Acid in America 2K8

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Mine are as well, I'm pretty certain I have the same type. I look forward to tommorrow night with great interest
Whats the word in the pittsburgh area? Moving there next month and wondering what the scene is like
ForceSith said:
Mine are as well, I'm pretty certain I have the same type. I look forward to tommorrow night with great interest

if you're anything like me you'll love it (even though it isnt LSD).

i understand the disapointment one might feel after being sold something else as LSD (it happened to me).
but make the best of it.
DOC is a hell of a drug itself.
How do the effects differ?

I know, it's all subject to your own individual experience and each experience is different and unique each time . . .

but afterwards, I'm sure you're able to tell yourself "That wasn't LSD, that was DOC"

how . . . I'd like to know. :\
Anybody come across the white on white unperfed sheets with spiral designs on them? Some of the cleanest LSD I have ever come across (must be very pure crystal) and it is the standard 100ug a hit (obviously this is just a guess to what I think 100ug is like compared to other doses of the same range, etc)
MaxPowers said:
How do the effects differ?

I know, it's all subject to your own individual experience and each experience is different and unique each time . . .

but afterwards, I'm sure you're able to tell yourself "That wasn't LSD, that was DOC"

how . . . I'd like to know. :\

the first obvious sign was the bigger than average blotter. Then came the bitter taste. It wasnt horrible but did taste very chemically bitter (i've tasted a few rc's).
I felt the effects within a half hour which was odd because DOx's usually take longer to kick in but i didnt reach the peak untill at least 2 hours later.

The trip itself was different in that i experienced a bit more head fuck than im used to with LSD. Acid usually lets me keep a very clear mind where as this felt alot more foggy, if that makes sense. Also the visuals were more remeniscent of 2c-x drugs (which i have done plenty of) rather than those of LSD.

The body load wasnt too bad with these DOC blotters but i did end up vomiting once about 5 hours into the trip. Other than that i felt fine, perhaps even a little tired.
In the past when i have tried DOC and DOI knowingly i experienced more body load but that might be because the doses iv used in the past were higher.

And lastly the trip lasted longer than LSD does.
With acid im usually down by 8-10 hours. With the DOx blotters i wasnt able to sleep till ~13-14 hours later.
And the reason i think its DOC rather than DOI or DOB is because i have tried DOC and DOI in the past and these blotters reminded me more of DOC.
Finally found a sheet the other night. The picture spanned the entire 7.5"X7.5" page, so I only got a small portion of it. What I could see on it was a portion of a skull and single crossbone with a rose and a feather and the guy called it Grateful Dead...which seems to add up. Anyway, I'll get back to you guys this weekend and let you know what's up with it.
You don't need bigger than average blotter for doc. 3-4mgs will fit on a 1/4in x 1/4in blotter paper tab. 1.5cm x 1.5cm is the size of 9 regular tabs. Sounds to me like a chemical that needs 30-40mgs to get where you wanna be was put on the paper.
heard about some fluff white/white sheets for 425, vials for 325, and lastly brown microdots.
Is that how it usually is here or is it more of a seasonal thing? (more acid when the weather gets warmer?)

Just asking because I just moved to Chicago from southern Illinois.
A guy that I know in Santa Barbara claimed to have had microdots within the past month or two but sold out. Right now, the only people that I know that can get anything is in blotter form in LA or the bay area.
Nitrous is Nice said:
Is that how it usually is here or is it more of a seasonal thing? (more acid when the weather gets warmer?)

Just asking because I just moved to Chicago from southern Illinois.

yea, summer is acid time, really festival time too which also means acid time.
rat tat tat tat said:
yea, summer is acid time, really festival time too which also means acid time.
acid is always available on teh right circuits.
IDk winter is acid time for me as well, Its all about the connectioons. People still dose in the fall, spring and winter! It is just not as prevalent to most people without connections.
I'm buying some LSD in two or three days. My current dealer (awesome guy, best dealer I've ever had both in terms of prices and general chillness/reliability) knows a girl that lays it in California. I know sounds like a BS story, maybe it is but I don't care.

Anyway I don't know anything about which print it is or the strength or even how much he's gonna be selling it for; I didn't get a chance to ask him when I saw him today and he doesn't like talking about stuff like that on the phone. But I'll definitely post back with pictures and a review once I get them. I live in the Piedmont region of VA.

BTW love your avatar Nitrous is Nice, that movie was great =D
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Thanks man. What's the most you ever lost on a coin toss? :D

I love that movie. Anton, IMO, is the creepiest bad guy from a movie ever.
just another reminder: do not post incriminating information, law enforcement has been known to frequent the board and whether you want to believe it not, they don't always go after the big fish. it is up to you, the poster, to use discretion at all times.

~*geNeRaTiOn E*~ said:
just another reminder: do not post incriminating information, law enforcement has been known to frequent the board and whether you want to believe it not, they don't always go after the big fish. it is up to you, the poster, to use discretion at all times.

tell me about it....
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