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What is there to do during lockdown apart from drink?

I could smash two Sunday dinners, puddings'a'plenty and still work my way through a crate. I'm the king of bloated. It's all about perseverance.
I agree with the "rip big cannabis hits until you are wicked high or uber mellow" sentiments. Get to one of those MJ Ultra states where adding alcohol will not be desirable. If your tolerance is whack, get a nice bubbler, infrared thermometer, Creme Brulee torch, and a quartz banger nail and start doing dab after dab until it feels like you are almost tripping. I drank once in that state and I never will again, instant "bad trip" complete with "ego death".

I think the other thing is to take that list of things to do, and try to find some body to be accountable to for each one.

For instance, if you have friendship bracelets as an activity, promise some specific friends a bracelet coming soon.

If it is creative writing, find an online community of writers to share it with, maybe you want to draw and have a friend whose drawings or paintings you admire, start trading your art or prints of your art with that friend and critique/appreciate each others work.

You might be a solo runner, but consider competing with the times of other runners at the local crossfit (officially or on the sly, some of those clubs make the metrics public on their website).

Or make thread here and just journal your outcomes and showing progress will be your motivation.
yeah pretty much....

yep as soon as i've had dinner so know i wouldn't get drunk its easy not to drink. i have actually ran 5k this morning, did a walk at lunch, and a joe wicks 20 minute HIIT after work,

@iTry91 thanks- i don't keep any in the house cos it just goes. but there's like one shop 30 seconds away, a better one 2 mins away, a better one again 5 mins away and one that sells strong beer and single cigarettes 24/7 about 7 minutes away so its easy to replace.

will hopefully eat soon then can get it off my mind!!
That's lucky. It takes me at least 30 minutes to walk to the nearest shop
Yeah but I can't smoke if I don't eat well I can but I get horrible stomach ache and heart burn and then I can't enjoy my wank because I feel bad that's me and my weird genetically interior aspergers mind anyway:p
Yeah but I can't smoke if I don't eat well I can but I get horrible stomach ache and heart burn and then I can't enjoy my wank because I feel bad that's me and my weird genetically interior aspergers mind anyway:p

Is that as opposed to genetically exterior aspergers?

I've never been a fan of vegetables myself either. Those asperger spears never appealed to me. Neither did cauliflobbles, cabblages and carrotids...
@ControlDaddy definitely right about making yourself accountable, really annoying cos i usually try and get my boyfriend to with not drinking but he fucks up more often than me. we both smoked weed heavily for over a decade and can't stomach it now.

have made it past dinner so reckon i'll make it through the evening now. am going to eat cookies to make myself feel better about not being drunk.

eat your vegetables @F.U.B.A.R. !!!
The things I suggested in the original reply to this thread, are either things i am doing, or mean to be doing. I don't know if any of my suggestions made it on to your list, but if any did, I might be a candidate for an accountability partnership or two.

It would help me from drinking as much as I do (which should be zilch, given that it turns me into an antisocial inhuman monster every now and again).
The things I suggested in the original reply to this thread, are either things i am doing, or mean to be doing. I don't know if any of my suggestions made it on to your list, but if any did, I might be a candidate for an accountability partnership or two.
i would be up for a meditation one. i haven't sat consistently since lockdown started. somehow having all the time in the world to do it means i rarely do it. how would that sound? how would you see it working?
i would be up for a meditation one. i haven't sat consistently since lockdown started. somehow having all the time in the world to do it means i rarely do it. how would that sound? how would you see it working?
How about we just exchange a PM about once a week, saying where our meditative journeys have taken us, in particular any insights or sticking points we have found in our practice?
Ripped off as in steal? Or not 😝 At one point in my life I had to do it stole it from my local and b&m Aldi etc etc and was never caught even pulled the tag off the vodka in front of the shop assistant 🤣 I wouldn't do it now that I'm not sofa surfing and perma off my face on diazepam. Edit: have to mention I would NEVER steal off ma pals or people just big shops better than that
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You know what? ME FUCKING TOO. All those things I do as well. No problem filling a day up.
i usually wouldn't. i did almost 2 years of, apart from a couple of lapses, being completely substance free, and was busy as fuck the entire time. got through summer part of lockdown fine cos at least we could go outside in the evenings. but when the days started getting shorter and all the things i enjoy at home started getting monotonous, i picked up a bad habit.

if you have got through lockdown without seeking a substance as a crutch and getting mind numbingly bored then i am very happy for you and somewhat jealous!
How about we just exchange a PM about once a week, saying where our meditative journeys have taken us, in particular any insights or sticking points we have found in our practice?
ok, sounds good. i mean my major sticking point is actually doing it lol. like, i have 40 minutes til work, i could easily sit for 15 mins of that. will i? i dunno, now i've thought of it as an actual option maybe i will.