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Or even worse, they say

"my friend is aborigine, so i am not racist, but.... i really fucking hate filthy abos."


I am not going to respond to some of the bigoted and ignorant shit that has been posted in this thread, cause i really think it speaks for itself.

In response the original post, YES, the majority of Australians are racist. In addition, they refuse to take responsibility for the systemic oppression that has been carried out against indigenous Australians for the greater half of last century.

I think the most infuriating thing is when people talk about them and use phrases like 'we have given them so many opportunities, all they do etc etc etc." And yet, fail to realise, that White Australia is continually imposing its resolution for the issue, without actually realising that we have an obligation to the indigenous communities.

Us helping them is not something benevolent that we should do, it is something we must do.
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up all night said:
People who are racist/ sexist/ ageist etc always believe they're 'telling it how it is' but in reality they're just giving their opinion on their limited experience.

that's your opinion, based on your limited experience with the people who's opinion you're casting your opinion on... ;)
I'd like to see the result of a poll on if we are racist or not towards aboriginals.... Controlversial? Yes. Interesting? Definitely.

The hard part is wording the question properly. Any suggestions?
Racist (noun)- a person with a prejudiced belief that one race is superior to others.

swifty: I don't see how you can deny you're racist. I'm not necessarily attacking the opinions you hold because obviously they're based on your experiences. That's fine, but you have to be able to see that your opinions, regarding aborigines, are racist.

And yeah, I don't know you at all, but I don't need to know you to be able to pass judgement on this small part of your personality since this is the topic we're discussing.
this thread sickens me.

we've subjected an entire group of humans to degrading, cruel, economic and cultural torture for over 100 years purely based on the colour of their skin.

are we not surprised that their descendants reflect the very pain we subjective on to them in the first place?

i know some others have said this but just imagine 5 generations of your family going through what we've subjective on the natives of Australia? Seriously would you be thinking of anything but where your next fucking hit was coming from?

Hell half the people here are pretty fucked up in the first place without even having the burden of 5 generations of economic and cultural torture, theft and death.

My own family is fucked up from two sucides that happened 100 years ago. You can still see the reverbrations drifting through time.

Ultimately thought - what goes around comes around and for every "abo" who smells or bashes a "whitey" or robs someone etc is only a fucking fraction on what we did to them.

They'd have to destroy the entire city of Brisbane before we could even start having a level discussion.

But saddens me the most is that we killed MILLLIONs of them and all you idiots can garble on are about slight indignities that you've suffered.

How blind are people here.
chugs said:
this thread sickens me.

So I take it that you respect modern day aboriginals?

If your theory was true, that because Australians treated them poorly over the last 100 years they are allowed to act like fuck knuckles, then people like the Japanese would be having a field day dropping A bombs on us. Instead they forgave us and look what happened...we're all friends now.

If the majority of Aboriginals did the right thing and started assimilating in society then the public opinion would be MUCH different. Unfortunately the majority choose to get fucked up, not work and commit crimes.
chopped_chimp said:
So I take it that you respect modern day aboriginals?

If your theory was true, that because Australians treated them poorly over the last 100 years they are allowed to act like fuck knuckles,

If the majority of Aboriginals did the right thing and started assimilating in society then the public opinion would be MUCH different. Unfortunately the majority choose to get fucked up, not work and commit crimes.

I think the point of the post is not that they are allowed to act like 'fuck knuckles'. More so, that australians need to demonstrate some empathy and understand how the plethora of issues affects their ability to change their circumstances.

I think a really big issue here is that people have the expectation indigenous peoples have to get up and do something, only we don't stop to think of the issues affecting their capacity to be proactive about their circumstances.
MR Candyslut said:
I think a really big issue here is that people have the expectation indigenous peoples have to get up and do something, only we don't stop to think of the issues affecting their capacity to be proactive about their circumstances.

I DO expect indigenous people to get up and do something. The theory of "survival of the fittest" has been proven time and again to be fairly correct. If indigenous people don't get off their arse they will die out and be forgotten.

They definitely have the capacity to be proactive. There are plenty of programmes and aid already available to them as discussed earlier in the thread. It is more to do with if they take the bull by the horns or if they decide to sell their tools and give up.

I believe it has a lot to do with the "elders". These are the people that need to be educated. These are the only people that are going to make a difference in their childrens lives. It's worked in many other countries. Why can't it work here?
I'm not racist by definition, I just hate the stereotypical abo that 'racists' refer to.
I don't believe I'm superior but I'd rather live without a large proportion of them, simply because I've have very few good altercations with them. The odd one or two that I've been able to talk with have been great people.

Maybe more ignorant by preferred choice than racist, all that cotton wool, wasnt always there but its a great muse.
its not that ngoongars hate australians because off oppression etc....its been generations and generations since the aussie came and settled here, people that come from china, middle east etc flourish here...people that came with nothing.....

the main reason is generations off aboriginals cannot adapt too the white culture, its like playing a game which you are just not good at..

1. they are a bush people who seem to have never assimilated too western culture well.
2. not many people trust them due to many reasons , difference in looks..culture, pass behaviour and just fear off being hurt, used, abused whatever...

and when there is a lack off trust among any groups what happens?...the classic flight or fight syndrome....off course they fight....

in a way their behaviour is environmental and cultural too how they are treated as a minority....but the reality off the world we live in states...if you cant adapt - tough luck...so this is the story off the ngoongars, it is within themselves too realise this truth and change themselves and make the most off their opportunities.

then again this is a formula that does not work because they cannot make the best off themselves in a game where they are not good at...like playing a hand off cards with zero picture cards or aces....try as you might you aint gonna win.
so when you get dealt with no aces you toss the cards in and fuck up the game for everyone else, or you hit the alcohol and just get drunk, fucked up cos you aint good at the game anyway..
*edit* - for lostnfound: ^ You say you're not racist, yet you'd say you could live without a large proportion of the people, purely based on an experience with a few? Doesn't compute, im afraid. :\

I also wanted to ask...So is it AOK for us to be using the term "abo" now? Maybe it's just me, but i look at that word as quite derogatory
Honestly dont know, I dont feel that it is, but if people find it offensive in certain crowds I hold my tongue a little more.
Aboriginal is what they are. So why does an abbreviation become derogatory?
In that sense, I cant see how this is offensive. I think people would rather call it offensive and stay on safe ground rather than use the word and get 'flamed'.

If I'm wrong, please correct me.

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samadhi said:
*edit* - for lostnfound: ^ You say you're not racist, yet you'd say you could live without a large proportion of the people, purely based on an experience with a few? Doesn't compute, im afraid. :\

Other way round, bad experiences with many, good experiences with few.

I know I might sound harsh but its the internet, much harder to convey my thoughts.
I'm not making arguments for fun, these are just my thoughts.

I know I might have some slanted views but by swiftys defition of feeling more superior than another race, then im not racist, but by another defintion I am racist. That I'm not blind to.
^ because the abbreviation has a pejorative context, lostnfound!!!

you stand corrected :p

(ps good to see you. even if you are a racist, stupid straight guy;))
^ I see it as a shortening of the word Aborigine...but maybe Im racist, I dunno.

For all those who think they arent at all racist (and also have not contributed their own opinion in this thread to back themselves up) get off your high horse.

Australia is a racist country. Every country is fucking racist, Aussie is by no means the worst. Name one country that is not racist in its policies. I cant think of one!

If there is going to be one rule for the Aboriginals and one rule for everyone else (ie Abstudy/Austudy) its never going to be resolved.
If the majority of Aboriginals did the right thing and started assimilating in society then the public opinion would be MUCH different. Unfortunately the majority choose to get fucked up, not work and commit crimes.

i think this is true....so whose fault is it that majority off people dislike aboriginals?
i think if any group off people acted in this way...they will all be treated in a aggressive way in return by others....

even if they smell bad...if they truely contributed too society i think we can look pass that....its the threathening. itimidating things that we cant tolerate.
A word or phrase is pejorative if it implies contempt or disapproval.

The abbreviation 'abo' is only pejorative in your eyes and thousands of others because of social stigmas and/or connotations attached to it.
Get your head around that, and its just an abbreviation of the word abriginal which has no pejorative implications.

havent seen you in ages. hope you're doing well.(smartass)
zephyr said:
^ I see it as a shortening of the word Aborigine...but maybe Im racist, I dunno.

For all those who think they arent at all racist (and also have not contributed their own opinion in this thread to back themselves up) get off your high horse.

Australia is a racist country. Every country is fucking racist, Aussie is by no means the worst. Name one country that is not racist in its policies. I cant think of one!

If there is going to be one rule for the Aboriginals and one rule for everyone else (ie Abstudy/Austudy) its never going to be resolved.

I could not disagree with you more, zephyr.

Do you agree that aboriginals are, more often than not, living in conditions that are equal to white Australia?

This obviously is not the case? Because this is obviously a systemic issue, there must be systemic assistance for these groups. Aboriginals are treated differently in order to recognise the disadvantageous issues that affect their entire community.

If aboriginals were treated exactly the same as other australians, in their current circumstances, it would only serve to exacerbate their current inequality.

And really, just because other countries are racist IN NO WAY JUSTIFIES our racism.

JUDGE: Why did you rape that girl?

RAPIST: Other people rape. I am by no means the worst rapist!!

follow your argument zephyr.
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