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Phenethylamines [2C-I Subthread] Combinations

^ they synergize strongly. IME mixing MDMA with psychedelics 100mg of MDMA feels like 130mg and 100ug of LSD feels like 150ug (in candyflip). I recently had some MDMA and took 8mg of 2C-T-2 and that 8mg of 2C-T-2 felt a hell of a lot stronger than 8mg on it's own would (probably wouldn't be threshold).

I think Labrat's posted dosages are perfect for a good solid experience without overdoing it and getting lots of stimulant side effects.
I dosed with 18mg before a show which usually takes care of me for an entire concert. I ran into a buddy who had found a g of molly on the ground and was sharing freely. I'm not sure of the dose of MDMA, but it was added at +2 hours and added nicely to the experience.
It's so strange! My friend snorted 5 mg 2C-T-2 around wednesday, combined it with other stuff with another friend of mine.
Well it went fine, they found it pretty analytical but I'm mentioning it because of tolerance...

Well last friday we got together (he's my best friend), and we did 2C-I + bk-MDMA + weed + nitrous + about 100 mg ketamine pp
His 2C-I was only 6 and another 6 mg at hour one. Mine was 9+9 and an added like 2 to get to 20. I took 0,5 mg alprazolam on forehand because my stomache was acting up a little. That and the bk-MDMA I started with (weed also probably) eased my tummy very much and my body was really supportive the whole weekend even though my condition has been very bad lately.
I guess I ate well and rested well, his setting is ever so smooth!
But (friday night) my friend got so dissociated from his cocktail that he was unable to tell hot from cold and he felt very scared of his life. Got under the shower but he didn't understand temperature, still the water was the only thing grounding him to reality...
Now many of us can relate to the feeling of dying but for a while there I was really worried. He was rolling his eyes, pretty unresponsive tripping in like an ego-dead state or perhaps a bit of a Beth state even as we discussed later on.... Nearly called an ambulance for his ass but I checked him and it didn't seem neccessary. It wasn't. During this whole ordeal I actually tripped nicely, much of my attention was paid to my friend but otherwise I was having beautiful golden ecstatic buzzing synaethetic visions. And I found the body load to be much more agreeable than expected although one cannot be sure with the easing benzodiazepine and bk-MDMA...
They probably had something to do with it. But despite all of this I'm still VERY much impressed with 2C-I, probably my favorite after 2C-T-7 :D

Well it was quite a night, but I am proud I acted so responsible.

Tried to hold a bit of contact with him now and then while letting us both be in a peaceful meditative environment.... at one point he felt superfried like sensory overload and at another he felt like he got stuck in a nitrous trip. It seemed to implode somehow...
Very weird, I also have had the sensation of being a needle stuck in a groove, laying in a hole, a dimple of a downward energy spiral of some sort... I VERY carefully allowed him to inhale 1 cylinder of N2O and as he predicted it seemed to jog him out. At that point alprazolam was administered to minimize the nervous intensity he seemed to experience, and a while later he could use some cannabis. So eventually it all mellowed out but to be honest I'm still trying to figure out how such a thing could have happened...
[2C-I Subthread] 2C-I Combinations

Do you guys think 25mg of 2c-i would overpower 150mg of mdma (with a 75mg booster)?
Do you guys think 25mg of 2c-i would overpower 150mg of mdma (with a 75mg booster)?

Not in the slightest. IME 25 mg of 2C-I synergizes delightfully with 120 mg MDMA or 150 mg MDA. The body stimulation can be pretty intense at times, but as someone who enjoys the body feel of 2C-I alone, I only need a little space to move around every so often to stay comfortable. Be careful, though, as I noticed that this combination occasionally causes brief flashes of body euphoria so powerful that they'd actually make me stagger/fall down if I was up and about when one hit. Also, I find it most effective to eat the MDMA around 1 hour after eating the 2C-I if one is trying to stack the peaks.
[2C-I Subthread] 2C-I Combinations

Hey guys:

Mods, I certainly won't be hurt if you feel like combining this with the 2c-i thread if you think that's best.

Question: Have any of you experienced 2c-i + lorazepam (and/or high grade weed)?

It'll be my first time with a 2c substance (or any psychadelic to be honest) and I wouldn't consider combining with anything other than a benzo to help relax since it would be my first time trying a rec chemical so I don't want anxiety to get the better of me.

I would only take about 1mg of lorazepam with 15mg of 2c-i and prob smoke half a joint (it's very high quality).

Thoughts in terms of harm reduction?

^When do you plan to take the lorazepam?

Usually I take a benzo when I am in that post-trip state of sleepless yet tired. So taking the lorazepam after the trip should mellow you out and allow you to sleep but I wouldn't recommend taking the lorazepam with the 2C-I as it would pretty much work against the 2C-I.
Honestly, you should take the 2c-i by it self, and see if you need the benzo at all. i would advise taking some ginger as soon as you drop the 2c-i to prevent any nausea, but hold off on the benzo...2c-i isn't a very anxious trip for most people...at least at doses like that.
thanks for the quick response. I guess I'll just wait and see with the 2c-i before adding the lorazepam. I heard that in lower doses of 2c-i the stimulant effect can be noticable and uncomfortable to some people.

If I don't have that problem with it I'll just wait for the comedown if I take the lorazepam at all.

Thoughts on smokin the ganja during 2c-i trips? Does it potentiate or counteract the affects?

Thanks again!
Yeah, I'd just keep the benzo handy and only take should the need arise. 2C-I is not anxiogenic at all (at least for most people at normal doses), if anything it has a positive push.

Definitely smoke some pot on the come-up, it helps heaps with the body load (which is relatively mild on 2C-I to begin with). And there is definite synergy between cannabis and most psychedelics. Definitely recommended if you're an experienced smoker and don't get anxiety on the stuff.
OP: Everyone is affected differently so if you have read that 2C-I had a uncomfortable body load, that may not apply to you. So just try it alone with an open mind and see how you personally react. Then next time, you'll know.
Yeah it is definitely recommended that you try the 2C-I by itself initially. Many psychedelics produce some comeup anxiety that can easily last for an hour, in some cases 2 or more... It feels like you are uncomfortable in your own skin and need to find your way but when you do the anxiety often turns into a positive push. There is still a force noticed but once it is channeled you feel the energy flowing and it's beautiful. It's a shame if you go and suppress it al right away.
You can keep the benzo within reach for when you decide it's just unbearable and it seems like the way you experience it is just anxious and it appears not to be changing at all. But having some backbone and going through it instead of bugging out definitely pays off eventually.

When you do use the benzo usually a normal dose is sufficient. With major anxiety maybe a bit more is needed.

I see I'm repeating what others have already said but here it is again, in my wording.
Thanks guys. Advice will be taken. I'll blaze but hold off on the benzo unless after a couple hours it's unbearable. I do have a good bit of experience with other drugs (ecstacy, coke, opiates, etc.), just not with the psychadelics.

Now to just pick up a good scale so i can measure my dose properly.
2c-i is a very chilled out, visual sort of experience.

Unless your a nervous wreck sober, save the benzos incase anxiety happens to come up instead of just taking them anyways....

Most psychs have a small amount of come up anxiousness.... i wouldn't call it anxiety, just sort of that feeling like something is about to happen until it does... like climbing the hill on a roller coaster...

Its not an "omg im about to die" kind of anxiety.... just a kind of subtle uneasyness to how you feel....

it will pass, just give it time.....

I find that bud goes well with just about any other drug, i love weed while tripping.

2c-i is actually one half of one of the craziest combos i have done, it has an incredibly synergistic effect with MDMA. Like on the floor tripping fucking face from 1 clean bean and 10mg of 2c-i..... One of the most powerfully visual and comfortable trips of my life...
2c-i is a very chilled out,


In a massively stimulating kinda way, perhaps :D

In answer to the OP: save the benzos for the comedown as most others have suggested - unless the stimulation/anxiety is still too much once it levels off after the first coupla hours and it becomes really too uncomfortable then it's a waste of good 2C to muddy it with benzos before the comedown ;)

In a massively stimulating kinda way, perhaps :D

In answer to the OP: save the benzos for the comedown as most others have suggested - unless the stimulation/anxiety is still too much once it levels off after the first coupla hours and it becomes really too uncomfortable then it's a waste of good 2C to muddy it with benzos before the comedown ;)

Personally for me, the stimulation is only bad at lower doses (like 0-15mg or so).

At 18-30mg the stimulation really isn't bad imo.

In a massively stimulating kinda way, perhaps :D

In answer to the OP: save the benzos for the comedown as most others have suggested - unless the stimulation/anxiety is still too much once it levels off after the first coupla hours and it becomes really too uncomfortable then it's a waste of good 2C to muddy it with benzos before the comedown ;)

Ive never had a problem with stimulation on the 2c's....

DOx on the other hand, is massively stimulating....

I wish i could find more of it, but haven't seen it since a friend moved to the west coast....

2c-b is an awesome chemical.
2C-B kicked my arse more than any chem ever has done before or since and I get very few visuals on 2C-I at the doses I've tried (and that would be quite a few tries ;)) too, incidentally. YMMV is king with all psyches, in my opinion :)
The best 2C-I trip I've had when I ate some 40mg of 2C-I while I was on speed.