💀 The Abyss 💀 (Open 24hrs)

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Is it true though @mal3volent? lol
he just had to suck my D a little bit

1st class w/ drink ticket both ways
see I could fuckin ban you right now and no one would be here to reverse it...for maybe 6...8 hours? Don't fuck with me
see I could fuckin ban you right now and no one would be here to reverse it...for maybe 6...8 hours? Don't fuck with me

it would take me like 6 to 8 weeks

my vision is so bad I'm surprised I can even see who I am in the mirror even a little

mal my body is so shitty and gross and i smell awful and ive had like 3 showers today THIS IS NOT WHAT HUMANS SHOULD SMELL LIKE AHHHH why don't i smell like peaches and herbs like jamal did


rip jamal
died doing what he loved

What haha? Why you gotta threaten me? I come in peace.
lol c2c lol

yes hun keep eating the DONOTFEEDTHETROLL food it tastes so good :D

sometimes if I'm hungry enough and they didn't salt my FREEDOM fries enough




it's a SECRET
You have risen.

Behold bastard son
I am the evil one
No glory to be reached
No more thy slavery
The passion I besieged
Spawn terror
Smash thy will
Ye pale dominion fades away
My will dominates

And watch my star arise
Burning up the earth
Sun - the eye of gods
Threw into the space
Watch ye moon eclipse
Falling from thy grace
Watch all nations cry
All feared ov his name
Praise the flame!
Watch angels falling from the skies
Praise the flame! praise the flame!
I killed thy god
My will is done!
Thou art lord

Rise me! rise me high!
Lead thru the gates ov sun
Rise me! rise me high!
Where angels do not dare to fly
Invite to feast ov gods
And let me drift away
Leave flames ov infamy
And watch me kiss the stars
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