NASADD Social- US Bankai bullet takes out Bin Laden

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damn, I slept so wrong that I couldn't move my hands or my arms at all this morning till some blood flowed to them. It's mad annoying having to jump start my limbs like that. But damn I was having one of the most hardcore nod sessions last night that I've ever had. All fucking night long too. Could have had something to do with my odd yet extremely comfortable sleeping position (till this morning that is). I somehow managed to get more work done to the car in my semi-zombie state also. I've been doing that lately. The less aware I am the less miserable I'll be doing tasks like that.

Sup in here this morning?
mornin skillz, what's up witchu?
well i LOLd@ ur 1st post bc i was xanaxed the fuck out one night about 18 mo ago and the way i slept,i partially tore a rotator cuff in my right arm in my sleep...without moving. i was like a goddamn vegetable.ii could not move and then when i did it hurt so fuckin bad. i had been off opiates about 6 months but let me tell you that the vicoden the urgent care clinic gave me i ate like candy. it still bothers me. but my poor body is all kinds o beat up.
then i started wishin you felt will. i promise. it will take a little while. your emotions as well as physical feeling have been deadened for so long that you are going to feel raw.
are you still tapering off the opes?

i have been shooting speed my 2 allowed binge days and now i am about to eat some xanax bars w/ a big glass o grapefruit juice and enjoy the visuals i am experiencing.

god i feel so good but if i don't stop now my RX will be gone by monday and then i'll be shit until next mo on the 19th when i get my shit filled again. arrrghhhh!!! man i can't wait til bonnaroo. i just want to get twisted. not bc i'm sad or feel bad but bc i am a fucking JUNKIE and proud of it.

i am also pissed my weed man was supposed to be here wed and it's sat. that's ok. that is why i quit kickin him cash up front.

tl;dr:sorry im long winded. im gooooooood fuddup!
i just worked out. my dad's gf bought a workout machine and a treadmill a while back and thay've done nothing but gather dust, so the last couple weeks i been going out nd knocking the dust off. i feel better and it really helps keep my mind off the fact that i don't have/can't have weed
trust me, she's not as great as she sounds. total bitch on wheels. plus she has a kid and loves the cock, so idk if you want that baggage.

tried to hit up the bitch, but then so did everyone else. traffic was backed up at least 2 miles, i just turned around and came home.
do i go out and try to break a bitch tonite? or get high?

i think gettin high is in the cards..theres always bitches out there
yes easter..

and i went out for a lil bit and put in some work with this chick that ive know for like 10 years and we where just like school friends..she was a big chick but now shes hot so yeah like i said i just put in a lil work tonite
Happy easter social inhabitants

Man I forgot what time dinner is. I feel like shit today too, I was up till 5am doing coke. This ends up happening every easter. I don't know why, I don't even do coke that often at all, but somehow it always finds me the night before easter 3 years running now.
AKA Zombie Jesus Day

thank all that is intoxicating that someone else calls it that too. lmao
you must not be "into" that whole scene-me neither.
i follow eastern PHILOSOPHY but am technically an atheist.
plus my gf came over last night and we shot MPH/Morphine speedballs and had olympic lesbian sport fucking.
did some more morphine today and took a low dose of xanax.
for a motorhead i am making team nod proud these past 24 hours.
i dnt miss opiates on the reg but it sure is a nice,serendipitous, occasional,totally recreational high. and w/ no tolerance it takes so little to get off and the nod is..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................lekj'l ;klgo dxyuxlhqido;jw

oh,sorry...nodded off. j/k lmao

how's it going Jb? you doing the family thing? my fam is eating and i told them i'd be down shortly. if i wait til they are almost done-they will be cleaning and not notice i have a bobble head w/ drool nod going on. lol
No Skillz I am not into the whole scene as it were. I was raised Catholic and haven't been in a church aside from weddings since I was confirmed. So in reality I guess that makes me your typical practicing Catholic. I would I guess call myself agnostic whatever that means. I am big into history so organised religion isn't really my thing although I do recognize the benefits that people gain from it.

Anyways I was supposed to go to my aunt's house but, she was recently hospitalized for pneumonia (she's fine though). So I have no plans which is nice.
there shld be an easter junkie-not bunny-who brings junkie baskets full of drugs and paraphernalia for his fellow junkie scum.
instead of white and fluffy he is kinda dirty with junkie sniffles and totally bonkers from partying all weekend.
No Skillz I am not into the whole scene as it were. I was raised Catholic and haven't been in a church aside from weddings since I was confirmed. So in reality I guess that makes me your typical practicing Catholic. I would I guess call myself agnostic whatever that means. I am big into history so organised religion isn't really my thing although I do recognize the benefits that people gain from it.

Anyways I was supposed to go to my aunt's house but, she was recently hospitalized for pneumonia (she's fine though). So I have no plans which is nice.

word. sorry bout your aunt but glad you get some YOU time.

twat are you getting into today???;)
OK kids it's time for the narcotics hunt! Little eggs full of benzos and opiates in place of candy.

I got a bundle! Nice!

Sunday as usual will have me doing absolutely nothing. I'm waiting for some weed and then I'll be playing Portal2 which is fucking awesome and I don't usually like puzzle games.
serious help picking out my 1st FPS Jb and all gamers here in nadds

OK kids it's time for the narcotics hunt! Little eggs full of benzos and opiates in place of candy.

I got a bundle! Nice!

Sunday as usual will have me doing absolutely nothing. I'm waiting for some weed and then I'll be playing Portal2 which is fucking awesome and I don't usually like puzzle games.

right! narcotics hunt! i love it.

so do tell about this Portal2...i actually like puzzle it 360 or PS3?
I STILL have not gotten my goddamn FPS game.
my lil truck broke so i am stuck at home all day everyday,but my dad is taking me to walmart tomorrow-i have to lose him long enough to buy a box o new rigs and i want to check there prices against gamestop-plus i hv a gift card for wally world.
so i know we have been over this a gigabizadilemillion times,but since i have been planning to buy a FPS game for almost 2 months i have done a lot of online research on my options.

ok-i'll make this short...i am a huge history buff and i love WW2 stuff so i was thinking about getting an older COD that are set in WW2,even though you and everyone else says COD Black Ops- has the best campaign...or am i confusing that w/ modern warfare 1 or 2? i just remember you posting about one of the CODs being the best campaign-also you mentioned one game as being better for online vs single player and i def want to start w/ single player. i think COD 3 is a PS greatest hits so #1-it will only be $20 max,#2 i can get a feel for the game bc i feel like a "current warfare scenario FPS" might be a bit advance bc of the technology difference.

next-I was looking into Half-Life,as you know, and they have the orange box w/ 2 games-iirc,but i have read there is a lag in the play as far as hitting the fucking trigger button and the weapon firing. i'm thinking that can go on down the last bc i do want a 360 for xmas this year.

I keep hearing Battlefield...but i don't know which one. from what i can tell there is a Battlefield 1 & 2 which one site described as "non-traditional single player story and sandbox gameplay ".
then there are the 1942 & 1943 campaigns-again, i am a big WW2 fan and the reviews are good-saying that you don't have to worry about ammo or sprinting which seems good for a novice FPSmplayer... and the games are cheap.

also fantasy FPS games recommended are Portal 2 Sci-Fi First-Person Shooter 9.0
Crysis 2-or 1
Killzone 3-or before
BioShock 2 or 1

and last
medal of honor and home front.
so...if you have time can you rate these for me. i'm sorry. my funds are limited and i'd have to trade almost all my games to get more than 1. i liked Halo 1&2-haven't played 3 yet,so i think i'd like a sci-fi FPS,but i feel like i need to master a traditional FPS,and i think preferably a historical FPS over begin with.

***all gamers feel free to put in your input*** i AM buying a new game toFUCKINGmorrow!

I know this is prob more sports and gaming but you fuckers are my peeps so i like to get input from you guys over some ppl i may not know well or not at all-and visa versa.

i know i am over thinking this but i can only afford 1 game and i really want it to be the best for me-as a novice FPS and my personal love of older wars vs modern combat...i am one of those "not fucking happy about our current 2 wars situation" and i don't know if i cld enjoy anything close to that.

ok-i gotta great buzz and an appetite...i am going to go pig out and come back and do an upper shot not an opiate,and then i am gonna get my Bluelight fix!

THANKS GUYS-esp you Jb!

much,drugs and gaming....................skillz<3
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