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Phenethylamines [25X-NBOMe Subthread] Comparisons & General Discussion

Which 25x?

Which 25x compound do you like the most? I have only tried 25 NBOME (I, C, B) , but never the NBOH, NBF or others.


People who answer such questions about preference: don't just post the name of a compound... elaborate on differences so that people can make up their own mind about the properties.

For example: I only have experience with 25C and 25D, and found 25C more pleasant, slightly more visual (both were not taken up to higher doses), and a bit more generically psychedelic. But 25D felt more special to me like I heard DOM being described, very transparant, pure and profound. But it had the tense edge 2C-D also has but stronger. Considering I insufflated the 25D, it could have been a factor in producing unacceptable vasoconstriction in my feet.
Honestly it is hard to choose between them since they have different things to offer IMO.
I totally agree with Solipsis' description of 25d while adding that at high dosages, it comes into it's own. The clarity remains, the stimulation starts playing more of a supporting role and classic psychedelia takes over. It has a depth and insight that the halogenated NBOMe's don't share.

25c is total fun, 25b is a more serious version but still party stuff - like fun with a bit of depth, while 25d is more for the psychonaut and less for the raver. I don't like iodinated phenethylamines so I haven't researched 25i as thoroughly but it follows the c>b>i sequence in respect to my previous comment.

I still haven't taken 25n to +++ levels but expect it to be like "NBOMe lite" when I do.

See my regularly updated NBOMe roundup earlier in this thread (click here) for more info.
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Hi Solipsis

Considering I insufflated the 25D, it could have been a factor in producing unacceptable vasoconstriction in my feet.

Care to elaborate about this? I was really intrigued. Would sublingual/bucal or even rectal be less prone to vaso-constriction? Why? I'm also not too found of the vaso constriction I get from 25C and I mostly insufflate it in liquid form...
I get severe vasoconstriction from 25c (it's the only NBOMe that i tried),even 4 or 5 days after my legs still hurts.
i've access to 25D blotters (even complexed) with 750mcg each. are they even worth trying? i read that 25D needs 2mg+ with ppl pushing it to 10mg for the real experience.
Well since I am convinced most of the acid around here is not actually LSD, I dosed two tabs of bitterness two night ago and posted a report. I assembled a dose response chart.

Anecdotal comparatives would be helpful in potentially identifying the particular substance.
TOTAL DURATION- 18 hours. Notable lingering after effects once awoken the following day. I was tense, paranoid, and exhausted. I slept a lot.
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i've access to 25D blotters (even complexed) with 750mcg each. are they even worth trying? i read that 25D needs 2mg+ with ppl pushing it to 10mg for the real experience.

10mg seems really an extreme and hazardous dose, i'm not experienced with oral ROA but 3mg insufflated produced a very strong +++ trip, i wouldn't go higher.
In my experience from 1.8 to 3mg it is very interesting, tbh the best Nbome out there, but back then i was using SSRIs and i was less sensitive, i belive that even 1.5mg would be a good dose now.
If they are complexed they should be stronger than other ones so already 2 for starting sounds good imo, the problem with 25D-Nbome is that , for some reason, no one sells anymore the powder but only the blotters.
And i don't find it very logical because between the NBOMe family is the one that has 'less need' of blotters since it's the least potent.
Well since I am convinced most of the acid around here is not actually LSD, I dosed two tabs of bitterness two night ago and posted a report. I assembled a dose response chart.

Anecdotal comparatives would be helpful in potentially identifying the particular substance.
TOTAL DURATION- 18 hours. Notable lingering after effects once awoken the following day. I was tense, paranoid, and exhausted. I slept a lot.

Time (h)Intensity
810.5mg Clonazepam
90.4 Clonazepam

Does that look like a good transcription?
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Time (h)Intensity
21.9 8(?) reality was morphing and reiventing itself in ways that were too overwhelming to decipher.
71.0(1mg clonazepam sublingual)
8.50.3(0.5mg Clonazepam sublingual)
10(+10min)0.1(0.25mg clonazepam sublingual)

This is a bit more accurate, going by my own scale.
Your representation was appreciated, but the times at which clonazepam dosages were administered were skewed. I corrected them.
Feel free to replace the values to correlate with your graph; I'd say you did a spot on job with intensity matching, just like I said the klonopin doses were off.
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Double Posting sorry but I keep skimming around the net and it sucks that if I had any Marquis liquid left I would simply give it a test, but I am inclined to believe this is DOB/DOI or 25B-NBOMe/25I-NBOMe. Certainly convinced.

Effects wise, two units (as this graph is representative of) of the drug seem correlative to 25x-NBOMe, however, I took one tab last night and it was pleasant. No notable effects for the first 90 minutes, but then CEVs begun. Subtle, with disoriented thoughts and mydriasis. I spent a lot of time from then on re-organizing things and smoking weed. Wasn't able to keep my mind still. It wasn't bothering me in any way, I was simply observant of it. Real tripping seemed to set in at around the T+4:00 mark when I noticed crawlers and mild texture depth. More notably though was the extreme stimulation. I could not stop re-arranging my media center! I showered (one of those real intense scrub every inch of you shower), I had six hours of foreplay before sex (the majority of the come up) leading to a highly erotic sense of overall being. No clonazepam to taper off this trip either. Mydriasis still noted at T+9:00. I then had sex until I barely felt a lingering afterglow at T+10:00.

The one tab felt very euphoric, and albeit I was indeed tripping, when the stimulation set in, it really felt like an MDMA postroll (immediately after peak experience, you know, when you wanna doeverythingandseeeveryoneandsayanythingALLRIGHTNN NOOOOOWWWWWW!!!!!!) or an amphetamine binge tweak, but happy. :)

Enjoyable substance, whatever it is. Me thinks that since I noticed a delay in onset with one dose but rapid onset and strong peak with two doses (and news dictates each unit to contain 1200mcg){they are mildly bitter tasting}... we may be dealing with a DO(x). Anyone have any thoughts or comments

The more I think about it... the birdy who this particular batch came from obtained it from an eagle who told her "1200mcg" but this particular birdy may have misunderstood the eagle, because this crop circle sheet contains 1200 hits. Maybe THAT'S what the birdy meant when she told me "each one is 1200mcg" it just seemed hard to believe since my original inclination was that this is 25(x)-NBOMe.

Someone share DOx and 25x-NBOMe experiences with me. Believe me I have been comparing my own effects to trip reports of many, many, many people. I want some feedback from you all now. I know we don't play the substance ID game, that's not my intention. I just wanna talk about it because psychedelics are fascinating and their minute differences are what motivate me to sit here and perfect my post to ensure I elaborate to my highest capacity. I just wanna talk about em
I've been reading through the thread, but can anyone care to comment on the basic subjective differences between 25i, 25c, and 25b?
has anyone tried 25i and 25c at the same time, im getting 1 mg combo blotters with 500 mcg of each.
i havent found anything about how this combination is like...

Yeah I've done it. Well. It was mind-blowing. Crazy intense. We basically laughed for 8 hours straight. Visuals everywhere. It depends on how much you do of course.

So who wants to talk NBOME's im way excited, gonna try 1500ug 25i mixed with 600ug 25b soon. Any thoughts?
Yes. That's a very high dose for a first experience. NBOMe's can get out of hand pretty quickly.

Maybe try half that dose of 25i without the 25b to start with. Alternatively, try just the 600μg of 25b.
Hi, there are already big and dandy threads for all the major nbomes, please discuss each in their respective threads. As for your dose, I would strongly recommend against what you have suggested. Each of those on its own is powerful enough, overwhelming for some, and combining at that dose could have severe adverse physical side affects and could possibly require hospitalization. Please do more research before you ingest these compounds.
That dose is really too high for a first time, unless you already tried them and you know what to expect from that dosages.
Already 1mg of 25I or 25B alone could be overwhelming for some people.
Also if you are not experienced with them alone why mixing them for your first time?
Listen to the people who posted: do lots more research and definitely don't start at the high end of the dosage spectrum, check what doses can be problematic and what doses are threshold (where effects start to appear). Start with those low threshold doses for each compound separately and do not combine until you have enough experience with them alone to make proper predictions about how to proceed. That doesn't mean: try it once, it means take the time to slowly work your way up with appropriate time in between.
Otherwise it is not exciting, it's stupid and you put yourself at great risk. Because even if a number of people get away with certain doses, everyone reacts differently and what's more: a number of people is extremely sensitive to them, so much so that they die from it. This is no joke.
If you have the feeling you can't be bothered to patiently approach this with care, that indicates that you probably shouldn't be dealing with these compounds at all.

Merging into the general thread, but please discuss each compound separately. They may be a chemical family but they are still different. Please respect the organization of the forum and use the Psychedelic Index (find the fold-out button for the list of "superpotent N-substituted phenethylamines" in that index).
Fascinating posts. Anon and various others - thanks for distilling so much information in a clear and concise fashion. Very interesting.

Edit - found the info I needed.
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