Acid in America 2K8

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^Lots of people are running around with real vials, cubes are still the easiest thing to lay liquid on. Around here I see ten vials for every sheet...
Yea. Sugar cubes just have liquid from a vial dropped on them usually. Be wary, though, because it's very easy to put something else on a sugar cube, even things that wouldn't fit on blotters. But if you are dealing with reliable people with the proper connections you should be straight.
People who deal in sugar cubes are stupid. Due to the wonderful Federal drug laws that include carrier weight when determining how to sentence a person, being caught with ONE hit of LSD on a cube is roughly equal to being caught with 100 hits on blotter:\
Its not like people usually lay out a hundred hits on sugar all at once. If you have to eat a couple hits if you get pulled over, so what...

I'd rather be caught with one cube than a fucking sheet.
Keep looking. It is out there, in the same circles that it has always been in.
i feel like prices are going down and down and its becoming much easier to find
Doubtless! I really think we are in the middle of a third acid wave (first one of course being in the 60's; second in the 90's) ... prices are nowhere near what they used to be (much higher than they were pre-Pickard/late 90's) but are heading more in a reasonable direction to be sure.
SomeKindaLove said:
Doubtless! I really think we are in the middle of a third acid wave (first one of course being in the 60's; second in the 90's) ... prices are nowhere near what they used to be (much higher than they were pre-Pickard/late 90's) but are heading more in a reasonable direction to be sure.

hoffmans are everywhere and i've seen tons of art blotter and lots of liquid this summer!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

it makes me happy

sad as it is, whenever i try other drugs... i normally just think, i wish i was frying!
L is an amazing chemical!

i hope to dose on halloween! that sounds like good fun :)
Found some amber gels this past weekend in the southeast, a little nausea on the comeup, but other than that, they were pretty good :).
has anyone heard anything about grey blotters in the midwest? just recently heard about them, not sure if they are perforated or not...
Student said:
has anyone heard anything about grey blotters in the midwest? just recently heard about them, not sure if they are perforated or not...

herd about some in socal. but not in the midwest
LSD flows like water in the northeast. Readily available on paper. Harder to get the liquid, but it's possible.
Madhatter4 said:
People who deal in sugar cubes are stupid. Due to the wonderful Federal drug laws that include carrier weight when determining how to sentence a person, being caught with ONE hit of LSD on a cube is roughly equal to being caught with 100 hits on blotter:\

Very true...I'm fighting mandatory minimum charges currently for selling 2 sugar cubes with LSD to a snitch that weighed out to be like 4 grams....equivalent to a few years upstate.
^ thats rough, good luck to you brother

any word on the quality of the grey hits in socal?
Still trying to find something - anything.. in southwet texas near the border. I've been looking all year, and have found jack all.

anybody hear anything about REAL cid around WSU in Kansas? Seen a coupla things cross the table lately but they were real suspicious "sugar cube" preps... Just wonderin if any of the real shit exists around here.
griffin3141 said:
LSD flows like water in the northeast. Readily available on paper. Harder to get the liquid, but it's possible.

It definetly has been flowing like the Amazon here in Baltimore, and the prices are nice and low as they should be.=D The WoW unperfed is absolutely incredible. 2 hits felt like 250-300 micrograms, like 3-4 of normally good cid'.
The acid in Southern Illinois is wonderful. Blotters always seem to be good, but man..the liquid is amazing. Some of the strongest stuff I've ever dosed off of.
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