Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v4

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One thing I feel like people confuse with recovery is that when you recover life isn’t some complete euphoric, dopamine and energy all the time type shit. Especially the reason why some people recovery take so long is because they need to break the lifestyle Invega gave them. I mean before Invega, I had times where I had no energy and working out and eating healthy and meditating could elevate your lifestyle. You can’t just expect it
It takes constant effort to change. Consistently.
walking wawlking walking omg omg but it gets me through the day walking..walking dead
measuring by days or weeks is uselss only months work
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fucking hate invega HATE HATE HATE
horrible why is this even legal total bullshit

i was always an extremely tough person but this poison is intergalactic horror

one thing that developed which i didn't had before is erectyle dysfunction, this must be of high prolactin
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for weight control i recommend going on a protein diet.. just take protein shakes 3 or 4 times a day and try not to eat more than 1200 calories maximum during day.. i eat around 800 excluding protein shakes. weight gain is a bitch on invega sometimes you even get weight increase without even eating anything
fucking hate invega HATE HATE HATE
horrible why is this even legal total bullshit

i was always an extremely tough person but this poison is intergalactic horror

one thing that developed which i didn't had before is erectyle dysfunction, this must be of high prolactin
not intergalactical its more like multiversal horror.
not intergalactical its more like multiversal horror.
i'm superworried about not healing i also have PTSD before i took the shot and still suffering worse PTSD after the shit ... invega enhances negative emotions like nothing else
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i'm superworried about not healing
As im sure you know, Ingest p-gp, it pulls the invega out of the blood brain barrier.
I know you hate St johns wort, but this has p-gp and natural SSRI like effects.
CBD as well has the glycoprotein. Use both. Also, Attempt to flood your receptors with dopamine and serotin, if you can. Some people cant do this step at risk of psychosis.

You have to activley be pulling this monster out of your brain, every day, youre under 50 days in, do it now or ASAP, if you arent already.

Pgp has the remarkable capacity to extrude a large range of structurally and functionally unrelated compounds from the brain.
As im sure you know, Ingest p-gp, it pulls the invega out of the blood brain barrier.
I know you hate St johns wort, but this has p-gp and natural SSRI like effects.
CBD as well has the glycoprotein. Use both. Also, Attempt to flood your receptors with dopamine and serotin, if you can. Some people cant do this step at risk of psychosis.

You have to activley be pulling this monster out of your brain, every day, youre under 50 days in, do it now or ASAP, if you arent already.

Pgp has the remarkable capacity to extrude a large range of structurally and functionally unrelated compounds from the brain.
How you flood it with dopamine and serotonine?
How you flood it with dopamine and serotonine?
you can't flood anything because receptors are blocked thats the problem
If smoking large amounts of THC/CBD, taking lots caffeine doesnt work, then i dont possibly see how taking cold showers could. Which in many people its been shown to help.

Flooding your receptors means attempting to produce as much dopamine and serotonin through supplementation,drugs(marijuana, mushrooms), caffeine, cold showers, cold walks, cleaning, light labor, hard labor, exercize, as possible.

Your not recieving so your not producing, so i propose you still attempt to produce to keep the brain active.
You can use other agents to jump the brain I used adderall and it gave me enough kick to surpass my prior thoughts. Now I just rely on processing.
Whatever is happening biologically, flooding as i put it, has shown to have a positive effect on some people. Doing it daily from diffetent angles. I realize the dopamine is being blocked, but doing(physical) and eating,smoking,drinking, taking things that are known to increase dopamine and serotin helps people on invega. Mild as it may be.( the help)

Im not claiming anabolic steroid type results. More like creatine type results with hard work. And micronized creatine tastes like shit and makes many people feel sick. And you have to drink lots of water on it. Some people are also creatine non responders. This Creatine and steroids thing is just an analogy.
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Potent strains of marijuana may help. Certain strains may also aggrevate your invega side effects. If you get paranoid or fear psychosis dont smoke thc. CBD buds would be beneficial though, and come with no psychoactive side effects.

There is also literature suggesting CBD can counteract negative symptoms associated with THC. So smoking CBD buds even with access to THC buds wouldnt be a bad idea.


Many report that the effects create a slight pressure around the crown of their head and feels as though they are wearing a headband. The effects have been known to come on slow, so pace yourself with this potent hybrid.

(because more pressure around your head is what you want while on invega........)
For mitochondrial and brain support. Ive seen studies where dosage was 800-1200 mg a day. Studies using over 2,000 mg showed no negative side effects vs placebo.

Dietary supplementation with mitochondrial nutrients could promote natural neuroprotective effects, delaying the onset or progression of cognitive dysfunction and neurodegenerative diseases (Miquel, 2002; Abadi et al., 2013; Di Domenico et al., 2015; Mehrotra et al., 2015).

R-LA is most abundantly found in vegetables such as spinach, broccolis, and tomatoes, which contain, respectively, 3.15 ± 1.11, 0.94 ± 0.25, and 0.56 ± 0.23 × 10−3g lipoyl-lysine (gram dry weight).

Clinical trials using LA to assess adverse health effects in humans were performed in doses up to 2,400 mg/day with no reported adverse effects vs. placebo (Shay et al., 2009). In spite of that, the exact doses that could induce adverse human health effect are still to be set up.

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by the way how is your invega journey going so far ? .. still anhedonia and other problems ?

I moved out of my parents house - just couldn't handle that life of being constantly drug to the hospital by my dad, and needdled and shot up with invega or abilify. Couple that with how my doctor treats me and enough is enough.

I had a psychotic episode once or twice, and it sucked for everyone involved... But I'm not a schizophrenic and won't live my life as if I'm someone sick in need of pharmaceutical drugs and a quack doctor.

I feel like I gotta try and make myself the best I can be, so that my healing process is smoother. I still have anhedonia to a certain degree, and some other symptoms but it's getting better. I think that switching to abilify and lowering protactin that way was the best decision that I made before quitting medication all together - I had high prolactin for years and got used to all the negative side effects. But it was killing me slowly. I feel soo much better now - but that's mainly because of the normalized protactin now. I really hope my strength to go to the gym comes back, then I'll consider myself fully healed.

For years I've been fat/sick/tired/braindead because of Invega and prolactin. Today I'm actually hopeful that I can recover and one day be back working out and enjoying life to the fullest. This will take time but I think this is the last time I'll be stuck in the antipsychotic medicine game.
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