroin at one point in my life. U-47700 was definitely one of the worst and most painful withdraws I have ever been through, but the worst of it lasted about 48 hours. This is after a 2 month binge. I prefer short but painful withdraws compared to benzo withdraws that last up to a year with post acute withdraws and rebound anxiety, its horrible to live like that for months and months, compared to U-4 where I just locked myself in my apartment for 72 hours. In short, U-4 withdraws, while very painful do not last long. Be prepared to feel like your body is overheating for about 48 hours, especially the first 12. The only remedy for this for me was constant warm baths/showers and jugs of cold bottled water to keep from dehydrating. I was sweating bullets so hard, I think I may have had a stroke if it weren't for the warm baths and constant hydration. Make it 48 hours and you are in the clear, at least I was. Hope this helps. Peace!
Thanks so much Tbar, I agree with you, it's a NASTY drug to come off of.
This is my 4th day off the U-4 and I'm feeling better, I wake up with bad anxiety but that's about it.
I'm thinking it's more on the PAWS side now, anxiety/insomnia ect. I hope those fade fast too!

I'm glad you're off your binge, I was getting BAD BAD side effects from prolong use, including vivid nightmares and such!!
Just STAY OFF IT! When I came off it, I was forced to because my source went dry. Day 5, I got 4 g's in the mail. Kept it in my cabenit for about 3 days, then started up again. I think that when I run out of my next batch, I'm just going to have to suffer, but at least I'm prepared for it now. The hardest part is staying sober. Keep it on the up and up man.
I agree with you 150% Tbar.
I will not be ordering anymore of that U-47700 or any opiate honestly.
I cut out all my connections to even get street dope.
The only thing I have been using is Kratom, which helps but can lead into addiction too.
However, I think it's a great crutch if you're trying to step off slowly like myself.

I wish you luck Tbar - the u-47700 had some NASTY side effects on me, I'm talking
vivid nightmares, personality changes, and just acting like a jerk. I'm glad I'm off it again.

If you need any support on your journey - Feel free to ask!
Much love to you mate!
my u-4 use ramped up quick with minimal opiate background.. the rush is amazing. hang in there currently treating my arms from poking.

its crazy that 20mg was a long lasting rush to 3 20mg ivs an hour.

able to supplement away from withdrawls with four days downtime using o-pce and benzos
small amounts of u4 mixed in the first 12 hours

edit: how is this stuff effecting veins through causticity and un used naive opiate receptors .

current batch in use can be broken down

have tried several batches found one source that is absolutely wonderful, little caustic attributes and very potent compared to some wasteful batches from reputable labs where 70mg up nose weak.

tldr edit - can resonate what tbar said
Not good. I only use nasal spray, but just take a look at w0w0mg's comments about what it did to his hands. Also, I used to shoot up when I was a kid (like ten years ago) on a daily basis by age 19 or 20 and we have all either heard the stories or seen people with absesses so bad that they have to see a doctor or their arm will have to be amputated. I knew a kid named Angelo who had to get an arm amputated because he kept shooting up in the same infected spot and didn't do anything about it. We called it "Angelo Arm". That's regular dope. This stuff was made in China, shipped from God knows where, and has bacteria in it most of the time, plus the causticity of bath salts and shit. Some of it is really fluffy and pure, thats when you get lucky. A lot of the time, its rough like sand. Have you seen the pics of people who shot up bath salts? Its like their flesh was eaten away. Or how about that krockadil from Russia? That shit is down right crazy. Don't shoot this shit up. I mean, don't shoot drugs in general, but if you need any more proof, look up caustic ingestion necrosis. For real.
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Yeah - I have shot up bathsalts, tianeptine, and u-47700 - ALL SO BAD FOR YOUR VEINS..
The U-47700 killed every last one of them - and I had so many - within less than a weeks time.
I killed all the ones on my arms first then moved to my hands and they all died - then fingers - which I started missing shots which led to a HORRIBLE infection.
My entire arms, and hands were so swollen I couldn't even turn a door knob, luckily they caught it in time or they would have had to remove them!
I moved to snorting the u-47700 and I ended up getting an upper respiratory infections AND a severe sinus infections.. Eventually I would take it orally which ended up killing a lot of my taste buds.
Either way - prolong use will ruin every part of your body!
I was better off just shooting heroin! At least it lasted longer and you could miss a shot and nothing too bad would happen, just soreness..
I'm just glad I finally stopped doing it all, it's not worth it, trust me. I have permanent nerve and dead tissue damage from shooting RC's..
Yeah - I have shot up bathsalts, tianeptine, and u-47700 - ALL SO BAD FOR YOUR VEINS..
The U-47700 killed every last one of them - and I had so many - within less than a weeks time.
I killed all the ones on my arms first then moved to my hands and they all died - then fingers - which I started missing shots which led to a HORRIBLE infection.
My entire arms, and hands were so swollen I couldn't even turn a door knob, luckily they caught it in time or they would have had to remove them!
I moved to snorting the u-47700 and I ended up getting an upper respiratory infections AND a severe sinus infections.. Eventually I would take it orally which ended up killing a lot of my taste buds.
Either way - prolong use will ruin every part of your body!

Damn. Is it a really acidic substance? I don't know much bout these new RC opiates.
Oh man yeah it's VERY VERY caustic CJ, it's not worth it.
I'm glad you're on the 'done bro, it's so much safer to be on.
I would get back in it, but honestly, I'm so scared of coming back off of it or not being able to pay for it anymore then having to detox, that scares me too much.
The withdrawals scarred me.