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AL-LAD Now available in UK

it's all subjective though
Aye, of course.

I think it's more common than not to get a head trip from it though.

I disagree from what I've read here. My general impressions from others (particularly in this thread) have been that it's very visually focused and lacks the headtrip. (one of the many reasons people have been praising it for)
most reports I've read said it has a milder, easier to handle head trip than LSD, not that it doesn't have any headtrippiness. I don't think people would be praising it if it had no head trip at all, that's why the nbome's got such a bad rep, for being to shallow.

But as I said it seems like an incredibly subjective chemical, certain people seem to get a lot, others not much. Makes it annoying for groups though, everybody seems to be at different levels.
It definitely has a head trip, how else would it make everything so fucking funny?

Did you not get the humour, marmz? I can't stop grinning from start to finish, laughing out loud too.
I laughed for about 10 minutes, but peter capaldi had just been chosen as the new doctor who, so i was overjoyed ;p

The laughing and smiling had no tangible (or felt no emotional) tie to anything psychological tho. not even remotely. So for that reason I can't grant it 'headtrippiness'.
Really? 300ugs had a head trip of a similar intensity to huffing a fart that had been captured in an air-tight jar, I found.

who says it's gonna be gone?

Unevenly laid blotter? pffft, not a chance said my vendor (true story) ;p

I think you exaggerate a little about this stuff, obviously it isn't the ultimate psychedelic but comparing 300ug to huffing a fart is just plain stupid unless your supplier is shit. There's definitely a headspace, but it's more like a lower dose tryptamine but with stronger lysgerimide visuals. It isn't meant to have a strong headspace so you may be possibly chasing the wrong thing, there's some good posts earlier in the thread about people discussing this. And there's always one. ;)

Well...the original batch that people are discussing earlier in this thread is gone and was replaced with another analogue soon after. These things are hard to make and don't pop up regularly, those websites that people are buying blotter off are quite far down the chain when it comes to how easy it is to get far up it. So basically, unless you know of some synth route for this stuff that doesn't involve LSD (Which is rumored) or the proper lab goes back and makes more (although is there a necessity for them?) and you can ask them, then aye stock up because last I knew it was gone and lots of people in the past few pages are clearly just buying off reptile sites.

The whole thing is to do with the experimentation of lysergimide analogues. AL-LAD wasn't the thing they were focussing on. Look it up online and the other similar ones it's the same as every time it comes about, it's just this time round we have vendors after recent big popularity increase in RCs. I'm not just spouting shit for no reason, I'm telling people if they genuinely like this stuff then they should have stocked up when it was available as pure or the actual labs own blotter. Or at the latest now, but the upmarketed price is insane and who knows what some random rc sites blotter is like.

To finalize it aint coming from a typical RC lab in China. Unless in the past month I've became out of the loop and there is new synth routes, but we can't get into discussing that. Just like LSD.
Same case with LSZ AcidTrippin. The situation is definitely different this time around but it's still scarce.

Anyway, I just thought I would chime in and say that 250ug (2 of the 125ug tabs) was breathtaking - I was at a festival and wanted to socialise but couldn't get my head around social interactions!
No cross-tolerance with LSD?!?!?

I just tried Al-LAD for the first time at 150mcg over the weekend. The overall feeling was indeed similar to LSD, but there were certainly pronounced differences. I would say the intensity was comparable to 100mcg of LSD, but it was all-around less kaleidoscopic. Everything had that 60mcg LSD look to it, but there was hardly any movement/fractalization/kaleidoscope effects. There was also less psychedelic ideation - thoughts merging, information downloading, etc, but I definitely wouldn't say it had no head-trip. I was tripped out - a little disoriented/disassociated and fuzzy feeling. It made us giggle like we were on acid, and the disassociation had a pain relieving effect (I currently have an injury). The fuzzy-headedness made interacting with people a little more difficult for a couple hours, but I would say the peak effects were shorter lived than LSD's peak effects. Overall, I did not find it as glorious as LSD, but I will agree with people who said that it was smoother and more easy-going in a sense. There was just as much leg-bouncing-type energy, but a little less muscle tension and anxiety, and a decidedly pleasant quality to the buzz. The smoothness and giggliness made it quite enjoyable and fun. Just a little less epic.

But now for the truly amazing part:
The following night, we ate plain old LSD. Being certain that there must surely be cross-tolerance (as almost everything 5ht2-oriented creates LSD tolerance), I ate 2 hits right off the bat. They may have been 150 mcg hits but even so, on day 2 even 300mcg would not normally be that heavy. But I tripped balls!!! Tripped as if I hadn't done a thing the night before! For us festival-goers who enjoy tripping a few times throughout a weekend, it would be a revelation to have something like this that allows you trip again the next day on acid like it's day 1!!!! I'm going to repeat this experiment again near the end of the month and report back if I get the same results. Very curious.....
Nice post!

on my first weekend I had Al-Lad on Sat & Sun & noticed no reduction in effects.
really? no tolerance and no cross tolerance?

others have reported that they felt decreased effects even a week after use (somewhat similar to LSD)...
personally havent had the chance to trip so much so cant confirm either way but indeed it would be interesting... anyone venture an explanation, considering these chems target the same receptors?
Very interesting that there's no cross-tolerance with LSD.

Pagey will recognise this: on the comedown, I find AL-LAD produces twinges in my brain. I've not had brain zaps from MDMA or anything else, so I can't say it's brain zaps or like brain zaps, maybe it is. Subjectively my impression is the chemical is getting stuck in receptors and causing little electric shocks! That's nonsensical speculation but that's how it feels to me. They occur with regularity, every few minutes, for three or four hours.

I can't remember if this has happened every time I've taken the stuff but it was very noticeable last time (300 mics).

Anyone else get this? Is it "brain zaps" or a different thing?
no idea if this is brain zaps... havent had the "pleasure" of those yet, but i always imagined them more severe and annoying.

on the other hand, ive had this feeling, or something like it while coming down on other psychedelics, also felt like the trip was diminishing a notch or so (horrible comparison but - a bit like the digestive tract pushes forward a particularly hard to digest bit of food, so does my brain pass a bit of chem/trip out of itself).

ive noticed it on DOC and IIRC 2CD (might have been a mix of 2cd and 2cc), but ive never thought of calling it brain zap. also cant speak for al-lad, i was too busy laughing
I could might have had a similar experience when redosing the day after already tripping on al-lad. Me and my mates were getting the "psychedelic shivers". I found it halarious as my mate was scuttling about place like the scene from fear and loathing when hunter eats the adrenochrome. On 2c-i iv also had the jittery brain sensation that made me shiver but at the time i had no idea if i was giggling or vibrating.
I know what you mean by "brain zaps", though I did not experience them with Al-Lad, nor do I experienced them with any regularity. Usually they happen when I am trying to fall asleep after a trip. I think diazepam might improve these. The first and worst time was way back in high school (12 yrs ago?) when I smoked some herb while tripping on shrooms. The zap was so intense it actually made me jump, and then I had aftershocks for a little while. Pretty unpleasant and worrisome at the time.
I know what you mean by "brain zaps", though I did not experience them with Al-Lad, nor do I experienced them with any regularity. Usually they happen when I am trying to fall asleep after a trip. I think diazepam might improve these. The first and worst time was way back in high school (12 yrs ago?) when I smoked some herb while tripping on shrooms. The zap was so intense it actually made me jump, and then I had aftershocks for a little while. Pretty unpleasant and worrisome at the time.

Right, but just to be clear I don't think what I experienced were brain zaps really, certainly they were not intense in any way, and were more like something "getting stuck" rather than a zap, which sounds like it might kill you!
Well this IS my corner of expertise isn't it, psychedelics AND fucking brain zaps!

I've noticed the odd teeny event on LSz downside, haven't noticed any frm Al-Lad. A friend who tried Al-Lad who'd also suffered Zaps noticed a return of the symptoms after using Al-Lad. The bigdandy thread, I think it's in PD, has many reports of Brain Zaps on high dose shrooms.

I think you ARE having Brain Zaps, Knock, but they sound very minor compared to some I've suffered & compared to those suffered during SSRI Discontinuation Syndrome. I still get the odd tiny one, which I've come to call Brain Buzzes coz that's all it is, a tiny, brief little Buzz noise in my head. Compared to those I suffered for three days & three nights after using 5-mapb stupidly in January, these Buzzes are nothing.

I'm convinced that Benzos increase the occurance of my Brain Zaps so I personally try to avoid them when I can.
Anyone notice anything different with the newer batch of tabs? 2 of my mates and I decided to split a tab last night, just for some extra boost in build up to the pills at a festival. We all felt really edgy and had bad body load. It was pretty damn strong for the size of the tabs as well, not to mention heart rate was pounding. Problems I've not had with my older tabs. Don't know what it could be.
Anyone notice anything different with the newer batch of tabs? 2 of my mates and I decided to split a tab last night, just for some extra boost in build up to the pills at a festival. We all felt really edgy and had bad body load. It was pretty damn strong for the size of the tabs as well, not to mention heart rate was pounding. Problems I've not had with my older tabs. Don't know what it could be.

Ah fuck, don't say they have changed anything ... I have just got some from the same place as you.
It was pretty damn strong for the size of the tabs as well, not to mention heart rate was pounding

I've had this on AL. It lead to me going to A&E and being vallied up to the eyeballs. Very uncomfortable. Incredible trip, but horrible body load.

Would do it again truth be told!
I found 150ug first time out really nice but 225ug a few weeks later not so as bodyload was quite strong but that is only my opinion and you know where i got them