Mental Health Coming off Invega/Xeplion (paliperidone) injections v 8.0

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You should have a plan in place. Your psych will tell you that psychosis is a permanent state of mind, but it's not. It's a temporary plan of existence that, with the way our brains are wired or were pushed into by life events, our minds have to process out to maintain balance. It lasts a short time and then it's over. If you have a plan in place and a good doc, you can ride it out.

Xeplion hell you can call it microdosing or whatever you want but at the end of the day you're still ingesting psyclocibin. I feel like until we know how you were misdiagnosed and got on invega we can't paint a full picture of what's going on with you. Maybe try smoking some weed or having some drinks, relax and seek fun
My new psych said I can get off meds in the new year. Been off of invega since june and have taken geodon since september. Im not gonna see anymore psychs again ever. Im still undiagnosed and I believe I had a drug induced psychosis from hitting my dab pen all day everyday for 2 years straight. My game plan is to not smoke ever again and drink like 3 times a year or so. Focus on getting my body back in shape. Work and try to manage stress. Thats about it. What do you recommend? What was your plan to avoid rebound psychosis?
Did I say I'm happy? I'm in agony, my life is set and has meaning but what is the point if I can feel it 55-60%?
I see no point in living like this. Every good or bad feeling is 55-60%. Only thing I live for is at least almost full recovery.
Maybe it doesn't have as much meaning as you think it does. Maybe you've grown and are experiencing a midlife crisis that gives what you care about less meaning than it did before. How would you know?

Me: Maybe there are other reasons why you're feeling numb after three years besides Invega. You should try to find out.

You: Nah

Me: Cool enjoy

Some people find more joy in lamentation than in being open and working toward finding solutions. There are questions you won't answer and I've got other shit to do today

My new psych said I can get off meds in the new year. Been off of invega since june and have taken geodon since september. Im not gonna see anymore psychs again ever. Im still undiagnosed and I believe I had a drug induced psychosis from hitting my dab pen all day everyday for 2 years straight. My game plan is to not smoke ever again and drink like 3 times a year or so. Focus on getting my body back in shape. Work and try to manage stress. Thats about it. What do you recommend? What was your plan to avoid rebound psychosis?
My plan was to catch it coming, start taking AP pills when I felt like I was getting delusions and think my way out of it. Bad plan. Actually I still don't have a plan, just a plan to make a plan at a respite house next year. Even though I've done this three times now I still just "hope it doesn't happen". It's annoying to keep a psych on call just as a contingency because they'll drop you if you don't see them. I had a written action plan about where to go and what med to give me (no injection) with my first therapist, but I stopped seeing her after a year so it wasn't in place when my second psychosis hit. Perhaps you'd be smarter than me. It's difficult when you just wanna live life as normal, to really take care of it you have to treat yourself like you're always in remission and I don't want to remind myself that I have anything wrong with me
Idk man anhedonia is bad but to me not worse than Akathasia not being able to sit or lay down which made me want to kms. Maybe some therapy would help if you are detached from the reality of your own accomplishments it could be trauma related - for me even at 10 months off I got some good feelings when I got good grades in college, at the very least I felt good because it's something I couldn't have accomplished while on invega so to me the accomplishments themselves were parts of proof of recovery. I think everyone struggles with finding meaning in their life
It has nothing to do with trauma. We are just physically uncapable of feeling pleasure or comfort like before because of the damage from APs.
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Maybe it doesn't have as much meaning as you think it does. Maybe you've grown and are experiencing a midlife crisis that gives what you care about less meaning than it did before. How would you know?

Me: Maybe there are other reasons why you're feeling numb after three years besides Invega. You should try to find out.

You: Nah

Me: Cool enjoy

Some people find more joy in lamentation than in being open and working toward finding solutions. There are questions you won't answer and I've got other shit to do today

My plan was to catch it coming, start taking AP pills when I felt like I was getting delusions and think my way out of it. Bad plan. Actually I still don't have a plan, just a plan to make a plan at a respite house next year. Even though I've done this three times now I still just "hope it doesn't happen". It's annoying to keep a psych on call just as a contingency because they'll drop you if you don't see them. I had a written action plan about where to go and what med to give me (no injection) with my first therapist, but I stopped seeing her after a year so it wasn't in place when my second psychosis hit. Perhaps you'd be smarter than me. It's difficult when you just wanna live life as normal, to really take care of it you have to treat yourself like you're always in remission and I don't want to remind myself that I have anything wrong with me
Why do you keep trying to evade the fact that invega did damage to us and you keep trying to push that it must be other things? Are you sure you're the same kaatrina as before? She would never say these things.
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APs don't stop delusions or hallucinations, they just dull and disable you so you stay out of trouble. If the person who takes them have always been nuts, they'll continue being nuts deep down. Remember invega's marketing: it was supposed to keep crazy people out of jail.
It has nothing to do with trauma. We are just physically uncapable of feeling pleasure or comfort like before because of the damage from APs.

Why do you keep trying to evade the fact that invega did damage to us and you keep trying to push that it must be other things? Are you sure you're the same kaatrina as before? She would never say these things.

Invega does damage. Invega doesn't do permanent damage. After a long time, your dopamine receptors regenerate. That's always been my message. If you're numb and depressed three years after invega and aren't taking any other substances, it may be beneficial to look for other reasons behind your numbness. Invega itself causes psychological trauma. What got you on invega in the first place was probably a result of trauma. When looking at the broader picture of recovery, trauma is important. When you're still recovering from invega in like your first year off IMO therapy doesn't help at all because you're still unable to feel or process things properly
Maybe it doesn't have as much meaning as you think it does. Maybe you've grown and are experiencing a midlife crisis that gives what you care about less meaning than it did before. How would you know?

Me: Maybe there are other reasons why you're feeling numb after three years besides Invega. You should try to find out.
Sex and orga*ms also feel 55-60%. food, tv, sports(swimming, ice skating, skiing, golf, basketball), traveling, partying, music, socializing, gym, hanging out, just laying out on sun and chilling, EVERYTHING feels f*cking NUMBED and it s*cks. Me speaking about long term things was because LONG TERM things are supposed to be more enjoyable but they are ALSO NUMBED (the 55-60%) in their baseline and they still s*ck. I just don't get what you are saying, THE REASON could be WHAT else than INVEGA (which did synaptic damage) for this severe anhedonia I'm still having...
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Invega does damage. Invega doesn't do permanent damage. After a long time, your dopamine receptors regenerate. That's always been my message. If you're numb and depressed three years after invega and aren't taking any other substances, it may be beneficial to look for other reasons behind your numbness. Invega itself causes psychological trauma. What got you on invega in the first place was probably a result of trauma. When looking at the broader picture of recovery, trauma is important. When you're still recovering from invega in like your first year off IMO therapy doesn't help at all because you're still unable to feel or process things properly
How do we know if invega doesn't cause permanent damage? We don't even know if dopamine is the sole reason behind this, as APs hit a bunch of other receptors at the same as well like histamine, acetilcholine, serotonin, adrenaline, etc. it could be damage to the brain. We know that SSRI cause lesions in the frontal lobe which is the cause of amotivational syndrome. Perhaps APs do the same. Btw, I just don't think trauma is the cause for the lack of pleasure. you see, people here have been waiting to feel pleasure the longest time, they've longing this more than winning the lottery so why would our mind block this experience for us against our will out of nowhere? I just don't believe this idea that the mind is so powerful that it can control the body. The mind is a process that comes from the body, and no amount of psychobabble bs is gonna change anything. Our problem here is physical, we're physically uncapable of experiencing pleasure no matter how much we endeavour. These whole weird talks that you must have some kind of "trauma" are very typically used by shrinks so they can justify drugging people with APs in the first place, tbh.
So, hopefully good news.The doctor/scientist who found the brain damage is setting up a treatment plan to start rejuvenating the damaged areas and unclog/repair the neural pathways.If this works I will make sure everyone gets the contact info.
Sex and orga*ms also feel 55-60%. food, tv, sports(swimming, ice skating, skiing, golf, basketball), traveling, partying, music, socializing, gym, hanging out, just laying out on sun and chilling, EVERYTHING feels f*cking NUMBED and it s*cks. Me speaking about long term things was because LONG TERM things are supposed to be more enjoyable but they are ALSO NUMBED (the 55-60%) in their baseline and they still s*ck. I just don't get what you are saying, THE REASON could be WHAT else than INVEGA (which did synaptic damage) for this severe anhedonia I'm still having...

How do we know if invega doesn't cause permanent damage? We don't even know if dopamine is the sole reason behind this, as APs hit a bunch of other receptors at the same as well like histamine, acetilcholine, serotonin, adrenaline, etc. it could be damage to the brain. We know that SSRI cause lesions in the frontal lobe which is the cause of amotivational syndrome. Perhaps APs do the same. Btw, I just don't think trauma is the cause for the lack of pleasure. you see, people here have been waiting to feel pleasure the longest time, they've longing this more than winning the lottery so why would our mind block this experience for us against our will out of nowhere? I just don't believe this idea that the mind is so powerful that it can control the body. The mind is a process that comes from the body, and no amount of psychobabble bs is gonna change anything. Our problem here is physical, we're physically uncapable of experiencing pleasure no matter how much we endeavour. These whole weird talks that you must have some kind of "trauma" are very typically used by shrinks so they can justify drugging people with APs in the first place, tbh.

Perspective is important. Psychosomatic symptoms are a thing. Anhedonia on and when recovering from Invega is caused by blocked receptors. Once the medication leaves the body, the brain is no longer affected, receptors are no longer blocked, and functioning returns to normal. It's that simple. There might be other factors and cofounding variables that play, but full-out believing and arguing that it's anything beyond what I've just described is based in fear and the desire to be morose.
I Personally found being on Invega traumatizing, if you don't that's good for you. Saying that this is a horrific experience isn't "psychobabble" and just because our pharma-trained psychs fucked us doesn't mean that all of psychology is a bunk science, read a book
Some people get PSSD from SSRIs, some don't. Some people get TD on APs that are permanent, some don't. Permanent damage from medication is possible. It could stand to reason that some people also experience some other sort of permanent damage - but in my years on this forum the vast, vast majority do not, myself included. Believing yourself to be permanently ill based on the experience of one guy who won't even share the full details of his experience is hypochondriacal thinking.
This is the hardest part about visiting this forum - having to argue with people who vociferously believe that everyone who got shot up with Invega will end up like that guy who has severe depression or that other guy who is taking another AP and won't tell anyone or that other guy who just wants to fuck with people who need hope

It's been fun guess I'll check in later
Perspective is important. Psychosomatic symptoms are a thing. Anhedonia on and when recovering from Invega is caused by blocked receptors. Once the medication leaves the body, the brain is no longer affected, receptors are no longer blocked, and functioning returns to normal. It's that simple. There might be other factors and cofounding variables that play, but full-out believing and arguing that it's anything beyond what I've just described is based in fear and the desire to be morose.
I Personally found being on Invega traumatizing, if you don't that's good for you. Saying that this is a horrific experience isn't "psychobabble" and just because our pharma-trained psychs fucked us doesn't mean that all of psychology is a bunk science, read a book
Some people get PSSD from SSRIs, some don't. Some people get TD on APs that are permanent, some don't. Permanent damage from medication is possible. It could stand to reason that some people also experience some other sort of permanent damage - but in my years on this forum the vast, vast majority do not, myself included. Believing yourself to be permanently ill based on the experience of one guy who won't even share the full details of his experience is hypochondriacal thinking.
This is the hardest part about visiting this forum - having to argue with people who vociferously believe that everyone who got shot up with Invega will end up like that guy who has severe depression or that other guy who is taking another AP and won't tell anyone or that other guy who just wants to fuck with people who need hope

It's been fun guess I'll check in later
Not necessarily. The mechanisms behind anhedonia are much more complicated than merely blocked or downregulated dopamine, if that was the case, then why aren't we feeling better since we're off the drug for so long? The truth is that we don't know. Not even the chemists who make these drugs understand the mechanisms behind them and why they do what they do in the body. For instance, aside from anhedonia, i can't feel emotions deeply or even cry properly anymore, how would simply dopamjne do this? I don't have as much pleasure and sensitivity in the sexual organ and have weak watery orgasms. How would dopamine affect this?Also, I just don't buy into this psychosomatic stuff, our mind is fruit of our cognition, it's here to serve us and do what we want to do and to keep us alive. It makes absolutely zero sense from an evolutionary standpoint why it would block us from experiencing comfort of just existing and pleasure because of "trauma" when we have such a lust for life. BTW, Psychology is just an unscientific scam designed to steal suckers, it has no bearing in how the brain works.
Perspective is important. Psychosomatic symptoms are a thing. Anhedonia on and when recovering from Invega is caused by blocked receptors. Once the medication leaves the body, the brain is no longer affected, receptors are no longer blocked, and functioning returns to normal. It's that simple. There might be other factors and cofounding variables that play, but full-out believing and arguing that it's anything beyond what I've just described is based in fear and the desire to be morose.
I Personally found being on Invega traumatizing, if you don't that's good for you. Saying that this is a horrific experience isn't "psychobabble" and just because our pharma-trained psychs fucked us doesn't mean that all of psychology is a bunk science, read a book
Some people get PSSD from SSRIs, some don't. Some people get TD on APs that are permanent, some don't. Permanent damage from medication is possible. It could stand to reason that some people also experience some other sort of permanent damage - but in my years on this forum the vast, vast majority do not, myself included. Believing yourself to be permanently ill based on the experience of one guy who won't even share the full details of his experience is hypochondriacal thinking.
This is the hardest part about visiting this forum - having to argue with people who vociferously believe that everyone who got shot up with Invega will end up like that guy who has severe depression or that other guy who is taking another AP and won't tell anyone or that other guy who just wants to fuck with people who need hope

It's been fun guess I'll check in later
actually some rare people have permanent brain damage and permanent receptor death and damage which is why they never recovered and are anhedonic forever
If anti-psychotics are a straight jacket for the mitochondria and damage mitochondria, who here has gone into ketosis for 3-6 months to help heal the mitochondria which is directly related to dopamine and overall energy production?
So, hopefully good news.The doctor/scientist who found the brain damage is setting up a treatment plan to start rejuvenating the damaged areas and unclog/repair the neural pathways.If this works I will make sure everyone gets the contact info.
Does the protocol have anything to do with mitochondria repair?
Not necessarily. The mechanisms behind anhedonia are much more complicated than merely blocked or downregulated dopamine, if that was the case, then why aren't we feeling better since we're off the drug for so long? The truth is that we don't know. Not even the chemists who make these drugs understand the mechanisms behind them and why they do what they do in the body. For instance, aside from anhedonia, i can't feel emotions deeply or even cry properly anymore, how would simply dopamjne do this? I don't have as much pleasure and sensitivity in the sexual organ and have weak watery orgasms. How would dopamine affect this?Also, I just don't buy into this psychosomatic stuff, our mind is fruit of our cognition, it's here to serve us and do what we want to do and to keep us alive. It makes absolutely zero sense from an evolutionary standpoint why it would block us from experiencing comfort of just existing and pleasure because of "trauma" when we have such a lust for life. BTW, Psychology is just an unscientific scam designed to steal suckers, it has no bearing in how the brain works.
How long have you been off of it again?
Maybe it doesn't have as much meaning as you think it does. Maybe you've grown and are experiencing a midlife crisis that gives what you care about less meaning than it did before. How would you know?

Me: Maybe there are other reasons why you're feeling numb after three years besides Invega. You should try to find out.

You: Nah

Me: Cool enjoy

Some people find more joy in lamentation than in being open and working toward finding solutions. There are questions you won't answer and I've got other shit to do today

My plan was to catch it coming, start taking AP pills when I felt like I was getting delusions and think my way out of it. Bad plan. Actually I still don't have a plan, just a plan to make a plan at a respite house next year. Even though I've done this three times now I still just "hope it doesn't happen". It's annoying to keep a psych on call just as a contingency because they'll drop you if you don't see them. I had a written action plan about where to go and what med to give me (no injection) with my first therapist, but I stopped seeing her after a year so it wasn't in place when my second psychosis hit. Perhaps you'd be smarter than me. It's difficult when you just wanna live life as normal, to really take care of it you have to treat yourself like you're always in remission and I don't want to remind myself that I have anything wrong with me
I see. I do have some left over pills so Ill take them when I feel a bit unstable. Thanks for sharing
If anti-psychotics are a straight jacket for the mitochondria and damage mitochondria, who here has gone into ketosis for 3-6 months to help heal the mitochondria which is directly related to dopamine and overall energy production?
Im in keto and feel great. Just scared of relapse at this point. We should all be eating a ketogenic diet or carnivore
Im in keto and feel great. Just scared of relapse at this point. We should all be eating a ketogenic diet or carnivore

How much % do you feel better and how long since your last shot? How long have you been on keto and what effects have you noticed?
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