NASADD Social- US Bankai bullet takes out Bin Laden

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but now it's past my bedtime

night skillz, night rest of you fucks that might show up
YAY!!! playmate!!! yay!!!;)


YAY Playmate! yay

Really she's not 100% my type, but the joke works.
is that the chick from ATOS?

stacy underwood or something like that
yeah-i'll remember that. it would come out like this.."oh tittays....i mean,pussy,um double ended dildo-fuck-what was your name again?...Sarah-got it...beautiful,beautiful TITTAYS!" lol
sometimes i am so smart i am stupid-plus i'm pretty high,but i just figured out your avatar. i have been racking my brain trying to figure it out. i thought maybe the mustache was an ass earlier but decided "I ass you a question" was not right... so stupid.
sometimes i am so smart i am stupid-plus i'm pretty high,but i just figured out your avatar. i have been racking my brain trying to figure it out. i thought maybe the mustache was an ass earlier but decided "I ass you a question" was not right... so stupid.

you're senile; it's okay ;)
When you set up an AV does it only show up after you become a bluelighter??
scroll to the very top of the page. under the word bluelight are quick links. hit user cp and there is an option to edit your avatar. u jst need to upload ur avatar to an image hosting site like imageshack or photobucket.

make sure you click save changes anytime you change something in your user CP or it won't change.
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Thankx, I figured it out now. I thought you post your pic web address in the picture section of your profile, now I got it.
Thankx, I figured it out now. I thought you post your pic web address in the picture section of your profile, now I got it.

good deal. if you have anymore questions,don't hesitate to ask. i posted a reply in your introduction thread that has a couple of helpful hints so be sure to go check it out.
btw...what is your avatar a picture of? it's looks wicked. i like it.
glad you got your avatar up. i am sure i will see you around.

much peace and love.......................skillz=D
ok...i know it is saturday but we are all junkies and have to wake up to start doing drugs sometime so up and at 'em, NADDS social.
that what we should call this bc everytime i see NASADD my dyslexia chimes in and says"Nadds! oh gross! you socialize in a big hairy nut sac you nasty dyke!"
true story.
technically it's supposed to be NASASADD or NSASDD if you dont include the ands

morning skillzm morning rest of you fucks who might wake up
technically it's supposed to be NASASADD or NSASDD if you dont include the ands

morning skillzm morning rest of you fucks who might wake up

thus proving my point even further...i don't think that has ever clicked with me. i type words w/ the letters all fucked up and scrambled and sometimes sentences will have the words out of order...that is fucked up. i am an english major-and have been published twice. i figure that is what spell check and editors are for right?
i'm still calling it NADDS. bc that makes me laugh.;)
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