• H&R Moderators: VerbalTruist | cdin | Lil'LinaptkSix

I'ld like to hear from anyone who uses an opioid to fight depression.

It actually turned out that the issue I had (avolition) was not due to tolerance but chronically low T-levels which can mimick symptoms of depression, but I solved it by taking ultra low dose naltrexone (see previous pages) which stimulates the production of sex hormones and gets rid of almost all side effects that are known to occur with both acute and chronic use of opioids.
Interesting, they had me on that for a bit when I was drinking heavily "for the cravings", as they always said. Didn't notice much of a difference myself. Do you have any links to research?
Have used opiates, (H, OC, HC, the crap that's constantly killing everyone, pods) have major depressive disorder. I wouldn't say they make me happier, but they make me a lot more happy with it. Problems? Nah, I'll pass. Also does wonders for mood stability IMHO (anger, irritability).

Would be great except for avoiding or accepting a habit; finding something, anything, that's not laced with fentanyl and is legit. I wish it was still as easy and inexpensive to get pods as it used to be. After waking up to the paramedics myself and losing some friends, I'm a bit less risk tolerant than I used to be.
Opioids have been used since time immemorial to treat depression and that very successfully (before the modern term depression was coined it was simply referred to as melancholy). This is why they are illegal for such use. The system wants people to be continuously stressed and depressed.
Anyone from Paracelsus to the legendary persian Medicus himself praised Opium for its antidepressant medical value.

I have once told my story in another thread a long time ago, how opioids have literally saved me from committing suicide. I had such a bad case of major depressive disorder that I eventually started to develop a rare symptom known as "mutism". I literally hadn't had enough energy to open my mouth and speak to people. I was lying all day long in my bed, curtains closed, not doing anything, eating once every couple of days and just vegetating and waiting to finally die.
The only medication that ever helped me were opioids and they haven't lost that effect to this day (chronic user since 12 years).
They also make me very affectionate, almost in a cheesy way, towards people which I like because I'm normally very cold-hearted when I'm sober. They enhance my creativity and kick my motivation into overdrive. I suggest you to read the book "Opioids in Mental Illness: Theories, Clinical Observations, and Treatment Possibilities" if you are interested in how this substance class can be used to treat mental illnesses. Opioids are much better than all that tricyclical and SSRI crap which only tends to worsen depression over time and comes with a ton of side effects and adverse health consequences.

Thank you for your post. I'ld like to find that book. Right now I'm in the middle of a depressive episode. My supply of Vicodin is dwindling. If I could take even just 20 mg of hydrocodone, it would help me . . . but I have to stretch my limited supply to last . . . or else I'll have withdrawal to deal with. So I took my one pill that I take every evening. I've got some kratom and some cannabis edibles. I haven't found kratom to be helpful. (Maybe I don't take enough of it.) The cannabis gummies will put me to sleep, but they don't help my sad mood at all. Alcohol used to help. It doesn't anymore. I have one drink with dinner. Any more makes me feel unwell.
The elites want the drugs for themselves while everyone else shall be in misery. Euphoria for me but not for thee!

"[...]Rothschild, and other clans "put in regular orders" with a local pharmacy "for opium, heroin,and cocaine."

Thank you for that article. I opened the PDF. So the flower of society were consuming mind-altering substances. I'm kind of surprised, but why wouldn't they? When you have the connections to get stuff, and plenty of money to buy it with, and you can do so with no fear of legal repercussions, then why the hell wouldn't you give dope a whirl?

It's still the case that the rich elites can dabble in substance use without incurring the same consequences as ordinary folk. They don't get put in jail as quickly, if at all. They have access to cushy rehab facilities. They can hire expensive doctors to prescribe stuff and also to ease withdrawal.
It actually turned out that the issue I had (avolition) was not due to tolerance but chronically low T-levels which can mimick symptoms of depression, but I solved it by taking ultra low dose naltrexone (see previous pages) which stimulates the production of sex hormones and gets rid of almost all side effects that are known to occur with both acute and chronic use of opioids.
Interesting. Avolition is my problem right now. Hydrocodone used to help that quite a bit. I have a prescribed supply - 60 tablets of 10/325 per month - but my tolerance has developed to the point that a single pill does next to nothing now. I'm physically dependent, so I have to ration my supply to last the month. If I could get more pills, I could feel better. But eventually I'ld be tolerant of the higher use.
Tramadol has great antidepressant effects.

Mu-opioid agonist
Serotonin reuptake inhibitor
Norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor

Demerol is a potent antidepressant. An opioid with dopaminergic stimulant properties. Like a speedball. Opipid & dopaminergic stimulant properties

Mu-opioid agonist
Dopamine reuptake inhibitor
Norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor

Oxycodone #1 antidepressant. A VERY potent opioid with SIGNIFICANT Euphoric properties

Synthesized from theBaine alkaloid it has stimulant properties, as apposed to the sleepy properties of Morphine alkaloid

Morphious ...the Greek God of dreams. Morphine is a sedative and potent opioid

Oxycodone (Eukodol) was found to have subjective effects very similar to Cocaine NAZI scientists found. It had Euphoric narcotic type effects very similar to cocaine

Oxycodone was the only opioid to give me true euphoria

Oxycodone & Methylphenidate (Ritalin) are the only 2 drugs to give me SIGNIFICANT Euphoric bliss

The ULTIMATE antidepressant for a naive individual would be Oxycodone 5-10mg and Ritalin 10-20mg
It's all very subjective really. For example many of the people in my clinic don't find Polamidon (Levomethadone) euphoric, even if mainlined, but for me it's the second most euphoric opioid right after Tilidine. Everyone reacts differently to opioids which is why every opiophile has their DOC.
I am going to start growing my own poppies now
I’ve been thinking the same thing, but have no idea what I’m doing. Maybe I can learn & figure it out, I think it would be very beneficial to me as a pain patient that has very limited access to pain meds that work
Hugs 💜🌺
Tramadol has great antidepressant effects.

Mu-opioid agonist
Serotonin reuptake inhibitor
Norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor

Demerol is a potent antidepressant. An opioid with dopaminergic stimulant properties. Like a speedball. Opipid & dopaminergic stimulant properties

Mu-opioid agonist
Dopamine reuptake inhibitor
Norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor

Oxycodone #1 antidepressant. A VERY potent opioid with SIGNIFICANT Euphoric properties

Synthesized from theBaine alkaloid it has stimulant properties, as apposed to the sleepy properties of Morphine alkaloid

Morphious ...the Greek God of dreams. Morphine is a sedative and potent opioid

Oxycodone (Eukodol) was found to have subjective effects very similar to Cocaine NAZI scientists found. It had Euphoric narcotic type effects very similar to cocaine

Oxycodone was the only opioid to give me true euphoria

Oxycodone & Methylphenidate (Ritalin) are the only 2 drugs to give me SIGNIFICANT Euphoric bliss

The ULTIMATE antidepressant for a naive individual would be Oxycodone 5-10mg and Ritalin 10-20mg
Thank you very much for this input. This is the kind of candor that I come to bluelight for. I don't even try to discuss this anywhere else, least of all with any doctor. I don't want to jeopardize my prescription. I get 60 tablets of Vicodin (10/325) every month. It's to treat pain from compressed disks in my neck and back. Truth be told, my neck and back discomfort doesn't rise to the level of needing this steady supply of hydrocodone. I get occasional back spasms that can be quite severe. I really need an opioid when that happens, in order to remain active. Too bad that I didn't only take Vicodin when I'm actually having a spasm. If I used it on that occasional basis, it would be a lot more effective on my pain. Instead, I take one tablet every 12 hours regardless of whether I have any pain or none at all. I'm habituated to the amount I take. After years of getting and using that amount, I have built up tolerance. It's nowhere near as wonderful as it used to be, in terms of making me feel ten years younger, physically. But I get a psychological lift. That's not as good as it used to be either, but I'll take what I can get. I ration them out to last the month because I'm scared of withdrawal. If I go 36 hours without a dose, akathisia or restless leg syndrome sets in. That's my only withdrawal symptom, but it feels like hell to me. It happened a few times. If I hadn't known that the RLS was temporary, I would have wanted to kill myself. So I'm careful not to consume my supply ahead of schedule.

All my life I've been prone to getting bouts of depression. In between these depressive episodes, I'm fine. During an episode, I tell myself: "This will blow over. It always runs its course and blows over." I went to psychiatrists and therapists. I did that to death and gave up on it. I accepted that I just have to practice mental hygiene and tough out the episodes.

In 2020, I was put on Ritalin. It didn't seem to be any help. (It's great stuff, if you want to lose some weight.) It was supposed to help me get out of bed in the morning when I was depressed. I'ld get up, take it and go right back to sleep. Then one day I got a bright idea. I was really down in a pit and desperate for relief. I took 20 mg of hydrocodone (2 tablets of Vicodin) with 40 mg of Ritalin (the order was for me to take 20 mg of Ritalin each morning.) 25 minutes later they kicked in together. What a blessed relief! It was like a load of rocks were suddenly lifted off me. (I was less tolerant of the opioid at that time.) I never did it again. The episode of depression eventually blew over. I figured I'ld save that remedy for when I'ld be in dire straights. I didn't like the psychiatrist I was seeing, so I quit seeing him and lost my prescription for Ritalin. My primary will not order Ritalin for me. It's very interesting to me that you found an opioid and Ritalin to be what worked best as agents to combat depression.

An hour ago, I counted my tablets of Vicodin and decided I could splurge and take 2 together this evening. I did that because I'm in the midst of a bad depressive episode. It started a few days after Halloween and has only gotten worse . . . till I'm wishing I had never been born.

Back in 2017, I had a back tooth pulled. The dental surgeon ordered me some oxycodone (Percocet.) I've always heard that oxycodone is stronger than hydrocodone. Everyone agrees on that. But I found there is quite a lot of disagreement on how much stronger the oxy is. I didn't find much of a difference.

I have some kratom capsules and some cannabis edibles. These two items are fairly new to me. I haven't found them to have much recreational value. I'm not really looking to party with any of this stuff. I just want some relief from depression.

One MD recommended I get treated with ECT ("shock" treatments.) I heard that can erase hunks of memory. Sounds like brain damage to me. So I declined it. I sure wish I could get about double the amount of hydrocodone that I do get. I know my provider will not go for that. I've read of studies where depressed people were put on oxycodone and seemed to improve on it. I doubt I would find any doctor willing to try that with me.
That is actually a great side effect of oxycodone. I do not abuse my pills. Even after years I still get a slight mood bump. They would elevate my mood a lot when I first got the script. I am not in love with opiates. After over 7 years I still never run out.

You're doing well and avoiding creating more problems for yourself.

The first time I took hydrocodone was in 2007. I took it for back pain. An hour later I said to my boyfriend, "I can see why people fall in love with this stuff." I am in love with the stuff. If I accidentally dropped a tablet in the toilet, I would fish it out, rinse it off and swallow it.

If I had access to an unlimited supply, I'ld probably escalate my use to I don't know what level. Having a limited supply imposes discipline on my usage. I tell myself that I have only 2 options: keep taking it at between 1 and 3 tablets per day . . . or just eat the whole vial of tablets in one sitting and kiss this world good-bye. Until recently, I've never been tempted to do that. I'm not really tempted now because I figure I might just throw up part of what I swallow and end up still alive, but with brain damage. I read that patients who are given Seconal as an agent to induce euthanasia sometimes take up to 48 hours to die. That sounds hideous to me. So I don't see drug overdose as a good way to go. Too unpredictable.
and they are the most benign. they probably have to be controlled because of the addictive affect. like everything else. But, harmful. No they are magical. From Opium.

the good stuff always gets controlled in my opinion. it's a fine resource. and with mental health support it could be wonderful. Because what doesn't require time, education and a lot of work. very good research and positive information.

i just wanted to say it isn't much of a commodity anymore. and it's tough to acquire somehow for some reason that I don't know but maybe for when they kill the rest of us off. as in

depopulation. yes it is getting very sad out there. and depressing. i appreciate your awareness of the situation. Dr Hart Phd said a lot too. Sorry, but he did mention being

intelligent and thinking it being able to use your own brain through comprehension abilities to be able to use it, I like his research and book basics Drug use for Grown-Ups. It's too

easy to comprehend but it is too governed and regulated for some reason . he probably could have left politics out but that is how they find agendas for the narrative that is the current norm and part of the this and. . . . that of opioids are addictive . . . . Duh so is alcohol cigarettes and especially high fructose corn syrup. prolly a diversion or supply

and demand part of the equation like population control and a new world order. any way it's nice to be able to think freely or at least for making my own decision and having my own abilities to think and choose for myself. And it could just be the simple situation of supply and demand. And if that was true then I was right up there on the tip of the

curve now on the way down from peak opium. Where did it all go. I don't know maybe chandler got it.
there has to be some damn poppy fields somewhere; the least dangerous of all drugs now a days along with MM. only in my opinion however . . . . it's a PLANT i'm pretty sure. the human condition though is the last ingredient that makes it about greed and control and makes it the extreme lethalness that is what takes precedence.
rant over. too emotional for it all.

oh yes, and it most likely could have saved lives because then people wouldn't have had to look for other things that will rapidly deteriorate and end their lives instead. Especially, of course, relating to health issues !!

that's the problem: It is way Too PUre. oh and clean. and non adulterated. it's wrong. remember when weed ffs was going to make you insane and jump off of a roof. well that is what was being said. alcohol was made illegal during prohibition . . . . .but yet everybody was drinking it. .. . . and bootlegging from a clandestine still and again getting killed. wut.

i can't rant about this anymore because it will just kill me too. Opium is too pure but yet fentanyl kills. MmmmOkay. help me. just . . .

anyway it's all lies . . .

sorry okay now i am really done.

Sry. I just really get absurd. I advocate for opium. The other good stuff.

But, however, it could be propaganda you know or supply and demand. Or it could have been a little bit of everything until the conditions were right to abhor it.

Demonize and twist the truth . . . . to then somethings that just aren't quite better. the other pharmaceuticals I am just on a rant and can't believe what is happening and really is true.

I am going to start growing my own poppies now. So there you go. It's just a plant. Or a Plant. 'control the food and control the people.' Sorry can I just rant this one more time.

I love your intelligent approach to the whole situation. Try. Stay Safe. thumbs up. the bestest always !!

And yes I will keep thinking through the issue of opium. However, I will make my decision for myself and my own situations, at this point now after everything that I had to go through and entail because opioids are bad and everything else is just . . . well alright. Just balance, strength and support. I have to use meditation now to get me through because nothing else is helping right now but to meditate. Somehow.


and <3
Opioids can be seen as relatively benign, compared to other pain killers . . . as long as one doesn't continually escalate their use. I was taking Indocin (indomethacin) for arthritic pain. It's an NSAID, like ibuprofen or aspirin, and it works great. I developed bleeding ulcers in my stomach and colon and needed multiple blood transfusions to correct the resulting severe anemia. Doctors told me to never, ever take any NSAID again, not even an aspirin. Tylenol is very toxic to the liver. In contrast, opioids used with restraint don't really damage your bodily organs. You just have to make sure that you don't overly depress your respiratory drive. One does have to breathe. Also, you have to prevent constipation.
Opioids have been used since time immemorial to treat depression and that very successfully (before the modern term depression was coined it was simply referred to as melancholy). This is why they are illegal for such use. The system wants people to be continuously stressed and depressed.
Anyone from Paracelsus to the legendary persian Medicus himself praised Opium for its antidepressant medical value.

I have once told my story in another thread a long time ago, how opioids have literally saved me from committing suicide. I had such a bad case of major depressive disorder that I eventually started to develop a rare symptom known as "mutism". I literally hadn't had enough energy to open my mouth and speak to people. I was lying all day long in my bed, curtains closed, not doing anything, eating once every couple of days and just vegetating and waiting to finally die.
The only medication that ever helped me were opioids and they haven't lost that effect to this day (chronic user since 12 years).
They also make me very affectionate, almost in a cheesy way, towards people which I like because I'm normally very cold-hearted when I'm sober. They enhance my creativity and kick my motivation into overdrive. I suggest you to read the book "Opioids in Mental Illness: Theories, Clinical Observations, and Treatment Possibilities" if you are interested in how this substance class can be used to treat mental illnesses. Opioids are much better than all that tricyclical and SSRI crap which only tends to worsen depression over time and comes with a ton of side effects and adverse health consequences.
I would love to get a hold of that book. I'll Google it.

I can believe what you say about opioids saving you from a suicidal depression. It sounds like you are continuing to do okay. If that's so, I'm glad.

Thanks for your post. Everyone thinks they know what depression is. I find that most people really don't know what true, clinical depression is. Not even professionals in mental health. Deep down, most people I've known will eventually tell you, "You're just doing this to yourself." They think it's a choice. To know what a monster depression can be, I think you have to experience it. Sounds like you really know.
I have always gotten a stimulant effect from opiates. Instead of a nod i usually get energetic and wanna do stuff. So i have always gotten a sort of antidepressant from them
You've expressed my own lived experience. As long as I've had adequate sleep the night before, hydrocodone does not in any way slow me down. I feel better and want to be more active. My driving is not impaired. The stuff does not make me sleepy.
Same!! That's what I use for depression!!

Everyday or I get super depressed and bipolar and schizophrenic with psychotic tendencies. Sometimes I get Tourettes and just start cussing people out for no reason. It’s rough. I probably need to take a higher dose.

But nobody cares. They just wanna put me in jail.

It’s a sad world.

Same!! That's what I use for depression!!

Everyday or I get super depressed and bipolar and schizophrenic with psychotic tendencies. Sometimes I get Tourettes and just start cussing people out for no reason. It’s rough. I probably need to take a higher dose.

But nobody cares. They just wanna put me in jail.

It’s a sad world.

Finally we have someone with Tourette here who can confirm that opioids help against that condition. That's exactly what the author of opioids in mental illness wrote but it sounded rather hypothetical to me. We have the first anecdotal evidence now.
Same!! That's what I use for depression!!

Everyday or I get super depressed and bipolar and schizophrenic with psychotic tendencies. Sometimes I get Tourettes and just start cussing people out for no reason. It’s rough. I probably need to take a higher dose.

But nobody cares. They just wanna put me in jail.

It’s a sad world.

That it is, my friend, that it is. I'm sorry that you, too, are struggling so much. ❤ Keep the faith.