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☛ Official ☚ [LSA's Subthread] Extraction of LSA's

i highly doubt anybody on here is going to chance it with this riddle synthesis.
Morning glory seeds [LSA], extracting and getting less liquid? [REQ]

Well I am not much of a chemist, as I was raised in a violent hick town.
I cannot get my hands on many things. I recently lost my liscense for a drug related suspension at school [I am 18].
However, I do have 300 morning glory seeds I obtained before my parents started caring about me getting high, and plenty of 70% iso alcohol [although I know grain alcohol is better for this] and I am willing to put forth effort to make the product I am seeking, I merely lack the resources. Please do not confuse the two.

So my ignorant plan is to merely place 300 seeds in a mason jar, and add iso alcohol. The ratio will be MGS:ISO ; 2:1.

The reason for this odd ratio, is that I would rather not have much liquid in my final product. [Oh I would kill to have some everclear and naptha...]. Therefore, I am planning to foolishly place a flame in my liquid extraction, to remove the unhealthy iso alcohol. The problem? Heat kills lsa. But will this quick burning of the iso alcohol A) evaporate the LSA? B) Kill a reasonable amount of LSA?

The final step of this ignorant plan is to drop 1 or 2 dayquils in any remaining liquid and let the dayquils absorb the liquid overnight. I will then give the final product to my friend so he can at least have one decent night at his strict father's house this summer.

So obviously, this plan needs some refining. Again, please don't mistake my ignorance and lack of resources for laziness. I am more than willing to take in any knowledge anyone has to offer.
0. 70% iso alcohol will only burn until it reaches ~30% alcohol content, meaning you will end up with a water extraction that is still contaminated with isopropyl.

1. i don't believe the burning will 'evaporate' the LSA but it will definitely increase the temperature of the extraction which will degrade much of your product.

2. why in god's name would you add dayquil? tylenol and dxm, yum for your liver.

to be honest, morning glory are best consumed in a cold water extract, with simple chewing of the seeds close behind.

i don't know who put that "acid/base" (it's not really an AB technique) writeup using naptha on the internet. it doesn't make very much sense at all. when thinking of a technique for morning glory seeds, remember the following:

a. lysergamides are sensitive to light, heat, and oxygen, especially when in solution. the alkaloids are relatively protected in the whole seeds because a seed is essentially a capsule with a strong protective barrier.

b. lysergamides are highly soluble in water when they are in their salt form (naturally occurring in the seeds). as the free base, they are only slightly soluble in powerful organic solvents, and they become far more sensitive to degradation as the free base.

taking these two into consideration, you want to do a simple cold water extract with distilled water (chlorine in tap water is a strong oxidant) and be sure not to expose the extract to heat or light, and do not prepare the extract more than 48 hours before consumption.

grind the seeds quickly in a coffee grinder in small batches (so you don't overheat the seed mass with friction) and add enough cold water to cover the seed matter plus an inch or so. the seeds will swell and absorb a lot of water too. some people like to add a bit of lemon juice or vitamin C crystal (ascorbic acid) to increase the acidity (and maybe provide some anti-oxidant activity) but there are many reports of successful extractions with just plain water.

shake well for 6 hours, then let settle and decant the top layer of water.
add another small volume of cold water and repeat, decanting and combining extracts. perform a third extraction on the same seeds as before. three is usually 90+% efficient in extractions, and a fourth run will just waste time.

consume the combined extract and chase with some herbal (peppermint, ginger, whatever) tea to calm the stomach, although be prepared for some strange body load. it takes a couple hours to kick in, but it's a great ride. good luck!
Well I am not much of a chemist, as I was raised in a violent hick town.
I cannot get my hands on many things. I recently lost my liscense for a drug related suspension at school [I am 18].
However, I do have 300 morning glory seeds I obtained before my parents started caring about me getting high, and plenty of 70% iso alcohol [although I know grain alcohol is better for this] and I am willing to put forth effort to make the product I am seeking, I merely lack the resources. Please do not confuse the two.

So my ignorant plan is to merely place 300 seeds in a mason jar, and add iso alcohol. The ratio will be MGS:ISO ; 2:1.

The reason for this odd ratio, is that I would rather not have much liquid in my final product. [Oh I would kill to have some everclear and naptha...]. Therefore, I am planning to foolishly place a flame in my liquid extraction, to remove the unhealthy iso alcohol. The problem? Heat kills lsa. But will this quick burning of the iso alcohol A) evaporate the LSA? B) Kill a reasonable amount of LSA?

The final step of this ignorant plan is to drop 1 or 2 dayquils in any remaining liquid and let the dayquils absorb the liquid overnight. I will then give the final product to my friend so he can at least have one decent night at his strict father's house this summer.

So obviously, this plan needs some refining. Again, please don't mistake my ignorance and lack of resources for laziness. I am more than willing to take in any knowledge anyone has to offer.

LSA is not worth the trouble in going through with an extraction, in my opinion. I've done it several times, and ended up with a harsh body load, and a very subtle mental trip.

Your mind'll be crystal clear; extremely lucid. Thought patterning will be different too. It's powerful, but at the same time extremely subtle.

If you're doing this for recreational purposes, don't even bother. If you're doing it for therapeutic reasons, but you're inexperienced with psychedelics, don't bother. You'll miss the nuance of the LSA.

As far as your friend goes, I doubt he'll appreciate the LSA if he's overtly concerned about nausea or cramping. It's something you have to work with.
i disagree. my first psychedelic was LSA by way of 50 MG seeds chewed. i puked my guts out and smoked a bowl and completely forgot that i took the seeds. later that day i was at the golf course wondering why it felt like everyone was watching me and the sunset was so colorful.

remember everyone is affected differently by different drugs, and the potency of seeds may also be in question.

although honestly the best thing to do with MG seeds is to plant them in a spot they can climb and make a beautiful vine what blooms all summer long.
Well I wanted to drop a couple of dayquils not for their active drugs [its only 10mg of dxm, my liver has seen worse], but because the caps are so absorbant. I know how much better a CWE is, but liquid is so hard to pass off to a buddy for future use. But when I was 12 or so years old, I dropped 2 nyquils in a beer thinking they would desolve, and they were enormous and had sucked up the liquid. My new plan is merely to put the seeds in a small vial, add water and leave them for a week or so [since there is far less liquid, I will give them extra time to extract] and repeat the process with fresh seeds using the same liquid, until I have about 300 or so seeds worth of of lsa in there [that is about 10 grams if I did my math correctly]. I will then do my original dayquil-dunking idea.

My question is, how much will this effect the PH scale of the liquid, if at all?

Note: Please ignore the image I gave myself in the original post. I was stoned on some very heated [criminally investigated] drugs, and I was immature enough to try to less incriminate myself out of paranoia, due to a charge by the mommy of a poor kid that got caught with acid after I sold it to him. However, she dropped the charge, and I am no longer paranoid... as I am unfortunantly no longer stoned ;)

EDIT: This will be electronically shaken for about an hour a day. The shaking goes on so fast that you cannot see the vial as it shakes. Its a blur.
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sorry, that's not a good method for extraction. re-read my original instructions and think about why i said the details that i did.

STARRING(not in order of appearance):

-Small French Press
-Food Dehydrator
-Olive Oil
-High Proof Alcohol
-Cellophane Wrap
-Kitchen Counter
-Pyrex Bowl
-Sturdy Butter Knife
-Lemon Juice
-Large Ceramic Bowl
-Peppermint Oil Extract
-6 Grams Morning Glory Seeds
-1 Pint Mason Jar
-2 Small Glass Pudding Dishes
-Small Coffee Grinder
-Dark Closet
-Room Temperature
-Airtight Food Container
-1 Oatmeal Spoon
-Ginger Root


And LOL at the title of this thread! =D
Its more just a weird LSA extraction, no synthesising in there bra ;)

good shout, i'm sure it's just a slip of the tongue - erm finger.

I personally think it's quite a good way to present an extraction, makes for interesting reading. There are hundreds, if not thousands of LSA/LSH extractions on the web in plain textual terms, why not write a more interesting one.

If you don't like it, don't follow it.
sorry, that's not a good method for extraction. re-read my original instructions and think about why i said the details that i did.

I hope this isnt considered necroposting.

I read your method very thoroughly. Your method, however, will not result the way I am working for. I have used the explained method for maybe a year now, probably about 17 or 18 times. But it won't work out.
MorningGlorySeed : Is it true that Ipoema Tricolor seeds are to be soaked for atleast 2 days if using the water extraction method ? And also i was wondering, if i simply sew the seeds at the right time of year, will it give me a fair yield of MGS later is the year in which can be water extracted ? Thanks, would clear up alot of queries. Peace :)
Zodiakk I'm sorry to say that if that method is not working, you're doing something wrong. First off, flame will degrade the LSA and turn them into inactive isomers. Do not do this. Second, Isopropyl alcohol WILL HARM YOU if ingested. Do not do this, regardless of how small of an amount is in it. I'm sorry but everything you posted and were thinking about doing is a TERRIBLE idea. There is no one surefire way to do this but I can tell you that your way is the wrong way.

What you need to do is grind up the seeds, or crush them with a hammer is you so wish, that is of course after you soak them in a little warm water first, this is to get the poison off that some companies coat their seeds with for this very reason.
after they're well crushed put them in isopropyl alcohol for a while, no, grain alcohol is NOT better, I don't know who told you this but they were wrong. Do not leave them in there for a week, this is beyond unnecessary and takes a chance in ruining the process. if you're going to put it on an electronic shaker like a paint shaker for an hour a day then 2 days will be more than enough. put it on for 2 or three hours and you can cut that down to a day most likely. Do this twice or 3 times if you so please.
Fliter the alcohol from the seeds, use a coffee filter, a paper towel, an old thin t-shirt, w/e it doesn't matter.
After you have all your alcohol and no seeds, put this alcohol on something such as a glass pot lid or something to this effect, I used a microwave plate for a while, it worked very well. just pour some on and put a fan up to it. this will evaporate in no more than an hour depending on how much liquid you poured on the plate. Keep pouring liquid on and letting it evap. usually takes me 2 or 3 hours and all the liquid is gone.
There will be sticky, moist, residue on the plate, it's moist due to the leftover water. Scape this off with a razor blade, should be brownish and look and smell like shit.
pu it cap, milkshake, anything you want, swallow it and viola.

Don't attempt the things you outlined. They are not good ideas and could harm you.

Trust me I'm a doctor.
But in all seriousness, I'm a chemist
the length of soak depends on how finely powdered your seeds are. if you just use a hammer or mortar/pestle, you'll have large chunks that will take more time to extract.

morning glory is incredibly easy to grow. it's a little bit late for northern hemisphere right now, but you might be able to start them indoors and transplant outside in a few weeks. they produce hundreds of seeds if given plenty of sunlight and places to climb.
LSA extraction; A new realm of LSA/LSH?

I have always blocked out any ideas that involve exposing morning glory seeds [PLEASE spare me the time of telling me how much better HBWR is. It is 3x the price for the same amount of LSA, so I am closed-minded].

However, a friend of mine wiped a smirk off of my face when he extracted 1400 MG seeds in a well lit room all day, butane blasted it 4 times, and dropped 6 drops of peppermint oil. This basically means that the past year of my life is a lie. :D

This got me thinking about maybe lowering the cost of my tripps by using what is freely available to me. So my questions are:
Will soaking peppermint leaves in a concentrated MG extract convert the LSA's to LSH's? Also, I once heard that the shelf life of LSH is much shorter. Is this true?

[I believe the brain eventually converts the LSA's to LSH's, and learned the hard way at church when I thought the tripp was wearing off... thats a good, long story :p]
What is LSH? What's its chemical name and structure?

When did you first hear about it?

I've been confused about this whole LSH thing since I saw people talking about it, and from my understanding its still LSA, just combined with a peppermint experience.
OK, so, chemically speaking, to go from LSA to LSH, you'd need to stick an alpha-hydroxyethyl moiety onto the primary amine.

That FAQ looks a bit suspect to me (also what's with those spelling errors?). The procedure is supposed to work thanks to the use of peppermint oil, but no chemical explanation is given, nor can i think of one.

3)Peppermint Oil - This will turn the LSA into LSH by lower its pH level and changing its chemical structure.

I fail to see how. Peppermint oil is mainly menthol, traces of menthyl acetate... I cannot fathom how this would change LSA into LSH.

sounds like bullshit to me.

edit: also, i don't believe your brain can do LSA -> LSH, either...