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AL-LAD Now available in UK

The fridge/freezer is a damp place & damp is your enemy. The tabs will last longer if they are kept very cold & very dry.

What about seriously long-term storage tho Si? Like 5-10 years? Do you think the freezer is the best option then?
No loss of potency in amber vial stored in dark place at room temperature for 4-5 months.
the fact that this exists and is easy and legal to get makes me slightly less upset about 'recent events'.
What about seriously long-term storage tho Si? Like 5-10 years? Do you think the freezer is the best option then?

I doubt anyone has tried to store Al-Lad under any conditions for anything like 5 or 10 years until now, so I honestly have no idea. I would extrapolate from LSD storage data & if the case is the same for Al-Lad then it might even be a bit of overkill storing it in the freezer & might actually be increasing the risks of degradation because of the risk of damp or for reasons we can't know yet... It may be that simply storing the tabs out of light & away from damp & warmth might be more than enough to keep the compound stable indefinitely. Lets hope so!

I am open to other idea's for really long term storage, such as this argon gas oxygen extraction shit, which I am clueless about. I'm just thinking about keeping mine as cold & airless as possible & to maintain those conditions with as little as possible disruption, some of which is inevitable I s'pose.
Just been reading through the posts and looking over some trip reports ... It sounds quite promising.

Anyone with experience of mixing with MDMA for a type of candyflip?

Yep a month ago at a festival I had half a tab of AL-LAD followed by 135mg of MDMA and 25mg of 6-apdb. Was absolutely fucking spangled. Never been like it at a festival. I became one with sound and colours, it was unreal. Music appreciation was so intense (At that point it was Carl Craig playing) Too much though for definite. Had to go chill by the lake side for a while until I came about. Has massive potential with lower doses. Going to do it all again next weekend at another festival, but less on the old MD. Probably give the 6-apdb a miss this time though.
Yep a month ago at a festival I had half a tab of AL-LAD followed by 135mg of MDMA and 25mg of 6-apdb. Was absolutely fucking spangled. Never been like it at a festival. I became one with sound and colours, it was unreal. Music appreciation was so intense (At that point it was Carl Craig playing) Too much though for definite. Had to go chill by the lake side for a while until I came about. Has massive potential with lower doses. Going to do it all again next weekend at another festival, but less on the old MD. Probably give the 6-apdb a miss this time though.

And that was off just half a tab! ... God knows what a full one is going to do to me.

So many reports seems so inconsistent in terms of dosage. The tabs either blows peoples socks off or does nothing at all.
Could it possibly have something to do with people's levels of experience with psychedelics in general? If you've done a lot of acid, 2Cs, mushrooms etc before, you're probably going to be less overwhelmed by one tab of AL-LAD than someone tripping for the first time.
No it's nothing to do with that.

I've had extremely variable results from the same dose.

I've been absolutely nutted on 1.5 tabs. And then I've had hardly any fucking effect from 2 tabs.
Inexpertly laid blotter then? Maybe it just is unpredictable material, which is always a ballache. 2C-D is one of my faves, but I never know whether 50mg is going to kick my arse or fail to touch the sides.
Knock.... wasnt your intense trip a combo with MXE ?
There was a post recently in PD where some other guy was blown away by that combo.. maybe they play nice.

It really is odd. Why go to the trouble of synthing a rare but desirable chem then just spray it over the blotter cum-shot stylee ?

LSZ hasnt had such mixed reports and its coming from the same vendors.. so maybe the same lab and laying technique.

I remember posting about taking MXE with something and not liking it because the MXE just made me feel stupid (I'd taken 150mgs or something but I have a silly tolerance to it), but I thought that was 4-AcO-DMT. In any case that time was just uncomfortable, the time I am talking about being "nutted" was just AL-LAD.

It's entirely possible that the stuff is highly dependent on brain chemistry. In a way that I do not find LSD is.
I had a friend who didn't really trip off this, while I was in a whole other dimension.

Such a shame it seems so fickle as along with lsd it's my favourite drug. And it's legal. Urghhhhh.

Just out of interest how long do people think it'll stay legal for? Certain stuff like mxe and 4-fa got banned without much media attention so you never know.
My guess... Feb next year... [ thats based on nothing but a hunch ]
Maybe even before that. Mxe got loads of attention [ remember that toffy nosed speaker's wife tweeting about it ? ]

I reckon they're just gunna ban everything...
But ive been thinking this for years and it never happens... I think one death during the build up to the next election could trigger a long list of bans

Silly really you'd think the tories would appreciate the entrepreneurs
There was plenty of media attention surrounding MXE (ROFLTCOPTR?), and 4-FA was illegal before it was ever sold, it was covered by the 2001 catch-all clause.
can't remeber there being anywhere near as much as there was about mephedrone though.
No, but that was before they introduced temporary class orders, and you have to remember that mephedrone was really a game changer in the way research chemicals were viewed in this country. Before then, they were the obscure preserve of people like us, internet druggies (or "psychonauts" as the pompous like to style it). All of a sudden, everyone was doing meph, it was in clubs, schools, WI meetings, and that drew a huge amount of attention to the scene. Anyway, this is well OT.
i think the head trip from al-lad only really comes in at higher doses. But it really does come in when it does. 225ugs had a head trip of a similar intensity to 120-130ugs LSD.
Really? 300ugs had a head trip of a similar intensity to huffing a fart that had been captured in an air-tight jar, I found.

I'd stock up while you can, not like there's going to be any more once it's gone.

who says it's gonna be gone?

Inexpertly laid blotter then? Maybe it just is unpredictable material, which is always a ballache. 2C-D is one of my faves, but I never know whether 50mg is going to kick my arse or fail to touch the sides.
Unevenly laid blotter? pffft, not a chance said my vendor (true story) ;p
Really? 300ugs had a head trip of a similar intensity to huffing a fart that had been captured in an air-tight jar, I found.

it's all subjective though, had a friend who didn't get a lot from it ,yet I thought my consciousness was trapped in a pod attached to the belly of a giant inter-dimensional spider at the peak.

I think it's more common than not to get a head trip from it though. I've heard lots of people, many experienced with psychs, say it's incredibly similar to LSD. I personally agree, I felt like there were mild differences (more visual, bit more of a frantic, fast pace to it and more body trippy) but the fact that I can get AL-LAD so easily means I won't really miss acid now that the road is gone.

It does seem to be a very subjective chemical though.
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