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The Big & Dandy Bad Trip Thread

Ok for anyone who wants to tell me taking Benzos while you are in the midst of a Bad Trip is the "wrong thing to do", listen to what my bad trips are like.

I consider myself fairly self educated on drugs. I have done my own hundreds of hours reading Erowid and other such things... I am also a highly creative person, extremely musically gifted with a huge imagination. I also have a somewhat anxious and serious personality at times.

My bad trips are worse than I could ever have imagined, and from what I read of other peoples trips they seem to be pretty hardcore.

First time I had a bad trip was on acid. I didnt know the dose I had taken was extremely strong, as the person I bought it from was dodgy. At first the hallucinations just came on extremely strong. I was in a very good and stable mood with friends at a hometown rave. I dealt with the hallucinations positively and calmly, and they continued to flourish evermore as time rolled by.
Eventually it became so that every single thing in my vision, every blade of grass, every branch on every tree, was moving and morphing into something else. The leaves on trees became millions and millions of balooning little faces, each different (believe that if you can) each with varying expressions that were rapidly changing. The bricks on a wall were all changing into different colours and shapes and bouncing in and out rapidly. The sky was multicoloured. The ground divided up into infinate patterns; I saw brown crocodiles wallowing through a grid which was the muddy ground beneath my feet.
All this while I remained calm and somewhat amazed and delighted.
It was on the dancefloor porbably half an hour later than things got wierd. It had started raining and I was unaware. People were telling me, "come under the shelter youre soaking wet!!" to which id say, "oh, is it raining?"
I had completely lost my mind and had utterly no idea that i was on a drug. I kept wondering where I was... what was I supposed to be doing? Was I here to dance? The rain kept falling and I had no idea.. id shut my eyes for half a second and my mind would race and id be lost in some sort of other dimention for hours and hours.. then id open my eyes and see my arms and legs and masses of multicoloured people in a wiggling, shape shifting world.. I was utterly confused. I didnt know who I was. I couldnt remember my own name. I didnt know if my body was breathing. I didnt know anything about anything. All information I had ever aquired throughout my life was fallen down around me, nothing connected. I didnt know how to breath. I could see that my body was disjointed into different globlets of goo. My friends turned into demons and witches and all the land was crying and screaming. Nothing would stop MOVING. My mind had disolved into infinate realities and possibilities.

Meanwhile, in the "real" world.. my friends had carried me and put me into a car because they were all severely worried about me after i couldnt even manage to walk or drink water. I lay there squirming in the front seat in utter agony for about 2 hours. Nothing can explain the agony and terror and fear.. it was beyond anything.. I ended up saying "I just want to die.. I have been in this trip for thousands of years.. I want to die."

No-one had any valium to give me.

Anyway... the next day, when I FINALLY came down, my brain felt like it had been coated in cotton wool.. fried.. I sat around for half the day with absolutely NO THOUGHTS running through my mind.. i was a zombie. I could not string sentences together. It took me months and months before I was able to get back my oppinions on things. My short term memory was utterly FUCKED and I constanty had an "empty brain" where id literally sit there thinking of NOTHING.
I felt like i had no soul and couldnt remember what it was like before my bad trip.

Its almost two years now and I am pretty much back to normal.
But dont fucking tell me I needed to "deal with my inner issues." Fucking hell. I needed valium!! Anything but that utter insanity and terror. If my friends hadnt been there i would have killed my physical body to free myself from the torment.

While I would agree in that situation someone as yourself should be administered something to calm you down but the reason that trip came about was the wrong setting and possibly some issues in the set. Not saying anything against you or trying to insult in anyway, but the only time something like that happened to me was when I had a perfect set and setting suddenly get torn apart by some jackass who couldnt handle himself and lied to us about his experience with drugs.

We used to get some sickeningly strong liquid LSD, 1 hit was probably equal to 3-4 tabs you would get now days and one day a group of really good friends wanted to try it, so I did 4 hits of it and this one guy I had never tripped with before was there and he said he had used acid plenty of times when in reality it was his first time. He took the same dose we did and it fucked him up. Dude saw a spider and suddenly he freaked out because he was an arachnaphobe. He runs around screaming about how its as big as a dog and we are trying to calm him down he starts yelling at us thinking we were spiders too and the dude whips out a knife. No idea where he got it from and he ended up stabbing himself when we are all waist deep into an ego shattering/world destroying acid trip. As soon as the blood showed up we all freaked the fuck out and somehow someone managed to call 911, I spent probably a good 12-14 hours freaking out thinking everyone around me was A) holding a knife about to stab themself or B) already dead. I didnt have to deal with the cops thank god and it turned out the guy who stabbed himself didnt make it. It scared my ass away from acid for almost 6 years. Now unless Ive personally seen you trip and know how strong the tabs are and how many you took you are not even allowed to talk to me about tripping. No way I will ever go through that pain, fear, terror and depression that followed that again
While I would agree in that situation someone as yourself should be administered something to calm you down but the reason that trip came about was the wrong setting and possibly some issues in the set. Not saying anything against you or trying to insult in anyway, but the only time something like that happened to me was when I had a perfect set and setting suddenly get torn apart by some jackass who couldnt handle himself and lied to us about his experience with drugs.

We used to get some sickeningly strong liquid LSD, 1 hit was probably equal to 3-4 tabs you would get now days and one day a group of really good friends wanted to try it, so I did 4 hits of it and this one guy I had never tripped with before was there and he said he had used acid plenty of times when in reality it was his first time. He took the same dose we did and it fucked him up. Dude saw a spider and suddenly he freaked out because he was an arachnaphobe. He runs around screaming about how its as big as a dog and we are trying to calm him down he starts yelling at us thinking we were spiders too and the dude whips out a knife. No idea where he got it from and he ended up stabbing himself when we are all waist deep into an ego shattering/world destroying acid trip. As soon as the blood showed up we all freaked the fuck out and somehow someone managed to call 911, I spent probably a good 12-14 hours freaking out thinking everyone around me was A) holding a knife about to stab themself or B) already dead. I didnt have to deal with the cops thank god and it turned out the guy who stabbed himself didnt make it. It scared my ass away from acid for almost 6 years. Now unless Ive personally seen you trip and know how strong the tabs are and how many you took you are not even allowed to talk to me about tripping. No way I will ever go through that pain, fear, terror and depression that followed that again

That is an unbelievably intense recount... sounds like you witnessed the ultimate 'mental break' bad trip...
Evil, Devious, Acid Character in my Brain!Help

First let me start with some background information.

19 years old. Fairly experienced with psychedelics.
Total of +30 full out trips on either LSD or Mushies.

Prior to this particular experience, I have never had a 'bad' trip or even felt more then acute anxiety while tripping.


It started with the brilliant idea of dropping some acid after a long night of work. (ok not exactly a brilliant idea)

I dropped a total of 2.5 hits at around 9am.

I came up, plateau'd, and nothing was out of the ordinary.

When I began coming down my friend and I smoked a 2g blunt.

During the blunt, I obviously got a lot more messed up.
* I felt completely disassociated from my body
* As I kept my eyes open, my world would slowly be consumed by OEV's

Although I've dropped acid many times and smoked a ton of weed while tripping , this was the very first time I felt this way.

The effects kept getting stronger and stronger.

I blurted to my friend "it feels like im on salvia." After saying this it felt like I had just triggered a bad trip.

It felt like every cell in my body was being stimulated.
I became extremely uncomfortable and anxious. The more I kept my eyes open the more I felt myself slipping into what I thought was my Sub-Conscious mind.

I knew to try to stay calm and ride it out, but the acid was owing me.

When I slipped into my sub-conscious mind, I felt AS IF (im not sure if any of these symptoms were actually occurring or just in my mind) every muscle would tense, my jaw would clench and bite the sides of my mouth.

When this happened the first time I had nostalgic, and extremely frightening thoughts. I felt like they related to a salvia experience in some way. They told me to not slip into the sub-conscious mind or else I would die.

The acid in my brain felt evil and devious, it didn't feel like a drug anymore it felt more like an evil alien character or alter-ego that was in my head.

Eventually I came down and returned to normal.

A few weeks later I dropped 1 hit and a lot of the same effects were noted. None as intense as earlier but I still felt there was a devious, evil acid character in my brain.


I love acid and the introspection it brings but this whole new 'evil thought patterns' it's been putting in my brain is absolutely terrible.

Has anyone had experiences similar to this?

And if so what are some ways of beating it?
The acid is telling you to back off and take it easy, I think. Perhaps you're using too much, or your use is irresponsible somehow?

I think you should take a break, and work to integrate your previous trips-- after you deal with that, I think Lucy will start treating you better.
Are you stressed about anything in your life? Anything suddenly go downhill?

When psychs turn evil on me is when i am abusing them to escape the pain of reality, and I cannot achieve a good trip until my spirits are lifted, maybe you should do the same?
Psychedelics are known to cause people to relive significant events in their life (both positive and negative), which can certainly include drug experiences. Perhaps LSD is bringing back to you some issue that was first forced into your face by salvia.
I can't really pinpoint any particular events that would have caused lucy to give me such grief.

I always thought I was using it for the right reasons but maybe I need to reevaluate the whole situation.

Although some thoughts that I get while frying do point that I'm not using it for the right reasons. I never really realized this until now thinking about it.

Thanks for everyones replies.
Alot of times when I'm tripping (for some reason only on LSD) I get these weird thoughts of how badly I want to kill someone, or beat the living **** out of them. I thought I was psychotic, but it seems all my friends feel the same, so I just assumed that LSD purifies the consciousness of social influence, and maybe homicide isn't such a bad thing on LSD.

Of course I would never do something like that in 1,000,000 years, but I do get the urges to in the midst of a strong LSD haze. ;)
I had a near identical experience (a 'bad' trip after 20+ pleasant experiences).

Coming down from the peak, I smoked some weed. I spent the remainder of the night convinced that I was a great burden to everyone I encountered, and in great physical discomfort and restlessness. I too experienced an alter-ego effect, though the alter-ego was not of the acid, but of myself, as an incompetent, greedy, dirty drug addict, which sounds cheesy- but I actually became this character. My every thought, action, and interaction supported it's existence. It was as if all of the people I came across and every situation throughout the trip were called into being to demonstrate the reality of this evil character which I had unknowingly become.

In retrospect I attribute it to a few things. Firstly, the day of the trip involved a lot of anxiety, specifically travelling, driving, and concern for my sister who was also tripping. Secondly, I was smoking cigarettes throughout the day (which I usually do not do). In my experience, cigarettes do not alleviate anxiety but rather shoves it to the side temporarily, only to return later. I think the cigarettes had a lot to do with the physical discomfort, tension and restlessness I experienced. Maybe in your case the blunt had something to do with it? Thirdly, I was not planning on tripping that day, because of the aforementioned anxiety the day entailed. During the trip I was convinced that it was not the right time, that the circumstances were not right, etc. Maybe this also had something to do with your experience? I have found that my best trips, in a way, happen by themselves. The day of my best (and first) trip, I was perfectly content before I made the decision to drop. I had nothing to do, it was a beautiful, sunny, Saturday morning, and I had been saving the tab for over a month. I was waiting for the right day to come, and it came. As in Tao Te Ching, "Do you have the patience to wait until the right action arises by itself?"
I say that it is a good bet that the weed had a big role in that. Weed can sometimes bring out anxiety which produces a range of emotions. Those range of emotions are exacerbated and seen from your perception in a very negative way, producing these unpleasant thoughts and emotions. I've become cautious of my bong because on past trips I've taken a pretty large rip and got sent to a whole different world of emotions and perception. Some times it has been a little uneasy and sometimes not. Drugs don't act the same every time. they are greatly influenced by the mind.
Yeah its pretty obvious the weed had a large role in this. You got to high things went down hill with the acid and the weeds anxiety causing properties showed themselves. You obviously took it pretty traumatically if tired again and the same anxiety issuses came back. It might be hard but you have two choices either A. fight the anxiety until you can reach a comfortable place again or B. stop using it.
...I blurted to my friend "it feels like im on salvia." After saying this it felt like I had just triggered a bad trip.

It felt like every cell in my body was being stimulated.
I became extremely uncomfortable and anxious. The more I kept my eyes open the more I felt myself slipping into what I thought was my Sub-Conscious mind.

I knew to try to stay calm and ride it out, but the acid was owing me.

When I slipped into my sub-conscious mind, I felt AS IF (im not sure if any of these symptoms were actually occurring or just in my mind) every muscle would tense, my jaw would clench and bite the sides of my mouth.

When this happened the first time I had nostalgic, and extremely frightening thoughts. I felt like they related to a salvia experience in some way. They told me to not slip into the sub-conscious mind or else I would die.

The acid in my brain felt evil and devious, it didn't feel like a drug anymore it felt more like an evil alien character or alter-ego that was in my head.

Eventually I came down and returned to normal.

Sounds like experiences I've had fter stressful salvia trips. I would get that "did I just smoke salvia" panic because it felt as if I was re-entering that state. But I believe it's easily explained:

Your first true ego-disolving experience was most likely with salvia, as was mine, and when other psyches begin to gnaw away at our ego, it feels familiar to us, and our subconscious associates it with the salvia experience.

Note the sense of dying, here also.

At least these are my thoughts
Sounds like experiences I've had fter stressful salvia trips. I would get that "did I just smoke salvia" panic because it felt as if I was re-entering that state. But I believe it's easily explained:

Your first true ego-disolving experience was most likely with salvia, as was mine, and when other psyches begin to gnaw away at our ego, it feels familiar to us, and our subconscious associates it with the salvia experience.

Note the sense of dying, here also.

At least these are my thoughts

I agree. The ego dissolution from smoking salvia is sudden and forceful, and other psychedelics dissolve a bit more gently. The first time I smoked DMT, I found myself talking to a spiritual guide. He offered me access into an incredible, wonderful world, "breaking through", but I was hesitant. I asked, "If I do, will I be able to come back?". He couldn't answer me, or I wasn't ready for the answer. I realized that there were parts of my life I needed to take care of, and at another time I would be ready to enter the world which I had this time only glimpsed.

maybe a repressed former personality that you abandoned that LSD activated again? Maybe you're ignoring part of your inner compilation?
Sounds like experiences I've had fter stressful salvia trips. I would get that "did I just smoke salvia" panic because it felt as if I was re-entering that state. But I believe it's easily explained:

Your first true ego-disolving experience was most likely with salvia, as was mine, and when other psyches begin to gnaw away at our ego, it feels familiar to us, and our subconscious associates it with the salvia experience.

Note the sense of dying, here also.

At least these are my thoughts

I think you just hit the nail on the head. That makes perfect sense to me now.
One time me and some friends took strong geltab DOx and my friend shouted "its like salvia" while looking at me.

It was weird and it did indeed remind me of salvia visuals.

It's funny you mention u could feel every cell and it was all tense on your body.

Probably not LSD.

Or at least I wouldn't blame the weed or acid causing you as much a bad trip as the fact you probably took a sinister chemical like DOB.

"Cartoon acid", many call it(usually DOB in high doses causes this specific effect). Definitely has that evil and whacky "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" kinda feeling, not the happy go lucky LSD at all.
I disagree with the above post. Pretty much all psyches give me bruxism (jaw grinding and clenching) and some muscle tension.

I would take a break. The next time you drop, it will feel a lot More mystical, clean, and back to basics.

You could always try candy flipping too.
Or at least I wouldn't blame the weed or acid causing you as much a bad trip as the fact you probably took a sinister chemical like DOB.

The OP states that he's tripped on LSD nearly 20 time.

In his words:

"I came up, plateau'd, and nothing was out of the ordinary."

Nothing about what the OP said suggests that he took a DOx compound. He didn't mention a prolonged come-up, or an extended duration, and specifically mentioned that the come-up and plateau were "nothing out of the ordinary."

I think he took LSD.
"Every cell in my body becoming stimulated"

I have taken RC's and when in lower doses and certain ones like DOC come up just like LSD.

Not all DOx take 2-3 hours to come up.

Trust me, people who take LSD are and know it well get fooled by RC's everyday.

Me and 8 other people I know IRL have taken real L and we were all fooled by Rc's.

We too, assumed "oh we were just having bad trips, oh the envirement was just too hairy and paranoid".

No, I didn't have all the evil thoughts and hardcore stimulation cause I was having a bad trip.

I will always say it and say it again, we are in a time when there is more bunk LSD as ever.

But no one can be sure what the OP took, we all know that.

I am well aware of bad LSD trips. But typically LSD trips are mental, the "bad trip" isn't in the form of overstimulation/body aching and such.

That sounds more like DOx. :X