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zephyr said:
For all those who think they arent at all racist (and also have not contributed their own opinion in this thread to back themselves up) get off your high horse.

Australia is a racist country. Every country is fucking racist, Aussie is by no means the worst. Name one country that is not racist in its policies. I cant think of one!

I agree with that but I think the problem people have with those making racist comments in this thread is that the people involved think it's okay to think that way - they see it as perfectly acceptable - and won't even accept their comments are actually racist. All of us are racist to some extent but I think that Australia not being the worst country in terms of racism is a pretty weak argument.

And I see the term 'abo' as being fairly derogatory just because of how it's usually used. That being said, I don't really think it's a big deal.

edit: Um, what candyslut said. :D It's hard to make serious posts while at work.
lostNfound said:
A word or phrase is pejorative if it implies contempt or disapproval.

The abbreviation 'abo' is only pejorative in your eyes and thousands of others because of social stigmas and/or connotations attached to it.
Get your head around that, and its just an abbreviation of the word abriginal which has no pejorative implications.

havent seen you in ages. hope you're doing well.(smartass)

i am glad to see you can google words, lnf ;)

and yes, the word 'abo' usually DOES imply contempt. Simply because you may, rather dubiously, assert that you do not mean it with contempt (even though you would prefer to live without most of them???) does not mean that its normative use is as neutral as you would claim.

you are dumb :) (but hey, i like dumb people, i move to m in 2 months. at least i can enlighten you;))
^ That was my point, really. I've only ever heard it used in a derogatory (or perjorative- yay, now 3 people have used the word ;)) way.

I've certainly never heard Peter Garrett talking about "Abo rights". :\ I've never read about "The Stolen Generation of Abos'". I have, though, heard way too many people use it the word "fucking" or "dirty" or any other shitty work prefacing it. :(
They get more than enough opportunity to rise above the poverty line, fuck, if I had almost 1000 dollars a week in benefits thrown at me, plus free... mmm pretty much everything, fuck I'd be CEO of the world by now.


Zophen: yes I'd be pissed if chinese came here and took over australia, but if it happened 230 years ago and the chinese threw benefit after benefit at me, and gave me a general free ride, I'd be pretty happy I think, but I can't say for sue because that hasn't happened...
the only scenario where 'abo' is not derogatory is when the user saying it is an abo himself...so in light off this lostnfound must be an aborignal if he thinks it isnt derogatory!
if im dumb, i get to punch you in the face;) might knock the rooster off his perch!
haha. i cannot laugh at that. that would be racist.

but yes, he does have a certain stench. i think it is his vacuous mind affecting his breath.
MR Candyslut said:
I could not disagree with you more, zephyr.

Do you agree that aboriginals are, more often than not, living in conditions that are equal to white Australia?

This obviously is not the case? Because this is obviously a systemic issue, there must be systemic assistance for these groups. Aboriginals are treated differently in order to recognise the disadvantageous issues that affect their entire community.

If aboriginals were treated exactly the same as other australians, in their current circumstances, it would only serve to exacerbate their current inequality.

And really, just because other countries are racist IN NO WAY JUSTIFIES our racism.

JUDGE: Why did you rape that girl?

RAPIST: Other people rape. I am by no means the worst rapist!!

follow your argument zephyr.

I really couldnt care about this issue, it amuses me how so many undies get in a twist over it in this forum. OMG RACISTS! RACISTS EVERYWHERE!8( 8(

Im not justifying racism by any means, just saying , yeah, we are racist. Not just toward Aboriginals- everyone cops it Im afraid. :\What are you going to do about it? Whinge on a harm reduction forum? HA! Fat lot of good that does, besides pass the time on an otherwise boring afternoon.

My point is MR Candyslut: if Aboriginal people are not treated equally in the eyes of society, then that society is racist.

Would you say giving them extra benefits has actually fixed the problem? I cant see it being fixed by money alone.

If people want to be regarded by society as equal then BE EQUAL.
Charlie Brown said:
the only scenario where 'abo' is not derogatory is when the user saying it is an abo himself...so in light off this lostnfound must be an aborignal if he thinks it isnt derogatory!

i just wrote out a decent lengthy response to that, but i deleted it.
thats one of the dumbest things ive heard so i didnt bother.
zephyr said:
My point is MR Candyslut: if Aboriginal people are not treated equally in the eyes of society, then that society is racist.

No its not. It is simply a recognition of the reality of the poverty, addiction and culture of abuse that currently effects so many indigenous Australians.I fail to see how society recognising both the innate biological and sociological differences and developing policy on this makes it a racist one.

And really, if you are so apathetic about the issue, stop posting. Some people take this seriously. And, um, i mean, maybe people get their knickers in a knot because the plight of indigenous people is THE biggest humanitarian crisis facing Australia. Or at least, it should be.
lostNfound said:
i just wrote out a decent lengthy response to that, but i deleted it.
thats one of the dumbest things ive heard so i didnt bother.

glass houses

=D :p
MR Candyslut said:
No its not. It is simply a recognition of the reality of the poverty, addiction and culture of abuse that currently effects so many indigenous Australians.I fail to see how society recognising both the innate biological and sociological differences and developing policy on this makes it a racist one.

And really, if you are so apathetic about the issue, stop posting. Some people take this seriously. And, um, i mean, maybe people get their knickers in a knot because the plight of indigenous people is THE biggest humanitarian crisis facing Australia. Or at least, it should be.

Well, if you cant come up with the answer that will solve the issue that seems neverending instead of just whinging about it maybe you should stop posting?

What is crying about the unfairness of it all going to actually DO about it?

Keep getting worked up, this is really fun for me!
MR Candyslut said:
And, um, i mean, maybe people get their knickers in a knot because the plight of indigenous people is THE biggest humanitarian crisis facing Australia. Or at least, it should be.

lets not get too carried away now, thats just a little bit silly. even from you!
For all the people who think that aborigines don't have jobs... about 1/3 of them do. Fact, not fiction. Typical 9-5 jobs that is.

As mentioned my previous posts were referring to the aborigines we often find on the streets, definately not their culture.
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