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What Was YOUR Morning Fix? v. Special K and Weedies

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Morning Blue World

My breakie was:

Strong dbl expresso
12mg bromazepam
800mg Gabapentin
cannabis, few bong hits
150ml vodka
1 bag of H so far.

I did wake up at 4am and its 6am now. So getting ready for the day.. More prep work and eating today. Gonna be fat after this xmas
Just 5mg vallie, seeing if it helps my breathing, my 10mg ones actually snap in half, they don't have a score line so didn't think they'd snap easy but they did lol

Oh and cups of tea obviously lol
50mg Modafinil

Vanilla flavoured coffee.

Saving the Pregabalin and benzo’s for later.
I didn’t get up today until 5 PM and still felt exhausted. I should have just waited 3 hours and then taken more seroquel and tried to get another 24 hours sleep. I lasted 2 and 3/4 hours until I had 2 points of ice for the main meal of the day. Still hungry.

Breakfast tomorrow needs to be something to render me unconscious for a week.
Morning Blue World

Slept okayish and breakie was

few bong hits
10mg valium
6mg bromazepam
40mg oxy
100ml vodka.

Gonna be a busy one today
5mg vallie and tea

Then as my fibromyalgia is even worse today, since last night actually I rubbed in deep heat cream and took naproxen

I'm so stiff and in pain, might do another 5mg vallie if this naproxen don't help
Like what? my doctor won't give me anything, and I thought vallies was a muscle relaxant?
Some benzos have muscle relaxant properties but it's not there main priority.
If you can use one try and get xycam (Piroxicam), it has worked wonders for me so maybe it can help you too. Ask your doc and find out, as i really like it and has helped me a lot for severe lower back pain and such
If you can use one try and get xycam (Piroxicam)

But is that available in the UK?

My nieghbour just gave me a strip of Zapain which is 30mg codeine 500mg paracetamol, codeine don't make me high and 18 x 30mg codeine phosphate didn't help my lower back pain, but I'm trying these Zapain co codamol as it won't hurt to try, they might tahe edge off eh

Just googled xycam and its the same as naproxen an NSAID, I have 2 boxes of naproxen they do fuck all lol
But is that available in the UK?

My nieghbour just gave me a strip of Zapain which is 30mg codeine 500mg paracetamol, codeine don't make me high and 18 x 30mg codeine phosphate didn't help my lower back pain, but I'm trying these Zapain co codamol as it won't hurt to try, they might tahe edge off eh

Just googled xycam and its the same as naproxen an NSAID, I have 2 boxes of naproxen they do fuck all lol
from my research naproxen and piroxicam is not the same drug but same class of family. Some have reported that naproxen works better while others find piroxicam better. So guess it all comes down to ones individual body and how it reacts to certain meds.
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