2nd time is a charm?


Jun 11, 2021
Hello all, I apologize if this is in the wrong section, if so please advise where to post.

The bottom line question is how fast and private can I detox?

Here is some history, I was addicted to Oxycontin / Vicodin 5+ years. Detoxed in 1999 and stayed clean till 2005 when an injury required pain relief.

The doctor in another state where injury occurred prescribed Vicodin. My doctor followed up with another script for Vicodin.

A bout with kidney stones (37 that I could recapture) over a period of 5 years provided an almost continuous flow of scripts for Tylenol 3. I was taking 250 Tylenol 3 per month at that time.

After a few years that doctor was removed from his position due to his prescription abuse. The new doctor was on a mission to remove pain killers from the previous doctor's patients. His plan was to prescribe Tramadol in place of the Tylenol 3. His taper time line was 90 days. I do not remember the exact prescription but I think it was 90 50 mg pills first month then 60 for the second and 30 for the last 30 days. The minute I left to get the first prescription I sought out other sources via overseas.

I began purchasing Tapinidol (sp?) 50mg and used 6-8 daily for a few years. Then I increased to 100mg 6 x a day until today.

The pills came in differing appearances but generally acted the same. Recently I received an order of 100mg and like other times they looked different but unlike previous pills they acted differently. The effect did not last as long and after a few days using them I began to feel the withdraws symptoms that I had from the Oxy / Vicodin detox. Not sure why but it made me think it was time to end the addiction.

Honestly I did not take them "for fun" but for a way to handle lifes challenges. The 100% reason I had not detoxed was the pain from the withdrawal / detox and the amount of time I was not functional for family and job. So my question is probably not uncommon for people in my situation.

How fast and private can I detox from an 8 100mg Tapenidol habit from a period of years?

I have browsed this website for a few days and am very encouraged by the comments from admins and members and the lack of negativity towards each other.

I am up late now typing this waiting for the 2 100mg Tapinidol I took almost 3 hours ago to take effect so I can sleep. Insomnia was the top of my hated detox effects.

I am not sure if this will be read and replied to but thanks having this site for me to interact.

Thank you.
Hi there @Weverd and welcome to The Dark Side. You're definitely posted in the right place as a lot of us in here have been through exactly what you're doing and can offer lots of advice and support. I'm glad you found us <3

When you say "private", do you I intend to detox at home on your own? Do any of your friends or family members know about your addiction?

I'm personally not familiar with Talpenidol and I'm on my phone so I'm gonna read up on it. In the meantime someone else may reply with more advice.

Either way, you can do this <3
Hi there @Weverd and welcome to The Dark Side. You're definitely posted in the right place as a lot of us in here have been through exactly what you're doing and can offer lots of advice and support. I'm glad you found us <3

When you say "private", do you I intend to detox at home on your own? Do any of your friends or family members know about your addiction?

I'm personally not familiar with Talpenidol and I'm on my phone so I'm gonna read up on it. In the meantime someone else may reply with more advice.

Either way, you can do this <3
Hi n3,

Thanks for the welcome.

Private in this situation means at home not in public view. Wife went through the first time and indicated she would not do it again, it has been over 20 years things are different. She is aware of the situation and knows that I do have pain but not sure if she realizes how much is being taken when there is no pain. No one else has any indication. only have wife and adult son living in the house they will certainly be in "the know".

I would really like to not be apart of anything that would place me on any data base that is accessible to anyone. This is to stop any restriction to my future... such as employment or ownership of fire arms etc.

I found the correct spelling of Tapentadol.

I believe the current pills were designed differently than the previous pill and that is why they take longer to act and do not last as long.

I am looking at the difference as a positive, If I am correct it means as long as I do not increase the amount taken I would be lowering the dosage. Or I am just looking for a positive where there isn't one.

The anxiety surfaces when I remember the insomnia, restlessness, aches pains and being able function. I want to minimize those things and shorten the length of time.
Hey OP I hope you are doing well. Firstly I want to say that you can most certainly do this as you have proven in the past. Will it be easy? No it won't, but you can make it tolerable. :)

I thought it was tapentadol (Palexia/Nucynta) that you were talking about. The change in onset of action could be that you got SR (slow release) pills instead of IR (immediate release) ones.

The fact of the matter is that you are taking high dose of tapentadol as only doses up to 500mg daily were tested and approved. That doesn't mean that 800mg is something ungodly strong but it is more than therapeutic dose. I think that tapentadol is great pain medication but I also think that calculators of opioid equivalent doses are way of regarding its strength. That is all my opinion based on experience and reading (not a doctor or a scientist just a guy who likes to learn and help people). Tapentadol has dual mode of action, classical opioid one and norepinephrine release (adrenaline release). That's why it is so good for pain but at the same time is not as potent of an opioid per se (when comparing to oxycodone or morphine).

I don't know do you have enough tapentadol to do a taper? Maybe reducing 25% or so of your dose every week and see how it goes? This is pretty standard procedure. Not everyone can handle it and if you can't it is nothing to be ashamed of. It is just that you will either taper down, go cold turkey or ask for medical assistance. I know you are against the last option but if you have to it is nothing to be ashamed off. You dont have to torture yourself just to prove a point. If you can get off by yourself great, but if not, it is better to ask for help than get caught in a viscous cycle.

Whatever you decide please keep us posted. You can do this. You have already done it. You are strong. Asking for help isn't character flaw but a symptom of bravery and self awareness. We are here for you. ❤
That you got "weaker" pills like you said is probably a blessing in disguise. I'd suggest tapering your Tapentadol to 50% of what you are currently using in about 2 weeks and then try to jump on Kratom? Assuming you are able to get kratom ofcourse. I think you should then be able to taper the Kratom in a week and be able to hop off without TOO MUCH discomfort. But this all depends on how strong you addiction is, maybe you need to take it more slow. I'm just saying Kratom can help you get off a lot quicker and a lot more comfortable.

Another thing you might want to try it Naltrexone in Ultra Low or Low dosage. I've found tolerance reduction and withdrawal a lot easier after 2 weeks of using LDN once at night and once in the morning. Again, you'll have to check if Naltrexone is easily obtainable where you live. Let me know if you need more specifics for either the Kratom or the LDN route.
Thank you all so much!

Today I dropped to 1 100mg twice where I would have taken 2. I feel Good. I am going to try that more frequently.

Will there be a private professional source that will assist without putting me on a data base?

Where would I look for Kratom or NDL ?

Will the detox of Tapenidol be easier or the same from Oxy / vicodin?

Thanks so much again.
Thank you all so much!

Today I dropped to 1 100mg twice where I would have taken 2. I feel Good. I am going to try that more frequently.

Will there be a private professional source that will assist without putting me on a data base?

Where would I look for Kratom or NDL ?

Will the detox of Tapenidol be easier or the same from Oxy / vicodin?

Thanks so much again.
Kratom is technically a drug, and we don't allow drug sourcing on Bluelight, so we can't tell you where to get it.
LDN stands for low-dose naltrexone. Naltrexone is a prescribed medication that blocks the effects of opiates (and as a side note also blocks the euphoric effects of alcohol and is used as an anti-drinking medication, but that's a tangent), and is designed to stop addicts from bothering to use opiates because, well, you can't get high off them anyway so what's the point. However it is something you would need to talk to a doctor about.

I'm assuming you're in the States so I'm gonna let someone else answer about getting professional help without putting you on a database, because I'm in Australia and I don't know how it works over there.

Which state do you live in?

And you've already halved your dose, and feel fine, that is a GREAT sign!! Keep us updated with how you're going <3
Well it is 2 am.... I took 2 100's as I usually do before bed at 9pm. Sweating a lot and cant sleep...

I didn't consider this group being world wide. Very interesting.

I'm in Texas... Just moved here 2 years ago.
That you got "weaker" pills like you said is probably a blessing in disguise. I'd suggest tapering your Tapentadol to 50% of what you are currently using in about 2 weeks and then try to jump on Kratom? Assuming you are able to get kratom ofcourse. I think you should then be able to taper the Kratom in a week and be able to hop off without TOO MUCH discomfort. But this all depends on how strong you addiction is, maybe you need to take it more slow. I'm just saying Kratom can help you get off a lot quicker and a lot more comfortable.

Another thing you might want to try it Naltrexone in Ultra Low or Low dosage. I've found tolerance reduction and withdrawal a lot easier after 2 weeks of using LDN once at night and once in the morning. Again, you'll have to check if Naltrexone is easily obtainable where you live. Let me know if you need more specifics for either the Kratom or the LDN route.
I am interested in your comment concerning tapering... I was taking 10 - 12 100mg until about a year ago I got down to 8 - 10. Currently it is 7-8 with rarely a day I take 9. Now with this new weaker pill it seems to be 8 and 9 a day more often.

If I understand you correctly your suggestion was to cut to 4 - 5 Tram in 2 weeks then drop Tram completely and replace with Kratom? then taper Kratom completely off with in a week...

My thoughts... It is 3am and the 2 100's Tram effect I took at 9pm is gone so I am taking another 2 100's so I can stop sweating, restless and go to sleep. Cutting what I am taking in 1/2 might feel like cold turkey...

Would I take kratom at the same time with cut back of Tram?

What are the effects of kratom?

What dose of kratom fits this situation.

I really appreciate you guys for caring enough to comment and offer your information and answer my questions.
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Well it is 2 am.... I took 2 100's as I usually do before bed at 9pm. Sweating a lot and cant sleep...
That is definitely to be expected. Try to ride it out through the night, you might end up getting a bit of sleep eventually. Then do the same thing tomorrow.
4pm only took 5 100's 2 at 3am this morning at my last post.... 1 at 7:30... 1 at 10:30... 1 at 3:30

This new pill seems to take twice as much to achieve what I am used to.... but I am trying to take 1/2 as much...

Physically feel hot, jittery and mind floating. I went outside to work on a project in the shop knowing it is 99 degrees. Got project done in 45 min and returned to house office to cool.

Is there anything I could take to relieve these symptoms that I am sure will get more intense?
ULDN/LDNaltrexone helps with the sweaty, disgusting and hot feeling for me. It takes away a big part of the physical withdrawal ime.

About kratom it's hard to say what dose you should use, it's always difficult to say but especially in your case where you don't even know exactly how strong your pills really are. I'd start with 10grams of kratom then wait an hour and see how you feel. Keep adding 5-10 grams every 45~mins untill you start feeling okay.
This new pill seems to take twice as much to achieve what I am used to.... but I am trying to take 1/2 as much...
Again, as Tramalala said, that is going to be a blessing in disguise. Try to not let it trick you in to taking more pills though. You don't NEED them.

Physically feel hot, jittery and mind floating.
You're gonna have to get used to that feeling for a while, as you detox. But you've been through this before so you know what it's like.
Question: When you detoxed off Oxy and Vicodin before, was it cold turkey?? Or did you wean off them?
If you went cold-turkey, I am not surprised at all as to why you're so anxious about the potential severity of the withdrawals. Going cold turkey off opiates is HELL. But if you wean off these pills it hopefully won't be so bad. Ultimately though, there will be no avoiding the withdrawals so it's gonna just be about making you as comfortable as possible.

Is there anything I could take to relieve these symptoms that I am sure will get more intense?
Depending on how you detox, the symptoms MIGHT NOT get more intense. If you slowly taper down, obviously your body adjusts to the lower doses and your withdrawal symptoms won't be as severe.
Clonidine is the gold standard medication for dealing with opiate withdrawals. It gets rid of the restlessness, sweating, irritability/agitation, and it helps with the insomnia. In fact, it works so well that once when I was leaving a detox I asked the nurse if I "could get some of that clonidine for the road" ;) :p
Buuuut of course it is prescription-only and you will have to get it prescribed from a doctor, hence you will need to explain to them why you are asking for a clonidine script.
There are a few over-the-counter meds that will help with the insomnia. Any antihistamines that cause drowsiness e.g. polaramine, doxylamine. Chamomile tea is also surprisingly effective at reducing agitation and can help you sleep.
I literally just woke up and the caffeine hasn't hit my brain yet so I can't think of anything else right now, but I'm sure others will have some more suggestions.

Let us know how you're doing <3
You all are very kind... It takes one to know one I suppose... still incredible character to help another human being.

When I was clean of the Oxy /Vic I really did not have the draw to use them again recreational y, avoided them if the opportunity arose. It was a BMX racing accident, (I Know 45 years and still racing bmx) My point... when I am clear of the withdraws and detox I wont look back, again.

The oxy was cold turkey under a doctors daily program. I remember wandering around in the rain because I could not sit still...

Do you think this Detox will be as extreme? I hoped that tram not as drastic drug as oxy so detox not as drastic. ( I know wishful thinking)
I have been on tram about the same I was oxy/vic.

I understand...
Ultimately though, there will be no avoiding the withdrawals so it's gonna just be about making you as comfortable as possible.

As far as clonidine... Would I continue tapering and take clonidine as well?

A question I have to ask... As easy as it was to tram... what are your thoughts on getting Clonidine with out prescription?

well 7:30 here and I have only taken 6 100's including the 3am 2 pill dose.
Not comfortable, but not extreme either... But so far it is only 2 - 3 pills off a normal day with the old tram.

If I am not encroaching... what did you all do for income during your detox?

I install auto accessories... sound security lighting etc. I am a one man shop, if I am down there is no money coming in for my family. I am hoping to continue working... slower than normal but working for money and something to focus on... Just sharing thoughts I have...

Thanks again
You all are very kind... It takes one to know one I suppose... still incredible character to help another human being.

When I was clean of the Oxy /Vic I really did not have the draw to use them again recreational y, avoided them if the opportunity arose. It was a BMX racing accident, (I Know 45 years and still racing bmx) My point... when I am clear of the withdraws and detox I wont look back, again.

The oxy was cold turkey under a doctors daily program. I remember wandering around in the rain because I could not sit still...

Do you think this Detox will be as extreme? I hoped that tram not as drastic drug as oxy so detox not as drastic. ( I know wishful thinking)
I have been on tram about the same I was oxy/vic.

I understand...
Ultimately though, there will be no avoiding the withdrawals so it's gonna just be about making you as comfortable as possible.

As far as clonidine... Would I continue tapering and take clonidine as well?

A question I have to ask... As easy as it was to tram... what are your thoughts on getting Clonidine with out prescription?

well 7:30 here and I have only taken 6 100's including the 3am 2 pill dose.
Not comfortable, but not extreme either... But so far it is only 2 - 3 pills off a normal day with the old tram.

If I am not encroaching... what did you all do for income during your detox?

I install auto accessories... sound security lighting etc. I am a one man shop, if I am down there is no money coming in for my family. I am hoping to continue working... slower than normal but working for money and something to focus on... Just sharing thoughts I have...

Thanks again
Yes, clonidine is perfectly fine to take whilst tapering. It's actually a high blood pressure medication that just so happens to help with opiate withdrawals. So actually it should be noted that if you have LOW blood pressure issues, you obviously should not take clonidine.
As far as getting clonidine in other ways...I honestly have no idea. The thing is, it has no recreational properties whatsoever so it's unlikely you'll find anyone selling it on the street.

It's difficult to say how this detox will compare to oxy or vicodin. Off-hand, I suspect it is going to be easier. HOWEVER, whilst there are some objective measurements of withdrawal, a lot of the withdrawal experience is very subjective, i.e. it's different from person to person, substance to substance, and even can be totally different coming off the same substance different times. You're just gonna have to wait and see, really.

Taking showers seems to really help. It's different for different people. Cold showers helped me the most, but a lot of people say HOT showers help them. Try it and see which you prefer.

You've done really well today but try as much as you can to hold off taking any more pills until you need to sleep. This is not going to be a walk in the park, but it's not going to be hellish, either.

I've come off opiates several times, and had different jobs each time, and I think once I was unemployed. But the distraction of work should definitely help you.
N3, Thank you...
Its 4am... I took 2 at 8:30pm and was up at 3 then I held off till 4 (now) and took 1. Waiting for it to take effect so I can return to bed.
N3, Thank you...
Its 4am... I took 2 at 8:30pm and was up at 3 then I held off till 4 (now) and took 1. Waiting for it to take effect so I can return to bed.
Good on you man, keep up the good progress.
It is 12pm... took nothing since 4am untill 11:30 am. Working in 90 degree heat with high humidity... gave in and took 1 x 100mg and got in out of the heat.
It is 12pm... took nothing since 4am untill 11:30 am. Working in 90 degree heat with high humidity... gave in and took 1 x 100mg and got in out of the heat.
That is awesome!!! How you feeling?
You are doing so well! This is not fun , but it is manageable. I really have had good luck with Imodium , and Gabapentin ( if you can get it , again prescription needed) It helps me greatly with sleep, and general restlessness of withdrawals
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