TDS Photo thread.....round 2.

^ Ooooh, leftwing is another BL hottie. Shirtless pic? =D <3

just for you jammy;) since you're may favourite gay bluelighter:)
^ OMG! You're as sweet as you are hot! And that's a LOT! <3

I've seen this pic before, but that doesn't make you any less sexy. Mmm... *drooool*

hehe =D
;) go clean yourself up, son! a million kittens just died because of you pyjammy


My snake would love that!!!


D's, I really sincerely hope you don't feed your snake LIVE rats, it's not only unnecessarily cruel and traumatic to the rat (obviously) but it's really dangerous for the snake!! The rat can bite or scratch your snake and cause infections etc.
Dead rats for snake food wins :)

Okay, just a bit of a quick response to all the homo madness that has occured the last page or so!! =D
Jam, you are on fire boy! :D I was just thinking that I hadn't ever seen a photo of YOU sir! So I'm glad you posted one :)
junctional, HAWT with a capital H!!
leftwing, very very cute =D And thanks for your nice comment <3
claire, I love those new photos of you, you look so happy and healthy <3
Claire - I liked the blonde colour best, but I would say that, lol.
I DO think the new hair looks much shinnier and lush though.
Is this the hair colour or the healthier lifestyle? If it's the colourant, which brand is it?
Damn, I keep coming back to this thread to oogle over JF and LW!! I love you both, hehe <3

And thanks Neo, you're pretty cute yourself :).
Claire - I liked the blonde colour best, but I would say that, lol.
I DO think the new hair looks much shinnier and lush though.
Is this the hair colour or the healthier lifestyle? If it's the colourant, which brand is it?

i could never get a healthy looking blonde :( and regrowth did my head in!
my hairdresser did the colour so i dunno what brand or anything it is, i do like it more now tho, jst took getin used to after bein blonde for so many yrs.
i miss blonde tho i cant wear all black now without looking emo, lol
(i like black clothes, and with blonde it looked good :()
i think it is the hair colouring that makes it look healthier, but my skin has improved from eating more/no more toxins in my body
D's, I really sincerely hope you don't feed your snake LIVE rats, it's not only unnecessarily cruel and traumatic to the rat (obviously) but it's really dangerous for the snake!! The rat can bite or scratch your snake and cause infections etc.
Dead rats for snake food wins :)

Okay, just a bit of a quick response to all the homo madness that has occured the last page or so!! =D
Jam, you are on fire boy! :D I was just thinking that I hadn't ever seen a photo of YOU sir! So I'm glad you posted one :)
junctional, HAWT with a capital H!!
leftwing, very very cute =D And thanks for your nice comment <3
claire, I love those new photos of you, you look so happy and healthy <3

The rats I feed Monty"snake sname" mice on steroids. my breeds them and gets them all healthy with vitimans. plus mr slither is really picky
It's time I joined in the fun I guess. I've recently decided to grow a beard, both for laziness and aesthetic reasons. But I'm not too sure whether or not to keep it. Opinions?


This was taken fresh from the shower, so my hair hasn't had much of a chance to curl. Also, the flash makes the beard look a bit thinner than IRL, but it's still a bit scruffy.

For reference, here's me about 15 months ago:


I'm a bit slimmer now, and due to chronic toque wearing my hair is smooshed pretty flat. Otherwise that's pretty close to how I would look without the beard.

Happy Solstice Everyone!