Mental Health Mental Illness Support Thread V. How do you feel?

^ I'm so so sorry you have lost your friend/s in such a tragic way 😔😢 rip. That must have been really difficult for your friend and their families but also extremely difficult for you. I hope you can continue to find a way to navigate through the pain and be able to grieve in the healthiest way possible for you and show yourself the compassion you deserve ❤️

I can relate to the constant fear and worry about death. I worry a lot about family members and friends dying etc a lot. It really hits home when you lose someone you love. Again sorry for your loss's.

I'm also diagnosed with GAD and it's a pain. I feel like I can also relate to feeling like a baby but we shouldn't and everyone has the right to feel the way they feel (as long as we aren't hurting anyone eh) we could be worse there are some people that would'nt give a shit about anyone, the world is evil and worrisome but at least we feel it. Maybe too much but still self loathing is something I'm always trying to correct myself for as leads to feeling more depressed which as much is not a shameful thing (it happens) it feels horrible and leads to low self-esteem. We shouldn't be so hard on ourselves but then again it's always easier to give advice than to take it lol. I'm using diazepam now and nah not long term fixes. Not worth the tolerance, memory loss for me but then I'm also an alcoholic so my memory is rubbish at the best of times.

I know things are fucked up and it's hard not to worry about death but try and enjoy the moment more (when you can). Meditation helps. Sorry if I've ranted on a bit. Peace.
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Feeling sad... anxious.. I guess. Had a friend die a few weeks back from complications related to IV drug use. Another buddies wife died of cancer (30 years old) - he has a 5 year old daughter - real sad.

I have always struggled with GAD, but as I have gotten older my anxiety and fear over what I cant control has gotten worst and events like this are just reminders of how quickly things can fall apart.

Sometimes I feel like a baby for feeling bad, I am a very lucky person. I have a job, wife I love, a kid - more than a lot of people. Thoughts of losing it all, like in a car crash, or my kid getting sick, or some other disaster seem to always be on my mind and can get out of control when I hear bad news like I have recently.

Trying my best to just stay busy, eat right, and exercise.

Am resisting the urge to reach for a benzo as that is a cycle that can really spiral out of control - but sometimes I just want my subconscious mind to just shut up.
So sorry for your loss, my condolences.
Several diagnosis here and on a combo of six psych meds. It is 7:35 EST and I feel amazing after dosing Wake Alert
Health professionals and their lackeys often suggest that everything to do with a schizophrenic person like myself is "all in their head". I however, have made great strides in physical and spiritual healing that I can literally feel and verify (considering my personal documentation of physical health problems going back now 10 years or so) and compare. That being said, I think a lot of the development and spiritual healing of an individual with schizophrenia entails for them to take a look at their past and uncover traumas that "locked" pieces of their personal power. Objectively, it's also possible that my latest and biggest strides of healing are mere coincidences that they occurred at the same time that I happened to forgive those who fucked me over in my past as I released whatever trauma therein. Still, this has given me some ideas for what I want to do in the future as far as working with people with mental illnesses and such. It's given me perspective that the possibility for healing people by uncovering trauma with them is possible and that what they say about helping yourself is true... so to speak... that you can heal as a result, I mean.
I'm ok but I'm just a bit sad. I feel like a wean again and really vulnerable. I miss the old days .....people that looked after me. My family are their own unit and I'm no in it. If I had a gun I'd shoot myself I'm fine don't reply cause I'm used to being an outkast and that's the way I have come to like it. I really am an arsehole i might just end it I already know how and it would be funny since I've been getting the false suicide threats 😆
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I'm ok but I'm just a bit sad. I feel like a wean again and really vulnerable. I miss the old days .....people that looked after me. My family are their own unit and I'm no in it. If I had a gun I'd shoot myself I'm fine don't reply cause I'm used to being an outkast and that's the way I have come to like it. I really am an arsehole i might just end it I already know how and it would be funny since I've been getting the false suicide threats 😆
I'm the outcast of my family too, BIG time. And they are a really close-knit unit, so it really hurts. I've always been the odd one out, and all I've ever wanted was to fit in and be included, yet I'm always left out of everything. So yeah, I feel ya. I'm real glad you don't have a gun then. You know what the best revenge is??? Getting your shit together and living your best life, then making them see what they're all missing out on by not including you ;)
I was just in a really crappy mood last night and that's how I felt at the time I'm fine today thanks so much though 👍❤️

I'm actually pretty lucky in the grand scheme of things. It's the depression talking when I'm like that, only hurting myself even more but there is also deep issues that have never been worked out. It hurts too much with my family because I love them so much. They love me but they tip toe around me and I constantly feel like the family let down as though I was destined for better things and constantly let them down. I should be thankful I have a family at all and they aren't the worst just feel a bit judged and the guilt I feel regularly negates the support that is there as me being the burden. My family are also ill and I feel like I have nobody to talk or relate to in terms of everything- my journey so far. And I feel guilty for not being in a better position to help them It's very long complicated and fucked up so I won't even try and explain lol. Thanks for giving me a place to be myself bl. Even although I hate myself at times I feel comfortable here.
@n3ophy7e thanks again.
I was just in a really crappy mood last night and that's how I felt at the time I'm fine today thanks so much though 👍❤️

I'm actually pretty lucky in the grand scheme of things. It's the depression talking when I'm like that, only hurting myself even more but there is also deep issues that have never been worked out. It hurts too much with my family because I love them so much. They love me but they tip toe around me and I constantly feel like the family let down as though I was destined for better things and constantly let them down. I should be thankful I have a family at all and they aren't the worst just feel a bit judged and the guilt I feel regularly negates the support that is there as me being the burden. My family are also ill and I feel like I have nobody to talk or relate to in terms of everything- my journey so far. And I feel guilty for not being in a better position to help them It's very long complicated and fucked up so I won't even try and explain lol. Thanks for giving me a place to be myself bl. Even although I hate myself at times I feel comfortable here.
@n3ophy7e thanks again.
I can relate to all of that SO much. You're not alone <3
Very glad to hear you're feeling better today. Take it easy on yourself.
Hi, hope everyone is doing well.
I am in a hypomanic episode, maybe it is mania, it is the first time that it has been this strong.
I have basically slept around 10 hours, I cannot really recall exactly since I was taking large amounts of etizolam to put me down (which did not work), maybe more, maybe less, since Friday morning. The first days included some stimulants but not such egregious amounts and the inability to sleep was not solely because of that.
Now I have to hold myself from running up the walls and I am sure sleep won't come tonight either. I have to be productive but really functioning like this is hard.

I have no antipsychotics myself and am not prescribed medication. What do I do here? Ride it out, go to the emergency room, wait for my appointment with psychiatrist next week? Any input is appreciated, this is all very new to me and normally I can at least sleep somewhat every day when hypomanic.
Hi, hope everyone is doing well.
I am in a hypomanic episode, maybe it is mania, it is the first time that it has been this strong.
I have basically slept around 10 hours, I cannot really recall exactly since I was taking large amounts of etizolam to put me down (which did not work), maybe more, maybe less, since Friday morning. The first days included some stimulants but not such egregious amounts and the inability to sleep was not solely because of that.
Now I have to hold myself from running up the walls and I am sure sleep won't come tonight either. I have to be productive but really functioning like this is hard.

I have no antipsychotics myself and am not prescribed medication. What do I do here? Ride it out, go to the emergency room, wait for my appointment with psychiatrist next week? Any input is appreciated, this is all very new to me and normally I can at least sleep somewhat every day when hypomanic.
That sounds serious, I'd go to the emergency room, you don't want to hurt yourself.

Please let us know how you are doing, keep us updated.
Hi, hope everyone is doing well.
I am in a hypomanic episode, maybe it is mania, it is the first time that it has been this strong.
I have basically slept around 10 hours, I cannot really recall exactly since I was taking large amounts of etizolam to put me down (which did not work), maybe more, maybe less, since Friday morning. The first days included some stimulants but not such egregious amounts and the inability to sleep was not solely because of that.
Now I have to hold myself from running up the walls and I am sure sleep won't come tonight either. I have to be productive but really functioning like this is hard.

I have no antipsychotics myself and am not prescribed medication. What do I do here? Ride it out, go to the emergency room, wait for my appointment with psychiatrist next week? Any input is appreciated, this is all very new to me and normally I can at least sleep somewhat every day when hypomanic.
Speaking from my own manic experience, the absence of sleep compounds your problems 10-fold and facilitates whatever kind of manic predispositions you might have (drinking/drugging/fornicating/gambling etc). Lack of sleep impedes your executive functioning and your ability to control your impulses even when you know things are a bad idea. You said this is new to you, so you you might not know how your mania plays out. Insomnia also makes you suffer and feel horrible and these days there is no need for that. I've gone to the ER for mania a couple of times and basically told them I haven't slept for 3 days and I'm starting to worry about my thoughts leading to dangerous actions (for me fornication and drugs). Invariably they give me some valium and seroquel and send me home after observing me for a couple of hours.

If you have an actual diagnosis of bi-polar you can refer to then I'd say going to the ER and getting prescribed something for relief would be a good idea. If you don't yet have the diagnosis you can say you believe you have bi-polar and have a psych appointment but don't think you can last that long in your current state. They'll treat you the same way.

Good luck man, I know how horrible this condition can feel.
Speaking from my own manic experience, the absence of sleep compounds your problems 10-fold and facilitates whatever kind of manic predispositions you might have (drinking/drugging/fornicating/gambling etc). Lack of sleep impedes your executive functioning and your ability to control your impulses even when you know things are a bad idea. You said this is new to you, so you you might not know how your mania plays out. Insomnia also makes you suffer and feel horrible and these days there is no need for that. I've gone to the ER for mania a couple of times and basically told them I haven't slept for 3 days and I'm starting to worry about my thoughts leading to dangerous actions (for me fornication and drugs). Invariably they give me some valium and seroquel and send me home after observing me for a couple of hours.

If you have an actual diagnosis of bi-polar you can refer to then I'd say going to the ER and getting prescribed something for relief would be a good idea. If you don't yet have the diagnosis you can say you believe you have bi-polar and have a psych appointment but don't think you can last that long in your current state. They'll treat you the same way.

Good luck man, I know how horrible this condition can feel.
Thanks, my psychiatrist works at the hospital close to me. It is obvious to her, me and everyone around me that I have some sort of bipolar disorder but it's not like I have a paper for it yet, I also refused medication at first. But I'll probably be able to work something out there. I haven't done anything egregious, I'm not thát manic and I don't feel like I'll lose control. If I can't sleep in the next 10 hours I'll go there.
Do any of you get Seroquel, Benadryl etc... on prescription for bipolar btw? For sleep purposes.

I have been very stable these past few weeks, and honestly months with just some hypomania here and there which doesn't hurt anyone. Everyone is quick to pressure me into taking mood stabilizers/lithium but the endless lists of side effects just aren't worth it as things stand. It's just... the sleep that is the problem. It basically starts and exacerbates the whole ordeal.
Do any of you get Seroquel, Benadryl etc... on prescription for bipolar btw? For sleep purposes.

I have been very stable these past few weeks, and honestly months with just some hypomania here and there which doesn't hurt anyone. Everyone is quick to pressure me into taking mood stabilizers/lithium but the endless lists of side effects just aren't worth it as things stand. It's just... the sleep that is the problem. It basically starts and exacerbates the whole ordeal.
Yes. I get seroquel and occasionally Zolpidem and valium precisely because sleep is so difficult when manic. My doctors encourage me to rotate through them so I never take the same one more than one or two nights in a row. But I lean pretty heavily on the seroquel because it gives such peaceful sleep.
I slept about 4 hours and could take a nap earlier, again with the help of some etizolam, I think the worst is over and I should be fine tonight.
Thanks for the info @Atelier3 !! I'm seeing my psychiatrist on Monday and will talk to her about sleeping meds. Are you on any mood stabilizing medication?
I slept about 4 hours and could take a nap earlier, again with the help of some etizolam, I think the worst is over and I should be fine tonight.
Thanks for the info @Atelier3 !! I'm seeing my psychiatrist on Monday and will talk to her about sleeping meds. Are you on any mood stabilizing medication?
I take Abilify which seems to work fairly effectively as a mood stabiliser.
I take Abilify which seems to work fairly effectively as a mood stabiliser.
Ah, yeah I was manic when I first saw my psychiatrist and she prescribed me that, but I only took it once, fainted twice and hated it, so I never took it again. I would like to go on without medication as long as is possible. Don't know how supportive of my idea of Seroquel for emergencies she'll be.
Ah, yeah I was manic when I first saw my psychiatrist and she prescribed me that, but I only took it once, fainted twice and hated it, so I never took it again. I would like to go on without medication as long as is possible. Don't know how supportive of my idea of Seroquel for emergencies she'll be.
The problem for many people is they don’t realised they are manic or actually enjoy the experience so won’t take emergency meds.